Chapter 150

In the next few days, as expected, Yu Yue never came to change their dressing and treat their wounds again. They asked the nurse who came to replace Yu Yue, and they knew that Yu Yue had indeed been transferred. As for the main reason why she was transferred and which unit she was transferred to, the nurse who replaced her couldn't say a reason.

In short, Yu Yue was really transferred and his whereabouts were unknown

They had no better way, so they had to give it up for the time being.

Meng Lang was depressed about this for a long time. He often sighed with elusive truth and falsehood: "before we can get together, we have gone from place to place. My God! You can really make fun of people!"

Cheng Chong often teases him with both true and false: "that's because you are a rotten man. You don't deserve our class. They have a good cabbage. Merciful God can't bear to let you be arched..."

Anyway, these two people are mixed together, all over the world, talking nonsense, and none of them is doing well.

Fortunately, both of them suffered only skin and flesh injuries and did not hurt important muscles and bones. Therefore, in ten days and a half months, both of them recovered and were discharged from the hospital.

In fact, Cheng Chong suffered minor injuries and could have been discharged from the hospital long ago. However, company commander Yu zhanhu sympathized and asked Cheng Chong to stay in the hospital to recover from the injury. At the same time, he also took care of Meng Lang, who was injured in his leg and had difficulty in moving. This is killing two birds with one stone.

Cheng Chong and Meng Lang were discharged from the hospital and returned to the company. Company commander Yu zhanhu gathered the officers and soldiers of the whole company as if to welcome the two great heroes and welcome them back in triumph. At the same time, at the collective meeting of officers and soldiers of the company, company commander Yu zhanhu stood on the podium in the conference room and delivered a passionate speech with interest:

"Comrades, these two boys, ha! They are Cheng Chong and Meng Lang, who contributed a lot to the success of our blue army in this exercise! As we all know, in the later stage of the exercise, our blue army suffered a great loss, our regiment, including our company, suffered heavy losses, and our sharp knife reconnaissance company was almost exhausted. At that time, my heart was so anxious ! If you want to curse your mother, you can't find a fucking place... "

All the officers and men of the company could not help laughing.

Smiled and paused for a moment, Company commander Yu zhanhu continued: "There's no way. Where is the situation of the two hostile sides? It's no use even trying to scold your mother. Later, it was the idea of our commander. In a rage, he also sent a small team to infiltrate secretly, go deep behind the enemy, and give them a sneak attack and destruction. What's this called? It's called treating others with their own way. Those heads and brains of the Red Army , if you want to break your head, you won't think that we will use their methods to deal with themselves... Hey hey! "

"That's right for us. What does our sharp knife reconnaissance company do? That's what we do! Isn't it? Secret infiltration, going deep behind the enemy, sneaking attack and destruction, capturing prisoners, precision attack on important enemy targets, etc. aren't these all subjects we train and compete repeatedly at ordinary times? Hehe!"

At the moment, Yu zhanhu's left hand inserted into his waist, and his right hand cooperated with the relevant limb movements. He waved back and forth in front of him and said with flying eyebrows and spitting.

All the officers and men of the company under the stage were intoxicated and happy.

"We have only sent two reconnaissance teams. We already know about the personnel. They are Xiao Yong, the monitor of class 1, ye Xiaochuan, the deputy of class 1, and two first-class soldiers, Cheng Chong and Meng lang. Hey! These four people are worthy of being soldiers of our sharp knife reconnaissance company, and even more worthy of being soldiers of our sharp knife reconnaissance company. Hey hey! They have fulfilled their mission and fulfilled their great trust. No But it destroyed the artillery position of the Red Army in one fell swoop, and also took advantage of the situation to destroy the Red Army headquarters! It was our Cheng Chong and Meng Lang who destroyed the Red Army headquarters. "

"Hey, hey! They really dare to think and do, and they have done a great job. This time, they have won glory for our company and our regiment. Because of this, the stalemate between our blue army and the Red Army has been reversed. In an instant, we, who were at a disadvantage, soon occupied an absolute advantage and won the military exercise An all-round victory. I dare not say anything else, but these two people, one third class merit, are indispensable. As for other rewards, wait until the end of the year... "

Although company commander Yu zhanhu was elated and spiteful on the stage and praised the four people who carried out the secret operation, he never mentioned the things that Cheng Chong and Meng Lang disappeared out of thin air for a day and night and were injured, as if these things didn't exist at all, or even if they existed, they were taken for granted, There is no need for any other explanation.

