Chapter 270

However, the day after min Jie was transferred from the Falcon special brigade, a very strange and even strange thing happened immediately. It was a shocking and planned ferocious prison robbery.

That evening, when the sun, which had worked hard all day, had completely disappeared after the peak of the mountains in the west, with the help of the afterglow of the sunset, the beautiful and gorgeous sunset had to converge its edge and gradually retreat from the western sky under the pressure of the night.

The sky seemed to dim quickly in the blink of an eye!

Not far from the southwest border, on the prison wall of a very hidden special prison, just after dinner, a recruit who immediately came to pick up the sentry took this Bayi rifle from the previous sentry according to the standardized process of picking up the sentry.

The principle of sentinel prison is to change people instead of guns!

As for the live ammunition carried by various sentinels, they go with people in order to implement better ammunition management. That is, before each sentry goes to the sentry post, he will receive the live ammunition with strict regulations from the operator on duty. If there is no accident at the sentry post on duty, he can return all the live ammunition to the operator on duty after going off the sentry post.

In this way, we can not only successfully perform the custody task, but also strictly control the ammunition on the post. Each bullet will not be easily lost, even if it is just an empty bullet without any lethality!

According to the required action of receiving the sentry, the recruits who received the Bayi rifle without cartridge from the previous sentry quickly tested the gun. After confirming that the gun was normal and there was no residual live ammunition in the gun chamber, they quickly loaded the live ammunition clip they carried with a snap.

Then he stood upright on the prison wall and began his guard duty.

It was just dark and the night wind was blowing. From a distance, the vigilant recruit saw several heavy machinery vehicles for construction on the construction site. With the help of the cover of the night light like black yarn, they roared the engine and slowly drove towards themselves!

The location of the prison is very remote, and there is only one road at the door to communicate with the outside world. In principle, the presence of these heavy machinery vehicles in this place at the moment is indeed unusual, strange and even strange.

But the recruit didn't immediately see the strange thing. At the moment, he was carrying out his task in a regular and rigid way. At the moment, it seemed to him that the heavy machinery vehicles were only driving on the road and did not enter the warning area like a prison, so it seemed that it was none of his business.

However, all his attention was attracted and his eyes were shining at the heavy mechanical vehicles coming slowly to his side. Although he felt a bit curious and surprised at the moment, as a recruit, he felt more fresh and novel.

After all, standing on the prison wall to guard prisoners has always been a boring job. At the moment, such an unexpected movement outside the prison wall is enough for him to spend a boring and difficult time!

Therefore, at this time, he just looked at the slow approach of several heavy machinery vehicles, but did not immediately give a warning, nor immediately report to the duty room, nor quickly take all corresponding countermeasures.

However, when those heavy mechanical vehicles were about 70 or 80 meters away from the prison, a very strange scene suddenly appeared. Without warning, but seeing that these heavy machinery vehicles immediately accelerated, the several high-power engines immediately roared loudly and fiercely, pulling the giants made of steel and rushing fiercely towards the direction of the prison. Moreover, the speed is faster and faster, showing no scruples.

The drivers of these heavy mechanical vehicles don't seem to know that they have entered the security area of this prison! Or, already know, but they simply turn a blind eye, such as entering a no man's land!

At this time, even if the recruit was slow in reaction and brain, he could quickly detect the existence of danger and the ferocity and badness of these heavy machinery vehicles.

He immediately turned over the Bayi rifle with his shoulder on his back. The original shoulder gun immediately turned into a two handed gun, quickly opened the insurance, pulled the gun pusher to load, and aimed directly at the muzzle. At the same time, he loudly gave a severe warning to the heavy machinery vehicles that rushed in according to the regulations!

However, those heavy equipment vehicles seemed not to hear his warning at all, still turned a blind eye, and continued to roar and rush forward at an increasing speed!

The situation at the scene suddenly became more and more urgent!

In a hurry and tension, the recruit had no time to continue to issue a warning or report to the duty room immediately, so he involuntarily pulled the trigger of the Bayi rifle!


With this clear shot, the sentry finally shot!

However, the gunshot was at most an upgraded warning, because at the moment, the first three rounds in his live ammunition clip were empty. This kind of empty cartridge without warhead, shooting at several steel giants tens of meters away, it seems that it is a little flattered to fire a warning!

Because it can't serve the purpose of warning each other at all!

After all, those heavy machinery vehicles are still turning a blind eye, just like no one's land. The speed of continuing to rush forward not only does not drop by a penny, but is still roaring and accelerating, and the speed is running forward and rushing faster and faster.

The recruit immediately realized the seriousness of the situation. Under tension, he immediately changed the insurance of Bayi rifle from single shot to continuous shot, tried to pull the trigger, shot all the empty bullets in the magazine as soon as possible, and then used the back live ammunition to effectively intercept and stop the huge iron and steel vehicles!

However, it's a pity that it's too late!

Just as he immediately retracted his left hand holding the guard wood and quickly rotated the safety of Bayi rifle.

Dada, dada!

An extremely accurate shot, three small caliber bullets of m16a2 rifle, roared out of the cab of one of the fierce heavy machinery, and flew very fast to the recruit!

The recruit hardly knew what was happening in front of him. He was pierced by the three small caliber bullets coming from high speed. He was puzzled. After struggling in pain for a moment, he was very unwilling to fall on the tall prison wall and into a pool of blood

Although the recruit had fallen down, the heavy machinery vehicles still did not stop at all, but increased their horsepower and crashed fiercely into the thick prison wall with full kinetic energy.

