Chapter 297

"Who do you scare with your identity as group leader?" After listening to the leader Chen Zheng's remarks, Meng Lang, who has always been eloquent and eloquent, immediately took over the topic. He thought for a moment, then made righteous remarks, and even was awe inspiring, But he replied with an affectation: "our principle has always been to strictly abide by the centralized democracy. We should pay attention to both concentration and democracy, and no one can be an exception. Well, in order to better implement this principle, let's hold a pre war group meeting temporarily. Comrades who agree to pursue traitors and avenge their fallen comrades in arms, please raise their hands."

After that, Meng Lang himself raised his hand in advance. It's called one as if nothing had happened. It's called one as being kind! Very skilled, very handy.

Cheng Chong, who was on one side, immediately understood. He responded quickly and immediately raised his hand. At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a burst of secret joy. I thought that Meng Lang really has some crooked eloquence. At this moment, group leader Chen Zheng should have nothing to say and nothing to argue!

This is simply called using the other's spear to attack the other's shield, using the other's way to cure the other's body. Don't you want to put on your own identity? However, don't forget that no matter how special your identity is, you can't exist against principles! What's more, as the group leader, you can't ignore or openly refuse to pursue traitors and avenge your comrades in arms.

In this way, whether Chen Zheng is willing or unwilling to see it, the number of hands raised at the scene is two to one, and the result is a complete victory.

"Bullshit! What's nonsense? What's centralized democracy? It's bullshit! At this time, it's no use for both of you to raise your hands. In short, I'm the leader of the whole special combat team. You two team members must listen to me unconditionally. What's more, the captain just ordered the three of us to evacuate from the scene and return to the team immediately!" Chen Zheng didn't even think about it, so he immediately retorted.

Hearing this, Meng Lang was about to continue his argument, Cheng Chong said first: "Well, my team leader, I know you are the team leader, and we must listen to you. But this time, in order to chase down the traitor and ask for an explanation for the sacrificed comrades in arms, Hua Ying and I have decided to give up. Even if we disobey the order, we will have no hesitation! I'm afraid we will die in the event of success or failure in this disobedience. At that time , would you please bury the two of us together with the flying eagle? "

Cheng Chong's words immediately shocked Chen Zheng, who was not so good at words. He never thought that Cheng Chong could say such a thing at this time. At the moment, although he stared at the boss, he couldn't say a word.

Meng Lang's attitude was cold, He said plainly: "Yes! I'll ask you, the team leader, to give incense to your four team members at that time! In short, you have to evacuate now. Just evacuate yourself. We will never evacuate immediately. Otherwise, we can't explain to the two comrades in arms of Feiying and Shenying who have died. Of course, you are the team leader, you are different from us. You are the team leader now, and you will have to leave in the future Middle captain, Captain, we can't affect your career, can we? "

When Cheng Chong and Meng Lang sang together, Chen Zheng, who was already at a loss, became more and more stunned. At the moment, he widened his puzzled eyes, as if he didn't know Cheng Chong and Meng Lang in front of him. He looked up, down, left and right, but he still didn't know what to do, how to answer, and how to make an appropriate decision.

Perhaps, up to now, he doesn't know that if Cheng Chong and Meng Lang are mixed together, there is nothing they dare not do in the world. At that time, the two of them who had just joined the army dared to work together to beat the monitor of their new company. At this time, the two of them have identified what they have decided to do. Even if the captain himself is on the scene, I'm afraid they may not be able to stop it.

What's more, at the moment, only the team leader Chen Zheng is on the scene. In Meng Lang's words, the number is one to two. According to the rules or principles, the minority must obey the majority unconditionally. As for such a small position title as the team leader, forget it! Bluffing children is almost the same! At the moment, to frighten them both, it seems that they are still thinner and lighter, which really seems a little powerless.

"Come on! Hua Ying, don't waste time. Let's act immediately! This time, it's a long-distance attack, and we should pack lightly. Therefore, immediately unload their tactical backpacks, tactical helmets and all temporarily useless equipment. You need to take enough ammunition and water, and don't take any other materials. Understand?" While talking, Cheng Chong himself had quickly unloaded most of his equipment and made a light appearance.

Meng Lang, who understood quickly, quickly unloaded his equipment.

"You two can't do this. You can't fool around. You belong to the battlefield to resist orders. Do you two know?" Chen Zheng, who was stunned for a while, immediately stood in front of the two of them, with a serious and anxious face. At the same time, the 95 assault rifle in his hand was more and more clenched.

"What's the matter? My team leader, you're going to enforce battlefield discipline on both of us, aren't you? If so, you'd better shoot now and make a direct conflict between us, so as not to worry and embarrass you, the team leader." Meng Lang said as he quickly unloaded his equipment.

Chen Zheng was so angry at his words that he stared at him, but he just didn't know how to reply and how to deal with it.

"Come on! Warhawk! If you don't come with us, we won't force you. After all, it's an act of disobedience. But if you stop us, we... We can't do anything to you. You're the team leader! But as long as you have the heart to go, and as long as you have the face to face the sacrificed flying Just two comrades in arms, the eagle and the divine eagle! " Cheng Chong quickly said, immediately went to the side and quickly bypassed Chen Zheng who stood in front of him.

Meng Lang followed him quickly and didn't take Chen Zheng, who stood in front of him, seriously.

In this way, the two quickly bypassed Chen Zheng in front, one before and one after, and began to run forward.

"Stop -" suddenly, Chen was drinking violently in the back.

