"Do you have anything to say?"

Looking at Troy behind him, rod asked simply.


What appears in rod's sight, whether it is the dark sky covering the surrounding land, the tall and gloomy buildings around him, or the special things not far away in rod's perception, all make rod realize that he has come to the city of death in Stephen's words.

After coming here, due to the distance, rod's original spiritual imprint was silent. No matter how he tried, he could not give any orders to his undead creatures through the existence of the spiritual imprint.

The ghost dragon controlled by rod, before the connection of spirit mark was broken, still carried out rod's order and flew towards the city of death, but it might be some time before it came to the city of death.

Because he had expected this situation in advance, rod didn't worry too much about the existence of the ghost dragon. In rod's view, even if the ghost dragon flies all the way here, it will not encounter too many threats.

Although compared with the most powerful creatures in the territory of Diya, the strength of the ghost dragon has a very obvious gap, but in addition to those creatures, there are not many creatures that can surpass the ghost dragon at this time.

In this case, in order to complete the task assigned by Stephen, rod's original intention was to get familiar with the environment of the city of death, and then try to get in touch with Sandro.

What Roeder didn't expect was that when he passed through the dark door of time and space, there was no sign of the door closing. On the contrary, it wasn't long before Troy's figure appeared behind him through the door of time and space.

It is also in this case, rod toward the side of Troy, put forward their own questions.

In rod's view, after introducing himself to Stephen, Trow's task has obviously been completed. No matter what choice he makes next, it may have nothing to do with him.

According to rod's observation, when Troy was in the original city of the wind, it seemed that he was also completing the task assigned by Stephen. After he came to the city of death through the gate of time and space, Troy should return to the city of the wind.

After noticing the appearance of Troy, rod realized that the reason why he followed him and entered the gate of time and space was obviously related to himself. It was very likely that Stephen had given him a new task.

After hearing rod's question, Trow, with the same look, replied:

"According to Lord Stephen's order, I will introduce you to the Lord of the city of death, and you will have to finish the task yourself. Besides, Lord Stephen asked me to give this to you. "

With that, Trow came forward, handed out an object in his hand, and rod reached for it.


Even if he just held the rolled up magic scroll in his hand, rod could feel a strong energy of death.

He untied the silk thread used for fixation and opened the whole scroll. Looking at the magic recorded on the scroll, rod could not help falling into silence.

With what he had learned, rod recognized at a glance that the magic recorded in this magic scroll was the fourth-order gate of time and space, but it had been seriously eroded by the energy of death.

The various anomalies in the magic scroll made rod realize that this magic scroll should also be made by Stephen himself.

If not as rod expected, this magic scroll of the gate of time and space corresponds to the death mausoleum where Stephen lived.

At this time, what Trow said also confirmed what rod thought.

"This magic scroll has the same effect as I had before. It allows you to avoid the undead creatures outside the death mausoleum and enter the center directly. When you have finished the task, go back to see Lord Stephen through this magic scroll. "

Although the words Trow said solved the questions about the magic scroll in rod's mind, at this time, rod's attention also shifted from the magic scroll in his hand to other things.

Compared with the magic scroll in his hand, what makes rod care more is the Trojan beside him.

Rod noticed that in Trow's original hands, it seemed that there was more than a magic scroll handed over to him.

Through his own observation, rod found that Trow did not open the space ring and take anything out of it after passing through the door of time and space, but directly handed this special magic scroll to his hands.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Trow's behavior may not be important, and it can not bring any influence to rod, but rod can find some abnormalities.

In rod's view, the magic scroll in his hand was obviously handed over to Troy by Stephen after he entered the gate of time and space, and let Troy bring it to him.

As he only needs to pass through the gate of time and space to catch up with rod, Trow naturally does not need to put this magic scroll into the space ring.

What makes rod care is not the scroll in his own hands, but another thing in Troy's hands in the original process.

Rod noticed that just after Trow came to the city of death through the gate of time and space, although he did not take anything out of the space ring, he put another thing except the scroll into the space ring.

And this is what rod cares about at this time. Obviously, in addition to the magic scroll, Stephen also gave Trow another thing that rod didn't know.


What matters to rod is not only the effect of the object itself, but also the meaning it represents.

In rod's view, the Lich Stephen would choose to give these items to Troy after he left, and let Troy hand over the magic scroll to him, which obviously has a special meaning.