Chapter 179

The icy river that soaked people's skin, turbulent and endless. It seems to roll forward tirelessly, just like fleeting time, never stop, go its own way, completely free from any external factors.

Under the cool moonlight in late autumn, the fast flowing river dozens of meters wide is sparkling with a clear and dark cold light. At first glance, people can't help but shudder. At the same time, they suddenly have goose bumps to resist the cold.

In the cold waves, four soldiers with only one head exposed, relying on their tenacious willpower and their unyielding endurance, fought resolutely with the cold river and their primitive instincts.

The four soldiers are struggling to overcome the great test given to them by nature and tenaciously resist the almost unbearable cold.

They persist tenaciously, they endure unyielding, they overcome strongly

All the people clenched their teeth and their muscles were as tight as iron walls. However, no one squeaked, sighed and complained because of the cold. Thanks to the small field ration given to them by the bird brigade, they have provided rare energy to help their bodies support and carry hard.

The soldiers' strong style, abnormal self-esteem and the characteristics of hard work, tenacity and patience make them freeze to death even in the cold river. I will never admit defeat and bear, let alone admit that I am a useless and incompetent coward.

Rao is under such bad conditions. Everyone is holding a breath and secretly competing with each other to see who can bear it most, who can carry it most, and who is the strongest and tenacious. Although everyone instinctively shivered, shivered and excited from time to time, no one admitted that it was because of the cold!

In contrast, at the moment, only Xiao Yong suffered the most severe and violent pain. In addition to the need to resist the cold imposed by the cold river like others, the old disease on his legs was imposed on him because of the fierce stimulation of the cold. It was incomparable and almost difficult to describe it in ordinary words.

But the old scout, who had been a soldier for eight years, only had to tighten his teeth and endured with a kind of endurance that ordinary people can't imagine. Except sometimes, when he can't stand it, his face occasionally shows a spasm like a cramp, and sometimes he beats disharmoniously on his firm face. However, he will soon be forced down by his abnormal willpower.

As if nothing had happened.

The trend of the river, like the analysis before Cheng Chong, did go straight West after bypassing the southern end of the steep mountain. The direction directly points to the destination of the four people participating in the special forces selection, as if it was specially set up for the four people.

Fortunately, Cheng Chong was right this time! Uh! It should be said that he was right in his analysis.

Seeing that Cheng Chong's analysis and choice were correct, the sullen breath that had been pressing on the heart of the seventh squad leader naturally disappeared with the running water.

It seems that I have been wrong about this boy!

Although this two-year soldier has not been a soldier for a long time and has participated in far less training than himself, he has rich combat experience and extraordinary insight. He can often directly grasp the key parts of the problem and come up with solutions to the problem at the fastest speed. It's really not easy.

If you polish well in the future, your future will be unlimited!

Seeing that they had already bypassed the mountain pass at the moment, they had left behind those who had blocked their bird brigade. The seventh squad leader endured the cold of the river, opened his almost frozen lips, and whispered a joke: "ha! I can't think this method is really effective! Even if the people of the bird brigade want to break their heads, they can't think that we have gone with the wind and water, thousands of miles a day! Bye!"

While talking, the seventh squad leader put one hand on the dry trunk and waved one hand behind him, as if he were saying goodbye to the people of the bird brigade. His face was full of irrecoverable satisfaction.

"Didn't you just rush up and fight with them? How can you say that now? That's not what you said just now!" Still some unwilling Meng Lang quickly took his words and joked half true and half false.

"Just now is just now, now is now, this moment is another moment!" The seventh squad leader smiled indifferently, Instead, he seemed to be intoxicated and continued: "it's not like now! Not only do you don't need your legs to drive hard, but also you can take a good bath, ah! Guys, we haven't taken a bath for several days! We've been smelling of sweat for a long time! Now, you can take a good bath. Where else is there a bigger and better natural bath in the world?"

The seventh squad leader put one hand on the dry trunk. Under the condition of ensuring that he did not sink, one hand was still pretending to rub up, as if he were really taking a bath in the bathtub.

Moreover, at first glance, this guy seems to enjoy it.

"Aren't you cold?" Meng Lang smiled and asked the key point.

Everyone's eyes immediately followed Meng Lang's words and turned to the seventh squad leader.

But the seventh squad leader was calm and unhurried. He didn't take this problem seriously at all, He replied in a very relaxed tone: "cold! Of course it's cold! But it's better to be cold! As soon as the body is cold, the surface temperature will drop, and as soon as our surface temperature drops. Then all the infrared detectors specially set up for us by the bird brigade will lose their function!"

