Chapter 217

On the day when the new team members participated in the team joining ceremony, the clear sky was as clear as a wash, and the warm sunshine was golden on the vast land, just like spreading gold on the ground. The warm wind blows gently on people, which is very comfortable and comfortable. It gives people an illusion of being in a warm and soft hot spring.

The weather was so good that it was hard to be picky. The more sensitive poets almost drooled when they saw it.

In the camp area of the Falcon special brigade, the bright red military flag fluttered in the wind, and the captain Shi Ruijun stood upright under the military flag, solemnly facing the new members participating in the team joining ceremony.

All the new team members wore the broken flower special combat camouflage clothes unique to the Falcon special brigade, high waist special combat boots and black Berets symbolizing the identity of special forces. He raised his head and stood straight in a neat square. All the people looked solemn and energetic. Their bright eyes burst out like torches and gathered together on the bright red flag in front of them.

The whole team was finished long ago, and the attendant also reported the whole team up level by level.

"Comrades!" After clearing his throat, Shi Rui suddenly shouted at the new team in front of him.

"To -" all the new players opened their mouths at the same time and made a mountain drinking sound from their chest.

Shi Rui's powerful baritone, Then Lang Lang rang loudly and forcefully: "Today is a special day. Over the past few months, your new team members have been brave, tenacious and persevering. Finally, they have passed a series of hard training and a series of cruel tests. After repeated elimination round after round, they have finally stood out from a large number of trained officers and soldiers and reached the most basic quality and qualification to become a qualified special forces soldier This is a special day for you to officially join our Falcon special brigade. "

Speaking of this, Shi Rui deliberately paused for a moment. With his hawk like eyes, he carefully looked at each new team member in front of him. Then the conversation turned quickly and accentuated his tone again, He asked: "But before you officially join our Falcon special brigade, I want to ask you one last question. Now, who among you wants to quit? It's too late to put it forward! No one will laugh at you. However, once you participate in the team joining ceremony and become a formal member of the Falcon special brigade, if anyone asks to quit again, I'll tell you We can only treat him as a deserter or a coward without backbone. For deserters and cowards, those who are light will go to the military court, and those who are heavy will shoot him directly. Now, you tell me, do any of you want to quit? This is your last chance! "

"No -" Shi Rui's words just asked. In the square of the strict new team members, they once again shouted in unison.

Shi Rui, who looked very serious, immediately asked, "you don't have to answer so simply, so quickly and so anxiously. Think about it again. Do you know what special forces are?"

"Hardship, pain, loneliness, loneliness, sweat, blood, life and dedication!" As if rehearsed in advance, all the new team members shouted in unison in an incomparably neat, sonorous and firm voice.

"Yes! This is our special forces! We don't know pain, we don't know fatigue, and we don't believe in tears; we don't have our own feelings, we don't have our own everything, and we don't even have ourselves; we don't rest, we don't take a vacation, and we don't go out. Because we are prepared 24 hours a day, we fight for the motherland and the people Be ready. " Shi Rui immediately took over and said very seriously.

Then, in the same tone and look, Then he said: "We are a group of people who exist specifically to cope with the war. We are a group of fearless warriors from hell. We dare to go up to the sky to catch the moon, we dare to go down to the sea to catch turtles, we can gallop the desert, we can roar the jungle, we can soar the blue sky, we can go out of the sea. We can't predict which corner of the motherland the future war will take place, but However, we must do it. After the war and before the damage to the motherland and people is minimal, we must rush to the scene as quickly as possible and fight at an extremely fast speed. Any enemy in the world who dares to offend the divine power of the motherland and the interests of the people should be completely eliminated without mercy! Let them always regret being our enemy! "

All the new team members, under the sonorous, powerful, passionate and high-spirited words of the captain, were boiling with blood and everyone had a long blood relationship.

Shi Rui paused deliberately and observed the look of the new players, Then he said: "Comrades, we are not big stars with greasy faces, nor are we public figures with bullshit. We can't show our faces everywhere and show off everywhere. It hurts to be idle all day. We have a lot of hard training, hard training, endless heavy training day and night, and endless cruel tests and training. We have a lot of loneliness, I think We have some crazy loneliness. Even the meritorious deeds we have made can only be quietly stuffed into our files and become a secret that no one can explore forever. We have some unknown persistence, we have some unknown persistence, and we have some unknown dedication. "

All the new team members looked solemnly and solemnly at the captain in front of them and the military flag whose face was redder than blood. Everyone was absorbed and no one made the slightest sound.

