Chapter 206

Under Wang Yao's roar and instructions, five or six obscene armed elements immediately jumped out of the dark behind him. Without saying a word, everyone was ferocious and ferocious, like a ferocious ghost in the hungry ghost Road, and quickly rushed to Cheng Chong.

"Quick --" the angry Wang Yao looked at Cheng Chong in front of him, then rushed to the five or six obscene militants behind him and continued to roar: "get on the electric shock chair, let his whole body be electrified, and let his brain be sober again. Since he doesn't know good or bad, blindly wants to die and wants to be a martyr, let's help him."

Under the command and instigation of Wang Yao, the five or six obscene militants immediately rushed forward and dragged Cheng Chong into a room with narrow space, extremely dark light and very secret appearance.

A series of crude, cold and chilling torture tools for extorting confessions are displayed or hung in the narrow and dark room. It can be seen that this is the place where they specially interrogate, torture and even torture people, and a certain system and special process have been formed here.

Of course, the most striking one is the old-fashioned, cold, strange and frightening metal electric chair.

On this cold and strange electric shock chair, it seems that there is an invisible but objective smell of death, which makes people despair and fear.

This kind of electric shock chair is specially used to deal with people like Cheng Chong who have extremely strong willpower and will never give in easily. In order to make the other side give in, this kind of electric shock chair has been specially modified. The refitter increases the voltage very high, but the current drops very low.

In other words, when the electric current released by the specially modified electric chair passes through the human body, it can bring great pain to the human body, but it will not immediately deprive the other party of his life. It can make the other party struggle in extreme pain, but not die immediately and get relief immediately.

So as to achieve the purpose of extorting confessions by torture and making the other party yield.

To put it bluntly, this is a necessary "good weapon" specially used for extorting confessions by torture. It is a very inhuman "artifact" that extremely tests people, tosses people, and loses all conscience.

Unable to tolerate Cheng Chong's struggle for a moment, the five or six obscene militants quickly fixed Cheng Chong on the metal electric chair, not only fixed his limbs, but also his head, neck, chest, waist and abdomen, which were firmly fixed on the metal electric chair. He could not move at all and could only be manipulated by others.

As soon as he sat on the specially modified electric shock chair, Cheng Chong immediately felt the cold breath of death and the uncontrollable fear. It was like Mount Tai pressing the top. In an instant, it filled the whole body and occupied almost all the space of the whole body, making people shudder.

As if facing death.

Yes, in this world, no one is not afraid of death. In reality, there is no one who is really not afraid of death. This is simply the commonness of all life on earth, because survival is the most basic and primitive instinct for all life to survive.

After all, there is only one life for anyone, which is unique, pitifully rare and extremely precious.

When death and despair strike at close range, who can be 100% unmoved, agitated once, and produce uncontrollable fluctuations and ripples?

However, Cheng Chong, who was extremely strong and determined, soon calmed down again.

Realistically speaking, he is also an ordinary person. He is also an ordinary person. He also has the commonness of all life bodies on the earth. He does not exist as a monster or a wonderful flower. When he sat on the shock chair of Sen Han's fear, there was a trace of fear, a trace of fear and a trace of retreat in his heart.

But this fear, fear and retreat soon subsided completely, coming and going quickly. Disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

He is not afraid of death or despair. He is not a worldly expert beyond life and death, but a physical body like everyone. He also has unlimited desire for life and unlimited attachment to this beautiful world.

He is still so young, he has not had time to enjoy life, he is far from enough!

However, for the sake of the motherland and the people, he can never yield to the enemy, never be a traitor to the motherland and the people, and never be a public enemy of the motherland and the people. Even if you die, you will die innocent and upright. You must not allow any dirt to pollute yourself.

Once you have this firm belief in your heart, your life becomes less important.

Because he knows that dying for the motherland and the people is glorious, great, worth it, and worthy of death.

Come on! Son of a bitch! Come on! Beasts and bastards!