Only after the collective meeting of the company's officers and soldiers ended, company commander Yu zhanhu called Cheng Chong and Meng Lang to their office and had a secret conversation with the two babies.

"OK! I've finished what I should say. Now it's time to talk about what happened behind you. Remember, say it all word by word, and then write a detailed report and hand it in. Remember, be as detailed as possible and don't leave anything behind, okay?" After sitting down, company commander Yu zhanhu took a deep breath, which restrained his eyebrows and said to them calmly.

Hearing the company commander say so, Cheng Chong and Meng Lang can naturally perceive the significance of the matter, which involves a wide range. They must be treated very carefully and seek truth from facts without a trace of carelessness and carelessness.

They carefully recalled almost all the things that happened day and night, and made a detailed report to the company commander.

From how the "prisoner" was escorted away from the squad leader and deputy squad leader that night, to how they met the group of militants, and then the "prisoner" was killed on the spot. Meng Lang was unfortunately captured. Cheng Chong followed the enemy Oh, the convoy, how to secretly infiltrate into the village, and then rescue Meng Lang, and so on, they both reported to the company commander word by word

It was not until this time that Cheng Chong knew the hardships Meng Lang had suffered after he was captured and the evil and malice of those damn militants. Meng Lang also knew how Cheng Chong overcame many difficulties, risked his life, went to danger alone and broke through the enemy's checkpoints. It was a narrow escape that saved him, and so on.

When it comes to the thrilling place, the other two will sweat hard for it, and when it comes to the smooth and dripping place, the other two will also express their joy happily

Although they stayed in the hospital together for more than ten days, they kept silent on this matter very tacitly during their hospitalization. Having been in the army for a long time, the army's sense of confidentiality has almost penetrated into their bone marrow. They know what it is not to say or ask.

Only at this time can they confide the secrets hidden in their hearts.

After listening to the two people carefully explain the whole story, company commander Yu zhanhu made a concluding speech, The tone is as usual serious and solemn: "This matter has been made clear here. So far, everyone will write a detailed report and I will hand it in. You are both veterans now, and I don't need to emphasize some aspects. We soldiers are like this. Many things involve not only ourselves, but the country. So even if we have experienced the hottest in the world The most wonderful and incredible things can only rot in your stomach. You can't say it to anyone, let alone spread it at will, okay? "

"Yes!" Cheng Chong and Meng Lang replied solemnly.

Yu zhanhu smiled with satisfaction and then asked calmly, "you two must be wondering. You two had an accident during the exercise. Why did we detect the abnormality after a whole day and night, didn't we?"

Listening to the company commander's words, Cheng Chong and Meng Lang looked at each other, and then said frankly, "yes!"

"We should have found it that night, but it was at the most critical moment when the red and blue sides were fighting, and you two didn't carry individual communication equipment. The exercise area was extremely broad and the terrain was very complex. We thought you two met the close obstruction of the Red Army or something, and the secret operation team lost contact occasionally It's a very normal thing, so I don't care too much. "

"We didn't see you two coming back until 10 pm the next day after the exercise. At this time, I learned that you two met a large group of armed elements organized by Yidong. I had repeatedly asked my superiors to fight and asked our sharp knife reconnaissance company to go out and wipe out the armed elements, but I didn't know Our repeated requests were not allowed by our superiors. "

Yu zhanhu paused for a moment, Then he said: "Later, I learned that it was a dangerous jungle battle, and it was also a night battle. There were many people, but it was inconvenient, and it was likely to be exploited by the enemy. After careful consideration and consideration, the superior leader finally moved the bird brigade, ER! The Falcon special brigade, and then rushed to the battlefield at a very fast speed, almost annihilating it at the cost of almost zero casualties It seems that only a few mercenaries escaped the border, and all the other militants were wiped out. "

"It can be seen that the superior leader's judgment is correct. The bird brigade did kill that large group of armed elements with the fastest speed, the least cost and the most hidden way. If we were allowed to go out, I can't guarantee that we can complete the task so well like the bird brigade. I know it well. As for the details behind it You both know the festival and the specific situation better than me, so I won't say... "

In a few words, Yu zhanhu explained the whole story clearly. After that, he stared at his eyes and almost heard Cheng Chong and Meng Lang.

