Chapter 315

Cheng Chong's wine is very good. After getting drunk, he doesn't quarrel or toss blindly. He doesn't vomit and boast. Instead, he has a sleepless and heartless sleep on the spot!

I don't know how long passed. When he woke up from a deep sleep, he found himself lying in a rest room in the restaurant, and the monitor Xiao Yong was not around. He didn't know when he had left here.

After quickly regaining consciousness, Cheng Chong struggled to get up from the simple bed and rubbed his sore eyes.

It was probably because he was drunk. At this time, although he had woken up, he still felt his head dizzy, as if it was ten million heavy, and his whole body felt empty. It really feels like the body is hollowed out like the advertisement of a drug.

Headache to crack, the whole body also has an unspeakable uncomfortable feeling, which really exists! Can't get rid of it!

Struggling to get up, Cheng Chong, barely supporting himself, immediately called the waiter of the restaurant and asked, "what's the matter with me? Where's my companion?"

The waitress who came to answer Cheng Chong smiled at him, and then told him everything about his drunkenness.

It turned out that after he was drunk, he couldn't wake up because he slept very well and was very drunk. Xiao Yong had no choice but to arrange him to rest in the rest room in the restaurant, and gave simple explanations and orders to the relevant waiters.

After all this, Xiao Yong left first after he settled his account!

After the waitress simply finished, Cheng Chong was a little confused, and then continued to ask, "did he tell you where he went?"

Cheng Chong realized at this time that he had forgotten to ask the monitor for contact information and contact address just now!

"No! We never ask the customer this question. He just said to give you this note when you wake up." While talking, the waitress handed over a note full of words.

"That's it? Do you have anything else to say?" Cheng Chong thought this was the contact information or address left by the monitor, so he quickly picked it up. For a moment, it was like a treasure.

"There seems to be nothing more! It seems..." the waitress stood in place, thought a little, and still didn't say anything. At this time, because someone was calling her outside the door, she smiled sorry at Cheng Chong and turned and walked out.

Cheng Chong was helpless and lowered his head. With some doubt and curiosity, he opened the note left by Xiao Yong.

Xiao Yong's familiar handwriting immediately appeared on this note and in Cheng Chong's eyes.

Cheng Chong, my good brother, don't blame the monitor for being talkative or harsh. I'm very glad to hear the name "monitor" from your mouth when I get home from the army! I brought you out alone. Of course I know you. Although you said that just now, I believe your heart certainly doesn't think so. In fact, you feel oppressed in your heart. You just want to complain to the monitor.

That's because you believe in me and even rely on me in your heart. That's why you complain to me. If it's someone else, maybe you don't deserve it? Right? However, I compared with you, really shouldn't!

Maybe I'm a dead eye, too! I've been a soldier for a long time. I'm afraid I can't change my bad temper for a while. But I'm sure you won't quarrel with the monitor.

Remember, although we have retired, we are still soldiers. We are soldiers one day and soldiers all our lives. In the eyes of our soldiers, the interests of the motherland and the people are above all else!

I have a poem here. My old monitor gave it to me personally. Now, I borrow flowers to offer Buddha and give it to you. However, to be exact, this poem should be for all veterans, because its name is called "sending words to veterans". The full text is as follows:

If there comes a day when…,

The motherland is in danger;

Dear comrades in arms!

Please carry our steel guns,

Even across the ocean,

The body is still wrapped in a vest!

If that day comes,

My great motherland!

Please allow me to go to the frontier and fight on the battlefield;

Countless Chinese children,

Will wave the flag for me,

130 million compatriots,

Will sing for me!

Although we are now,

He had already taken off his yellow military uniform;

But as long as the motherland calls,

We're still on the border,

Never break,

Green barrier!

After carefully reading word by word, Cheng Chong immediately felt his blood boiling and his blood was long. Then, two hot tears immediately fell from the corners of his eyes and directly onto the poem.

Cheng Chong was deeply shocked!

He never expected that this poem with a length of only more than 100 words would have such a strong appeal and appeal that it could reflect his voice so accurately. This poem almost depicts the true thoughts of the vast majority of veterans. It tells the truth that many people want to say, but they can't say it for a while, or they don't want to say it in public!

Yes, if that day comes, the vast majority of veterans, needless to say, will almost rush to the battlefield recklessly. Although, in reality, they have encountered many disappointments and even injustice, once the critical moment of danger comes, the vast majority of veterans will willingly take risks and stand up without turning back.