Cheng Chong growled in his heart.

"It's not too late to regret. Otherwise, you won't be so comfortable when the power is on. Just tell you, it's very uncomfortable to be shocked, especially by this specially modified electric chair. Needless to say, it's not too much to describe life as death. It's even a little light and belittled. How about it? Do you really want to have a try? " Seeing that Cheng Chong had been fixed on the electric shock chair, there was a slight hesitation and fluctuation on his face. Seeing this, Wang Yao once again showed a penetrating smile at the corners of his mouth. Instead, he pretended to be an amiable face and advised Cheng Chong calmly.

At the moment, Cheng Chong, who was fixed on the electric shock chair, also wasted the slightest effort. He didn't make a meaningless struggle, nor did he answer Wang Yao's consolation that he smiled and didn't smile. But his eyes were like electricity, his eyes were like a knife, his angry eyes were horizontal, his mouth was panting, and his infinite anger could almost devour Wang Yao and other obscene militants in front of him.

"What? Up to now, the duck is still dead?" Wang Yao, who was very relaxed at the moment, seemed to inadvertently look at Cheng Chong with angry eyes, He continued slowly: "I know you are extremely stubborn and you are a hard bone. But this electric shock chair is no small matter. I'm afraid even if an immortal sits on it, he can toss and give in immediately. Besides, you're just an ordinary person with a physical body. You can't carry it. Why should you suffer for nothing? It's totally unnecessary! Don't you think so?"

Speaking of this, Wang Yao shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands like westerners.

However, Cheng Chong at this time still ignored Wang Yao and didn't make the slightest sound. He was not moved by Wang Yao's hypocritical comfort. He still stared angrily at Wang Yao, gasping for breath. His eyes were like sharp blades. He was almost piercing him.

"Ha -" seeing this, Wang Yao sneered contemptuously. Instead, his face became ugly and his tone became more and more severe, He said, "don't think this is just a simple chair. Now I can tell you clearly that this chair can not only bring you great pain, but also, as long as I increase the load, it can directly deprive you of your life and let you die slowly in endless pain and despair..."

"Son of a bitch, beast, bastard, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..." finally, Cheng Chong couldn't help it anymore. He was very angry. His blood red eyes, his voice and his voice roared and roared at Wang Yao in front of him.

"The dead duck's mouth is hard -" the angry Wang Yao's face was blue and turned to roar at the obscene militants behind him: "seal his mouth for me, and I won't hear him make the slightest sound again. Punish me, punish me, I want to see when his mouth can be hard."

After Wang Yao roared, the obscene militants behind him hesitated a little. They looked at each other and were stunned for a moment.

"What are you hesitating about?" Wang Yao asked sternly. Instead, he seemed to think of something, paused, and then explained, "even if he can't speak, we have a way. Have you fucking forgotten? We have this!"

While talking, Wang Yao pointed to a black box like instrument next to the electric shock chair and then said: "We have brain wave detectors and brain wave sensors. This kind of instrument can detect the weak brain waves of human brain, and then display the will or meaning of the other party on the display of the instrument through complex analysis and simulation. We don't need him to speak in person at all, and we can clearly understand his true meaning and his true intention in his heart. If we are executed, we will give him the old man immediately You should be punished quickly -- "

After the simple explanation, the angry Wang Yao shouted hurriedly, as if he had to endure another second of humiliation for every second delayed. At this time, he almost couldn't wait.

At the instigation of Wang Yao's anger and eagerness, the obscene militants rushed up and sealed Cheng Chong's mouth with a piece of black tape. Then, he connected the electrode on the electric shock chair to Cheng Chong and quickly turned on the start switch.

A shivering and extremely uncomfortable current passed through Cheng Chong's whole body through the electrode of the electric shock chair, affected almost every cell of his whole body, and abused every nerve endings of his whole body. Constantly tormenting his body, constantly whipping his spirit and soul.