Although the tall prison wall piled with bricks and reinforced with steel and cement was very thick and reliable, under the fierce collision of several heavy construction machines specially dealing with this solid wall, only a dull loud bang was heard. The tall and thick prison wall was directly hit by several heavy machinery vehicles, and an irregular big gap was made.

With the help of the fierce impact, the heavy machinery vehicles rushed in and rushed directly into the prison. They were ferocious and did not stop at all.

After entering the prison, immediately from the cab of these heavy mechanical vehicles, seven or eight armed elements wearing wide stripe camouflage jumped down, and then quickly took on a fan shape. Relying on the giants made of steel, they carried out quickly and orderly. And quickly shot at the surrounding prison wall and knocked out several other sentinels standing on the prison wall one by one.

The Sentinels standing on the prison wall were in vain in this planned and premeditated military action. Almost before they had time to have a fierce gun battle with each other, they all fell down and fell in a pool of blood one by one.

Dada... Dada

The sharp and shrill sound of m16a2 rifle continued, but this time, the specific target of this group of militants was not clear, just to suppress others who rushed out of the surrounding cells.

After the Sentinels on the prison wall fell, the defense in the prison became more fragile.

The prison guards in the prison were only equipped with pistols with weak firepower, which could not be the opponent of this powerful m16a2 rifle. After a round of fierce sweeps by these armed elements, several prison guards who rushed in front quickly fell down, and no prison guards rushed out of the surrounding cells.

After successfully and neatly controlling the scene, the seven or eight militants who jumped down were immediately divided into two groups. Three or four continued to stay on guard, relying on heavy machinery vehicles, and constantly opened fire on suspicious targets around. The other three or four militants immediately shot forward and jumped forward to a hidden cell closest to the inside of the prison. The goal was very clear!

After quickly removing all the threats around, the three or four militants quickly arrived at the innermost cell. In addition to the extremely hidden location, the hidden cell is also the most secure and solid.

It is surrounded by extremely thick reinforced concrete without any windows. The door is also closed by a thick and solid safety door with several safety locks. In this case, the whole prison room is almost completely isolated from the outside world. It is not only completely soundproof, but also does not even circulate very fine air!

In the face of such a prison that is almost as solid as gold, the three or four armed elements did not waste any time looking for the relevant prison guards to find the key to open the door. Maybe they also knew that in such a top priority prison, the key could not be placed on ordinary prison guards, let alone on only one person.

In this case, if you want to find the full key smoothly in a short time, it is tantamount to going to heaven.

Therefore, instead of foolishly climbing this heavenly road, these armed elements who had long planned and premeditated immediately installed an appropriate dose of explosives at the key part of the heavy prison door and detonated it very quickly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After several low explosions, the strong and heavy prison door was damaged by fierce explosives. The tall militants broke through the door quickly without much strength.

The prisoner in this very hidden and highly safe cell is no other than the spy of the scorpion mercenary regiment, who has a lot of important information!

These fierce armed elements who rushed in were also the strong mercenaries specially sent by the scorpion mercenary regiment. The purpose of their action is to save this very important spy scorpion for them!

In fact, the place where Scorpion was detained was not in this prison, but with the gradual clarification of the enemy situation, the Chinese military secretly escorted him to this prison not far from the southwest border in order to better understand the situation nearby and the scene.

However, no one thought that the scorpion mercenary regiment had discovered the news of the secret escort. Under their careful premeditation and planning, there was such a fierce and bloody prison robbery!

After the three or four mercenaries successfully rescued the spy scorpion, without a pause or a word, one of the mercenaries quickly carried the spy scorpion on his back. The others supported and rushed out of the prison room.

When he rushed out of the cell, he immediately joined up with three or four mercenaries outside who had originally served as a guard, quickly boarded the giants made of steel, immediately turned the direction and stepped on the accelerator of the heavy machinery vehicles under the condition of continuing to shoot bullets around as a cover.

Then the heavy machinery vehicles roared and roared out of the prison again and rushed away

However, due to the detention of important military prisoners in the prison, the prison also made corresponding preparations for prevention. When these heavy mechanical vehicles rushed out of the prison, the troops in charge of guarding the prison were quickly in place and quickly set up a blockade around the prison.

However, there is only one squadron in charge of the prison, and it is also a squadron of discontent. Therefore, there are not many troops that can be dispatched quickly. Moreover, all the soldiers in this unit in charge of custody are only equipped with light weapons. Therefore, the firepower that can be organized is not necessarily fierce.

There was a fierce gunfight between the two sides outside the prison, but due to the troops responsible for guarding the prison, the number was small and the firepower was weak. The scorpion mercenaries were not only strong, but also covered by several steel giants.

After a fierce gunfight, the mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment, driving these heavy mechanical vehicles, successfully broke through the blockade just set up, and, after continuing to put a few soldiers, headed for the way!

However, although these heavy machinery vehicles have full power, strong impact, and even can play a certain armor protection effect, the action speed of these giants is very slow compared with other vehicles.

If you run all the way, you will be quickly caught up by the troops coming from behind.

However, at this point, the scorpion mercenary regiment was still fully prepared. After driving these heavy mechanical vehicles forward for thousands of meters, they suddenly rushed out of the shelter of the jungle on both sides, six or seven big ass military vehicles.

Everyone quickly got off the heavy machinery vehicle and quickly and orderly got on the six or seven big ass military vehicles. Then these heavy machinery vehicles were deliberately blocked in the middle of the road to stop the Chinese troops coming from behind. At the same time, the six or seven military vehicles immediately divided into several roads and ran in different directions after they met a fork in the road.

They use this method of self dispersion to avoid the key pursuit of the Chinese military!

Let the pursuing troops not know, which military vehicle did the important person spy on the scorpion?