At this point, Cheng Chong and Meng Lang understood the truth of the matter, what happened behind the things they didn't know that day and night, and the reason why the bird brigade went out quickly. At this time, the two people had a bit of a sudden realization and the original feeling.

"Well, that's it. Let's make it clear what to say and what little secrets. You can't mutter outside afterwards. Even when you two are together, you have to keep it secret. Can you do it?" Yu zhanhu said solemnly and solemnly.

"Yes!" They replied in unison again.

"However, company commander, since you said so, I have one more thing. Can I ask Cheng Chong in front of you now?" Just after answering, Meng Lang encouraged his courage, looked at Yu zhanhu, and then asked tentatively.

In fact, from Cheng Chong's last injury and hospitalization to now, this problem has been pressing in his heart. He can't ask Cheng Chong, nor can he easily doubt it. It's like a lump in his throat. He's long wanted to spit it out.

"That's good! If you have any questions, ask Cheng Chong this time in front of me! But only this time, once the matter is clear and out of the door, you can't mention it privately, let alone easily to anyone else." Yu zhanhu thought carefully for a moment and agreed to Meng Lang's request. After all, some things are better to be clear.

Moreover, the two of them have experienced some things together this time. If they have any questions in their hearts, it's better to make them clear in front of themselves, so as not to let them speak out in private.

"Well, thank you, company commander!" Meng Lang politely thanked the company commander, then turned his head to Cheng Chong, He asked a question that had been pressing on his mind: "Cheng Chong, I just want to know what you were injured and hospitalized last time? What did you experience at the plateau border post? You seem to know very well about the tactics and combat effectiveness of the militants. I think you have changed a lot after you went to the plateau for several months. What is the reason?"

Meng Lang asked several questions in a series. In fact, these questions are only one question in Cheng Chong, which is related to the matter.

In fact, this matter has always been pressing on Cheng Chong's mind. He also knows very well that Meng Lang has long wanted to know this matter. If he was not a soldier and this matter was not widely involved, he might have shared it with Meng Lang long ago.

Cheng Chong looked at company commander Yu zhanhu in some embarrassment. He couldn't make up his mind.

Yu zhanhu immediately understood. He thought carefully for a moment and said blandly, "say it! Say it! Some words are good. However, I have something to say first. After this matter is said here, you two won't mention it again, because the fewer people know about some things, the better, not only for the thing itself, but also for those who shouldn't know."

Cheng Chong saw the company commander say so, so there was nothing to worry about.

He then told the important things he had encountered at the half moon corner post, from the sneak attack of the half moon corner post by the ITO organization, to his injury, and finally to how he sneaked attack alone, as well as the destruction of the entire secret base of the ITO organization.

Hearing this, Meng Lang was once again shocked by what Cheng Chong had experienced. He had already vaguely known that Cheng Chong must have experienced something unusual.

But what he never expected was that this good comrade in arms and brother, who often laughed with himself and talked nonsense all over the world, had experienced so many things, had experienced so many dangers, and showed such bravery and courage.

In order to win and have a firm belief in your heart, you can push forward regardless of everything. No matter what you encounter, no matter how much danger you encounter, you will not hesitate to move forward, and you will never stop until you achieve your goal.

At the moment, while he was relieved, Meng Lang had more admiration and admiration for his heroic and courageous Cheng Chong, so he had to give a thumbs up to his face, praise him a few words and praise him heartily.

In the future, the personal relationship between him and Cheng Chong will naturally become more iron and stronger. If this matter were put aside in ancient times, the relationship between them could be described as a cut throat friend.

And this is what company commander Yu zhanhu wants to see.