Chapter 198

Min Jie's kindness did not get good results. On the contrary, without her knowledge, it aroused the anger and jealousy of Wang Yao, who was not very broad-minded.

Of course, Cheng Chong knows nothing about what min Jie has done!

In the days to come, Wang Yao with selfishness gradually intensified and increased the originally cruel high-intensity and difficult training to an almost unbearable level! He used almost all the methods he could use, or think of, life-threatening training and life-threatening practice.

However, Cheng Chong's specific performance of the five of them once again disappointed him.

With mutual help, encouragement and support, the five people were very strong and persevered. No matter how Wang Yao tried to practice them, or even torture them and embarrass them, they kept silent and completed the various tasks assigned to them by Wang Yao without any discount.

There are even many tasks that seem impossible at all.

At this time, the five people seemed like hard steel beans that couldn't bite, beat and drag. They were trained, hammered and practiced. Under any circumstances, they were as stable as Mount Tai and as firm as a rock.

On the contrary, under Wang Yao's hard practice, the five of them have made rapid progress in their military quality and military skills, and even many special combat skills. Whether individual or collective combat effectiveness, constantly improve and break through.

Many more scientific training methods, more perfect training equipment and various more suitable training conditions of the Falcon special brigade have provided very important objective conditions for the improvement of the five people's military quality, the strengthening of military skills and the continuous strengthening of comprehensive combat effectiveness.

For example, in addition to natural cliffs, there are also more than a dozen high simulation buildings in the camp, which are very suitable for soldiers to climb up and down and various drills. There is a vast tactical training ground. There are various natural or man-made tactical terrain or man-made obstacles on the training ground to test the soldiers' rational and even perfect use of various complex terrain.

There are various simulated buildings, such as cinemas, office buildings, hospitals, abandoned warehouses, etc., which are used to train the soldiers' street fighting ability, train the soldiers to use all kinds of available things, save themselves, destroy the enemy, etc.

There are models of various vehicles, ships, even huge aircraft and other means of transportation to simulate various complex and changeable battlefield environments, test and train whether soldiers can still quickly enter the state and quickly grasp the initiative in such an environment, so as to complete tasks and win wars with the least cost, the least sacrifice and the fastest speed!

As for the physical training ground, it is colorful. There are extraordinary runways for training soldiers' endurance and willpower, various slopes and obstacles for training soldiers' violent strength, super large and dirty muddy land for training people, special obstacles that make people feel tired and vomit at one run, and so on.

In the camp, the training ground is vast and the training equipment is extremely diverse, and every training equipment and training ground needs the soldiers to keep getting familiar with, training and conquering. And all these things, none of them is easy, none of them does not need to sweat or even bleed directly.

The vast majority of the special forces' daily time is spent on these training venues and training facilities. Every day, in addition to training or training, in addition to hard training or hard training, in addition to training or training.

Endless, as if there were no end!

Therefore, the daily life of special forces is extremely difficult. They are far less relaxed, free and easy, fat, tender and bullshit than the so-called special forces shown in those soap operas!

In order to train the soldiers' shooting skills more accurately, faster and more agile, especially in long-distance high-speed movement, shoot quickly, and ensure one shot hit, or first shot hit. There are all kinds of facilities for training marksmanship in the camp, and there are many kinds of training methods.

Among them, the shooter slides out of the gun quickly from top to bottom or obliquely downward; Some shooters put themselves on high-speed vehicles, trucks or ships, even tanks and armored vehicles, hide their guns and shoot quickly; There are shooters lying on the ground motionless, but the target is moving at a high speed and irregularly. Train the shooter to seize the best shooting opportunity very quickly and attack decisively; There are also shooters who place themselves on the swinging swing and shoot accurately directly at long-range targets. There is also a special name in the army, called monkey Dang shooting and so on.

In short, as long as we can quickly improve the shooting level of soldiers, we can use all methods and facilities accordingly. Anyway, there is only such a purpose.

I don't care how to practice. You can do it yourself. The training facilities and all conditions you need are within the scope of feasibility. I can basically promise you to meet you. There is only one requirement of Laozi. In a word, it is to have soldiers who can fight and fight hard, and who can win under any dangerous conditions, in any complex situation, anywhere and in any environment. Everything else is nonsense.

