Chapter 189

The official name of the bird brigade is Falcon special brigade, sometimes Falcon special assault brigade. This is a real special force. Founded at the end of last century, in order to deal with the dangerous and complex battlefield in southern Xinjiang and various complex situations in the world at that time, it came into being and developed rapidly.

She is a resounding trump card in the Chinese army and a sharp sword in the hands of the motherland and the people. She is like the patron saint of countless Chinese children, guarding the ancient and vast Chinese land day and night, and always defending the ancient and great Chinese nation.

Even in the world, she enjoys a high reputation. She is a very strong, very strong existence.

Of course, most of these world-renowned reputations and auras come from some general concepts, or the so-called facts of some military fans or some media, or even the so-called facts with ulterior motives.

Special forces are highly confidential and mysterious. It does not need, let alone show the world its particularity and mystery without reservation. Hiding is the theme of almost all special forces in the world.

The purpose of doing so is to make the enemy elusive forever, so that at the critical moment, the enemy can be solved cleanly with the power of lightning and the power of thunder, with an extremely fast and shocking speed. Even though the enemy has been solved, the enemy is still in the drum and can't figure out what happened.

There are three reasons why she got her name from the name "bird brigade", which sounds less elegant:

First of all, this is due to their eye-catching armband embroidered with winged eagles. No matter how strong, tough and stand out from the crowd, it can not be separated from the category of birds after all.

The officers and soldiers in the army are sometimes extremely poor and bored. They do not quarrel with each other or take advantage of each other's words. That is simply intolerable. A good Falcon special brigade came and went, but it was called a bird brigade by these less serious officers and soldiers, and it was catchy. It was much easier than its original name.

Especially those officers and soldiers who suffered losses from the bird brigade in the exercise confrontation, shouted more and more frequently and cheerfully. It seems that if you call again, you can get some kind of psychological balance in your heart.

Secondly, the name of the bird brigade is inseparable from their strong combat effectiveness. In the words of the army, they are really "birds". Once the general conventional forces encounter them unfortunately, they will only be abused and crushed.

Sometimes, before the formation was opened and the drums were beating against the gongs, they were somehow crippled by the haunting bird brigade. Commanders and fighters at all levels only have to pat their hips and stare at their mothers.

They are very "birds", so they get the name bird brigade, which is worthy of the name.

Again, this is also one of the main reasons why they got the name bird brigade. At the beginning of the formation of the bird brigade, the first captain put forward a new and even shocking hard and fast rule for all the officers and soldiers participating in the election.

He even lined up the public opinion and asked every soldier in the brigade to be a "bird soldier". At least he had to do some "bird things" that ordinary people can't do, and everyone must have some "bad deeds" that can't be on the table.

In the vernacular of the army, he wants some mischievous soldiers. Yes, he wants some solid spearhead soldiers, who are not so easy to tame.

For a long time, this new regulation of the Falcon special brigade has aroused great criticism and even slander from many people in the army. However, countless facts have unexpectedly proved that the first captain is actually right, and his hard rule is actually correct and very reasonable.

This also coincides with the truth in reality: most good children are worthless.

Ordinary people can only see the bad on the surface of naughty children. How many people can see the good in the heart of naughty children?

In the final analysis, this is a double-edged sword. As long as it is used properly, it can certainly produce great power.

Facts have also proved countless times that children who are often naughty and mischievous have a lively mind, have many ideas, are simply uneasy, play cards with common sense, and are often taken by surprise, bringing unexpected accidents and surprises.

This is only the basic condition for becoming an excellent special forces soldier.

An honest soldier can be a good soldier no matter what he does step by step, but he will never be an excellent special forces soldier.

On the battlefield, such soldiers will also tenaciously kill the enemy. They can even stick to their positions step by step until the last second of their life.

But such soldiers, like those mischievous soldiers, will never be elusive to the enemy. And they don't know what they are thinking and what they will do next.

