Chapter 1293

It's wild!

Chu Xiao now the whole person is like a wild horse, crazy gallop!

The whole field also changed, forming a spacious runway for him to run freely!

And this is the mystery of the breakthrough quiet room prepared for him by the upper level of the nine spirit palace. It can change according to people's thoughts, and form the breakthrough place most in line with the heart of the breakthrough person!

And Chu Xiao, at the moment is to gallop, run!

That's him. If someone else dares to think about this kind of thing during cultivation, he will explode and die within a few breath. Why? It's very simple, because ordinary people don't have such a solid foundation as Chu Xiao, let alone the most conventional way of cultivation is to concentrate on and break through in a static state. How can Chu Xiao be so chaotic?

And, if someone can see the situation in Chu Xiao's body now, he will be even more stunned: the appearance is wild enough, but the inside is even wilder than this!

That's right. Now Chu Xiao's body is full of countless forces, which are intertwined, rolling and colliding, just like the dragon and tiger fighting, and the ten thousand families fighting for supremacy. It looks like he's possessed!

In a sense, Chu Xiao's "being possessed by the devil" can be regarded as the so-called "being possessed by the devil". However, the real strong man must be able to find that Chu Xiao's "being possessed by the devil" seems to be controllable!

And this is the experience of Chu Xiao in the last time.

At present, with this wild attitude, he constantly integrates and counteracts the medicinal power of Tiancai and Dibao in his body, gradually forming a strong air


With Chu Xiao a low drink, heaven and earth aura suddenly shock, such as the tide of general influx of his body!

Breakthrough, start!

This is definitely the most disordered, craziest and wildest breakthrough in the history of human cultivation!

Later generations study this breakthrough, just looking at the air flow in Chu Xiao's body, they all feel numb. It seems that all kinds of ideas are intertwined together at the same time, and people don't know how to grab it!

Even a pot of stew, there is no such!

However, Chu Xiao was able to sort out the key context from such a chaotic air flow conflict, and gradually put all kinds of air flow into himself

It's a marvelous process.

No one, if they didn't see it with their own eyes, would believe that there are such skills!

However, Chu Xiao did it, and after that, he didn't have the slightest pride in his expression, as if he had done an ordinary little thing, and his expression converged and went on to the next step!

The formal breakthrough is to use aura to guide the six kinds of breath that have just been rushed in and have been summed up to attack the six heavenly veins respectively!

Here, it has become the most conventional method of impact, which is no different from the ordinary except for being more violent. Of course, this is Chu Xiao's view. In other people's eyes, this is nonsense! Because Chu Xiao is clearly evil, and at the same time the impact of the six major veins!

You know, just as the superior of Jiuling Palace said, there are many strong people in the sixth realm in the world. The six heavenly veins only strike one pulse, and the others are slightly open. What about Chu Xiao? He's got six veins!

The accuracy required is not six times that of a pulse, but at least 60 times, or even more!

After all, the six heavenly veins are different. Striking them at the same time also means that practitioners need to face more turbulence and more complicated scenes!

This is a great test of the practitioner's divine consciousness.

Chu Xiao, however, has an amazing supreme divine sense. He's very good at controlling it, and soon he's done something amazing!

Boom boom!

A sound of heavy ring, from the body of Chu Xiao ring out, as if the rolling over the mountains of the drum, full of shocking power! If there is any evil near at this time, even if it reaches the sixth realm, it will be scared away by the drums!

If not strong enough, it will be syncope on the spot, mouth foaming!

Because, this is the sound of the impact of the six major pulse, but also six with the same, each mysterious!

Therefore, it penetrates the room where it should be, so that people outside can hear it clearly

The first to bear the brunt is Jiang xian'er.

After hearing this, she immediately changed her face. After a while, she lowered her head, looked up at the tips of her shoes, and thought silently whether it was meaningless for her to lead people here?

Husband, where do you need them to guard here?

If the enemy wanted to raid here before, they didn't have to be here at all.

"Husband, you are really good! When others break through, they all need to be protected by the Dharma. It's better for you to start protecting yourself... "

Jiang Xianer was filled with emotion.

But after all, she also made such a strange move to Chu Xiao. She was very proud of Chu Xiao. Then she told everyone, "go to the emperor's side and listen to him. It's enough to have me and my husband here."

At a loss about what to do, the people in the field apparently didn't see the battle. Some people suggested that some people should be protected at least for the Royal Highness. No one thought Chu Chai needed protection.

"No At this time, Jiang xian'er shook her head and said, "my husband and I will protect each other." In a word, it was full of sweetness. People were stunned, but then they thought it was true. They didn't say any more and turned to leave. Jiang xian'er doesn't know what kind of scene she will see when she sends reinforcements to Jiuling palace! After all, Han Zhong's sneaking was very hidden. He not only used special means, but also made use of the habit of the upper position of the nine spirit palace, which led to everyone's dark under the light. Up to now, he didn't know that the upper position of the nine spirit palace was fighting! Jiang xian'er immediately turned her eyes to the room. Vaguely, she had a feeling that Chu Xiao's breakthrough would bring earth shaking changes to the battle of Jiuling palace... "Husband, come on!" Jiang xian'er murmured. As if "hearing" her voice, Chu Xiao took a deep breath, and his whole body was more vigorous, and his strength to attack the six heavenly veins was more fierce! The so-called drop wears away the stone. Perseverance has its own strength, what's more, Chu Xiao still uses all kinds of mysterious methods, has a strong accumulation, and has been preparing for a long time before he reaches the six heavenly veins! Such impact is stronger than the "water drop" in the water drop and stone piercing! Therefore, under repeated bombardment, the six heavenly veins finally changed, as if the dust laden mud had been washed down, revealing the bright inside“ That's it Chu Xiao quickly gathered his eyes. He realized that the first stage of the impact had been completed, but the bright inside made him wonder: is this the way of the six heavenly veins? It is clear that according to the upper position of Jiuling palace, this kind of thing should be colorless. But... "Well, let's hit it with aura again!" Chu Xiao's mind turns and controls his pure aura to rush forward. At the same time, he attaches a ray of supreme divine consciousness for exploration! Then, he quickly found out that he didn't know. He was really scared! You can see that the six heavenly veins are shining more brilliantly and mysterious