The most troublesome and difficult thing for soldiers to grasp is a subject called black house shooting. The so-called black room shooting subject means that in an empty, closed black room, when the light is very uncertain and unclear, several targets and non targets suddenly appear at the same time, and the whole process of appearance is no more than two seconds at most.

In this dark environment, in that fleeting moment, the shooter must quickly seize the fighter in such a short time, quickly identify the target in such a short time, and then shoot decisively. He must also ensure that one shot hits, not that the target can not be hurt.

The shooting environment is extremely dangerous and the conditions are extremely harsh.

If soldiers want to complete this demanding subject, they must go through repeated, tireless, or even countless times of hard training, and constantly speed up the speed of reaction and the speed of shooting. Among them, the shooting speed of each soldier will even be accurate to a few tenths of a second.

But also constantly and quickly judge some different action characteristics of the target and non target, as well as different subtle expressions and other details, so as to ensure that what is hit is the target and will not hurt the non target at all.

The more harsh, arduous and demanding the conditions for military training, the higher the combat literacy and combat skills of the trained soldiers, and the higher the combat effectiveness, the more excellent and the stronger.

This is almost proportional! No other accidents and possibilities!

Those soldiers who have been trained to play around can only play around. If they really go to the battlefield, they will know how fatal their mistakes are, how things are wrong, and how hopeless they are.

When the shooting training is carried out to a certain extent, there is also a subject that not only tests the shooting level of shooters, but also extremely tests their courage and psychological quality, but also abnormally tests the degree of mutual trust between their comrades in arms. This subject is called shooting live targets! Of course, the name of this subject is not necessarily. There can be many names.

I don't know who came up with this fucking subject. It is said that every time the shooting is completed, it can frighten the soldiers so that they are still in panic and arrhythmia for almost a few days.

This subject is implemented in this way. At a distance of 100 meters or 200 meters, the shooter can use the lying position or kneeling position to aim at the target.

These seem to be normal, but the subject is on the target, because the target is not an ordinary mechanical target, but a living person. A living soldier stands on the target and holds an ordinary chest ring target on his head.

In this case, it is not just a test of the shooter's shooting level.

It is also the ultimate test of the psychological quality of the shooter and the soldier holding the target in front, as well as the firm mutual trust between his comrades in arms.

Those who have touched the gun, especially those who have witnessed the great power of the gun, will naturally have a necessary sense of awe for the gun. At this time, no matter the shooter or the soldier holding the target, the psychology of tension, anxiety and even fear can hardly be described in ordinary words.

As a shooter, although he controls the rifle, the bullet with sufficient kinetic energy can not pose a threat to himself, but when he thinks that he will shoot at the head of a comrade in arms, as long as there is a slight difference, he can kill his comrade in arms with one shot, the tension and anxiety in his heart has been afraid, which is not inferior to the soldier holding the target.

Although there is a death indicator in the training of special forces every year, this indicator is extremely heavy. No one wants this extremely heavy indicator to be reimbursed in their own hands or directly on their own head.

For the soldiers standing on the target and holding the target, when they look at a dark muzzle from a distance and aim in the direction of their head, but they are not allowed to avoid at all. The agony of death, the fear of destruction, the anxiety of scratching the heart and lungs are beyond words.

The feeling of fear and anxiety is like a criminal on the execution ground.

It's not that they don't believe their comrades in arms, but they seriously don't believe that black rifle! Everyone knows that all guns are likely to go off fire. Everyone knows that almost all guns are likely to have a draught at any time, when they miss and run bullets.

Once there is a slight deviation in the gun in front of you, won't you just finish it? Then why not die unjustly?

Therefore, many soldiers holding targets, often out of the instinct of survival, or out of the instinct of soldiers, have suddenly fallen down and lay motionless on the ground before the other party's gun rings.

There are also people who tremble and can't stand steadily, and even those who are directly scared to pee their pants.

Because the soldiers are human beings, not gods, and the special forces are human beings, not gods. Although they are strong, they are still in the category of human beings. However, all people have all the commonalities of human beings and have the primitive instinct of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil. This primitive instinct is embedded in genes and can not be easily lost.

Often, after a few days of training in this subject, many soldiers still tremble and shudder when they think of these.

