Chapter 123

Cheng Chong is crazy, almost completely crazy.

His comrade in arms, his brother and his iron friend Meng Lang were captured, and they were captured to cover him.

At the moment, Cheng Chong was extremely anxious and anxious. He tried his best to catch up, and quickly threw fire at the large group of armed elements organized by Yidong, hoping to retain these armed elements and his comrades in arms at the same time.

But this group of armed elements reacted extremely quickly. When they saw someone shooting at them, they immediately divided their large group into two groups. A large group escorted Meng Lang to move forward, while a small group stayed behind and tried all means to delay Cheng Chong's pursuit.

A fierce gun battle began, and the opposing sides opened fire on each other almost madly.

In order to save his comrades in arms, Cheng Chong had no intention to deal with this group of militants at all. He wished he could wipe out this group of militants immediately, so he rushed forward immediately and rescued Meng Lang from many militants.

Therefore, at the moment, he almost used his m16a2 rifle as a machine gun. The bullets that roared out intensively drew death arcs in the void, directly approaching the group of militants who temporarily stayed to delay his pursuit, and his shooting level was not as smelly as before, so, From time to time, militants were hit, killed or injured by his bullets.

In order to put great psychological pressure on Cheng Chong, this group of militants also fought back with their lives. Although their shooting accuracy is far less than that of Cheng Chong, they rely on many people, guns and bullets. As long as they find Cheng Chong's hiding place, they will be covered with endless fire. The almost pouring bullets will immediately hit the place with thousands of wounds and holes.

Therefore, Cheng Chong had to move his shooting position immediately after shooting a few shots in one place. He would not stay in any shooting position for more than five seconds. Once he used the position, he would not use it again, because he was always struggling to save his comrades in arms.

Da da... Su Su

The gunfire became fiercer than ever, and countless bullets quickly crossed the thick night sky, tearing the whole night sky. Therefore, the hot heat wave rolled up, which could not help but make people feel numb and tremble.

After a burst of fierce gunfire, Cheng Chong quickly rolled to a low-lying place on the side, and his body was able to leave the shooting position just now. The shooting position just now was covered by the other party's all-round fire, leaving no gap at all.

What's more strange is that when this burst of fierce fire coverage, there was a violent explosion at the fire coverage point.

Is it the grenade thrown by these militants that is exploding? Cheng Chong in surprise asked himself quickly.

Basically impossible! Cheng Chong soon denied this possibility.

Because in order to prevent being directly attacked by the other party's grenades, he deliberately kept the distance from each other at more than 80 meters. Even soldiers with long-term formal training and excellent military quality linger within 80 meters, and there is no possibility of exceeding this distance. It is even more difficult for the other group of mobs who have not received formal and systematic training to exceed this distance.

So what's going to explode?

Are these militants still carrying critical weapons such as rocket launchers? It's impossible! If they really carried such a lethal weapon, they might have used it long ago, and there is no need to wait until now!

Cheng Chong can't get the exact answer for a moment. At the moment, he can't think of it.

It was not until he rolled to the side for several times and suddenly touched a metal box less than the size of his palm with his right hand that he realized it like waking up from a dream.

Anti infantry mines! At the moment, what his right hand touches is actually an anti infantry mine.

Cheng Chong was surprised that the armed elements had set up anti infantry mines on their own retreat. In this way, it is not difficult to explain the violent explosion just now. It must be caused by a dense bullet hitting an anti infantry mine.

However, thanks to the fact that the anti infantry mine touched by Cheng Chong at the moment belongs to a compression type mine. This kind of mine will not be detonated easily as long as it does not have enough force to act on it. The good thing about Cheng Chong at the moment is that he just touched the anti infantry mine gently and didn't exert any force on it.

But this is dangerous enough. After all, it is a mine with greater lethality. It is a weapon with greater lethality, not an ordinary iron box.

Although its volume is not big enough, once it is detonated, it is fully capable of crippling or even directly killing those who contact it. Its power can never be underestimated.

At the moment, what makes Cheng Chong even more afraid is that anti infantry mines will never exist alone, but will be distributed in a network, so as to give full play to its effectiveness, and this group of militants will never set up only a few anti infantry mines against themselves. They will set up as many minefields as possible.

