Chapter 260

Under Cheng Chong's brazen repeated demands and insistence, he finally stayed, continued to accompany min Jie, took care of Min Jie, and served as a free nurse for min Jie for a period of time. Although it seems that the nurse is not so competent, his working attitude is generally very good. He can be regarded as dedicated and responsible.

Then the time they spent alone increased, and their feelings gradually warmed up and strengthened. The gunshot wound on Min Jie gradually improved with the passage of time, and the injury was gradually controlled and gradually stabilized. The wound also changes from pain to itching, which shows that the wound is slowly healing, and it is no longer like before. It often makes people show their teeth and hurt them beyond control.

One afternoon a few days later, Cheng Chongzheng guarded min Jie's hospital bed and racked his brains to tell min Jie jokes to make her happy. At this time, min Jie, although her wound was still a little painful and itchy, and she couldn't move freely in the hospital bed for a long time, so she was naturally a little depressed. However, with Cheng Chong's repeated efforts, she was still amused and in a good mood.

Just as they were immersed in the selfless world and shared this rare sweet time, the door of the ward was pushed open with a squeak. Then Meng Lang came in gently from the door with a bunch of bright roses in his hand and a bad smile on his face.

Seeing the sweet and boring situation of the two people in front of him, while admiring him, he will inevitably make a few sour jokes.

"Ha! I said your boy has been in the hospital for several days and is reluctant to go back to the brigade. Now I understand that there are beauties here? Is it a little happy?" After politely asking min Jie a few Hello, Meng Lang deliberately opened his voice and joked to Cheng Chong.

"Rotten man! Don't talk! I'm helping my comrades in arms by myself? Be a qualified and free nurse. You don't have to praise me. I've always been so helpful, selfless and dedicated to others. I'm used to it..." facing Meng Lang, Cheng Chong would be sorry for their iron like relationship if he didn't talk nonsense.

"Ha! It's really the third day of the scholar's leave. I don't know you. It's only a few days! This face has become thicker than the city wall. If it's allowed to develop again, I'm afraid it won't take long to compete with the bulletproof vest." Meng Lang immediately began to talk nonsense, then turned his head and looked at Min Jie aside and said, "Li Ying! Don't be affected by him! You can't learn well after mixing with him for a long time, just like me..."

The smiling min Jie was about to talk, but Cheng Chong suddenly seemed to find a secret and deliberately blamed Meng Lang: "tell me about you, a rich childe, who is really stingy and stingy. You obviously came to visit two patients, but only sent a bunch of flowers. What do you mean?"

Meng Lang did not worry at all. He smiled mysteriously, and then replied cunningly, "are you two not together sooner or later? Isn't it just good to send a bunch of flowers? Unless you have other bad thoughts! Besides, your boy is as strong as a cow and wants to pretend to be sick? He can't even pretend..."

In fact, Meng Lang did buy two bouquets of flowers under the banner of visiting his two comrades in arms. Just another bunch of flowers! He has given it to nurse Yu Yue.

Yu Yue didn't seem very cold to Meng Lang, a rich childe, but he politely accepted the flowers, but his attitude was cold and light, just out of the ordinary communication and politeness between his comrades in arms, nothing else.

This makes Meng Lang, a warm and wishful thinking man, a little depressed. He, a former love field expert, unexpectedly hit a wall for the first time in his life. Of course, when he met Cheng Chong and min Jie, he never mentioned them and would never say them.

Cheng Chong and Meng Lang talked for a while and joked with each other. Meng Lang immediately looked solemn and said to Cheng Chong in a low voice and some mystery, "come out for a minute. I have something to tell you."

Cheng Chong looked at Meng Lang with a little doubt for a moment, looked at Min Jie lying on the hospital bed with some embarrassment, and then replied brightly: "what's the matter? It's mysterious. What's important, you can't say it face to face?"

"You'll know when you come out!" Meng Lang winked at Cheng Chong and left such a sentence. He walked to the door first.