However, after a long time, they will gradually know and suddenly realize that those bullets are specially modified bullets. If they hit people directly, it will hurt and even bleed, but they will never be fatal.

But it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that they have passed the test that can almost be regarded as the limit. In the future, if they encounter this situation again on the battlefield, they will be much more calm and calm, and there will never be a situation of being in a hurry and unable to control themselves.

During this period, the most exciting thing for Meng Lang was that he finally lost his Bayi rifle and replaced it with the 95 assault rifle he had dreamed of for a long time.

The standard weapon for ordinary individual soldiers of the Falcon special brigade is the 95 type assault rifle.

As for the Bayi rifle and the 95 assault rifle, since the day the latter was launched, the advantages and disadvantages of these two guns have been the focus of debate among the majority of officers, soldiers and military fans. For many years, there has been no pause.

Of course, there is no authoritative conclusion.

In essence, these two individual weapons have their own advantages and disadvantages, and no one can completely replace the other.

As an individual weapon that can be assembled to troops at all levels, the most basic and minimum characteristics are that it must have a series of characteristics, such as simplicity, stability, reliability and durability. Of course, there are economic or other considerations. For example, it should be affordable, easy to produce, easy to obtain materials and so on.

As the Bayi rifle is improved on the basis of the 56 rifle, and the 56 rifle imitates the world famous AK47 rifle. Therefore, relatively speaking, Bayi rifle is simpler, more durable and more portable.

However, Bayi rifle has a great disadvantage, which is also a main reason why it lags behind the world's advanced firearms. In order to adapt to human gun handling habits, Bayi rifle deliberately moved the butt down a little, which caused that the barrel and butt were not in a straight line, resulting in uneven recoil force.

The recoil force of Bayi rifle has not been weakened, resulting in huge recoil force. Therefore, when shooting, the shooter often raises the muzzle violently due to the large recoil force and uneven force, resulting in shooting error and the phenomenon of hitting a stray bullet.

No matter how good a shooter is, it is difficult to control and eliminate this situation.

Especially in the case of rapid continuous firing, the muzzle lift is even more amazing. If the shooter shoots in a standing position, generally as long as five or six bullets are fired continuously, the muzzle will directly point to heaven.

The 95 assault rifle solves this problem very well. Even if the 95 assault rifle continuously hits all the bullets in the magazine at one time, there is generally no violent lifting of the muzzle. Of course, in the world, the first and best to solve this problem should belong to the M16 gun family series.

Moreover, compared with the Bayi rifle, the 95 assault rifle body adopts a large number of engineering plastics, which effectively reduces the body. At the same time, compared with the Bayi rifle, the 95 assault rifle has shorter body, more flexible use, and smaller caliber. In this way, it increases the ability of individual soldiers to carry ammunition and so on.

Of course, the 95 assault rifle also has some shortcomings of its own. For example, because the cartridge clip is placed behind, in order to effectively solve the problem of muzzle lifting, this causes the gun body to become higher. This makes it easy for the shooter to expose himself when shooting in the prone position!

This is also an important reason why the 95 assault rifle can not completely replace the Bayi rifle.

However, although the type 95 assault rifle has some shortcomings, in close assault operations, when launching a rapid and fierce attack on the other party, the type 95 assault rifle can throw the Bayi rifle several streets.

However, when defending and blocking, the 95 assault rifle is somewhat inferior to the Bayi rifle.

In other words, the Bayi rifle is suitable for defense and positional warfare, while the 95 assault rifle is suitable for attack, rapid and fierce assault on the enemy, and sports warfare.

The special forces of Falcon special forces can't be stupid enough to fight positional warfare with the enemy, let alone any commander who is stupid enough to send them to defend the position. They are more engaged in short-range assault operations and fight quickly. Therefore, it is obvious that the 95 assault rifle is more suitable for them.

There is nothing good about these two kinds of standard weapons, which are heavily equipped with troops. Only they are suitable or not. This has led to the phenomenon that these two kinds of guns are assembled into the army at the same time and coexist together.

However, some specific data on firearms or some improved advanced skills of firearms. For the front-line soldiers at the grass-roots level, it is not important at all, let alone pay too much attention.

In their rough words: it's none of my business. As long as I take it easy to use, reliable to use, powerful and accurate. Other things, which are the concerns of professional gun designers or some military fans, have nothing to do with me?