Chapter 242

In an instant, the scream of killing rose to the sky. Under the roar of mortar shells, a large group of mercenaries jumped out of the bunker and rushed out of the fortifications, regardless of their own safety. Everyone was red eyed, howling and yelling. Under the cover of the remaining bunker fire, they launched a crazy charge like death.

Extremely fast and fierce attack!

The situation suddenly became extremely critical! Time suddenly became extremely urgent, almost to the point of urgency and can't wait!

At this time, Cheng Chong and Chen Zheng suddenly saw the current critical situation. At the same time, they were shocked by it.

The enemy is going to die!

The enemy is doing his best to make a final fight regardless of life and death.

At the same time, the enemy is so brave and tenacious, so fierce and fearless of death, which shows that the enemy is completely forced at this time. At the last moment, they had to jump out of the bunker, out of the fortification, do their best, make the last shot, make the last fight.

At the same time, the more violent the enemy's attack is, the faster the attack is, and the more deadly the attack is, which profoundly shows that the more critical, dangerous and urgent the enemy's situation is, and it has reached their last desperate moment.

In other words, the most critical and important moment in the battle has come!

At this time, it is the most critical and important moment for the enemy. Similarly, it is also the most critical and important moment for the three special combat members of temporary group A.

At this time, the three men must do their best, exhaust all their strength and methods, and resolutely resist the enemy's final madness with their best efforts and even sacrifice. At this time, even if the sky falls, the three of them must support themselves with their own heads and backbone.

Must be, no choice!

Otherwise, all these achievements will be wasted, and success will be on the verge of failure!

Obviously, at this time, it was too late to report the enemy's specific coordinates to Du Lei and ask him to quickly turn the artillery and provide artillery support.

At this time, the three men must rely on their strong military quality, as well as all the military skills they have learned and trained in ordinary times, and use the most direct single soldier firepower to give the most direct, heaviest and most possible attack and resistance to the enemy's desperate and crazy attack.

Cheng Chong and group leader Chen Zheng, without hesitation or delay, immediately fired their guns and launched a fierce counterattack and crazy shooting against the fierce and fearless enemy with Meng Lang hidden aside.

Dada... Boom... Dada

Under the constant roar and roar of mortar shells, in the deafening and violent explosion that shook mountains and mountains, the black muzzle of three 95 assault rifles spewed out a long tongue of fire and poured bullets at a high speed in the direction of the crazy impact of the enemy.

Cheng Chong and group leader Chen Zheng fought back fiercely together, while Meng Lang marched fiercely behind an earth slope on the side alone. Therefore, the bullets from the three 95 assault rifles quickly formed a dense cross fire, which dealt a heavy blow and a tight blockade to the mercenaries who poured in with their lives.

If this state of intensive cross fire is maintained all the time, in front of the three powerful Chinese special forces, the dozen mercenaries, even if they play their lives and go crazy, may not be able to break through the tight fire blockade and directly attack the three.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel!

Because, at this time, right in front of the three, there is an extremely powerful sniper in an enemy bunker or a fortification bunker. Moreover, the terror and danger of this extremely powerful sniper and the three special combat members of temporary group A have seen it with their own eyes.

There must be no slightest carelessness or negligence!

At this time, the three of them were very clear in their hearts. At the same time, they could imagine that in a bunker or a fortification bunker not far from the front, the enemy's extremely powerful sniper must be ready, and the muzzle had been carefully aimed here for a long time.

As long as the three of them take the lead, or one is careless and one is negligent. Then, the sniper bullet in the enemy's M24 sniper rifle, which has long been loaded and ready to be fired, will surely hit in a very short time, with extremely fast speed and accurate orientation!

And there is no doubt, no suspense!

In this case, the three special combat team members of temporary group A should not only try their best to block the crazy enemy, but also be highly vigilant to avoid the rapid locking and accurate sniping of the extremely powerful Sniper at any time.

At this time, the three men, under the crazy attack and strong pressure of the enemy, tried their best to hide any part of their bodies while shooting back. Even if you have to, you should try your best to ensure that the part of your body exposed outside the temporary shelter must not exceed the size of half a slap, and the time of each exposure must not exceed two seconds.

In this way, we can barely ensure that they will not be the target of the powerful sniper. After all, under the cover of night, at a distance of 100 meters, even the most powerful sniper can hardly find the target quickly, lock the target quickly, and then accurately hit the target less than half a slap in the face within two seconds.

However, in this way, it will undoubtedly provide rare convenience and create rare opportunities for those enemies who are rushing in with their lives.

This is also a very helpless thing. After all, you can't have both fish and bear's paw. Both sides need to be taken into account, but it's difficult to take both sides into account.

Dada... Dada... Boom

At this time, the gunfire became more and more intense, more intense than ever.

The two sides of the battle do not seem to be engaged in an ordinary battle at the moment, but completely abandon their lives and are engaged in a tragic life and death battle!

