Chapter 62

The night was dark and thick, like a huge ink tank, which filled the whole world. There were dark and hazy scenes everywhere. Only the rotten stars in the sky broke away from the shackles of the night, blinked mischievously, and tried their best to piece together the bits of light into a faint starlight.

Although it is not as bright as the sun and as bright as the moonlight, it can also illuminate the rough road and point out the direction for people who travel at night.

It is true that the plateau is the nearest place to the stars.

After successfully escaping, Cheng Chong struggled to move forward to the northwest alone. His eyebrows were locked, his eyes twinkled with a deep light, and he was permeated with the perseverance of heroic soldiers, the courage of iron blood soldiers, and the pride of moving forward without hesitation.

The night wind was clear and everything was quiet. Under the vast starry sky, only Cheng Chong walked alone in the dark.

He doesn't know whether he can succeed in this trip, or even find the secret base of the ITO organization. Even if he successfully finds the location of the secret base, can he destroy it at one fell swoop and eliminate all the enemies stationed in that base?

To tell the truth, he is very uncertain. There are still huge variables in everything, and the result is still uncertain.

At the same time, he also deeply understands that the government has policies, the state has laws, and the army has strict discipline. His private action has seriously violated military discipline and national law. If the operation fails, he will surely die at the hands of those bastards. Even if the operation is lucky, it is difficult to escape the severe sanctions of military discipline and national law.

No matter success or failure, you will not have your own good fruit to eat.

There is a great tragedy when Jing Ke stabbed Qin Yishui's elegy.

The wind is rustling and the water is cold. Once a strong man goes, he will never return

However, he must do so. He has no hesitation and no regrets.

Revenge for the dead comrades in arms is not only the oath he made with gnashing teeth at the beginning, but also an unshirkable responsibility and an urgent obligation. The blood feud of his comrades in arms and the almost boiling blood all over his body prompted him to do so.

As a soldier, it is an unshirkable sacred duty to maintain the sacred and inviolable prestige of the motherland and protect the safety of the motherland and people's lives and property. If the dignity and interests of the motherland are violated by outsiders, who will go if the soldiers don't go?

Those high sounding, lip synching and playing with rules and regulations should be handed over to the meat eaters who are in an important position to negotiate as much as possible. Whether it's serious attention, painless condemnation, feeble protest, or regret with their heads shaking like rattles, it's all their business.

There is only one creed for soldiers, that is, blood for blood and tooth for tooth. Blood debt must be washed with the enemy's blood. There is no other possibility.

You scold me, I scold you, it's flirting between lovers; If you scratch me, I'll scratch you once. It's mutual play between girlfriends; You punch me and I'll slap you back. That's a boxing game between good brothers and iron brothers.

As a soldier, if you dare to punch me, I'll give you a knife in the backhand, and if you dare to give me a knife, I'm sorry, I'll wipe you out cleanly, so that you can never fight back.

In the world, anyone who dares to offend the divine power of China, no matter what race, nation, group or organization he is, will be punished!

This creed will not be changed for thousands of years. Let those who peep at China in the world put away their evil faces and evil hearts as soon as possible.

At the same time, Cheng Chong's steps didn't stop at all.

The road to the northwest, he had gone through it once the last time he pursued and killed the people of the ITO organization. Continuing forward, the altitude gradually decreased, and a vast Gobi desert, occasionally high and uplifted peaks, as well as the Listeria mountains eroded and withered by wind, frost, snow and rain, and the natural graben gap appeared again.

Cheng Chong didn't have a map. Naturally, he was not familiar with the road. What's more, at night, he ran nonstop all the way. I don't know how many detours he took, how many mountain ridges he bypassed, and how many ditches he turned.

However, fortunately, he carried a bought North compass and often took it out for deliberation, so he still didn't go wrong in the general direction.

Continue to move forward and strive to move forward. Cheng Chong is as tireless as ever with his strong physical strength.

At midnight, Cheng Chong, who had been running for three or four hours, was hungry and wet with sweat. The physical energy consumed by high-intensity sports is huge, which is unimaginable to ordinary people.

He must stop and have a rest, or he may fall on the way forward because of his strength. Even if cars and tanks continue to move forward, they occasionally need to stop to add fuel. Not to mention Cheng Chong is still an individual.

