Chapter 328

Perhaps the vast majority of people will be like Cheng Chong when they hear the new term "contradiction brigade". They are confused and don't know why!

Yeah! What contradiction brigade? Just listening to the name will make people feel a little twisted! It's really strange! I don't know what to say!

It is not as straightforward as the traffic police brigade, nor as powerful as the Criminal Police Brigade, nor as domineering and lethal as the names given by the vast majority of special forces in the army by fierce animals such as wolves, tigers, leopards and eagles. In an irresponsible joke, this confusing contradiction brigade is not as powerful as those mighty urban management brigades on the street! So people can't avoid it!

But what kind of mysterious brigade is this?

What kind of force is it?

I'm afraid that even if most people rack their brains for it, it may be difficult to solve it for a while!

However, it can also be seen from here that the wisdom of giving such a name and title to this extremely important and critical force. It is precisely because this army is extremely important, and it is also because this army is extremely critical, so it is more necessary to hide, hide and keep secret! Never let people understand the truth easily, let alone show the truth easily!

If the contradiction brigade is analyzed and understood only from the literal meaning, the vast majority of people are afraid to misunderstand this brigade as an informal non-governmental organization that regulates contradictions among the people, or a temporary government organization. Or misunderstood it as such an inexplicable organization related to contradictions and disputes!

It is probably similar to such an organization or institution spontaneously organized by those nosy neighborhood committee aunts, which is specially established to adjust the neighborhood relationship, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship and a series of trivial things of the family.

In short, it is green, organic, and the key is a pollution-free market and tacky brigade.

No one would have thought that this brigade would be the most top, top secret, most lethal and combat effective special forces in China, that is, the absolute elite of the special forces, that is, the special forces in the special forces!

In fact, with the breadth and depth of Chinese characters, the four big characters "contradiction brigade" not only give a big careless eye to those who do not know the truth, extremely effectively cover up the truth, but also deeply show the real situation of this extremely special and secret special force, or accurately grasp its key points and key points, It just sums up this army!

In fact, the word "contradiction" does not have any contradiction. What it takes is its original intention, namely "spear" and "shield". However, when it is set on this special army, it becomes "national spear" and "national shield".

And the four slogans inside the contradiction Brigade: out is the spear, in is the shield, both attack and defense are ready, invincible! It is precisely the sonorous and forceful declaration of this point, and it is precisely the right explanation of this point.

This is a special force with both attack and defense. It is both a national spear and a national shield. In other words, this is the country's front-line force, this is also the country's last front-line force!

In this way, the specific meaning of the contradiction brigade has become somewhat clear and clear!

Moreover, the personal identity of Xu Weibang, the leader of the contradiction brigade, is also worth exploring and pondering!

He has at least two important identities in the army! In addition to being the normal leader of the contradiction brigade, he also served as a painless deputy chief of staff in an insignificant subordinate department of the Military Commission.

To put it bluntly, this extremely special force is directly under the Central Military Commission and the direct leadership of the highest leadership of China. It is a sharp sword when the highest leadership of China deploys and implements the national strategy. It is an absolute trump card firmly in the hands of the country and the people!

At the same time, it is also the last card of the whole China! Absolutely special, absolutely hidden, absolutely strong. It will never be easy to show people before the critical moment of urgent need.

If the Falcon special brigade is used to make a direct comparison with it! Those who are interested will be surprised to find that although there are thousands of connections between the two special forces, there are also fundamental differences in essence!

If the Falcon special brigade is only a special force at the military region level, then the contradiction brigade is a special force at the national level!

If the Falcon special brigade is only a special force at the tactical and campaign level, then the contradiction brigade is a special force at the strategic level!

If the Falcon special brigade is only a professional special force, then the contradiction brigade is a professional special force!

If the Falcon special brigade is just a conventional special force, then the contradiction brigade is a special force in a special force!

Every difference between the military region and the state, tactical campaigns and strategies, occupations and specialties, conventions and specialties, clearly shows the differences and great differences between the two special forces! They are clearly showing the fundamental difference between the two special forces in essence!

Some clues can also be seen from the recruitment objects of the two special forces!

Ordinary conventional troops are directly recruited to the society, while the Falcon special brigade is strictly recruited to the elite of the conventional troops, while the contradiction brigade is directly recruited to the absolute elite and strict of the major special forces across the country.

As an old saying goes: this contradiction brigade is definitely the mother's child and the treasure of the whole country!

The establishment time of the contradiction brigade is relatively late compared with those conventional special forces in China!

In recent years, in the face of increasingly complex and changeable international relations around the world, especially under the background of normalization of special operations around the world, the contradiction brigade came into being!

Because the first priority for the establishment of the contradiction brigade is anti special operations!

More importantly, every officer, soldier and member of the contradiction special combat brigade should not only train their own combat ability, but also fully study and train the ability to command a force. Each team member must not only become a special combat team member with extremely strong strength, extremely exquisite military skills, but also become an excellent special combat commander.

Moreover, every excellent special warfare commander must have the ability to command the troops of a company, a battalion or even a regiment to carry out special operations or even anti special operations, and also require skilled and free command.

In other words, once the country is attacked or invaded by foreign enemies, these officers and soldiers of the contradiction brigade will be immediately dispatched to various conventional forces to assist in command or direct command according to the actual needs of the actual situation. In this way, in a very short time, hundreds of thousands or even millions of troops with special operations capability or even anti special operations capability will appear on the whole land of China.

Almost overnight, the combat effectiveness of the whole Chinese army will immediately increase several times, and the national defense strength of the whole country will immediately increase several times!

This is the extremely important role and significance of the contradiction brigade for the whole country and nation!