When they heard this, they were stunned! I can't imagine that at the moment, this looks like a fool. No good seven squad leaders actually have this consideration. Realistically speaking, what he said is really reasonable. As soon as their body surface temperature drops, the infrared detectors originally set by the bird brigade according to normal conditions will all lose their function!

However, Cheng Chong has long considered this issue. When he asked everyone to show only one head outside, he had this consideration. Moreover, he thought more deeply, more complicated and more detailed than the seventh squad leader.

The seventh squad leader was talking vigorously. When he was about to dance proudly, a spray hit directly at his open mouth. He drank several mouthfuls of cold water and coughed for several times.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Yong and Meng Lang couldn't help laughing, which made the scene bigger without realizing it.

Cheng Chong, who was worried about this, finally spoke: "although we can effectively avoid the infrared detector of the bird brigade, we still can't be careless, especially the voice. From now on, if there's nothing necessary, it's best not to speak, so as not to disturb the people of the bird brigade who may ambush on the shore! Understand?"

"And --" Cheng Chong continued to whisper: "We have to keep our strength as much as possible, transfer our backpacks to our chest and hold them tightly. In this way, we can reduce the flow of water from our chest as much as possible, so as to slow down the loss of our body temperature. As long as the body temperature of our chest can be guaranteed as much as possible, we can stay in the water for more time!"

"How long do we have to stay in the water?" Xiao Yong, who had a painful leg, immediately asked. In fact, this problem is also concerned by others. Because in such cold water, no one wants to stay one more second for no reason.

Seeing the monitor Xiao Yong asking, Cheng Chong thought to himself for a moment and looked around, Then he replied, "according to the speed of the water flow, I don't think it's a problem to walk more than ten or twenty kilometers an hour. After careful calculation, we probably have to stay in the water for two or three hours. Of course, it depends on the specific situation. Maybe the river turns, maybe we can't stand it? It may end at any time."

He shook his numb face, breathed a long sigh of relief and fought a cold war, Cheng Chong continued: "So we'd better keep our physical strength and physical fitness as much as possible, hold our backpacks tightly in front of our chest and curl up as much as possible to slow down the loss of body temperature. At that time, we'll fight as long as we can fight, and we'll fight as long as we can. If there's nothing wrong, we won't make any noise or sound at will. So as not to consume our body Yes, and it's easy to be found by the people of the bird brigade that may ambush on both sides of the Strait. "

At the moment, although Cheng Chong is not the captain of the team or the person in charge of the team, he seems to have become the backbone of the whole team. At the moment, the weight of his speech has almost exceeded that of Xiao Yong, the leader of the team.

This is the prestige and authority gradually established by relying on personal ability and insight in practical action, which has nothing to do with the length of service and position. Just like the leadership produced in practice, it has an unshakable position in everyone's mind.

Cheng Chong's words immediately quieted the scene. Everyone quickly did what Cheng Chong said. Without saying another word, they all cheered up, stared quietly at the direction of the water, and rolled forward along the water

The pale bright moon hung alone in the bright sky, spreading its faint light evenly to the earth. The whole world in the dark, under such moonlight, seems illusory and ethereal, with outstanding shadows, like ghosts and ghosts.

On the wide river, it became very quiet in an instant, and the four people did not easily make a sound any more. Everyone curls up his body as much as possible and tries to reduce the contact surface with the cold river water, so as to reduce the loss of his own heat.

At the same time, everyone is concentrating. In addition to always paying attention to all the wind and grass along the coast, they put all their physical strength and energy on resisting the cold, and dare not relax at all.

On the wide river surface, only the sound of the rapid river rushing forward occasionally hit the rocks on the bank that hinder their way, making a hollow sound or two. The rolling river seems to race against time, running and swirling, surging forward every minute

As the immersion time in the cold river became longer and longer, the four people's body temperature, which was already sleepy, lost more and more seriously. Everyone changed from cold to cold, and finally from cold to not cold. They have been numb with cold, and some parts of their bodies have long lost consciousness!

However, the soldiers' almost abnormal self-esteem prompted them to clench their teeth, tighten their muscles, support, carry and endure under such difficult conditions

No one utters a word, no one squeaks, and no one complains

At the moment, although their whole body is as cold as frost, there is a pot of fire in their hearts, a pot of fire proud of their identity.

They always remember that they are a soldier, an upright soldier and an iron blooded soldier of China. As an iron blooded soldier in China, he has always been courageous and fearless. Even if you go up the knife mountain or down the sea of fire, you don't even blink your eyes and frown.

For soldiers, especially those with strong iron bones, there has never been suffering that they can't eat, crime that they can't stand, or pain that they can't stand. No matter what happens, no matter what happens, even if you lose your teeth, you should smile and swallow it in your stomach.

Quan Dang swallowed a very ordinary saliva