Chapter 195

In a panic, he hurriedly knew that the other party was not a ghost or an old enemy, so he quickly stopped the dagger that had completely gained the upper hand at the moment, stared at the frightened eyes, as if looking at a monster, and stared at the dark shadow.

Abnormal doubts in my heart! Abnormal puzzle!

On the contrary, Su Wugang, who used to frighten Cheng Chong and Meng Lang, was forced to be terrified and terrified by Cheng Chong's unusually fierce performance and his almost fatal serial attacks.

After gasping for breath for several times, he tore off his black disguise as if he were angry. For a long time, he was still stunned and complained to Cheng Chong: "Cheng Chong! You're crazy and don't want to die. Shit, if I move a little slower, I'll almost be reimbursed in your hand."

In principle, during the training period, each trainee officer and soldier has no name, only a code. But privately, the trained officers and soldiers directly call each other's names, which is not as formal, serious and hypocritical as the legend.

"Is it you? Su Wugang, it's really you? You didn't sleep in the middle of the night and ran to this cemetery in the wilderness to scare us? I think you're crazy. What the hell are you doing?" It was determined that the other party was indeed Su Wugang, and Cheng Chong's heart was slightly determined. The originally aroused anger dissipated rapidly. However, it aroused another kind of anger, which was like being played with and deceived by others.

"You think I want to! I've been trained to death by the bird brigade every day, and I hardly have the strength to go to bed. I still want to lie in bed and have a good sleep in the middle of the night! Who has the spare time to go to the graveyard in the wilderness to play hide and seek with you!" At this time, Su Wugang looked wronged.

"That --" Cheng Chong opened his mouth, and then quickly remembered that there were two other black shadows. For a moment, he felt creepy. Instead, he continued to ask Su Wugang with a dignified face: "how many people have you come? I saw three black shadows just now. Are those two black shadows really..."

"Is it really a fart?" Seeing that Cheng Chong still had some scruples, Su Wugang, who had just slowed down, scolded angrily and told the truth: "those two black shadows are not the two ends!"

"Those two ends?" At the moment, Cheng Chong didn't doubt the strange title of the two ends, but didn't understand what the two shadows were! People or something!

"Yes! That's the two ends! Who would it be if it weren't them, toad and half fairy!" Speaking of this, Su Wu just stood up from the ground, shouted and scolded at the dark place in the distance: "come on, you two don't play tricks there. You've already helped!"

Ha! It was both of them!

Hearing that Su Wugang said it was toad and Banxian, Cheng Chong's heart suddenly became clear.

Obviously, toad and Banxian are the nicknames of those two people. Toad is frog Chen Zheng, and Banxian is artillery Du Lei.

The life in the military camp is extremely boring, and the soldiers are usually very boring. Therefore, it has become a pleasure for each other to nickname each other.

Frogman Chen Zhengping was quiet when he was young. Just like his own name, he was straight and upright. He always looked serious. His face was often a bit serious and silent. He rarely had frivolous fights and flashy jokes with other comrades in arms.

Only when talking about the frogman and the frogman army, his eyes, which seemed to be indifferent to everything, suddenly burst out, so that the painting style suddenly changed, just like a gossipy woman, he talked to everyone about their frogman army, as well as the daily training and tasks of the frogman, and so on!

Pride, pride and pride are beyond words!

What underwater world is so beautiful! What? Diving at the bottom of the sea is like walking in space! What quietly approaches the target from the bottom of the water, but the target knows nothing

What old stories and anecdotes, he talked to everyone in detail, and the more he talked, the more interesting he became.

Even their dark frogman clothes were blown up by him.

After getting familiar with each other, everyone called him toad. This title, which is somewhat funny, is actually a bit similar to his previous image. It is worthy of the name.

The style of artillery Du Lei is completely different. I don't know whether this guy was poisoned by the remnants of feudalism since childhood or guided by the crooked direction of family education. This boy has a special love for metaphysics such as the book of changes.

When his comrades in arms often joke together, he always says that he coldly tells some inexplicable heavenly stems and earthly branches, what nonsense such as Jiazi, Yichou, haizhongjin, and then solemnly tells the conclusion of his analysis, etc!

However, the accuracy of the conclusions he often analyzes is worse and unreliable than those irresponsible weather forecast programs. Often say wrong, sometimes even Meng is wrong! But he is still keen and enjoys it!

