Chapter 342

It is not difficult to see that Shi Rui, the squadron leader at this time, must have his own purpose of talking.

Although at the moment, he spoke lightly and behaved casually, as if he were talking casually, and even said that they gathered together, just chatting casually, chatting casually and chatting casually, but the fact is not just that.

It is a common method and "trick" used by military leaders to lift heavy as light and see big from small. In other words, it is a common routine when the superior and subordinate in the army talk calmly.

Obviously, this is just a prelude, and the important play must still be behind!

All the officers and soldiers on the scene are the absolute elite of the army. All the special forces among the special forces have been soldiers and veterans for many years. Such a simple and almost transparent routine, of course, will be understood very quickly. All officers and soldiers on the scene knew that the next conversation of the squadron leader was the focus, the real reason and main purpose of the conversation.

However, while all the officers and soldiers on the scene were waiting for the captain's next speech, Shi Rui eased his face again, At the same time, he said excitedly and mysteriously: "well, let's not talk about this heavy topic. Let's change the topic and talk a little easier! However, before changing the topic, I want to tell you a story..."

As soon as Shi Rui's words came out, the officers and soldiers on the scene immediately became excited, looked at each other and talked to each other!

Comrade captain, who has always been serious, dignified and unsmiling, is going to tell us a story! This is the first time! It's really rare! I'm a little excited when I think about it. It's a little funny when I listen to it!

Although there was a slight commotion in the queue at the scene, Comrade Shi Rui was still in high spirits and said mysteriously: "just a few years ago, a recruit egg was deliberately assigned to a checkpoint on the Northwest Plateau by his superior because he was naughty and didn't obey the discipline of his superior..."

The beginning of the story is very plain, there is no sword, no lightning, no violent conflicts. It sounds like everything is so peaceful, so ordinary

In the army, such mischievous soldiers are not produced in batches, but there are always some every year, which is nothing strange or special.

However, Shi Rui's words sounded to Cheng Chong at the moment, but his body couldn't help shaking suddenly. Although the story had just begun, he had not heard any reason at all, but his body was out of control and was shocked inexplicably.

However, if nothing happens, Shi Rui, who is not squint, But he continued: "We soldiers know that people who live on the plateau all the year round are very hard, while the border guards who stand on the peak of the plateau day and night and guard the border gate of the motherland are even more difficult. The loneliness and loneliness that are far away from all sentient beings and almost forgotten by the world, that kind of breathing is like an attack of asthma, which can happen at any time The extremely uncomfortable feeling of fainting directly for lack of oxygen, I'm afraid ordinary people can't experience it all their life! "

The story is still plain, not much to be worth mentioning. Plateau! It's not always like that! Although most of the officers and soldiers on the scene have never been to the plateau in person, have no personal life experience and profound experience, those who have a little common sense of geography and life can easily know a general idea. What's more, all the officers and soldiers on the scene are the absolute elite of one in ten thousand special forces. Their hardships and crimes along the way will never be easier than those of Plateau border guards.

Among all the officers and soldiers, only Cheng Chong had some complicated feelings.

However, the story told by Shi Rui is still going on, but when he turns the subject, Then he said: "On one occasion, when the recruit egg was patrolling along the border with the squad leader, he suddenly encountered a group of ignorant elements waiting for him. The fire conflict broke out immediately. However, due to the lack of ammunition carried by these border guards and the lack of communication with the checkpoint at that time, the squad leader had no choice but to send the recruit Egg went back to the post for help, because among the whole patrol team, he had the best physical fitness and was the most likely person to complete the task that ordinary people could not complete. You know, running long distances on the plateau with thin air is tantamount to suicide... "

Hearing this, with the gradual development of the story, all the officers and soldiers on the scene couldn't help getting nervous. Everyone held their breath, stared at Shi Rui in front of them with high concentration, listened carefully to him and eagerly wanted to know the later results.

Among the crowd, there was only Cheng Chong at this time. His body shook uncontrollably from time to time. At the same time, his breathing began to become a little short, and his eyes were gradually filled with tears

"However, when the recruit ran all the way back to the checkpoint, risking that he would never get up again if he fell down, the checkpoint was directly burned by another group of terrorists who had premeditated..."

At the end of the story, all the officers and soldiers on the scene began to become excited and indignant. These brave, loyal and passionate elite Special Forces soldiers can't listen to such a story calmly.

"Kill them, kill them, annihilate them all, leave none..."

"What terrorists, what bastards, what bastards... Must be looking for their own death..."

"What's the result? What happened later? Captain, go on..."

At this time, Cheng Chong fully understood that what the captain said at this time was actually his own experience and his own story. However, what is the purpose of the captain telling his own experience and story at this time? What is the purpose?

Doesn't he know that this is a scar that makes him feel sad all the time, so he often hides it in the bottom of his heart and doesn't want to show it easily? Every time I uncover a scar, I will hurt my heart. There is no exception! Because, at the scab of his scar, his seven comrades in arms of border guards are sleeping

But at this time, Shi Rui didn't even look at Cheng Chong.