Cheng Chong looked at Meng Lang's back for some reason. Then, he was vaguely aware of the seriousness of the problem, because he knew Meng Lang's personality. If it wasn't an important thing, he would never make a mystery. Therefore, Cheng Chong quickly turned his head to look at Min Jie and asked her for advice with his eyes.

Bingxue smart min Jie immediately understood. She smiled and said to Cheng Chong, "then go! Maybe he really has something to do? Anyway, I don't have anything here!"

Seeing that Min Jie said so, Cheng Chong immediately turned around, followed Meng Lang, and walked out of the door of the ward.

One by one, they hurried into a more remote ward without patients, and then closed the door of the ward.

"What's the matter? So careful?" As soon as he entered the door, Cheng Chong opened his mouth and asked.

"Do you know? Wang Yao is back!" Meng Lang didn't beat around the bush with him either. He said it directly.

"He's back? Wasn't he missing?" Cheng Chong was startled immediately, stared wide in confusion and asked in surprise.

Yeah! Suddenly disappeared on the battlefield, which is more or less moving and confusing. A few days later, he suddenly came back almost intact. I'm afraid any normal person will be surprised and suspicious.

"Yes! We also feel very strange! At that time, the four of us searched back and forth several times at the scene of the battle. We found all the weapons and equipment of the martyrs without landing. However, we didn't see him at all. I remember it was almost dawn at that time, and the visibility was much better than before, but we were stunned. We searched the scene several times, but we didn't find him Find him. " At this time, Meng Lang also felt puzzled and confused.

Cheng Chong listened to Meng Lang carefully. In surprise, he thought suspiciously for a while. Then he continued to ask Meng Lang, "have you all reacted to the leaders of the brigade?"

"It's all reflected! Team leader Chen Zheng also wrote a battle report in detail! He wrote the whole battle process clearly and didn't fall behind at all, especially the whole process of looking for Wang Yao later." Meng Lang frowned, looked at Cheng Chong in front of him, and then replied with an unusually dignified face.

"What is the opinion of the superior?" Cheng Chong immediately asked.

Meng Lang blinked slightly, then blurted out without thinking: "no problem, because the situation was not clear at that time! It's not easy for the superior to make a judgment on this! After all, the environment on the battlefield is complex and the situation is dangerous. Anything can happen!"

"How did he explain when he came back?" Cheng Chong then asked.

"He only said that during the war, in order to avoid the fierce fire of the enemy, he accidentally slipped and fell off the cliff. When he fell, he fainted. He lay under the cliff for several days until he woke up, so he came back a few days late..." Meng Lang thought slightly for a moment, Then he told Cheng Chong some information about Wang Yao he heard in the brigade.

Hearing what Meng Lang said, Cheng Chong immediately fell into meditation.

Practically speaking, this truth seems to make sense! At that time, the two sides were engaged in a fierce battle, and the environment in the area where the war was fought was also very complex. There were dense jungles, peaks and cliffs. If such an accident happened when it was forced by the enemy's firepower, it was reasonable, which was not surprising.

Cheng Chong frowned and meditated for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes brightened and immediately asked, "is he hurt? When he fell off the cliff, he couldn't be hurt? Besides, he came back without rescue!"

This problem is obvious. No matter who falls off the cliff, he can't be safe! After all, unlike birds, people don't have wings to fly.

"He was injured, but the injured part was a little strange. Generally speaking, people falling from a high place, whether it was the original reason or the instinct of survival, were likely to fall upright to a great extent. Then, after landing, the most likely person to be injured should be his leg, but he was injured by an arm, which was really a bit disappointing People feel a little strange! " While talking, Meng Lang also looked surprised. At the moment, he was also a little unpredictable.

But Cheng Chong's analysis at this time really surprised him.

However, Cheng Chong was not surprised at all. He thought for a moment and paused, Then he said, "it's no wonder that he can only hurt his arm or some other parts. If he hurts his leg, how can he come back without rescue? Can he climb back with both hands and feet in that primitive jungle?"