Hearing min Jie's detailed introduction in front of him, Cheng Chong was extremely shocked and curious. In an instant, his eyes widened to an almost unbearable extent, and his mouth opened involuntarily.

Born as an elite special forces soldier, at this time, he deeply felt the foresight of national leaders for the future and the foresight of the overall situation of the world!

The blood in his body began to boil and even burn!

"So, how many people are there in our whole contradiction brigade?" Shocked, Cheng Chong, who was full of curiosity, immediately asked min Jie.

"Sorry! Every officer and soldier in our brigade has three unknowns!" After introducing min Jie in one breath, she took a long breath. Seeing that Cheng Chong asked such a straightforward question, min Jie immediately rejected it!

"What is three unknowns? Should all the officers and soldiers in the brigade be kept so secret?" Prompted by curiosity, Cheng Chong continued to ask.

"You're right! That's right! Any ordinary things or events in our brigade need to be kept strictly confidential. They must not be easily disclosed. They can definitely be regarded as top secrets at the national level. In fact, the official does not recognize them. We must not wear any signs that may reveal secrets when performing any tasks, even if they are We were killed on the battlefield, and the enemy can't find out our true identity! As for the three unknowns - "speaking of this, min Jie deliberately dragged the ending long, deliberately hanging into a rush of appetite, and sold it for a small pass.

Under Cheng Chong's almost impatient repeated questioning, min Jie paused for a moment, Then he continued slowly: "I don't know how many bases the brigade has in the whole country, where they are located, how many officers and soldiers there are in the brigade, and what the officers and soldiers in the whole brigade are doing every day! This... Is the third wonder of our brigade!"

"Ah -" Cheng Chong was really surprised when min Jie said so, Then, still unwilling, he continued to ask, "this confidential work has really been done at home. I dare say that we serve in the brigade, but we don't know the specific situation in the brigade? Do you need to take us as the enemy to guard against it? Tell me, you've been in the brigade for some time. What else do you know? Tell me!"

"Sorry! No comment!" Min Jie's face turned cold and resumed her cold appearance in the past. Then, she said in an extremely calm tone: "in fact, in addition to three unknowns, there are two don't ask in our brigade!"

"What? Two don't ask, what two don't ask?" Surprised, Cheng Chong widened his curious eyes again, and then asked min Jie.

"The so-called two don't ask, that is, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't ask what you can't ask. Understand!" Min Jie deliberately wore a straight face, Then he said mischievously to Cheng Chong: "I think you've been a soldier for several years, and you've been a special force for a long time. In fact, now that you're in our contradiction brigade, you're still just a recruit. Well! I'll teach you this today with the old and new revolutionary friendly attitude! In the future, you need to have more eyes and ears, less mouth and less money Nonsense! "

Seeing that he could no longer ask any important information from min Jie, Cheng Chong's curiosity retreated slightly, Then he joked playfully: "Dare you tell me that the whole contradiction brigade is a huge secret box? There are three who don't know, but there is one who doesn't ask. If you don't know, you won't let me ask. If you have any questions in your heart, you'll be suffocated... What's the meaning of how long my eyes and ears are? Do you want me to be a monster? I've only seen Prince Ma's three eyes and Erlang's three eyes, I haven't seen anything else with long eyes. As for how long ears, I haven't even heard of them! Let me tell you... "

Seeing that Cheng Chong seemed to be talking nonsense, min Jie immediately interrupted his joke, Then he said seriously: "You don't have to bother to find out any secrets of the brigade! Just use all your spare time and energy where you should use it! Oh, yes! I forgot to tell you that there is another sentence in our brigade: under any circumstances, just do everything you can! As for other things, you don't have to worry about it! ”

Seeing that Min Jie had spoken like this, Cheng Chong, who was familiar with the rules and regulations in the code of confidentiality, stopped asking. Instead, he leaned on his heels, raised his head exaggerated, and then gave min Jie a funny military salute, Then he said solemnly: "yes! Thank you for your careful teaching. Please rest assured that I will strictly keep the secret and implement it carefully. I will never let leader min bother and disappointed. At this moment, my heart can tell the sun and the moon..."

"Come on! Come on! It's nonsense again. It's endless! Oh, by the way -" Min Jie smiled, and then seemed to suddenly think of something. Her face was solemn, turned to Cheng Chong and asked seriously: "so many police forces were sent out to bring you back this time. Did the scene disturb anyone else?"

"Ah -" Cheng Chong couldn't help but be surprised. He thought for a moment quickly, and then replied with some concern: "more than 100 police forces were dispatched tonight, which must have alerted many people. I think they made such a big noise on purpose..."

"I know that! In order to cover up the truth, I have to make such a bad decision! To mobilize the public to fight is to keep it a secret!" Min Jie immediately took over the conversation, and then continued to ask seriously, "I want to ask you, did you disturb anyone you know tonight?"

"I was just about to say this! I was having dinner and drinking with Meng Lang and his family! As a result, I was inexplicably brought here by more than 100 heavily armed police... It's hard for others to say. I'm worried that Meng Lang will act impulsively for me! By the way, I must act impulsively now. Their family is in this city, their home Great cause and power are also great. Now he has become a vice president of their company. I can't figure out what big things this boy will do and make any big noise! " After thinking for a moment, Cheng Chong immediately replied to min Jie with concern.

"Sure! I know, Meng Lang is as brave as you. He dares to think and do. Or, you two are like-minded and colluding together! Maybe he has done some bastard thing now. We should try to stop him as soon as possible. Let's go! Let's report to captain Shi quickly. Oh, no! Now we should call him Shizhong Captain! " Min Jie, whose face became serious, immediately rushed into a crowd and said so.

After Minjie said that, she quickly ran to the door of the conference room. Cheng Chong, who responded quickly, hesitated for a moment, followed suit and ran quickly to the doo