Chapter 201

The night before dawn is extremely dense. It's like a jar of thick black ink. It can't be melted. The sight is so poor that I can't see my fingers. I'm afraid even the owl who is good at night will break his head.

The moon and stars have long disappeared, leaving the deep blue sky there alone, with a lonely and innocent face.

Under the open and silent night sky, this team of special forces mixed with old and new are moving forward in an orderly and fast way. They trampled out narrow paths on the hillside of the wilderness, opened narrow passages that can only be passed by one person at a time in the knee deep bushes, and opened up temporary shortcuts in the dense jungle covered by the canopy.

Along the way, they left their black back in a hurry, as well as the dignified look of deep frowns and closed lips. Along the way, everyone speeds up their speed as much as possible, reduces the noise during the journey as much as possible, and reduces the probability of exposure as much as possible.

Although they also know that it is still a little far away from the scope that the enemy can detect, it is not a bad thing to be careful. Moreover, this is also the most basic marching discipline and combat literacy of special forces.

It's just a little surprising that among the eight people in this line, Wang Yao led the team in front, while the other two old special forces followed the back of the team, putting the five people in group A in the middle of the team.

That posture looks like taking care of the five of them. It looks like protecting the five of them.

In this way, he moved forward quickly and quickly for more than half an hour. Wang Yao, who had been leading the team in front, suddenly raised the palm of his right hand and made a sign to stop moving and guard on the spot.

Others quickly understood, immediately squatted down on the spot, and then quickly shot around. In the dark night, a pair of keen eyes watched the surrounding plants and trees with high vigilance.

"What's the matter? Are we at the ambush site?" After a moment of vigilance on the spot, Du Lei, who closely followed Wang Yao, leaned his head slightly and asked in a low voice.

Wang Yao didn't answer him immediately. He looked up to the depths of the night around him, looked carefully, thought for a moment, and then returned low: "it should be near here, everyone pay attention!"

At this point, Wang Yao looked back at the others around him and ordered, "follow my finger, immediately look for a hiding place and set up an ambush on the spot. The four of you set up an ambush here, mainly responsible for blocking. Cheng Chong followed me, 200 meters ahead, responsible for observation and flanking. Act immediately -"

Others quickly find a suitable ambush position, quickly lie down, hide immediately, and shoot in the direction of their own responsibility, or the most suitable direction for shooting.

In the twinkling of an eye, the six people quickly disappeared in the grass or bushes, leaving no trace, as if no one had ever been here.

Wang Yao asked Cheng Chong to follow him and continue to move forward, taking on the task of observation and flanking.

This makes Cheng Chong very puzzled and very confused. Why did Wang Yao choose himself from the five people? What is his purpose?

What does this bird man want to do?

To be honest, I don't know whether it was because of the two inexplicable conflicts before, or because I had a close fight with him during the selection of special forces, or because of his differential treatment and special care for himself in the past three months.

Cheng Chong's feeling for Wang Yao is getting worse and worse. Although he can't say anything specifically, he always feels that this person is not so bright, not so reliable, or even so trustworthy.

Moreover, when he learned that Wang Yao had abandoned one leg of monitor Xiao Yong, his feeling for him became stronger and stronger, and even a little hatred for him arose.

However, Rao is so. Cheng Chong still knows what it means to distinguish between public and private and what it means to prioritize.

In the final analysis, Wang Yao is also his comrade in arms. Although this man seems not so broad-minded, his heart seems a little dark, and his attack seems a little vicious. But he is still his comrades in arms, his comrades, his compatriots and paoze.

Even if they have any great opinions on him, they can only keep them in mind for the time being, especially on the battlefield. In any case, they have to use them together. Because they all fight for the same purpose.

Cheng Chong didn't speak and followed Wang Yao without saying a word. Although he had some views on Wang Yao and muttered a little, he didn't show it on his face.

Just followed him silently, and faithfully performed all the tasks he told himself according to his will.

Following Wang Yao closely, he continued to feel the dark and crept out for more than 200 meters. After that, Wang Yao pointed to a sudden rock behind him and said, "just ambush here! You can choose the specific ambush location by yourself. In short, it should be convenient for observation and ambush."

Obviously, behind the sudden rock, it is a good ambush point. The rock can not only provide concealment, but also effectively help stop the influx of bullets if the two sides fight.

But Cheng Chong didn't do that. He still didn't say a word. Instead, he deliberately stepped back, avoided the abrupt rock and quickly lurked down in a low grass.

"Why don't you hide behind this rock?" Surprisingly, Cheng Chong had just lurked down. Wang Yao turned around and looked at him suspiciously and asked.

At this time, Cheng had no intention to talk to Wang Yao. At the moment, he still had a certain resistance or antagonism towards Wang Yao in his heart.

He didn't want to show his emotions, so he didn't want to talk to him. But now that Wang Yao took the initiative to ask, it would be bad not to answer again.

"I gave it to you!" Cheng Chong didn't even think about it, so he answered casually.

Originally, this reason was reasonable, but Wang Yao was reluctant. He turned his head and said in a hard tone, "what if I insist you hide behind this rock?"

Cheng Chong was a little upset when he heard this. He didn't look back, but replied faintly: "you're really strange? You said it yourself just now and asked me to find a hidden point. Now you pointed out to me. What's the matter?"

