Chapter 65

However, even so, Cheng Chong can't take countermeasures immediately. Because from the bottom of his heart, he doesn't believe that he has been exposed at the moment. If the conjecture just now is really just wishful thinking and taking action rashly, it is undoubtedly the stupidest and stupidest choice in the world.

Cheng Chong held his breath and still lay motionless in the bunker. His nerves were highly nervous and focused on everything in front of him. In particular, even any subtle movement of the old herdsman could not escape the close monitoring of his eyes.

In that tense atmosphere, time is lost minute by minute.

Sure enough, soon after the herdsman's bleak song sounded, suddenly, from a distance, almost where heaven and earth met, several small black spots appeared as if out of thin air. Soon, those small black spots gradually approached this side step by step and gradually became clear.

There were several armed men dressed in black clothes and trousers with an AK47 rifle on their shoulders. Both their costumes and their arrogant look were very similar to those who sneaked into the half moon checkpoint last time, but there were no people in white clothes and white robes with long white headscarves.

When Cheng Chong saw the four or five armed men, he immediately became angry, as if he had seen his dead enemy. His eyes quickly congested and turned red. It was really the envy of his enemy. In addition, his hands quietly grabbed a handful of dry sand, pinched it tightly and then pinched it tightly. He was trying to control his surging emotion. For fear that he could not control himself, he suddenly rushed out of the simple bunker and fought with the four or five armed elements regardless of anything.

Cheng Chong tries to bear his emotions, but if he can't bear it, he will make a big plan. Of course, these four or five armed elements should be killed and should be killed for their terrible acts in the country of China and for their unforgivable sins committed at the half moon.

But not now. This operation is to completely destroy their secret base and let them have a springboard to invade China in the future. At the same time, we should use their blood to pay tribute to the young heroes of our comrades in arms who have died miserably and wash away their sins.

Don't lose big things for small things, and don't be angry with things. I have worked hard until now. I must not be rash, so that I give up halfway and all my previous achievements are wasted.

I was still worried about whether I could find their secret base, and the situation had become clear. Whether these four or five armed elements can appear in this deserted Gobi desert will never appear out of thin air. Their secret base should be nearby. Because they don't look like driving a long way on the dusty Gobi desert in the hot sun.

In other words, at the moment, I have gone deep into the enemy's territory.

At the thought of this, Cheng Chong was clearly aware of the danger of his situation and began to feel nervous. He was not afraid, not afraid, but afraid that he had almost failed to control his emotions and exposed himself. Think about the consequences if you expose yourself in the enemy's nest? You can think clearly even with your thighs.

Cheng Chong's whole body nerves are tight and his attention is highly focused. He closely watches every move in front of him and refuses to let go of any detail easily.

But I saw the four or five armed men carrying rifles, staggering under the Populus euphratica tree in the west, and then sitting on the ground, holding a cigarette obliquely in their mouths. The cigarette butts were very similar to those lost on the ground.

I'm sorry. Is this a break point for their usual patrol?

Cheng Chong, who came up with the idea, felt uneasy again. He rashly chose the hiding place here. At this time, I was at most ten meters away from the four militants, only two or three crooked Populus euphratica trees in the middle. This distance is by no means a safe distance. As long as I have a little subtle action, I will be exposed.

At the moment, Cheng Chong felt that the danger was infinitely close to him. At the moment, as long as he was a little careless, he would give up all his previous achievements and be on the verge of success.

At this time, Cheng Chong became more and more nervous. His nerves were almost broken. All his attention was focused on the four or five militants, and he refused to neglect them at all.

To his surprise and surprise, the old herdsman was not afraid to see the four or five armed men carrying rifles. Instead, he said hello very cordially, as if he were still familiar with each other.

No! They're a team!

Cheng Chong immediately recalled the penetrating song of the old herdsman just now, and it didn't take long for the song to ring. The four or five militants appeared. Isn't that the herdsman's message to the four or five militants? Is it just a coincidence?

It can't be true! What a coincidence?

Cheng Chong then calmed down again, thinking about himself, he seemed a little distracted and a little nervous. Even if they're together, so what? Anyway, they didn't find themselves. If they had found themselves, they should have taken action long ago and would never ignore their existence like this?

But in any case, we must predict all possible mutations and take corresponding countermeasures. Cheng Chong is confident that if the four or five militants point a gun at him, he will transfer his position as quickly as possible, and then fight with them by relying on the moving sheep as a shelter at any time.