Will they suddenly appear at the enemy's most unexpected time and place, so as to give the enemy the most deadly blow cleanly?

This is probably the main reason why Falcon special brigade is called bird brigade.

Almost all the special forces of the Falcon special brigade have done some "dirty" or "mischievous" things that are not on the table, but are very suitable for blowing bulls and talking to each other. They have more or less had some naughty experience.

However, they are also warm-blooded, flexible, strong, unconventional, and absolutely loyal to the motherland and the people. For the interests of the motherland and the people, he is willing to give everything at any time

Falcon special brigade can be called the distribution center of bird soldiers, so it also has the reputation of bird soldier concentration camp.

However, these appellations are the appellations of other army officers and soldiers to the Falcon special combat brigade. All officers and soldiers in the Falcon special combat brigade will never call themselves so. Moreover, in the Falcon special brigade, the word "bird" is almost taboo, sometimes even to the point of nervousness.

Like Ah Q with a scab on his head, he taboos all scabs and light.

So, in the Falcon special brigade, it created a wonderful scene of birds flying in thousands of mountains.

This can be seen from Wang Yao's first lecture to the officers and soldiers who have passed the initial selection on behalf of the whole brigade.

On that day, five officers and soldiers, including Cheng Chong and Meng Lang, who passed the primary election, staggered into the special combat vehicle of the bird brigade, and then staggered all the way around the dense jungle for a long time. It was not until the evening that we arrived at a very simple and natural training ground of the bird brigade.

Obviously, this training ground still retains many primitive and natural features. There are not many human whereabouts and traces here. It is surrounded by dense primitive jungles. As far as you can see, all you can see are trees, dense tree crowns, and all kinds of unnamed green vegetation.

It is such a remote corner that has been almost forgotten by all mankind. It was attracted by the bird brigade with insight and beads. Almost without any repair, it retains its original style and is used as a military training ground.

It is not only economical and affordable, but also green, organic and pollution-free. You can kill many birds with one arrow, eh! I forgot to say that people in the bird brigade taboo the word bird.

After arriving at the destination, the five people who were extremely tired staggered out of the car again. Under the cry of several special forces, the five of them then gathered in a square of about 50 people.

These 50 or so people have been carefully selected from all over the country, military regions, troops and even arms through the primary election of the bird brigade.

At the moment, everyone seems extremely tired, and everyone's face is full of fatigue. At the same time, everyone's face seems to have some numbness in urgent need of rest, as well as the loss of what to do when they first arrive in a strange place.

After the simple formation of the team, Captain Shi Rui said a few routine words with his hands on his back. Then he handed over the tired man of fifty to Wang Yao standing on the side. But he walked away as if he had nothing to do.

Black face should have black face man Wang Yao!

Because in the next three months, Lieutenant Wang Yao was specifically responsible for managing and practicing these 50 people. Wang Yao has the final say in how to train, how to practice and how to temper. Even those who should be eliminated and those who should be left behind, his opinions will account for a certain weight.

When Cheng Chong and Meng Lang heard this arrangement, they couldn't help but tighten their hearts. They thought that not long ago, they completely subdued Wang Yao and were firmly tied into a zongzi. Their hearts couldn't help but be a cold war. They couldn't help clicking.

However, at the moment, Wang Yaogen didn't have time to talk to them. They were also decadent and tired. They stood in the team and listened vaguely to Wang yaona's energetic and impassioned lectures.

"I know you bastards secretly call our brigade a bird brigade, and I know you bastards call all the brothers of our brigade bird soldiers. However, it doesn't matter! You're not much better than us. You know, we explicitly call all your officers and soldiers who come to the selection rubbish. However, we don't call you you now It's rubbish because you've passed our primary. Well, Congratulations, you have been successfully promoted to waste... "After that, Wang Yao looked back at the other comrades in arms standing beside him and smiled proudly.

The special forces also smiled knowingly in response.

