Chapter 128

What does the bird mercenary leader want to do? Has the boy surnamed Cheng really been caught by him, or has he completely controlled it? It's impossible! If so, why don't they hand over the boy surnamed Cheng to us as soon as possible? So they can finish the task smoothly?

What medicine does the bird mercenary leader sell in the gourd? Or is it medicine?

Maimaiti, who followed the big black man, was always muttering and even suspicious.

What the hell is this bird mercenary leader doing?

"Desert scorpion, do you have any good way to see the boy surnamed Cheng?" Maimaiti, who followed him, still couldn't resist. He opened his mouth and asked at the same time.

"You'll know later!" The black man did not look back, but answered him coldly. In the case of suspense, his tone was very confident.

It was hard for Maimaiti to ask again, so he had to follow him out without saying a word.

They walked out of the richer courtyard in the village one after another, but walked straight to the entrance of the village. Along the way, armed elements sometimes jumped out of the hiding place to greet them or dared to gossip.

At the entrance of the village, the dignified black man gave an order. A moment later, several militants drove all the men, women, children and villagers of the whole village to the entrance of the village.

There are at least two or three hundred villagers in the whole village. At the moment, under the pressure of the gunmen, they push and shove together. Most of the men bow their heads and remain silent, while the women and children cry deeply. Their voices are extremely repressed. They don't dare to cry loudly if they want to.

Under the brutal threat of armed elements, the villagers collectively felt the fear of death for the first time.

At the moment, they are clearly a group of lambs to be slaughtered. They are clearly a piece of meat on a chopping board. They are slaughtered and have no power to fight back. This group of violent and vicious militants is the evil knife that is about to cut down on them.

A cold sadness began to spread among the crowd.

The frightened villagers hugged each other, snuggled up to each other, and comforted each other powerlessly. The repressive cries from time to time in the crowd constantly rendered and dotted the scene, so that all people who still have a trace of kindness will be heartbroken when they see this scene.

But the black man was not moved at all. Perhaps after many years of knife edge and blood adding life, he trained his iron heart as poisonous as snakes and scorpions. Perhaps his war machine with the sole purpose of money had no heart long ago, and even they could not be regarded as a complete person.

Because, for money, they can invest in any war that has nothing to do with them. For money, they can deprive anyone of their lives without asking any reason, including their own compatriots. They are completely inhuman. They are just a cold-blooded war machine.

They have a common name, called mercenaries. They exist only for money, they fight only for money, and nothing else.

But seeing the black man staring straight ahead, as if he was arrogantly provoking someone in front, he immediately took a bright big knife from the side. The heavy and white blade of this big knife still emits a cold and frightening light under the bright sun. The simple villagers, suddenly seeing this situation, felt more and more afraid and frightened.

The panic in the crowd became more and more intense. Many women and children were directly frightened to cry. They could only use the most primitive human instinct to vent their fear and fear.

The black man was not softened by this, but when he saw his face, a surge of murderous spirit poured out of him and stretched out his hand to the crowd. A middle-aged man was easily pulled out of the crowd by him, and then took advantage of the situation. The middle-aged man sat directly on the ground, trembling. Under the threat of fear, he couldn't control himself at all.

Then there was a commotion in the crowd. It was the middle-aged man's relatives who were struggling. However, their struggle would not play a role in front of this group of basically inhuman militants. Naturally, they could not get a trace of pity and sympathy.

A disdainful smile came out of the corners of the black man's mouth, and then the big knife waved, and the miserable white big knife was put on the man's neck. Without stopping for a moment, the big knife quickly turned in his hand, and made a sudden force at the same time.

Between the lightning and flint, but I heard a hiss.

After a frightening sound of cutting meat and bones with a sharp blade, the middle-aged man's right arm was directly unloaded with his shoulder. Then, the high-pressure circulating blood in the human body was directly sprayed out and sprayed all over the ground as if it had burst a dike.

Because the speed was so fast, the middle-aged man didn't react at first. When he saw that one of his arms had been unloaded, he was immediately stunned. A moment later, he instinctively protected the wound on the right with his left hand and cried.

That kind of miserable and soul stirring wailing deeply hurt everyone present, except for this group of heartless armed elements.

The crowd began a series of commotion, and the cry and roar became stronger and stronger, but then they were forced down again under the roaring gunfire of this group of inhuman militants.

However, two old men still pushed forward and rushed out of the crowd.

They are the parents of this middle-aged man and all the parents who are eager to protect their children in the world. They are not afraid of all threats and fears. Although they have long been white haired and old at the moment, their hearts will never change and will not change until they die.

Unfortunately, the two old men's courage did not save their son's life, but more and more stimulated the black man, thus accelerating the death of the middle-aged man.

But when he saw the black man, his eyebrows frowned, the flesh of his face moved stiffly, and a sneer worse than crying appeared on his face.

