Chapter 71

At the same time that Cheng Chong ran forward at a high speed and was extremely worried, time was flowing leisurely and unhurriedly. For hundreds of millions of years, it has been so calm, so calm, so objective, and will never be transferred by people's will. You are anxious, it is not anxious, you are not anxious, it will not be anxious, anyway, as always, neither arrogant nor inferior.

However, Cheng Chong is really anxious at the moment! He was so anxious that he could hardly use the fire to go to the room. He was about to run to the room himself.

Dynamite bag! Damn dynamite bag! Why don't you fucking explode? Do you know how dangerous your situation is at the moment? There is a danger of being disassembled by life at any time. Do you know?

However, the explosive bag could not understand his mind, but remained silent and saw nothing.

Silence! Silence! If you don't explode in silence, you will be disassembled in silence.

Only the awakened armed elements were shouting, and the whole base was filled with incessant abuse. The most responsive of them had begun to flee outside the gate of the main building.

The situation is really critical. If the explosive package does not explode, Cheng Chong will soon become the object of common pursuit and attack by this group of armed elements.

However, at the moment, Cheng Chong had no choice but to move forward. Almost when he was about to despair, suddenly, he heard a loud noise like a mountain collapse behind him. The washbasin sized explosive bag finally exploded, making a dull explosion, which almost tore the surrounding air.


Cheng Chong, who had run nearly 200 meters away, was almost knocked to the ground by the huge explosion. His ears were painful and his eardrums seemed to be broken down. Staggering back, he saw that the secret base behind him was completely shrouded by the flames and thick black smoke.

Although the fire and smoke that just rose were far less spectacular and gorgeous than the mushroom cloud when the nuclear bomb exploded, it was enough to leave no chickens and dogs in the range of hundreds of square meters around the explosion point. In this range, let alone the complex life body of human beings, even single celled organisms or acellular organisms such as bacteria and viruses may not escape the doom of death.

The huge power of the explosive bag can be regarded as a large-scale disinfection and sterilization for this secret base. Yes, it is disinfection and sterilization. In the world, any individual or group that endangers world peace and the safety of other people's lives and property for no reason is a bacterium and virus harmful to all mankind.

However, unfortunately, the disinfection and sterilization is limited in scope, and the whole secret base has not been completely destroyed, because in addition to this great power, there are armed elements still alive, and they have not been completely killed.

Cheng Chong also knew that the explosive bag, which was only the size of a washbasin, could not completely destroy the secret base, which was thousands of square meters or even larger. But he was very satisfied with the power of the explosive bag. When he thought about it, the explosive bag was still good, and finally lived up to Lao Tzu's painstaking efforts to carry it all the way these days.

Cheng Chong didn't stop for half a second, but moved forward as fast as the wind. After running three or four hundred meters, he jumped quickly into the machine gun bunker at the entrance, quickly turned the muzzle of the M60 machine gun, pointed the muzzle directly to the exit of the secret base, and then quickly installed the long bullet chain, immediately opened the safety pull gun and loaded the pusher.

In a very short period of time, Cheng Chong hurriedly and without panic made all the shooting preparations.

Sending yourself to your God with your own machine gun is probably a model of self production and self marketing. In doing so, you should not be treated badly!

In a hurry, Cheng Chong smiled coldly. Then he controlled the machine gun with both hands and hid it in the machine gun bunker. His sight slipped over the gun body and looked towards the base. However, he saw that the secret base ignited a raging fire after the violent explosion of the explosive package. There are many wooden structures in the base. Moreover, it is dry here. These wooden facilities are good materials to help the fire burn.

Such a fire is particularly eye-catching and spectacular in the dark night.

Grandma's! Let you bastards taste the burning!

Cheng Chong remembered the scene when the sentry post was burned at the turn of the moon a few months ago and the tragic death of his comrades in arms. He felt a joy of blood for blood and tooth for tooth.

Under the raging fire, those who were not much injured and those who were injured but not dead were noisy. The noise, shouting, abuse, painful groans and dying wails were intertwined and rushed into the sky.

Cheng Chong was not moved by it, but held an M60 machine gun and stared coldly at everything in front of him.

Then, armed elements with minor injuries and relatively convenient operations rushed out of the gate of the base with guns and rushed to chengchong in twos and threes. There is only one way in and out of the secret base. If they don't want to be roasted into suckling pigs, they have to rush out along this channel. They have no other choice.

The location of their secret base is really good. It's really secret. Secret roads are vertical and horizontal. Checkpoints are connected with checkpoints. It's difficult to break in, and it won't be so easy to escape. You know, how well the position of this M60 machine gun is set! Hold the key position of the only channel, and the M60 machine gun is powerful enough to block the entrance and exit.

