Chapter 76

Cheng Chong, who was hidden in the dark, watched the movements of these militants coldly and was not moved at all. Let you shout, let you roar, let you scream. He just looked at them coldly, as if he appreciated the Clowns' gags on the stage. Whatever you do, you can make a fuss.

However, in this group of armed elements, after all, there are still a few people who understand. They still have certain military literacy and should have experienced considerable military training. They are not all rabble people who become monks halfway.

They soon made corresponding adjustment and deployment again according to the actual situation. They divided everyone into several groups. Each group has four members in a square configuration. Each member is responsible for the alert and search tasks in one direction, and the four members rely on each other and are responsible for the safety of each other's back and flanks.

Obviously, such deployment and configuration make everyone defend well under each other's vigilance, so that there will be no personal single situation and no opportunity for Cheng Chong.

In the face of the enemy's targeted adjustment and deployment, Cheng Chong really couldn't find the corresponding flaw for a while, and it wasn't easy to start for a while. At this time, the dagger must be useless, because no matter which direction you launch a raid, you will be monitored by at least one pair of eyes.

It is not the best policy to use a rifle, because once you fire, the fire point will immediately expose your hiding place and will be counterattacked soon. Once you are locked in position by this group of militants, your situation will be dangerous and there is no room for maneuver.

What? What? How can we effectively break this highly targeted force deployment of the other side?

Hiding in the dark, facing the approaching Cheng Chong of the enemy, he began to feel a little nervous and uneasy. He kept asking himself. At the same time, his brain was spinning rapidly and thinking constantly. His thoughts flashed out one by one, but soon he was denied one by one.

Facing the enemy's pressing step by step, Cheng Chong thought quickly and retreated quickly. He originally thought that the militants were interspersed in reverse. Unexpectedly, there were too many militants and many groups. All the groups were lined up, occupying almost all the horizontal lines from one end to the other, like a tight big net, He couldn't find a gap for himself to reverse.

What should I do? What should I do? You can't retreat any more. If you retreat again, you will be driven out of the abandoned city by these bastards. If you leave the city, you will be completely exposed to their guns in the deserted Gobi desert. In that case, you will die.

No, if there is no better way, and they are pressing step by step, then they have to fight with them. At least they haven't found themselves at the moment. If they quickly occupy a favorable position at the moment, it's still possible to give them a few more crazy shots. If they can kill a few, it's a few. Anyway, let's do it.

When Cheng Chong thought of this, he quickly looked around for a favorable shooting position. In the dark waste City, there are too many favorable shooting positions, and it doesn't take much effort to find them. He quickly bent over in an abandoned corner and quickly changed his magazine.

However, when he took the solid clip from his side hand to his backpack, his finger accidentally touched a round iron thing. What is this?


Cheng Chong was startled and immediately reacted. He knew that what his hand touched at the moment was a grenade. He almost forgot that when he ran out of the secret base, he found the grenades from the sentinels.

It's easy to do with this thing!

Cheng Chong's mouth soon showed a smile. This group of armed men are in groups of four, relying on each other and close to each other. If a grenade is thrown among the four of them, it is not only the power of the explosion after the grenade explodes among them. It is estimated that almost all shrapnel after the explosion will not be wasted. It is a perfect use of grenades to stab people and bite meat.

This grenade is simply customized to deal with the opponent's array.

At this time, Cheng Chong was immediately excited and thought that it would not be difficult to throw a grenade into the circle of the four militants under the cover of the night, and more importantly, as long as the action was small enough, he would not be exposed. To take a step back, even if it was accidentally exposed, with the neutral position of the grenade explosion, I will also have time to change my hiding place.

At the thought of this, Cheng Chong quickly took back the mounted rifle, then took out a grenade, pulled off the pull ring with one hand, and fiercely threw it among the four militants about ten meters away in front of him. Because it was dark and the line of sight was extremely poor, the grenade was not perceived by the four militants until it fell to the ground and made a slight sound. However, At this time, I realized that it was obviously too late.

With a loud bang, the grenade exploded among the four armed elements with a lightning speed. The four armed elements were immediately killed by the grenade. The other militants did not understand the situation for a while. After the reaction, they all fell forward and didn't dare to move again for a long time.

Maybe this is their natural response to the close threat of their opponent thunder, or a conditioned reflex, while some other far away militants simply follow the trend blindly. Do they mean not to lie down when they see others lying down? Anyway, everything goes with the flow, and you can't be wrong.

