Chapter 274

"Fuck your mother! I'll kill you -" seeing this extremely shocked, bloody and ruthless scene, Cheng Chong was very angry, stared angrily, his face was blue, and roared at the top of his voice.

The heroic pilot and his comrades in arms died. Moreover, in order to make the five special combat members of Falcon group a land safely as possible, he insisted on the last second without hesitation, at the cost of his precious life.

Seeing Cheng Chong of this extremely cruel scene from a close distance, how can you not be angry about it? How can you not be angry about it? How can we not scream for it?

However, at this time, he really found that he had not landed completely at this time. To be exact, he was still more than ten meters high from the ground. And such a height, if not handled in time and avoided improperly, is absolutely enough for him to follow the heroic pilot.

As the armed helicopter was directly hit by a rocket, followed by a deafening explosion, the armed helicopter disintegrated directly in the air. The fierce explosion made the wreckage of the aircraft and countless explosive fragments fly around at a very fast speed. In this case, the explosive fragments with high kinetic energy and the metal debris of the aircraft naturally fly down and quickly in the direction of Cheng Chong.

What is more dangerous is that the armed helicopter was hit by a rocket and disintegrated directly in the air, making Cheng Chong, who was far from landing, suddenly become a carefree free free fall. Under the action of earth's gravity, he fell down quickly from an altitude of more than ten meters.

In other words, at this time, even if he was lucky not to be hit by the metal debris or explosion debris of the aircraft, he would fall directly to the ground from a height of more than ten meters. At such a height, it would be light to fall half paralyzed!

The situation suddenly became extremely dangerous, and the time became extremely urgent.

At the moment, he must rely on himself to make corresponding countermeasures and use reasonable means of survival in a very short time. Otherwise, everything is likely to be over! There are few exceptions!

It immediately became a free fall. Under this dangerous and abnormal situation, in a hurry and emergency, I looked at the dense crown of a tall tree about six or seven meters below my body. The leaves and branches were extremely lush. I didn't have time to think about it. In mid air, I suddenly turned strangely and took the initiative to rush at the large dense crown.

Yes, the dense canopy can prevent him from the direct attack of aircraft metal debris and explosive debris, and a variety of branches can cushion his own gravity. In this way, he can kill two birds with one stone, which is also his only hope to survive under such dangerous circumstances!

Due to the long-term special training and various battlefield survival training, Cheng Chong's skill has become extremely agile and his speed has become more and more rapid. At the moment when he rushed to the dense canopy, as soon as his body touched the dense canopy, he turned quickly and strangely again, opened his hands, and plunged into the dense canopy.

This is the first priority for survival on the battlefield. In any case, we must first keep our head. As long as our head is not directly hurt, the hope and chance of survival will at least double.

After Cheng Chong plunged into the dense canopy, taking advantage of the inertia of his body in the rapid downward movement, he quickly grabbed a group of small and soft branches with his hands as a pioneer in front, so as to cushion his gravity, slow down the falling speed and offset the downward kinetic energy he carried.

After special training, he deeply understands the measures and means of survival at the moment.

At this time, when grasping the branches with both hands, he must not be greedy for firmness, but grasp the thicker and harder branches. The reason is very simple, because those thick and hard branches have great support. At this time, due to their fast downward speed and full kinetic energy, if you directly grasp these branches at this time, it is very likely to cause arm dislocation and even more serious consequences. Moreover, there is a direct risk of hitting your head!

Another is that when grasping the branches to buffer their downward speed and offset the downward kinetic energy, we must not hold on to a group of branches, because the softer branches may be broken under such a huge kinetic energy impact, and once the branches are broken, they will not play any buffering role.

Therefore, at this time, he grabbed the smaller and softer branches as much as possible, and he grabbed and released them quickly, kept grasping and releasing them, buffered and offset them level by level.

In the process of fast downward, use dense branches to continuously slow down their downward speed, reduce the downward kinetic energy, and avoid greater damage to themselves as much as possible!