After saying that, Cheng Chong added: "however, it is this kind of not strange, this kind of natural thing that makes people wonder. It is what makes people feel strange. Why is there such a coincidence? It just hurts his arm, not his leg, or other key parts, so it will not affect his normal activities!"

"Yes! That's the key to the problem, and that's what makes people feel strange!" At this moment, Meng Lang, who was also puzzled, immediately echoed.

However, although they felt a little strange at this time, they couldn't find any strong evidence for the moment. Strangeness is strange, but strangeness can't be used as strong evidence to explain the problem. There are many strange things in the world, but strange doesn't mean there are problems.

Cheng Chong immediately frowned. He vaguely felt that the problem seemed to be something wrong, but he didn't know where to go. He couldn't say a reason for it for a moment. After thinking for a moment, he continued to ask Meng Lang, "what did the leader of the brigade say about this matter?"

Meng Lang immediately replied, "what else can I say? The leaders of the brigade are still reviewing and questioning him alone. At present, everyone in the brigade is not allowed to contact him alone. In short, the leaders of the brigade are very cautious in this matter!"

"Come on -" hearing Meng Lang's words, Cheng Chong felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief, Then he said: "since the leaders of the brigade are so concerned about this matter, this matter should be clarified. Although this matter is a little strange, I still hope it is just a small accident. At least, four of the six members of Falcon group A have died, and now two have survived, which is a good thing."

"Who said no?" Meng Lang then said, "after this battle, although we annihilated many enemies, we didn't completely complete the task after all, and damaged several of our excellent special forces. Generally speaking, we still won more than we lost. Now Wang Yao has come back. We should be happy, right?"

However, at this time, if you want to make Cheng Chong happy, it's really a little difficult for him. At this time, although he could not find any strong evidence or reasons for doubt, he still had some concerns and some unclear places in his heart.

However, seeing Meng Lang say so at the moment, if he is a little unhappy, he seems to be very careful. Therefore, he took a long sigh of relief and said with a smile: "it's also reasonable. It's better to come back than to disappear! However, we'd better be careful before the brigade has completely figured out the situation."

"Of course! That's the main reason why I came to tell you this. However, I have another happy thing to tell you. Although our temporary group A did not completely wipe out all the enemies or completely destroy the enemy's secret base, it also dealt a heavy blow to the enemy, annihilated dozens of enemies and naturally injured them More... "Meng Lang immediately talked as if he were going to be endless.

Cheng Chong, a little impatient, quickly interrupted him and said, "I know all this. What do you want to say? What do you want to express? What's worth being happy?"

"Hei hei -" although Cheng Chong interrupted him, Meng Lang didn't mind. Instead, he smiled Hei hei, Then he said brightly: "Worry! I know you're worried! Let me tell you! After such a battle, the leaders of the brigade, after careful consideration and research, finally decided to remove the word" temporary "from our temporary group A, that is, our temporary group A has officially become the famous Falcon group A of our brigade. Do you think it's a happy thing?"

"What are you talking about? Are you telling the truth?" Cheng Chong immediately opened his surprised eyes and almost couldn't believe his ears. Although the specific performance of the two special operations teams on the battlefield is very different, which is stronger or weaker, it is clear at a glance, Cheng Chong always feels that he has not completely won this time. He is regretful. As for the name of Falcon group A, he dare not expect too much.

At this time, I couldn't be happier to hear Meng Lang say so.

"Of course it's true! Can this be false? At the same time, I'd like to tell you one more thing. The brigade decided that Li Ying, the sniper of the original Falcon group A, was the top sniper of our brigade, so when she got well, she returned and directly joined our special combat team, that is to say, she will be the sniper of our special combat team in the future!" Meng Lang said excitedly.

"Really? It's too fucking good -" at this time, Cheng Chong swept away the haze in his heart and immediately smiled.

Yeah! Li Ying, we have gone through all the ups and downs, and now we are finally together! In the future, we will fight side by side, advance and retreat together, and live and die together! In the future, no matter what, I will never let anyone hurt you again