Of course, everyone knows well. Of course, they all know the hardships of special forces, the difficulties of special forces, and the unique glory and greatness of special forces.

Shi Rui glanced one by one at all the new players in front of him. Then he asked solemnly and solemnly, "comrades! Now, tell me, who among you wants to quit?"

"No -" the mountain drank like a loud noise, earth shaking. Once again, it sounded in unison in the new team. The voice was sonorous and firm.

After the mountain's loud noise fell, the scene showed a dead tranquility, almost audible.

All the new team members looked at Shi Rui with a very solemn look in front of them with high concentration, and Shi Rui's Hawk like eyes were like a tester and examiner. On all the new team members, they scanned and examined back and forth.

Time flows very slowly in this extremely solemn and quiet situation.

After a full two minutes, Shi Rui eased his look slightly, as if the ice had melted slightly, in a dignified tone of satisfaction and excitement, Said: "OK! I believe that all the people present are all fucking heroes and all fucking steel soldiers. On behalf of the Falcon special brigade, I, Shi Rui and Jin warmly welcome all new comrades to join. Now, everyone, follow me and swear to the sacred military flag --"

After that, Shi Rui immediately turned back, raised his right arm to the bright red flag, slightly bent upward, and slightly touched his right temple with his right fist to make an oath.

Everyone present, including the new team members and the old team members, immediately took the oath.

Then, following the captain, with their greatest strength and voice, with a hot and pious heart, they swore in unison to the bright red military flag:

"I am a Chinese special forces, I swear: always loyal to the motherland, always loyal to the people, obey orders, obey commands, be brave and tenacious, not afraid of sacrifice, train hard to kill the enemy, and resolutely complete the task... I am willing to give everything to defend the socialist motherland!"

The oath of the special forces is not long, but every word and sentence is sonorous and powerful.

These soul stirring vows are not simply made for every special forces soldier to take an oath, even if it is completed. Instead, every special forces soldier should firmly remember every word in these vows, and even integrate into the blood and bone marrow.

Moreover, not only does it require every sworn special forces soldier to always remember, but also let every sworn special forces soldier faithfully practice without any discount.

Although the oath had been completed, the voices of all officers and soldiers still echoed over the camp for a long time.

Shi Rui put down his right arm and turned around. His eyes were dignified but not reduced. He repeatedly glanced at all the officers and soldiers in front of him several times, and then used his incomparably strong voice again, With blood boiling, he said, "from now on, all of you are members of our Falcon special brigade. From now on, we will train together, live together, go to the battlefield together and kill the enemy together. From then on, we share weal and woe, and we depend on life and death!"

"Share weal and woe, life and death depend on each other..." all the officers and soldiers shouted loudly with the speed and rhythm of the captain.

Shi Rui relaxed his serious face, which was almost dripping water, and then looked at all the officers and soldiers in front of him with a kind look of elders. A moment later, as if to sum up, say: "Each of our officers and soldiers is a special force. Our brigade is a special force. Our soldiers here are professional. Our daily training looks very complex and cumbersome. In fact, it is very simple and simple. To put it bluntly, our daily training is only carried out around two things, that is, preserving ourselves and destroying the enemy. Or it can be summarized as simple Six words: survive, fight! Everything else is fucking bullshit! Do you understand? "

"I see -" everyone shouted in unison.

All the new players did not expect that the daily training was so complex and cumbersome. In the eyes of the captain, it would be so simple, so simple and so direct to the key.

For a long time, after everyone's voice stopped, Shi Rui seemed to ask and answer himself, He said loudly, "do you know why we call ourselves eagle? Do you know that every member of our brigade must take a code with the word eagle? Because the eagle represents courage, determination, ferocity and the indomitable spirit of moving forward."

Instead, he turned his eyes to all the officers and soldiers in front of him and asked solemnly, "but do you know why we call falcons?"

As for this almost routine problem, every officer and soldier present has been clear and familiar with it since the moment they stepped into the Falcon special brigade.

