As the artifact is fully formed, the signal received in rod's perception is extremely strong at this moment.

Following the sign of perception, rod slowly came forward to the most central position of transformation and reached out to hold Titan's arrow hanging upside down in the air.

The current gushes from the tip of Titan's arrow and spreads upward until it reaches the palm of rod's hand holding the handle of the sword. On the water blue irregular sword body, there is a gathering of magic elements.

Compared with "Titan's arrow", the name of combined artifact, rod preferred its literal translation, that is, "Titan thunder".

After starting with Titan's arrow, rod could not feel the heaviness of the main part, that is, Titan's sword. On the contrary, the blade was so light that rod could hardly feel its weight.

The weight of a weapon determines how it is used. Every professional has his own best weapon. Besides the types of weapons, what he refers to also has a lot to do with their weight. If he rashly uses a weapon he is not familiar with, he will be at a disadvantage in battle.

Compared with the commonly used iron sword, the Titan's arrow in rod's hand is much lighter. Even the heavy Titan's sword before gives rod a more comfortable feeling.

Although the expert level swordsmanship enables rod to have a certain degree of proficiency in all kinds of sword weapons, it depends on rod's own feeling whether it is easy to use.

In order to test the feel of waving the blade, rod clenched the Titan's arrow in his hand and cut it forward rapidly.

On the irregular sword, a strong blue light appeared, and the magic elements all around suddenly rioted, and converged towards rod's hands.

At the moment when rod waved his sword blade, a thick lightning shot out immediately and hit the building not far away.

Violent explosion followed, a clean channel without any acid mist was created in the air, which was the trajectory of lightning flight. During the flight, lightning cleaned up all the acid fog, and it was difficult for rod to see how the whole process was going on.

The violent shock caused by the strike of lightning is far more than the changes caused by Rhode's use of the magic of earth.

In the acid fog, the building hit by the front of the lightning exploded, and the gravel splashed around. The vibration spread to Rhode's feet, and it didn't stop until a long time later.

I don't know why, from the lightning just shot, rod can feel a sense of familiarity. This lightning is very similar to a spell in rod's impression.

When the surrounding environment settled down, rod stepped forward and came to the building hit by lightning.

The buildings that originally existed in the acid fog have disappeared at this time. The wanton spread of electric current has turned the surrounding ground into a scorched black. There is only one big pit left here.

Noticing the scene, rod no doubt realized something. He raised the blade in his hand to his face and began to check its attributes.


[arrow of Titan]

Quality: combination artifact

Types: main hand weapon, deputy hand weapon, helmet, armor

Equipment requirements: None

Basic attribute: all attributes + 6

Special attribute 1: the holder can actively cast level 5 magic [Titan's arrow]. If you have mastered level 5 magic [Titan's arrow] before that, upgrade the magic level according to the number of artifact parts.

Special attribute 2: when waving a weapon, automatically release magic [Titan's arrow], the effect is the same as the magic level of the holder's own [Titan's arrow], and cannot add mana.

Evaluation: Titan once ruled the world and was the controller of the thunder. Finally, it fell under the aurora. Their residual strength merged into this artifact. Only a real Titan can play its power.


Looking at the prompt from the system, rod also realized the horror of this combined artifact.

Although the blade occupies four equipment fields, its additional basic attributes are enough to make up for this.

Manipulation of mental attributes is not included in the conventional attributes, so it can't enjoy the bonus of all attribute promotion. Even so, if you look at the other five main attributes, it takes 30 free attribute points to improve the 6-point total attribute.

For ordinary players, 30 free attribute points are equivalent to 30 character level promotion rewards, which need to be promoted by three large levels to meet their needs. Even for Lord of the seeker profession, it is equivalent to 15 character level rewards.

A full 6-point increase in all attributes is equivalent to the sum of the additional attributes of the previous artifact parts. At this time, it is provided to rod through his sword blade.

Just holding the blade in his hand, rod can feel a constant supply of power, not to mention its effect on Titan's arrow.


[Titan's arrow LV3]: Level 5 breath magic, special magic, not affected by spiritual attributes. Base damage 240, mana cost 0. one o'clock The cooling time is 3 minutes. It can't be promoted in the normal way.


In the process of checking the artifact properties, rod noticed that it can add Titan's arrow to the holder.

Rod, who has already obtained the casting method of Titan's arrow from the inheritance task, has been promoted in the level of magic.

Through the feedback from the system, rod found that after holding the combined artifact in his hand, he had the "Titan's arrow" of LV3, which was the same as the Titan's arrow mastered by clolom, the Titan giant in the original inheritance mission.

By adding all mana values to Titan's arrow at this level, rod in the inheritance mission successfully hit the last angel and got rich rewards.

If the effect of this artifact is only to upgrade the level of Titan's arrow, for rod, he may only gain a powerful spell, but rod knows that the real strength of this artifact is far more than that.

The premonition in his heart made rod wave his weapon again.


Between the surging magic elements, there are two more flashes of lightning, which are shooting at a high speed in the distance.

With the end of rod's waving movement, the violent explosion came from afar again, but rod didn't care at all. His attention had been attracted by the combined artifact in his hand.