Although these were originally strictly forbidden in the troops dominated by materialism, the soldiers did not haggle with him. On the contrary, in addition to the heavy and arduous training at ordinary times, it is also a fresh and interesting fun for the soldiers to listen to his nonsense from all over the world.

Over time, after one after another, his comrades in arms also gave him the name of half immortal, which, to a certain extent, was worthy of his name.

"Mushroom, you son of a bitch, why are you so useless? You help so quickly? What else can you do?" Under the scolding of paratrooper Su Wugang, the two shadows in the distance soon showed their true colors. In the distance, before people came over, they heard Du Lei's complaint.

The nickname of paratrooper Su Wugang mushroom is relatively simple. He often boasted how beautiful, gorgeous and intoxicating their parachutes were floating on the blue sky and white clouds.

But Du Lei directly said it was a dwarf ugly mushroom, and it was also a wild dwarf ugly mushroom. As soon as he came and went, the mushroom was called his nickname. He couldn't deny it if he wanted to deny it.

"Come on! You don't know how fierce Cheng Chong is! This boy dares to fight with ghosts with a dagger! Ah ah! I've scared many recruits in the cemetery before, but I've never seen recruits dare to pull out a dagger and rush directly. Cheng Chong is the first boy. This boy is definitely an alternative!" Seeing Du Lei and Chen Zheng approaching, Su Wugang pointed to Cheng Chong, who was still stunned, and explained to them.

Then, Meng Lang, who had been hairy in his heart, came quickly with half surprise and half doubt.

Five people actually met in this midnight cemetery.

Cheng Chong and Meng Lang were shocked and even couldn't believe it. The five of them passed the primary of the bird brigade together. To some extent, they are a group.

This is also very particular in the army. For example, the feelings between soldiers of the same year, especially those in the same class, are always deeper and closer than others.

This is the same as the friendship of the same subject in the old imperial examination field in the same year.

Although these five people come from different units and even different arms, they are selected together through the bird brigade. Therefore, the revolutionary friendship and comradeship among the five people are particularly strong and close. They spend more time with each other, and there are no scruples about talking and joking with each other.

If you have to worry about it carefully, there are still some differences between the five people.

Relatively speaking, Cheng Chong and Meng Lang came from the same army. When they were still in the recruit company, they were divided into the same class, and they experienced the most things together. Therefore, their feelings are naturally the most profound and indestructible.

Both paratrooper Su Wugang and artillery Du Lei are sergeants. Relatively speaking, they have more common topics and language, as well as deeper class friendship. So, not long after they met, they became a pair of iron brothers who talked about everything and talked about everything. Good friends!

Only the frog man Chen Zheng, who has always been silent, always looks serious and stays aside seriously. Generally, he doesn't take the initiative to participate in the nonsense and play among others. In addition, he is a second lieutenant. Although he only carries a bean on his shoulder, he is also a serious officer no matter how young he is.

Others will not easily pull him in and make fun of him. However, when we encounter any difficulties, obstacles, or incomprehensible things, the first one will always think of him first.

Moreover, he is also well-informed and powerful. He really rarely disappoints everyone.

To put it bluntly, he is the backbone of these five people. Obviously, he is the existence of a small leader and leader. It is used to hold down the array. As long as he is there, others seem to have a dependence in their hearts.

To some extent, the five of them have long become the prototype of a special combat team.

Due to the limitations of their duties, tasks and particularity, special forces often carry out secret operations with high confidentiality. Therefore, in order to improve the confidentiality of troops' operations, they often divide into several small teams to carry out independent secret operations.

This is the special operations team of the special forces.

There are various special operations teams of special forces in the world, but they are basically based on the independent operation of small forces. The number of people varies from individual special operations teams to special operations teams composed of 20 or 30 people.

The special combat team of Falcon special brigade is mostly composed of six members. It is composed of a commander, four special combat team members and a sniper.

Among the six team members, only the sniper is invariable, while the other five team members are completely interchangeable, which requires that each special combat team member must be expert and versatile, not only have strong combat effectiveness, but also have certain organizational ability and leadership coordination ability.

Be the team leader at any time to ensure that the team can give full play to its combat effectiveness under any circumstances. It will not paralyze the whole team and lose combat effectiveness because of the sudden attack on the team leader.

In addition, everyone must also master a series of special combat skills such as reconnaissance, blasting, chemical warfare prevention and destruction. Under any circumstances, even if there is only the last person left in the team, they can still fight independently and give full play to their own maximum combat effectiveness.