It was a kind of pain that was so painful that people were crazy but helpless. It was so painful that people almost jumped directly from the fixed electric shock chair. It was so painful that people's souls almost left their bodies and floated away on their own

When the current passed through the body and added such pain to the body, Cheng Chong had to clench his fists and clench his teeth. With his strong willpower and great endurance, he endured slowly and painfully, and accepted the heavy pain like wringing his intestines and gouging out his heart bit by bit

If I die, I won't give in to you beasts! I'd rather die than surrender!

Cheng Chong, who strengthened his faith and made up his mind, kept shaking all over his body. At the same time, his face turned red, the green veins on his neck and forehead burst out, and his two eyes almost jumped out of his eyes

Come on! Son of a bitch! Come on! Beasts! I will fight with you to the end

However, no matter how strong his willpower is and how tenacious his endurance is, after all, he is a mortal body and has no divine attachment, and he will not have any evil special functions. When the current continues to pass through his body unimpeded, giving him great pain and reaching the limit that the human body can bear.

Wang Yao, who was watching with a sneer, lost no time to stop.

When the current through the body suddenly disappeared, Cheng Chong's body suddenly became quiet. Only the local muscles of the body were still twitching and beating for a while.

The whole body seemed to be forcibly evacuated, empty, soft and powerless.

Only a pair of angry eyes were still looking at Wang Yao with a kind of eyes that could almost see through people. At the same time, the anger gathered in his heart was increasing, and almost reached the edge of explosion.

However, because his mouth was wrapped with black tape, there was no sound from his mouth, but the rage on his face could not be concealed and could not be removed anyway.

"How's it going? It's hard! As I said, this thing is so troublesome..." after a while, Wang yaopi came up with a smile and asked with a smile at the red face and angry eyes.

After a while, Wang Yao seemed to find that Cheng Chong's mouth was entangled and could not speak or make a sound. He smiled and turned to a militant who was watching the instrument screen and asked, "what content is displayed on the screen? What does he want to say at this time? Has he succumbed and softened?"

When the armed man saw the question, his face immediately became ugly. He looked carefully at the screen in front of him with panic, but he didn't open his mouth. Instead, he pointed to the screen with his hand.

"What did it show? You were talking?" Wang Yao, who didn't know what to do, hurried impatiently, looking very impatient.

But the armed man still failed to read the content displayed on the screen at the moment, but he was very embarrassed and stopped talking several times.

"What is it?" Wang Yaoyi was angry, took a few steps forward, pushed the gunman away, put his head in front of the screen and looked carefully at the screen.

When he saw the real subtitles on the screen, Wang Yao was so angry that he almost jumped up.

But on the screen of the instrument, it suddenly appeared: beast! Son of a bitch! Lamb Chop Suey! I must kill you. What he wanted to see was that Cheng Chong gave in and softened the words, but he didn't see any of them.

Wang Yao suddenly flew into a rage. His face suddenly changed. A cold murderous spirit soared and spread all over the world. It was surging and unstoppable.

"Turn up the current for me, increase the load, electrocute me, electrocute him, it's best to electrocute him into a pile of barbecue, it's best to electrocute him into a section of coke, electrocute him, electrocute him..." the angry and impatient Wang Yao yelled at the militants who manipulated the controller, panicked, and even a little unsatisfied.

Then the switch of the electric chair was turned on again, and the current gradually increased.

The pain that was so hard that people were crazy and had nowhere to escape invaded Cheng Chong's whole body again at a very fast speed, whipping and torturing Cheng Chong's spirit and even his soul again.

Moreover, this kind of pain is still deliberately increasing, increasing and becoming more and more violent.

However, Cheng Chong's whole body was fixed on the electric shock chair, and his mouth was tightly wrapped with black tape. He could neither escape nor roar, but endure and suffer bitterly.

Finally, at the moment when the pain broke through the limit of his patience, Cheng Chong passed out, unconscious and unconscious