As for the specific distribution points of mines, I'm afraid even the person who set them may not be able to fully identify them.

Since it is an anti infantry mine, it is natural that the more it is set, the better, and the more chaotic it is set, the better. It is best to let the other party have no place to step down at all. In that way, it will not only greatly slow down the other party's forward speed, but also cause great psychological pressure to the other party.

Knowing his dangerous situation at the moment, Cheng Chong shivered and thought that he was in a messy landmine area at night. No matter who changed, he couldn't calm down and take it lightly.

But when he thought of Meng Lang, his captured comrade in arms, Cheng Chong was still very anxious. Anyway, he would save Meng Lang unharmed. Yes, anyway.

But at the moment, there are only two ways in front of Cheng Chong. One is to continue shooting forward and chasing, the other is to retreat from the original road, and then avoid the minefield and make a circuitous pursuit from the side.

Obviously, it is very dangerous to continue to shoot forward and pursue this road, because we have learned that the other party has set up anti infantry mines, so we must not roll in casually, because rolling in on the ground undoubtedly greatly increases the possibility of triggering mines.

If you stand up directly and impact forward quickly, even if you are lucky not to be killed by anti infantry mines, you will certainly be screened by the other party's dense fire points, and you will certainly be riddled with holes.

At the moment, in order to save his comrades in arms Meng Lang's Cheng Chong, he is fierce and not afraid of death, but not afraid of death does not mean that he will take the initiative to die. Those who take the initiative to die do not deserve to live in this world, especially in a dangerous and strange battlefield.

Naturally, Cheng Chong had only the second way to go.

He had to retreat the same way, then avoid the minefield and make a detour from the side.

But at the moment, he can't immediately implement it. The reason is very simple. He can't immediately roll back according to the original way, because for one thing, his hiding place is still covered by the fire of the group of armed elements, and it's impossible to roll into this tactical action after he knows that he has been in a minefield at the moment.

The reason why I dare to use it just now is that I did it without knowing it. The so-called unknown has nothing to fear! Once you know that you are in a minefield and roll around, you should not use the word courage, but the word stupidity, which is more appropriate.

At the moment, Cheng Chong not only couldn't retreat back immediately, but also couldn't shoot back. Because once you shoot back, you will immediately expose your fire point, and your hiding place will be exposed. Once his hiding place is exposed, he will be covered by the other party's endless fire.

At this time, having learned that he was in a minefield, he could no longer roll around without scruples like just now. Since you can't quickly transfer your shooting position, if you still shoot back, it will undoubtedly be a suicide attempt.

Fortunately, even if he doesn't shoot back at the moment, he is relatively safe for the time being. After all, there is still a chaotic minefield between the hostile sides. Although this minefield hinders Cheng Chong's way forward, it also provides him with a security guarantee.

After all, the mine does not distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. As long as it is triggered, even the immortal will detonate immediately within the specified time. It doesn't care who set it and what the purpose is. As for the enemy and us, it doesn't care.

Anyway, once they are set, don't touch it, otherwise whoever touches it will be unlucky, and whoever touches it will know.

In the dangerous and dangerous minefield, Cheng Chong can only lie still. At the moment, he can neither pursue bravely, nor retreat quickly, nor shoot back. He can only and have to continue to lie still and quietly wait for the armed elements to leave first.

At the moment, he is very helpless.

The purpose of the group of militants to delay his pursuit was finally achieved.

Fortunately, this particularly uncomfortable time did not last too long. After all, this group of armed elements aims to delay the rapid pursuit of chengchong, so as to protect the rapid evacuation of their own troops, rather than trying their best to kill him. After all, fighting in the dark jungle, a large number of people may not fully occupy the advantage, especially after all, It is inevitable that our people shoot each other by mistake.

So after the gunfire stopped for a moment, the violent gunfire of the group of militants began to become sparse, and finally subsided gradually.

Lying on the ground motionless for a long time, Cheng Chong saw that the gunfire had stopped and hurriedly raised his head to look back, but he saw that the armed elements had retreated behind them alternately in twos and threes, and the retreat speed was also very fast. A large part of the armed elements had already retreated and disappeared.