Because the bird brigade taboo birds, they did not call these officers and soldiers who had passed the primary election "rookies". As for the specific titles of these officers and soldiers, the people of the bird brigade are full of randomness and randomness. They play on the spot, call them what they think, what idiots, assholes, garbage, even like melons, fruits and vegetables, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and so on.

Anyway, it's called what's easy to say, what's easy to say, what's easy to say, and what's easy to say. At the same time, it can add some blocking and anger to these trained people. It's almost free of taboos.

This is very normal in the army and has almost become an unwritten rule. For example, veterans often have to call recruits recruits' eggs or raw melons and eggs, which has little practical significance.

And it sounds like it's insulting. In fact, it's really insulting.

However, those who were disciplined could not have the slightest opinion or any emotion. What the other party's name is, you have to answer immediately. If you answer slowly, the other party will have opinions. If you answer in a low voice, you have to start again at the top of your voice. There is no reason to speak.

Every trained officer and soldier, when he comes here, must first learn patience, forced patience, which can only be swallowed in his stomach even if he breaks his teeth. All of them learned this subject when they were still in their recruit companies.

"Since you call us bird brigade and bird soldier at the same time, you still cry and shout to drill into our brigade. Tell yourself, are you a duplicity garbage and a duplicity waste?" Wang Yao turned his head and said with a fierce look at the crowd.

Although the officers and soldiers trained by all were tired, when they heard Wang yaoru speak like this, there were still a lot of noise in the crowd, resulting in weak waves.

"Are you still a little dissatisfied, aren't you?" As soon as Wang Yaohu's eyes were received, he looked at this group of tired officers and soldiers indifferently, Continue to say word by word: "I'll tell you this group of waste, you can refuse anywhere, but don't refuse in front of me, don't refuse in our brigade. What we specialize in is all kinds of refusal. Those who don't believe can have the courage to try! Let's see if we can clean you up?"

Hearing Wang Yao's words like this, the noise in the team was immediately suppressed, and everyone became quiet and solemn.

Seeing that the scene was completely quiet, Wang yaotie turned blue and then said, "don't think everything is all right because you have passed our primary election. I tell you, you're still far from it? Now it's just the beginning, and the long march has just taken the first step!"

There was a pause, He continued his unfinished words: "Let's talk about the next arrangement. Next, I'll take care of you waste, train you and practice you. At least for the next three months, that's it! In the next three months, that's thirteen weeks, you'll have a very comfortable, fast and fucking fun. It's nothing special. It's just the so-called hell week. ”

Listening to Wang Yao's heavy and almost depressing words, all the trainees who were already tired suddenly looked dignified and their eyes lit up. They all looked at Wang Yao dancing at the moment. Their feelings of awe became more and more strong.

"Don't look at me like this. I'm not used to it --" Wang Yao smiled coldly, deliberately pulled the ending to the elder, and then waved his big hand, Continue: "You don't have to worry. No one says that you have passed our selection after passing the primary election. In the final analysis, you are not special forces, not ours, and you are far from qualified! Therefore, when you can't survive, when you can't hold on, you give up and quit at any time, and no one will stop you! Let alone persuade you Say you stayed. Of course, if you are unqualified, we will help you make the best choice. To put it bluntly, this hell week is a process of eliminating you. How many of you can stay depends on your specific performance. Perhaps none of them will be left, which is not without precedent! "

Speaking of this, Wang Yao deliberately paused for a moment. At the moment, he said a little more. He deliberately set aside some time to let these tired trained officers and soldiers digest and wake up.

As Wang Yao expected, the crowd was followed by a low noise and a low voice of discussion.

However, at the moment, Cheng Chong was not afraid and showed great ease. On the contrary, Wang Yao's words seemed to vaguely remind them of their stubborn nature of being strong in case of strength and being strong to the end.

Come on! Who's afraid of who?

When I went to see Meng Lang in the twinkling of an eye, I saw that Meng Lang's face was much more dignified and complex. He has always been smart. He is far from being calm like a newborn calf who is not afraid of a tiger!