"Where is so much nonsense? Do you want to disobey my orders?" Wang Yao's face suddenly turned to one side, and his tone became more and more tough.

Wang Yao is such a person, a person that people can't like.

At this time, Cheng Chong, although one of the boss disagreed in his heart, he still restrained himself. At the moment, he deeply understood that this was the time to perform the task, not in the camp at ordinary times, nor in a quarrel. Public and private affairs should be clearly defined, and the priorities of things must be made clear.

Although he was still unhappy and unconvinced at this time, he quickly executed Wang Yao's orders and did what he said.

Stand up neatly from the original hiding place, walk quickly behind the rock, then lie down quickly, shoot out quickly, and hide quickly at the same time.

Wang Yao smiled with satisfaction. He was very proud and presumptuous.

A moment later, not far from Cheng Chong, he lurked on the spot and shot quickly.

They began to wait silently

Their hearts seemed to be thinking of something

At this time, the dawn has come slowly, and the night has gradually become clear. It is no longer as thick, dark and invisible as before. At this time, like a lost aristocrat, it has begun to gradually retreat and give way to the virtuous.

"Ha ha! It's said that you are a stubborn donkey. You are a hard bone that doesn't eat raw and cooked. I want to see how stubborn you are and how hard the bone is. I don't believe it..." Wang Yao, lying on the side, suddenly sneered, didn't turn his head back, and muttered directly to the front, as if he were talking to himself.

However, there were only two people at the scene. Cheng Chong's reaction was no matter how slow he was, he also knew that Wang Yao was talking to himself. However, he still didn't take it to heart, let alone ignore it. He thought Wang Yao was sulking about what had just happened? At this time, how could he care about Wang Yao's angry words?

He still looked at the front with a high tension, although the front was still dark, he couldn't see anything, he couldn't see anything clearly. Although the line of sight is better now, the visibility is still very low.

"Hey, hey, hey..." suddenly, Wang Yao seemed to be drawing a wind. He sneered alone. He smiled very strangely, very strangely, very treacherous and very penetrating.

What the hell is this bird man doing?

Turning to Wang Yao's Cheng Chong, he was full of doubts, and what surprised him even more was that Wang Yao was also right at the moment, smiling at him strangely, even ferociously.

Cheng Chong was puzzled and subconsciously turned back, but after seeing the abrupt rock in front of him, a thick black smoke suddenly rose in the dim light.

No! It's a bomb!

Cheng Chong was shocked! Surprised!

It was too late and too fast. Just after he found the black smoke and quickly judged that it was a bomb, he didn't think about it. At a very fast speed, he turned and rushed at Wang Yao, covering Wang Yao with his own body.

yes! This is our Cheng Chong!

Although he hated Wang Yao very much, although he still hated Wang Yao a little, Wang Yao gave him a lot of embarrassment, found him a lot of trouble, found him a lot of discomfort, and wasted a leg of his monitor Xiao Yong.

But as long as he is still a Chinese soldier and wears a Chinese military uniform, he is his comrades in arms. For his comrades in arms and for any Chinese soldier, Cheng Chong will rush forward without hesitation to block bullets and bombs for him, and exchange his life for the safety of his comrades in arms.

He looked back on death.

However, what puzzled Cheng Chong this time was that the dark bomb did not explode immediately as expected, but was still emitting black smoke and nothing else.

Is it a dud?

When Cheng Chong was puzzled, he only heard Wang Yao, who was tightly pressed by him, suddenly laugh again. In the darkness of the early morning, he smiled strangely, strangely and perversely.

It's like a patient in a psychiatric hospital who has a sudden attack.

Confused Cheng Chong saw this situation and was shocked again. He subconsciously looked at Wang Yao, who was pressed down by him. He looked puzzled and confused.

Is the bird man laughing at his unnecessary action? Or do you think what you just did was too intense and childish? Cheng Chong couldn't understand for a moment. At the same time, he vaguely felt that he had been cheated and played once.

Seeing that the bomb did not explode immediately as expected, Cheng Chong turned down from Wang Yao.

At this time, an extremely strange scene that made him extremely scary appeared.

Because he inhaled a small amount of black smoke, he suddenly found that his body seemed not so obedient, and the organs and parts of his body were as independent as the old warlords, and were not controlled by the brain at all.

Hands can't move and feet can't lift. I want to open my mouth and shout, but even my mouth is not so obedient. I just make a low and incomplete sound.

What's going on? What is that thing with black smoke? Why is it so strange? Why is it so strange?

Gradually, Cheng Chong's consciousness began to become blurred. However, he could still hear Wang Yao's penetrating sneer and proud grin.

Cheng Chong looked at Wang Yao in confusion. He still wanted to make the last struggle, but at the moment, his whole body had already become numb, and his consciousness was dissipating bit by bit.

Only Wang Yao's strange and penetrating laughter was still ringing in his ears, like a ghost laughing and howling at midnight! It's chilling.

Willpower is extremely strong, and at the moment is also extremely unwilling to Cheng Chong, still making the last struggle and the last struggle. However, the complex machine of the body no longer listens to his command and control. At this moment, all his struggles, all his efforts and all his struggles are doomed to be futile.

A moment later, Cheng Chong, whose consciousness gradually dissipated, fell asleep helplessly, unconscious and unconscious