In the dense and occasionally intermittent fire of the three special combat members of temporary group A, the enemies who rushed madly fell down one after another. The fallen enemies, in great pain, were dying, moaning in pain and Howling hysterically

However, those enemies who were not shot and fell were still fearless and continued to charge forward with their lives, and were not moved at all. With red eyes and ferocious faces, everyone screamed and roared as if he had escaped from hell, regardless of rain or wind.

Under the fierce fire of the three special combat team members in temporary group A, after more than half of the ten mercenaries were shot and fell, there were five or six mercenaries who survived. In addition, it was like a swarm of bees. Under the dense fire, it quickly crossed the earth slope where Cheng Chong and Chen Zheng were invisible, and rushed towards them bravely.

What was more frightening was that one of the mercenaries quickly took out a grenade from his body and pulled some pull rings. However, he did not throw the grenade out, but directly held the smoking grenade and fiercely attacked Cheng Chong and Chen Zheng with the fastest speed in his life.

This is no longer an ordinary battle, but has evolved into a soul stirring suicide attack. This is not a life and death struggle, but a tragic masterpiece of dying together.

The situation is extremely dangerous. It's really a critical moment. It's urgent!

The extremely fierce mercenary, even at the expense of himself, forced the two Chinese special forces to bury him and accompany him on the West.

However, he thinks too much! He really thinks too much! He's really a little self righteous!

Only their own companions buried him, only mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment accompanied him all the way west, and no one else. These two Chinese special forces will only bury them and send them on the west road together.

Because he didn't know that among the two Chinese special forces, there was another Cheng Chong who was extremely agile and powerful. He has a certain level of Kung Fu in boxing and sabre. He will give him the last leg.

In the dark, at that dangerous and critical moment, he was extremely agile and moved very quickly, without hesitation or delay. Between lightning and flint, he quickly threw his 95 assault rifle behind him, and flashed aside very quickly, which could be avoided. Then he grabbed a mercenary who was coming from the rapid impact on the face, twisted with great force, and quickly pushed him in front of the mercenary holding the smoking grenade, and then took a step forward to push the two mercenaries under the earth slope. At the same time, he immediately turned sideways and hid his body behind the mercenary in front as much as possible.

At this time, the two mercenaries, like hamburgers stuffed with bread, clamped the grenade between their bodies and couldn't move for a moment.

"Ah --"

Immediately aware of the danger, the two mercenaries were startled, their faces changed sharply, and then sent out a hysterical howl of despair from the depths of their respective chest!

However, their desperate howl had not yet subsided. The pull ring was pulled off, and some of the unbearable grenades exploded fiercely.


Under the violent explosion of the grenade, the two mercenaries acting as bread directly exploded into two piles of bloody meat. Cheng Chong, who had been hiding behind a mercenary, was not hurt much. He was just a little tinnitus and flustered by the huge explosion of grenades.

However, the dangerous close combat is far from over. Even this is just the beginning.

Just as Cheng Chong was making this "human meat hamburger" very quickly, the other two mercenaries who rushed up quickly opened their teeth and claws and rushed to one side of Chen zhengmeng. Chen Zheng had to immediately throw his rifle behind him, quickly pull out the military dagger he carried with him, and fight close to the two mercenaries with all his strength.

Group leader Chen Zhengshi's Kung Fu is also very strong, but these two mercenaries are by no means ordinary people. Moreover, at this time, they were completely in a state of extreme madness and excitement. As soon as they rushed up, they were ferocious and desperate fighting. They didn't pay attention to any rules and routines at all.

What's more, like Cheng Chong and Meng Lang, Chen Zheng should try his best to avoid exposure and becoming the target of that powerful sniper. In this way, some boxing and skills can't be used, and naturally it's impossible to play to the best.

Under the fierce attack of the two mercenaries one after another, almost like a storm, Chen Zheng waved his knife and parried again and again. However, when he was seizing the enemy's artillery position, he left some pain on his body, which hindered his skill. At the moment, he was still worried about the enemy's extremely powerful sniper, so he didn't dare to stand up easily, let alone stand easily.

Therefore, under the crazy attack of the two mercenaries as if they were a combination of yin and Yang, team leader Chen Zheng had only the power to parry and had no ability to fight back. Although he tried his best to fight back, he was still unable to cope with the crazy attack of the two mercenaries alone.

After several swift and dangerous rounds, three or four knife wounds left by each other's daggers suddenly appeared on him.

The situation suddenly became more and more urgent!

If this goes on, the life of team leader Chen Zheng will be at stake! No accident!

Seeing this, the grenade just exploded. Although his body was a little uncomfortable by the violent explosion of the grenade, Cheng Chong didn't adjust for a moment, let alone delay at all.

In this critical and urgent situation, he quickly pulled out the eagle warrior he was carrying, jumped forward, and turned quickly and strangely in the night sky.

The sharp Eagle warrior in his hand had stabbed steadily into one of the mercenaries from the back neck. Then, the blade was swift and horizontal. It took almost no effort to cut off the artery of the mercenary! Death is just a matter of time.

In an instant, the blood was gushing and gorgeous. It was estimated that the mercenary didn't understand what happened to him and what was going on until he died!