Herding is sometimes more obvious and thorough among people. However, people have more or less herd mentality.

The group of armed men lay on the ground so tightly that they dared not raise their heads for a long time. The threat brought by the grenade was much greater than that brought by bullets. The tragedy after the grenade explosion left a shadow in their hearts, and probably the summer sun could not disperse it.

Cheng Chong didn't attack again immediately. The other party had already fallen down, and the goal was not clear for a long time. Moreover, once they all fell down, they threw grenades at them. Isn't that a pure waste?

And waste is shameful.

Time flowed quietly. The group of militants lying on the ground for a long time suddenly stood up slowly amid the continuous cheers of a leader like person. They looked at each other for a long time and lingered for a long time. Finally, they had to form four person groups to continue their search, but the speed was much slower than before, At the same time, everyone began to keep looking around, as if they were vigilant.

But these superficial skills are almost zero pressure for Cheng Chong.

Here comes the chance!

Cheng Chong, who had been waiting for opportunities nearby, immediately realized that it was time to throw grenades again. He didn't take the pretended vigilance of these militants too seriously. Seeing that four militants gradually approached him again, he did not hesitate to repeat his old skills. A grenade drew a beautiful parabola in the void, and then flew silently to the middle of the four militants.

The grenade exploded again without suspense.

The huge explosion not only tore the tranquility of the night again, but also tore up the courage of the group of militants to cheer up again, and destroyed and collapsed their psychological defense line that they had built with great difficulty.

The grenade once again took the lives of four militants, while other militants saw the tragedy and immediately quit. For a time, it seemed as if it had blown the pot open, and there was a lot of noise.

It's too fucking scary. Quit and say nothing!

The threat and psychological pressure brought to them by the two grenades exploded in a row are far faster and faster than the rifle shooting. God knows where the next grenade will explode and whether it will be on their head. More importantly, even if they have been hit by two grenades, they haven't figured out where the other party is? What kind of war is this? It's clearly a matter of being slaughtered at will!

no way! It's terrible. It's important to say anything.

A large part of the reason why these militants are called a mob is that they have no discipline at all. They are a group of violent groups gathered entirely by the brutal means of leaders and artificially distorted so-called beliefs.

When the threat and psychological pressure brought by grenades exceeded the deterrence brought by the cruelty of the leaders, their fighting will and psychological defense immediately collapsed.

At the moment, all the armed elements who have been completely frightened lie on the ground, allowing the leader like people to drink and scold, and even shoot to make an example of others. They just refuse to stand up again.

For a long time, some unbearable militants suddenly stood up, but they didn't form a four person battle search team to continue searching. Instead, they ran outside the city with rifles.

Besides, it's still important to run for your fucking life. What else is more important than saving your life?

With the example of leading the way out of the city, its militants soon reached a consensus, immediately carrying rifles, regardless of anything, rushed out of the city.

At this time, I have been secretly watching their Cheng Chong, firmly grasped the fighter, resolutely hugged the fire and fired. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The armed elements who have lost their will to fight and retreated all the way. When will they wait if they don't deal with them now?

Dada dada

The muzzle of the AK47 rifle spewed out a long flame, and the bullet heads roared out at high speed. With the breath of death and the hot temperature, they flew to the group of fleeing militants at high speed, playing a moving death movement one after another.

The bullets went out in rows, and the armed men who were shot fell down one after another. The body torn by the bullets was immediately surrounded by blood, and emitted a disgusting smell of blood. The scene was extremely terrible and bloody.

However, the armed elements who have lost their fighting capacity for a long time have long lost their ability to resist and fight back. They let Cheng Chong fire wildly, and they still run out of the city regardless of their head and tail. What is called defeat like a mountain? This is a living reality.

The number and firepower of these armed elements far exceeded that of Cheng Chong alone, and they were all energetic and energetic divisions who had just entered the battle. Originally, their combat effectiveness was far higher than that of Cheng Chong alone, but because of the disintegration of their fighting will and the instability of their hearts, they led to a great rout. Once the rout was formed, it would be out of control, As if the mountains were falling apart, no one could recover it again.

Under the tight fire of Cheng Chong's rifle, the group of militants, except those who were shot and fell, ran away in less than a minute, including the leader like militants.

It can be seen that under the direct threat of death, everyone's desire for survival is the same.