A burst of anxious Cheng Chong quickly and tentatively got up. When he saw that no one found him, he immediately backed away with the help of the dense bushes around him, taking the place he had just rolled into as the road.

After quickly retreating back for hundreds of meters, Cheng Chong boldly detoured to the side. Because the detour route was relatively far away, when Cheng Chong carefully avoided the minefield and quickly detoured back to the vicinity of the fierce battle of the group of armed elements just now, the group of armed elements had already retreated without a trace.

In the dark night, Cheng Chong lost his pursuit target for a moment. At the moment, he can only rely on the traces left by a large group of militants in the jungle as the only pointer. This is a very unfavorable thing for him, but he can only do so.

Taking advantage of these markers, which sometimes didn't exist, he continued to move forward quickly, and Cheng Chong chased forward for three or four kilometers, but there was still no trace of the group of militants, and the large number of militants seemed to disappear out of thin air.

What makes Cheng Chong feel more worried is that as he continues to move forward, the trees on the mountain become thinner and thinner, and even the bushes that have been hindering people's progress become fewer and fewer. As a result, the traces left by the group of militants passing by are relatively less and less.

In other words, at the moment, he is extremely easy to be exposed in this area with sparse vegetation. If the other party sets up one or two ambush points at the moment, Cheng Chong will undoubtedly become the most ideal target for the other party.

But Cheng Chong, who was already extremely anxious at the moment, couldn't care about these. He still mobilized almost all his physical strength and continued to run forward. At the moment, he had long ignored his own safety. The group of militants seemed to be concentrating on retreating, completely ignoring such a perfect ambush site and not making full use of the favorable terrain.

After a large flat area with few bushes, the traces of Cheng Chong's pursuit of the group of militants finally disappeared, or there are still traces, but in the dark night, the traces are too subtle and not so easy to find.

Cheng Chong, who was completely disoriented for a moment, did not stay where he was. Instead, he quickly climbed up a mountain with a wider field of vision, and then opened his eyes as wide as possible and tried to look around in the dark. However, under the thick night, he could only see the black shadow of the shorter mountain nearby and the virtual shadow of some tall trees, There is nothing else.

After trying to find out, Cheng Chong almost got nothing.

In the thick night, in the cool night wind, Cheng Chong, who lost his pursuit target but was anxious, began to feel a trace of uneasiness and helplessness, and even inexplicably tangled.

No, anyway, I must rescue Meng lang. no matter what price I pay, I must rescue him unharmed. I must. What's more, he was captured to cover me. If I can't save him, I swear I won't be a man.

But where are those damn militants? Where will they go?

Anxiety made him fidgety, but there was nothing he could do for a moment.

What should I do? What should I do?

Restless Cheng Chong repeatedly asked himself and tortured himself, but he didn't have a definite answer for the moment.

At the moment, Cheng Chong is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He is almost around the mountain.

He continuously tried to pursue in three directions, but he didn't run out a few steps each time. He quickly denied his choice. After all, no matter where he pursued, he was very bottomless.

no way! At this time, we can't panic, let alone hurry. The more we need to keep calm at this time, the more we can't panic at this time, because only when we are calm, can we make the most correct choice. If we just consume ourselves in vain, it will not help, and maybe we will miss the best time.

After taking a few deep breaths, Cheng Chong gradually regained consciousness, and then forced himself to calm down. He rubbed his temples on both sides and shook his head quickly, hoping to keep his mind clear, so as not to let his impatience affect his behavior at the moment.

However, just after Cheng Chong calmed down for a moment, a magical scene appeared. He only heard bursts of engine roar not far from the foot of the mountain. Even if he only listened to the sound, Cheng Chong could fully distinguish it. It was the sound made by the engine of a large truck.

At the moment, in this deserted mountain jungle, who can override several or more trucks is not the group of militants?

This group of bastards even used a small convoy so recklessly. No wonder they can safely maneuver such a large number of armed elements to such a dense mountain area. It turns out that they rely on trucks as their means of transportation!