At the same time, the big knife in his hand suddenly turned, and the backhand was a knife. The sharp blade directly cut off the middle-aged man's throat. Because the blade was too sharp, the black man exerted enough force. After a knife, the middle-aged man's head was shaky, and there was no need to say anything else.

The middle-aged man was cut off because of the big artery in his throat. He suddenly burst into blood and was red. He immediately fell into a pool of bright red blood and stopped moving in an instant. A living human life, a strong and prosperous man, died in the field in a moment, and there was no time to say a word to his relatives in front of him.

The whole scene was extremely bloody and sad.

A series of screams and frightened cries burst out in the crowd. The adults did not forget to cover their children's eyes under the condition of panic and fear. After all, this extremely bloody scene is not suitable for children. Once it falls into any young eye, I'm afraid it will become a lifelong nightmare for this young soul. The resulting spiritual damage may not be healed and cured in a lifetime.

"Beast! You beast..." the father of the middle-aged man, his eyes wide open and angry, roared and rushed at the black man with his bare hands and recklessly with the bravery of an old hunter.

However, the black man still looked straight at the old man. He almost didn't blink. He cut out a knife from the oblique stab and split it on the heartbroken father's shoulder impartially. The sharp and ruthless blade slanted from the old man's left shoulder and hit the old man's chest.

Although the injury was extremely serious at the moment, the strong old hunter did not die immediately. Instead, he held the blade with both hands, and was still angry, yelling and yelling at the top of his voice, trying to make the last fight. The old man hunted and killed countless animals in his life. Now it is the last time to fight with animals.

However, at the moment, he was old, weak and seriously injured. How could he be the opponent of the giant black man in front of him? For a moment, under the extremely sharp and ruthless blade, the heroic old hunter fell down very reluctantly, his eyes were still trying to open, and his face was full of anger.

Seeing her son and his wife fall into a pool of blood one after another, the elderly woman suddenly seemed to encounter the most sad and sad thing in the world. Her almost dull eyes burst out with infinite anger. She mourned and staggered to launch a hysterical roar and attack on the black man who took the lives of her son and his wife, Even the most primitive and instinctive bite.

But the cold-blooded black man still stabbed the heartbroken mother and heartbroken wife without blinking or jumping. She was also ruthlessly cut off the main artery by the sharp handle. Exhausted, she almost didn't struggle, so she died in anger.

Blood was also left quietly, and a strong smell of blood filled the whole village.

The crowd began to stir out of control. Many young and strong boys rushed out of the crowd in a rage and fought the militants with their bare hands with their courage to deal with wild animals. However, no matter how brave, bloody or experienced they were, However, with their bare hands, it is impossible for them to defeat fully armed and extremely cold-blooded and cruel militants.

The young lives soon lost their vitality and color in the hands of these crazy armed elements. In the confrontation with the mobs, the heroic young lives did their due responsibility to defend their homes to the death.

However, the killing of brutal armed elements continues, and the bleeding of border people has not stopped

Maimaiti, who has been watching coldly, now probably understands the real intention of the black man. Similarly, he is cold-blooded and ruthless. Instead, he appreciates the extremely bloody scene in front of him, as if he appreciates some art. The creator of all evil figurines even feels a little dissatisfied, so he doesn't hesitate to kill himself.

At the moment, it seems that the village is not in the world, but in the hell of terrible ghosts.

This group of unarmed border people were reduced to a group of lambs to be slaughtered under the butcher's knife of the evil spirits. In an instant, the whole village was filled with cries, wails, shouts and abuse, and rushed into the sky.

The hysterical cry of the crowd and the wailing of the dying struggle made everyone who still had a heart tremble and filled with grief and indignation.

"His father -" a young mother with a child in her arms suddenly struggled out of the crowd and rushed to the fallen middle-aged man in mourning and despair. But just as she rushed out of the crowd and didn't reach the place where her husband fell to the ground. A militant standing behind her raised his evil butcher's knife without hesitation, and cut at the young mother's back without blinking.

Then there was another knife, which accurately cut the harm of the young mother. In an instant, the sad and angry young mother, after her husband, fell in a pool of blood.

However, she still held the child in her arms with her hands, refused to relax at all, resisted the sharp knife with her weak body, and tried her best to protect the child in her arms who did not know what had happened in the world.

But the armed man did not give up, but turned the fallen mother over with all his conscience, raised the evil butcher's knife in his hand, and cut off the child who was still crying in his mother's arms.


Sooner or later, a sharp air breaking sound sounded fiercely. A rotating warhead roared out from a hiding place three or four hundred meters away, rolled up a breath of death, and roared to the armed man. Unexpectedly, it hit the arm of such an armed man with a knife very accurately.

Yes, at the moment, Cheng Chong, who has endured for a long time, finally couldn't help making a move and didn't hesitate to expose himself.

And the black man's plot has finally succeeded at the moment.