However, although the special operations team of Falcon special forces often has six people during operation, it usually has only five people during training. Because snipers are different from ordinary special combat team members and the training subjects are not exactly the same, they need separate and long-term training.

Therefore, in ordinary training, there are often only five team members together to cooperate with each other in training, and very few six team members come together to participate in joint training.

These five people have obviously become an independent special warfare team. Of course, if they want to become a real special warfare team, the five of them have to go through a long period of training and training, and they have to go through a long period of elimination.

Only when these five people stick to the end can this goal be truly realized. It seems a little premature to say this now

"Banxian, why didn't you figure it out before you came here? Cheng Chong is so fierce? This boy is not afraid of ghosts. ER! Banxian, do you think there are ghosts in this world?" After the five met, paratrooper Su Wugang continued to ask Du Lei.

This seems to ask about Du Lei's hobbies and majors!

"I don't know if there are other ghosts, but cowards, rash ghosts, annoying ghosts and troublemakers, there is one in front of me. He is asking me if there are ghosts in the world!" Du Lei joked so playfully without thinking.

"Go! Why do you call half immortal, not half god, or half nerve?" Su Wugang immediately stopped at Du Lei and talked nonsense!

"Hey, hey!" Du Lei smiled with satisfaction, then turned his head and asked Cheng Chong, who was still stunned aside, "Cheng Chong, tell me yourself, why don't you feel afraid? Are you really bold?"

"I'm... Afraid, of course... Oh no! You're still asking me. We haven't asked the three of you yet? Come on! You three veterans don't sleep in the middle of the night and run to the graveyard in the wilderness to scare us. What are you two upright revolutionary soldiers who don't listen to evil and fear ghosts? What the hell are you three doing?" Cheng Chong, who had some words but soon recovered, turned to stare at the three people in front of him and asked seriously.

"You think we want to!" Su Wugong was like a repeater. He quickly took the words again, and then blinked his round eyes, He acted very reluctantly and said: "The three of us heard that Wang Yao tried to fix you two again. Out of fraternity and fraternity, the three of us originally wanted to accompany you two. Look, the three of us are good to you two little rabbits. However, we were discovered by the people of the bird brigade before we started. They were supposed to play ghosts to scare you. They said that this was also a bullshit training course As a result, they were lazy, so they had to let the three of us play guest roles temporarily. That's it. I wanted to accompany you two and give you two courage. As a result, just now, I was shocked. How dare you use a dagger to fight with ghosts? Tell me, what did you think... "

After clarifying the truth, Su Wu just turned and talked about Cheng Chong stabbing him with a dagger. As soon as he pulled it, it was endless, as if he would never give up until he knew what Cheng Chong thought at that time.

I see!

Cheng Chong ignored Su Wugang, who was talking at the moment, but suddenly realized that he looked at Meng Lang with an ignorant face beside him and looked at each other. For a moment, they couldn't believe their ears.

It turns out that there is such a subject! I really thought I came across something unclean. What the monitor told me before was not made up to scare myself

Meng Lang suddenly realized it!

"Come on! Don't be in a daze and sigh. This is it. We have finished the task. Let's go back together! There are more than ten kilometers left!" Seeing that the scene was suddenly silent, Chen Zheng broke the silence.

"But, however, we haven't found his tactical gloves yet!" Meng Lang, who is already a little foggy, is still remembering Wang Yao's tactical gloves.

"He has a fart tactical glove left here. It's not fabricated. Let's go! Forget it!" Su Wugang neatly replied to Meng Lang, who had not yet fully responded, and then turned his head and asked Cheng Chong, "Cheng Chong, you'd better talk about just now. Your boy is really strange! He's not afraid at all. Why on earth..."

Cheng Chong still ignored Su Wugang who was interested at the moment. Instead, he thought that the three people didn't sleep in the middle of the night and ran these dozens of kilometers of mountain roads. Originally, he just wanted to accompany himself and Meng Lang

He deeply felt the existence of this thick feeling of comrades in arms.

At the same time, he was vaguely worried. He and Meng Lang had already offended Wang Yao. Wang Yao, a bird man, had been thinking of ways to punish himself and Meng Lang. Now these three people have taken the initiative to join in, so I'm afraid Wang Yao won't easily spare them. In the following days, I'm afraid the five of them will really share their hardships and difficulties