Cheng Chong and Meng Lang thought Chen Zheng had something to say, so they reluctantly stood where they were, immediately turned around and looked back at Chen Zheng absently to see what he had to say. At the same time, they were ready for the final refutation.

"Damn it! If you want to resist orders, you can resist orders together, and if you want to act, you can act together! I'm going out this time. Even if I don't want it, I can't watch you two rush forward, but I hide behind and become a shrinking turtle!" While Chen Zheng was talking, he quickly took off his helmet and fell to the ground, Then he said in a very firm tone: "Damn it! At that time, I will not be able to explain not only to the members of the same group, but also to the officers and soldiers of the whole brigade. Yes, we are a close fighting group. If we want to advance together, retreat together, and resist together, I will risk it this time!"

Facing this almost dramatic sudden change, Cheng Chong and Meng Lang were stunned for a long time before they completely reacted. Then, they looked at each other with a smile, immediately changed their look and hurried over.

"It's decided? My team leader, this time we are disobeying orders and acting without authorization!" Meng Lang seemed to be unable to believe it, so he said one or two words with a smile.

"It's decided! Let's go! You two think I'm a coward, don't you? I'm not afraid to tell you both. When I played blasting under the sea, you two didn't know where? Besides..." At the same time, with the spirit of a hero on the execution ground, Chen Zheng wantonly told Cheng Chong and Meng Lang about his great achievements in those years.

"That's right! My team leader comrade! It's like our brothers in Falcon group A! There are traitors in the army, and our comrades in arms died because of the traitor's betrayal. If we don't even fart, are we still fucking men? Or are we Chinese special forces?" Cheng Chong then faced a satisfied smile and said with such encouragement.

"I'm not because of this. I just think that if I let you two act alone and I withdraw and return to the team alone, how can I explain to the captain when I go back. Did I report to him that you two disobeyed the order and acted alone, and I came back alone! In that case, the captain can't take me as flesh and blood Yes. ok Since I can't stop you two, I have to fight with you. Who let me be unlucky? I was assigned to a special combat team with you two fearless bastards, and I was unlucky to be your shit team leader! At this time, not only can't command you two, but you two are dragged down! I feel oppressed when I think about it! " Chen Zhengyi was embarrassed at that time, so he pulled around and found many high sounding reasons to prevaricate.

Cheng Chong and Meng Lang, who are well aware of the reason, also don't know what to say, let alone point it out on the spot. They know that the group leader really needs some reasons to cover for his temporary change of mind. Therefore, they just looked at each other and smiled, without saying anything.

The three special forces at the scene, in this way, quickly unified their thinking!

Then Chen Zheng quickly unloaded his equipment, took out three field rations from his backpack, and threw one to Cheng Chong and Meng Lang, At the same time, he said: "since this anti order action is a long-distance attack, we should first eat enough, then we can have the strength to resist the order, we can have the strength to travel a long distance, and we can have the strength to fight with blood when we are full!"

Cheng Chong and Meng Lang immediately understood, continued to know each other, smiled, and then happily took over the field rations thrown by Chen Zheng, sat down on the ground, and then began to wolf down.

Each person had one. This was not a large amount of field rations. After the three special forces wolfed down like wind and clouds, they ate it immediately in a short time.

Soldiers are famous for eating fast. They don't care about the taste of food. Anyway, they eat any food just to fill their stomachs and supplement energy. As for other aspects, don't be too picky and hypocritical. What's more, it's in the wild close to the battlefield now?

After eating the field rations quickly and gulping down several mouthfuls, the three immediately hid their unloaded equipment on the spot. At this time, the border guards saw that there was nothing going on here, and they had already left immediately.

After quickly concealing all the unloaded equipment, the three immediately turned around and ran forward without delay.

However, the route of pursuit needs to be analyzed.

Sure enough, Meng Lang, who had not run a few hundred meters ahead, immediately raised this question after Cheng Chong.

Because of the urgency of time, Cheng Chong didn't look back and didn't carefully ask for their opinions, so he ran forward and said, "at this time, there is a fast flowing river in the south of us. It's obvious that if we go directly south, the road will be blocked. If we go to swim across the river again, it will waste our physical strength and there's no need."

Group leader Chen Zheng glanced at the two people next to him, and then said with certainty: "yes! Crossing the river is obviously not a wise choice. Moreover, the main goal of our action is to pursue Black Eagle Wang Yao. Obviously, Wang Yao's exit route should not be directly to Nandu River."

Cheng Chong immediately took over the words without waiting for Meng Lang behind him to speak, Said hastily: "Yes, the turbulent River in the South runs from west to East, that is to say, in the east of the three of us, there has always been this turbulent river. I have just crossed the river, which I know better. In the west, it is directly connected with overseas land. Obviously, black Eagle Wang Yao should leave the country by land to the West. We should hurry now Between, immediately pursue southwest! "

"OK! Let's pursue to the southwest! Be fast!" Chen Zheng and Meng Lang answered almost at the same time. Because they have been fighting together for a long time, Chen Zheng and Meng Lang have habitually approved and unconditionally obeyed the suggestions put forward by Cheng Chong.

This is the absolute trust gained through countless actual battles, many bloodshed and even sacrifices on the dangerous battlefield. This absolute trust is sometimes more persuasive than Chen Zheng's title of team leader.

After quickly determining the pursuit route, the three quickly rushed forward and pursued away. At this time, no one knows what will be waiting for them in front of them, but the three who have made up their mind and firm their faith will not turn back