After grasping and releasing the small and soft branches for several times, the speed of Cheng Chong's rapid falling from top to bottom is effectively buffered, and the downward kinetic energy is gradually decreasing.

After quickly passing through the dense canopy, at the moment when his body was about to land, he rushed down his face and turned again in a very strange way to let the back carrying the tactical backpack land first. The thick and soft tactical backpack can protect his body.

After landing, Cheng Chong then landed and rolled rapidly, which can be regarded as completely offsetting all the downward kinetic energy of himself. After this series of survival skills and battlefield survival measures, he fell directly from the air more than ten meters high and miraculously escaped from danger.

Not only effectively avoided the direct attack of aircraft metal debris and explosive debris, but also landed smoothly and safely. His body was stabbed and scratched by some branches of trees, but there were no other major scars, which did not affect him to continue fighting!

The other four team members who had landed safely for a long time saw that Cheng Chong had not lowered quickly. While they were strictly doing the necessary vigilance, everyone was also paying close attention to everything in the air. Only under the cover of thick night, and blocked by dense tree crowns, they were not very clear about what was happening in the air, so they had to wait in place anxiously and anxiously.

However, when they heard a violent explosion from the air, everyone was shocked and thought that Cheng Chong and the pilot were in great trouble. Then the feeling of anger suddenly surged and soared in everyone's heart, like a violent volcano, burst out, out of control!

"Kill! Kill all these bastards -" everyone roared angrily with blood red eyes!

Just at this time, I saw a dark figure falling quickly from the dense canopy. At the moment of landing, after a quick and rapid roll, I actually landed here!

"Solitary Eagle! Solitary Eagle! Are you okay?" Through the low light level night vision instrument, everyone saw the scene in front of him very clearly. Therefore, almost at the same time, they sent out concerns and inquiries among their comrades in arms to Cheng Chong in the headset.

Because they are on the battlefield now, they need to be on high alert at all times, so they don't rush up foolishly and gather together to ask, but others still stay in place and do the necessary alert. Only team leader Chen Zheng rushed forward quickly to see the situation!

"I'm all right! I'm all right! Hoo -" Cheng Chong lay flat for a while, immediately replied in his headset, and uttered a heavy sigh of relief.

After hearing Cheng Chong's voice, others were more relieved. Seeing that Cheng Chong had landed safely, everyone felt a rare comfort while being extremely angry.

"Kill the bastard holding the rocket launcher and avenge the pilot Comrade! Kill -" Cheng Chong did not continue to lie flat on the ground and rest, nor did he talk about anything with other comrades in arms. Instead, he suddenly stood up and rushed to the direction where no fire and arrow had been fired just now, roaring angrily.

"Avenge the pilot! Kill -" the other four team members were greatly encouraged. They were also very angry. Then they followed Cheng Chong's figure and rushed forward in the form of a triangular special force.

Dada... Dada

Five 95 assault rifles opened fire on the mercenaries one after another. They fired only two or three bullets each time. The shooting was extremely accurate and very simple. Every time you start a fire, you probably get a good harvest, and rarely miss when you play empty.

Even if there are occasional missed shells, other team members will lose no time to make up a few bullets, and will never give the enemy the hope of escape and survival. Because the whole special combat team is launched in the form of a front triangular special combat team, the special combat team members cooperate with each other and rely on each other, almost like an extremely sharp sword, constantly penetrating into the depth of the enemy.

Under the fierce attack of this sword like special combat team, sporadic enemies around them were pierced by small caliber bullets of the 95 assault rifle, burst their heads, and constantly fell down and killed beside this special combat team

"Avenge the pilot! Kill! Kill! Kill -" while the 95 assault rifle kept roaring, the five special combat members of Falcon group A were also roaring angrily, rushing forward and firing at the targets around.

After defeating five or six mercenaries in a row, the five special combat team members of Falcon group a suddenly found that a mercenary running forward with a rocket launcher appeared on the side of a big tree dozens of meters away. Seeing this, everyone was almost at the top of their anger.