You must taste the evil consequences you have planted, and you must pay back the serious crimes you have committed.

Under the light of the fire in the distance, Cheng Chong's face became more and more resolute and resolute, his lips closed, his eyes like torch and electricity stared at the militants surging towards him at the exit of the base without blinking, and his murderous spirit rushed out.

He did not shoot immediately. He believed that there were definitely more militants who could run on their own in the whole base. The machine gun bunker is about three or four hundred meters away from the entrance of the base. Such a long distance is enough for those militants who are easy to move.

In other words, he doesn't think there are enough militants running out of the gate of the base. If he shoots suddenly at the moment, he will immediately expose himself and his fire point. In this way, maybe the militants behind will not rush out so readily.

Sure enough, as he expected, more and more militants poured out from behind, and gradually filled the distance from the machine gun bunker to the base gate, and the first militants were less than 50 meters away from Cheng Chong.

There is no better shot in the world.

Just then, Cheng Chong turned the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger decisively.

Dada... Dada

Whew, whew... Whew, whew

The powerful M60 machine gun roared violently, and the muzzle spewed out a long tongue of fire, forcibly tearing the thick night open shining and dazzling holes. The high-speed rotating warhead roared out from the barrel of the machine gun, piercing and tearing the evil bodies with the hot temperature and strong smell of death, Let the huge kinetic energy carried by warheads vent wantonly on their bodies.

Enjoy it! Bastards! You also enjoy the pleasure of death!

Cheng Chongyuan stared at his blood red eyes. There was no other expression on Tieqing's cold face. His right index finger held the trigger of the machine gun without shaking, and his mouth cried low.

As if the roaring machine gun could not completely vent the incomparable anger in his heart.

The M60 machine gun is roaring, roaring and venting heartily. The long bullet chain moves rapidly from the left end to the right in the roar of the machine gun, and the empty cartridge case jumps out of the barrel with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Dada... Dada

Whew, whew... Whew, whew

Cheng Chong's anger is realized by powerful machine guns, and the anger of machine guns is implemented by roaring warheads.

Angry machine gun, angry machine gun.

At this time, Cheng Chong was no longer the recruit's egg with strange shooting skills a few months ago. After three months of hard training for the backbone of the scout, the eccentric care of company commander Yu zhanhu and the careful guidance of beautiful instructor min Jie, his shooting skills had been greatly improved.

At the moment, although it was only shooting, his hit rate was not low, but he saw that a large group of militants were shot and killed one after another under his powerful and accurate machine gun fire. The M60 machine gun has extremely fierce fire, leaving them no reaction time at all. The bullet heads that roared out at high speed almost bit meat and drank blood, giving full play to the great kinetic energy they carried.

After a round of almost crazy shooting, most of the armed elements that have poured out have fallen dead, and only a few have just fallen to the ground. Rao is so. Almost all the armed elements who have fallen to the ground have lost their combat effectiveness, because after the first round of shooting, at the moment of changing the bullet chain, only a few weak rifles are fighting back sporadically.

However, in the dark night, at a distance of two or three hundred meters, the AK47 rifle in the hands of the injured militants could hardly hurt the solid machine gun bunker.

They are close to the fire, and Cheng Chong is far away from the fire. One is in the light and the other is in the dark. They see that Cheng Chong with shelter is very vague. However, Cheng Chong sees them completely exposed on the road, but they can see clearly and clearly.

Cheng Chong, who successfully changed the elastic chain, once again aimed the muzzle of the gun at the movable body. After a few short shots, all the militants at a distance of two or three hundred meters fell to the ground and did not move. The sound of returning shots was still heard only at the corner leading to the gate of the base.

It was the wounded militants in the base who were unable to move. They hid at the corner and were dying to fight back.

Dada... Dada

Cheng Chong didn't give them a chance to fight back. Towards that point, he gave it a blind corner fire cover. After one round of fierce shooting, the point was also muted. The injured militants were honest and didn't shoot again for a long time.

Now that we are rich in bullets, we also pretend to be local tyrants. It's so fucking cool to see people.

With the abundant bullets in the machine gun bunker, Cheng Chong really had an addiction to having enough ammunition. Anyway, these bullets don't cost money and can't be taken away. They are not made in vain or wasted. I'm sorry for their careful hoarding.

In this way, as long as there is a little trouble at the exit of the secret base, the M60 machine gun will ring immediately. The powerful machine gun firepower will firmly seal and lock the injured militants, and they will be trapped in the fiery base and dare not go beyond the minefield.

Yes, at the moment, Cheng Chong is determined to turn them into delicious roast suckling pigs.

Of course, it's the kind you can't eat, so you don't have to worry about it!