At this time, no matter the old team members or the new team members, everyone tried their best to pull their own voices, pronounce with their own chest, and replied in unison: "because of our absolute loyalty to the motherland and the people, because of our extraordinary ferocity to the enemy, because of our incomparable tenacity, because we are not afraid of sacrifice, because we dare to sacrifice!"

"Well said, comrades! In the future war, no matter under any circumstances, no matter what we are facing, we must always be absolutely loyal to the motherland and the people. We must always remember that we are all born for the country and fighting for the people! And move forward bravely and without hesitation. Under no circumstances should we betray the motherland and the people and never turn back Can betray our army! Can you do it? " Shi Rui took over the topic, explained it, stared at all the officers and soldiers in front of him and asked solemnly.

"Yes -" all the officers and men shouted again.

Then, under the leadership of Shi Rui, all officers and soldiers shouted the two short slogans of the Falcon special brigade: Eagle hunting, lightning strike the sky! The eagle hunts and lightning strikes the sky

This incomparably majestic, exciting and shocking mouth echoed for a long time over the camp and in the hearts of every officer and soldier participating in the ceremony.

As captain Shi Rui said, every member who officially joins the Falcon special brigade must take his own code. This code is not only the identity symbol of the members of the Falcon special brigade, but also for the confidentiality of the task, and also to make it easier for all the members to remember each other.

But taking a code name is like taking a nickname. The parties often have the least say.

In fact, all the codes of these new players, the poor and boring old players, have long thought of them, and they can't refuse to get up. Now, they just need to get it by themselves and quickly remember their code. They have no autonomy or right to discuss.

I don't know whether Cheng Chong had a glorious history of going deep alone several times before, or because of something else, his code name was Gu Ying.

To be honest, when he first heard that he called this code, Cheng Chong was very upset, and he also had some disgust and resistance. This solitary eagle, no matter how it sounds, seems to have the meaning of being alone, alone and helpless. In addition, the solitary Eagle seems to be somewhat similar to and related to the stray wild goose. How to listen, how to feel a little lonely, lonely means in it, lingering.

However, because the code name was given by the poor and boring old players, the refutation was invalid, and Cheng Chong had to accept it reluctantly with grievances.

Later, he thought, the eagle, a fierce bird, seems to have always been alone. People may have seen flocks of geese, but who has seen flocks of eagles?

So it's good to call it solitary eagle. It deserves the name! Cheng Chong accepted it in peace of mind.

Chen Zheng, the frog man, had been idle in the Marine Corps for some time before, so the old team members specially put forward a word of war from the name of the Marine Corps, so they named him Warhawk.

This code is really powerful, and even has some domineering side leakage. Chen Zheng, who has always been silent, honest and pragmatic, certainly has no complaints and dissatisfaction.

Su Wugang, a paratrooper, had a sense of freedom because he used to fly in the blue sky. Therefore, those poor and boring old players named him flying eagle. As soon as you listen to this code, everyone can immediately understand that this is calling paratroopers. It is both vivid and profound.

It's artillery Du Lei who has some grievances. This guy often talks about things. Although his words are more unreliable than the weather forecast, this can't prevent the old team members from naming him divine eagle.

Ha! This is another code for domineering side leakage!

Only Meng Lang's code made him completely speechless, but even if he was sulking for a long time, there was nothing he could do. Speaking of it, he is the most wronged.

I don't know whether it was because the old team members had a grudge against him or heard some of the wild flower events before the Playboy from the ordinary gossip. All the old team members named him flower eagle with one voice.

Flower Eagle! Flower Eagle! How to listen to this code, how to make people feel uncomfortable, how to listen to it, how to make people feel that it is a female animal's name. However, as mentioned earlier, the party concerned has no right to speak about the code. Even if thousands of Meng Lang are dissatisfied and disagree, they can't stop other comrades in arms from calling him Huaying with interest.

Moreover, the more disgusted Meng Lang was, the happier and more frequently they called.

This is the reality, this is the comrades in arms!

In fact, in the whole brigade, only captain Shi Rui's code without eagle, because his code name is haidongqing. However, anyone with a little common sense knows that although the three words haidongqing have nothing to do with the word eagle, haidongqing is an extremely fierce and special eagle, which can be called the first of all eagles