Because they will always remember that they are a soldier. On their shoulders, they have an unshirkable responsibility and a burden heavier than Mount Tai.

But, sadly, there are so many people in the society who think they are very smart, even think they are very smart, but they always like to talk about being a soldier, scold them for being stupid, scold them for being stupid, even scold them for being stupid to waste their privacy on business, and so on!

As everyone knows, it is such a large group of stupid and stupid people who stand on the border of the motherland day and night, constantly guard the peace of the motherland, and defend the fundamental interests and absolute dignity of the motherland and the people with their priceless youth and even precious lives.

No matter what danger, no matter what upheaval, stupid and stupid soldiers always rush to the front and defend with their own lives. In the eyes of some smart people, they are not even worth a penny

Many times, people always think of them only when they are in danger or in a desperate situation

Cheng Chong's eyes stared at the piece of paper that was not much bigger than his palm, and he hadn't left for a long time.

Gradually, he remembered some of his experiences since he retired from the army. Just now, the monitor Xiao Yong was still abused by the bastard contractor

A sorrowful feeling that could not be restrained immediately rose from the bottom of my heart.

At this time, he really felt a little oppressed!

After standing in place and trying to adjust for a while, Cheng Chong managed to clean up his mood. Then he stepped out of the rest room in the restaurant.

However, just as he was walking to the door, the waitress came quickly again, With a guilty look on his face, he said to Cheng Chong, "I'm sorry, sir. Your companion just said that he told you not to go to the place where he works. He said he planned to resign from the place where he works now. He said that even if you go, I'm afraid you can't find him..."

"What? He said he would resign from where he works now?" Before the waitress finished, Cheng Chong was very surprised and asked loudly.

"Yes! That's what he said. I forgot to tell you these words just now. I suddenly remembered them when I saw you coming out of the inside. I'm sorry!" The waitress definitely nodded and said sorry with a guilty look on her face.

"Did he say where he was going?" Unwilling, Cheng Chong asked the waitress again.

"I really don't know. He didn't tell us. In short, that's all he asked us to convey to you!" The maze waitress immediately replied.

"OK! Thank you!" After that, Cheng Chong nodded politely, and then walked out of the door of the restaurant alone.

It's dark outside.

Cheng Chong didn't expect that he slept soundly from noon to night because he was drunk just now.

By this time, it was dark!

In the night of a prosperous metropolis, the lights are bright, and the night has just come. Those young men and women who are keen on nightlife can't wait to show up and revel.

They gathered in twos and threes to spend the long night that made them very excited in their own way.

However, Cheng Chong's heart became a little heavy at this time!

Obviously, the monitor's resignation is absolutely inseparable from his recklessness just now.

Just imagine that I gave that fat man a merciless warning and lesson in front of all the construction workers. Then, no matter who it was, I'm afraid it's hard to swallow it.

Afterwards, if the monitor continues to work under him, it will definitely become more and more difficult. Maybe the fat man has already prepared a pile of small shoes for him to wear.

It seems that I was really reckless again. It was a good intention, but I did something bad in the end!

Or, at the moment, I'll teach the fat man a lesson and let him have a long memory! Let him pay a price, too?

Thinking of Cheng Chong here, he immediately denied the idea.

yes! At this time, even if he went to find the fat man, he might not be able to find it. Besides, at that time, he killed himself and refused to admit it. He insisted that the monitor himself proposed to resign. What he wanted to go had nothing to do with him and pushed away cleanly. What can he do?

Did you really beat him without a head?

Let's forget it! There's no need to haggle with that kind of person. It's not necessary at all.

However, the feeling of unhappiness, frustration, and even sadness and anger in my heart became more and more vigorous because I couldn't vent for a while.

Anyway, it's still early. Just go and have some more wine.

Someone said that drinking can relieve your worries! Although some people have said, drowning your worries with wine is even more worrying!

However, this can not be taken into account. Just get drunk. As long as you get drunk, you don't want anything. Go to sleep steadily. When you wake up the next day, you forget everything, and you can start over easily.

That's it, whatever! Drink. If you get drunk, it's hard to indulge yourself anyway.

After turning two corners along the neon street, a sign exaggerated bar suddenly appeared in front of me! The gorgeous and colorful lights are illuminating the exaggerated signboard and the entrance of the bar to be particularly charming and set off an abnormal charm.

The heavy metal music from time to time can be felt almost across several streets.

Running for the purpose of drinking to relax and drown his worries, Cheng Chong didn't even think about it, so he plunged into this colorful and bustling bar!