Fortunately, they didn't seem to find Cheng Chong, who was lurking nearby, still gathered around, bragging and talking nonsense, and muttering words that Cheng Chong couldn't understand.

In fact, Cheng Chong's disguise was not very strict. At least one sheep came to look for food and found him. A sheep who was eating grass happily almost trampled on him with one foot. Until Meng Buding found that there was still a person hidden on the ground, he was immediately frightened.

However, the sheep was a docile animal after all. It didn't make any extreme reaction. It was just bluffed back a few steps, then looked at it in confusion with its gentle eyes, and then walked away. Fortunately, it can't speak and can't report to his master, otherwise Cheng Chong will really be exposed.

The time of tension is especially slow, and it makes people feel worried. This is also the time to extremely test Cheng Chong's psychological quality. However, he never moved or uttered a sound. Of course, except for normal vital characteristics, such as heartbeat, such as breathing, etc.

Time passed slowly, and Cheng Chong focused on everything in front of him.

Suddenly, for some reason, the old herdsman seemed to have a dispute with the four or five militants. Then he saw the voice that kept begging the four or five militants, but it didn't seem to work.

The situation immediately became more and more tense.

However, seeing that a militant's backhand was the butt of a gun, he knocked the elderly herdsman to the ground, and then one foot stepped on his face and pointed to him and yelled at him, the evil and violent habit was immediately expressed incisively and vividly.

Another armed man quickly caught a fat sheep nearby. Without saying a word, he pulled out a dagger, cut the throat of the fat sheep, conveniently cut off the aorta of the poor sheep, and the sheep's blood immediately sprayed all over the ground like a fountain.

The remaining militants came forward together and soon broke the belly of the fat sheep, stripped it clean, and then cut off many dried poplar branches, put the stripped sheep up, lit a fire and began to barbecue.

From beginning to end, the old herdsman saw all this in his eyes, but he was falling to the ground and stepping on his feet by an armed element. He could only watch his hard-working fat sheep become a barbecue among other people, and there was nothing he could do.

Although herdsmen graze all year round and raise a lot of animals, they will not kill animals easily because they are reluctant to give up.

When the fat sheep was roasted yellow and the aroma of barbecue overflowed, not far from the west, several people in white clothes and white robes with white headscarves suddenly appeared. They moved closer to this side leisurely and contentedly, and they were still arguing about something.

It turned out that the four or five militants barbecue to meet their leader!

It's them. Yes, it's them. Son of a bitch, beast, bastard, I finally found you.

The identity of this group of militants has been confirmed again.

At this time, Cheng Chong had long ignored the appetite aroused by the fragrant barbecue. His hands were like iron palms. He pinched the sand and soil in his hands and couldn't take into account the injury and bleeding of his palms. At the same time, his teeth were squeaking. He wanted to run out immediately, eat his meat raw and drink his blood thirsty.

Huge hatred came from all over the world, and a strong sense of revenge rushed into his brain and occupied his whole body. At this time, everything in the world seemed to have disappeared. In his bloody eyes, there was only infinite hatred, only full of anger, and only the cold and murderous spirit of swallowing his opponent alive.

However, he didn't do it after all. He held it back.

Although the word "forbearance" has a knife in his heart, he is a real man who can bear it.

If you can't hold back at the moment, but directly jump out and expose yourself, then the carefully prepared sneak attack mission will undoubtedly fail, and you will be pursued and killed by the other party endlessly until the end of your life. Because this is the other party's territory. They have some people and some weapons and equipment.

Cheng Chong had no choice but to continue to lie down in the simple bunker, try to be calm and restrain his murderous spirit, so as not to be noticed by the other party.

After the several armed men in white clothes approached, they gathered with the original four or five armed men, sat on the ground around the roasted whole sheep, yelled for a moment, and then began the food sharing scene of drinking and eating large pieces of meat.

The old herdsman who had got up hid far away and looked at this side from time to time. He looked like he dared to be angry but dared not speak.

Similarly, Cheng Chong, who was lurking ten meters away, watched the militants eat, drink and play wantonly in front of his eyes, but there was nothing he could do.

Eat more, eat better, open your cheeks and eat in large quantities! Do condemned prisoners have to eat a full meal before they go on the road?

This will be your last dinner.

Cheng Chong lay quietly in the bunker, staring at all this in front of him with cold eyes, thinking like this, but what made him feel very strange was.

Why didn't you feel thirsty today?