"It must be this bastard! Kill him! Break him with our bullets!" The five people roared angrily almost at the same time, and pursued forward very quickly at the same time.

However, when the five special combat team members of Falcon group a quickly pursued forward, two mercenaries carrying rocket propelled grenades suddenly flashed from the other side of the big tree in front. It turned out that the mercenaries of the cunning scorpion mercenary regiment also knew certain combat tactics. They also knew the characteristics and advantages of concentrated firepower. Therefore, they formed a combat group with three mercenaries holding bazookas. In this way, it is conducive to concentrate their own firepower, cooperate with each other, and effectively attack the same target.

Just now, the three of them attacked the armed helicopter at the same time, which is a good example!

At this time, the two mercenaries carrying rocket propelled grenades who knew how to cooperate with each other did not rush forward like the mercenary carrying rocket propelled grenades. Instead, they squatted in a hidden position and aimed the rocket propelled grenades on their shoulders at the five special combat team members who came in quick pursuit.

Hiss -- hiss——

With two long and sharp sounds of breaking the air, two rockets flew quickly towards the five people who were coming in pursuit.

"Escape -" Cheng Chong, who rushed to the front of the team in an emergency, quickly fell down on the spot after a violent drink to his comrades in arms around him, and rolled extremely quickly to the side to quickly avoid the two fierce rockets.

Other special combat team members are elite special forces. When they encounter danger, they also avoid very quickly. Almost all of them lie down quickly at the same time and roll to the side to avoid, either roll as far as possible, or quickly find hidden obstacles to protect themselves.

The two fierce rockets flew obliquely downward and were equipped with trigger fuses. Therefore, after they did not directly hit the target, they both continued to fly forward for a certain distance and then touched the ground, which led to a violent explosion!

Boom! Boom!

The two powerful rockets immediately exploded behind the five people without suspense!

At the moment, although it is extremely dangerous, the five special combat team members have successfully avoided the direct attack of the two rockets by relying on their rapid response, agile action and extremely skilled tactical evasion skills.

The two rockets had just exploded, and the two mercenaries who launched the Rockets had no time to recover from the huge recoil when the Rockets were launched. The five special combat members of Falcon group A have seized the opportunity to quickly counter attack.

Dada... Dada

The five 95 assault rifles opened fire almost at the same time, and the fire was fierce. In an instant, the two mercenaries who had no time to make any evasive action were directly beaten into a honeycomb of holes and flesh and blood. A moment later, the two mercenaries fell into a pool of blood with fear and unwillingness, as well as infinite longing for life.

"And the last bastard, kill! Kill! Kill -" the five people still roared angrily.

Seeing that the two mercenaries in front of them were immediately killed in the end, none of the five special combat team members took the bloody scene in front of them seriously, but quickly got up from the ground without delay. Everyone was red eyed, and the last mercenary who ran away with a rocket launcher in front of him pursued him.

The last mercenary carrying a rocket launcher turned into two bloody and cold bodies in a very short time. The mercenary carrying the bazooka no longer dared to fight. In a hurry, he unexpectedly abnormally dropped the bazooka on his shoulder and tried to run for his life!

"Kill! You can't let him go even if you lose the bazooka, blood is worth blood! Kill -" but the five special forces in Falcon group A will never let him go because the other party dropped their weapons. Instead, they continue to chase after him with an angry roar!

The five special combat team members did not stop to pick up the three rocket launchers, but did not delay, continued to follow the enemy and pursued them forward! If you don't achieve your goal and revenge, you will never stop!

At this time, the hearts of the five people were very clear that this operation was a mobile raid operation to strike the enemy quickly and accurately, rather than an ordinary tough battle. At this moment, if you carry these three dead rockets, it will not only be useless for the operation at this time, but also greatly affect the operational mobility of the whole special combat team.

In that case, it will be a little more than worth the loss!