Leaning against a low earth mountain, Cheng gasped and sat down, put down his backpack and opened it. After hesitating for a long time, he took out a small compressed biscuit from his backpack, considered it again and again, and broke off one and put it back.

This is not because he is stingy and stingy to himself, but because the field rations he carries are extremely limited and therefore extremely precious. In principle, he must not easily consume even a little when he has to.

I was alone in the wild, especially in my private operation this time. I didn't have any logistics supplies. I took one bite of rations and lost one point. Moreover, the whole time of the operation is uncertain. If the rations are consumed in advance, it is tantamount to suicide.

However, after running hard for most of the night, the physical consumption of the body is huge, and it is almost impossible to supplement it.

But that small piece of compressed biscuit could not stand the repeated chewing of the hungry mouth. Without two times, it was swallowed by Cheng Chong. Then he took out the large soft leather water bag and took a symbolic sip. That little saliva was only enough to wet his throat.

After breathing a little, Cheng Chong stood up, adjusted himself again, adjusted his equipment to the most appropriate state, and then ran again.

Continue forward, sometimes to the west, sometimes to the north, sometimes up the mountain, sometimes across the ditch.

In the dark night, under the moonlight, he was like a strange shadow, more like a ghost as light as a swallow, and worked hard without relaxation. The wind was blowing in his ear, and the vast Gobi Desert gradually retreated to the rear under his step-by-step measurement. Soon after the looming small mountains appeared, they were abandoned by him in the dark night sky and began again and again.

In the early morning, the moon had no idea where it was going, and the rotten stars consciously withdrew from the sky almost occupied by them all night. They left the deep blue sky innocently on the sky.

But the light became brighter and the visibility improved gradually. The impending Mr. Dongjun of the East is ready to work hard and selflessly again.

Cheng Chong, who had been running wildly for almost a whole night, had to stop again. After running wildly all night, he didn't know how far he had run. In those days, the best result was about 150 kilometers. Although he didn't have the courage to say that he could surpass the old man, he should have run 70 or 80 kilometers all night. Of course, this also includes many detours. Of course, he doesn't know the specific straight-line distance, and he doesn't know where he is at the moment.

Anyway, there is a vast Gobi all around. In the weak morning light of dawn, you can't see the end at all.

In the poet's words: mountain, mountain, behind the mountain or mountain, Gobi, Gobi, behind the Gobi or fucking Gobi.

Cheng Chong was panting and sweating. In the dawn light and the early morning breeze, Cheng Chong lay on his back wearily and rested for a moment. His fatigue slowed down a little. He sat up and generously took out a field ration from his back bag, which will provide him with energy for a whole day.

Instead of slowly tasting the taste of field rations, he swallowed it like a whirlwind, and then poured a big mouthful of water. He knows that the faster and more urgent he eats, the more he can give people a feeling of fullness or even support. In this way, he won't feel hungry for a long time. Although he also knows that such overeating and drinking is very bad for the stomach.

After eating, he dug a deep hole and buried the packing box of field rations without leaving a trace. There is no need to worry about the place where the pit is dug, because the never-ending wind will restore everything artificially on the surface to its original appearance in a short time.

After eating and drinking in a self deceptive way, Cheng Chong began to carefully look for the best place to hide during the day. Yes, he doesn't plan to go on his way during the day. He has high visibility and large action objectives during the day. It is extremely easy to expose himself. Once he is exposed, the action will fail without doubt. He will not only destroy the enemy's secret base and avenge his dead comrades in arms, but also be doomed, and the consequences will be quite serious.

Since it is a sneak attack, the confidentiality work must be foolproof. Otherwise, what is the difference between encirclement and suppression by large forces and exposing their whereabouts in advance.

Unfortunately, Cheng Chong looked around for several times. On the deserted Gobi desert, he couldn't find a place to shade the hot sun during the day, or even a tree to barely shade. He looked for it again and again in disappointment, but finally had to choose the hiding place behind a slightly raised soil slope, because this place can barely keep out of the wind and not be blinded by the wind and sand all day.

After choosing the location, Cheng Chong dug a one foot deep bunker with a dagger, buried himself, filled himself with a lot of sand, then pulled his desert camouflage suit up, flattened his earthy backpack as much as possible, placed it near his head, adjusted it for a while, and his whole body lurked down.

In this relatively single tone Gobi desert, he is almost completely integrated into it, which is extremely difficult to distinguish.