At the moment, like other officers and soldiers, he was obviously a little angry, But the powerful aura made him continue to say as if nothing had happened: "Don't underestimate this recruit! When he saw the sentry burned and his comrades in arms died with his own eyes, he stood up without hesitation, gnashing his teeth and red eyes, and ran after the enemy... At that time, although he knew that he was weak, he couldn't be an opponent of the enemy with a large number of people, and he didn't have one Live ammunition, but he is still desperate, still duty bound... "

"Good job! I'm a bloody man, a tough man and an iron soldier. I didn't lose face to our Chinese soldiers..." at the beginning of the queue, someone gave a thumbs up and said sincerely.

Some people seem to think that this is not enough fun. They can't help but increase their tone and quickly retort: "what's not humiliating us Chinese soldiers? It should be said that it's humiliating us Chinese soldiers!"

however, The scene is more eager to show their attitude: "If I had been on the scene at that time, I would have rushed up like this recruit without hesitation. No matter whether I could fight or not, no matter what would happen next, and whether it was life or death, I would have rushed up to fight with those bastards to the end without hesitation..."

"Then what happened? What happened to the recruit's egg? He won't die like this?" After some righteous and blood boiling discussion, someone urgently continued to ask.

Shi Rui pressed his excitement, Continue: "Because the enemy is outnumbered, there is a great difference in strength between the two sides, and the recruit egg doesn't even have a bullet on his body. After a dangerous tracking and fighting, he successfully killed more than a dozen enemies, but he was seriously injured... However, he didn't put down his weapons. Anyway, he was following the enemy People fought and struggled desperately, and finally insisted until reinforcements came... "

Until Shi Rui finished this paragraph, the hanging heart of all the officers and soldiers on the scene fell to the ground. Then, everyone gave a thumbs up and unanimously praised: "good job! Seed! Blood! Backbone! Worthy of our Chinese soldiers, our comrades and our brothers..."

However, at this time, it seemed that Shi Rui, who had completely opened the conversation and was getting better, did not stop at all, and gradually accelerated his speech speed. After he recovered, he went through three months of intensive training. Later, he tried his best to return to the checkpoint, acted without authorization and went deep into the enemy's territory alone regardless of the constraints of steel military discipline, After thousands of hardships, he finally completely destroyed the enemy's secret and completed the arduous task that almost one unit may not be able to complete.

In addition, Shi Rui, who has accelerated his speaking speed, took advantage of his interest and worked hard to make Cheng Chong speak out all the cruel battles, dangers and difficulties, as well as all the thrilling experiences in recent years.

To Cheng Chong's great surprise, Shi Rui may not know so clearly and in detail what he said at the moment.

It can be seen that the work done by squadron leader Shi Rui on him is so fine, so full, so amazing, so exciting and moving.

However, at this time, squadron leader Shi Rui turned his old background upside down and told him one by one about his important experience in the army over the years. What is he doing this for? Why did he do that?

When Cheng Chong was full of doubts and doubts, min Jie and Chen Zheng, who were familiar with Cheng Chong, gradually returned to taste. The two of them then rushed into a rush and quietly threw their approval eyes. At the moment, min Jie's eyes are not only so simple as approval, but also much more complex and emotional.

At this time, she felt that Cheng Chong was so masculine! Psychological vagueness seems to have produced a little girl like worship.

However, the vast majority of the officers and soldiers on the scene were a group of people who didn't know the truth at this time. The officers and soldiers who were thoroughly inspired and inspired on the scene couldn't help but feel blood boiling and surging. The atmosphere on the scene was unprecedentedly high, and the morale was so high that it soared into the sky

At this time, a very tough Lieutenant with a very hot temper suddenly stood up and looked at Shi Rui in front of him, He said firmly: "Captain! If this soldier really exists, why don't our contradiction brigade recruit him? Isn't our brigade just for such an elite? He is very strong, has excellent military quality, is extremely strong and stubborn, has unlimited loyalty to the motherland and the people, has a lot of ideas, has strong organization and command ability, and is more powerful What's important is that he has rich practical experience? As you just said, in actual combat, actual combat experience is extremely important and cannot be replaced. Then, how can we easily leave such a good soldier without it? "

"Tiger, is this your truth?" Seeing that the fire was almost over, Shi Rui strengthened his tone and asked seriously to the lieutenant named fierce tiger.

The lieutenant, code named tiger, answered firmly and forcefully, "why not? It's really, very true. If it's fake, it's more true than myself..."

At the moment, Shi Rui, who was almost confident, smiled but did not speak. He put on a deep look used by the leaders. For a moment, he was neither anxious to speak nor express his position.

At this time, a strong and tall captain also stood up quickly, with the same sonorous tone, Obviously, he said with some exaggeration: "this is a real soldier. It should be so when I am a soldier. Although I have participated in several actual battles, I deal with small thieves. It is really not exciting or happy. If I have the opportunity to go to the battlefield with such soldiers and kill the enemy with blood, even if I die directly, I will die without regret."

"Feilong! What are you talking about again? What the fuck is immortal? What nonsense?" Listening to the captain named Feilong in front of him, he didn't have a door. When he said everything, Shi Rui immediately scolded him, and then asked seriously, "I'll tell you, if this man goes to the battlefield with you and kills the enemy with blood, will you listen to his command and obey his orders?"

"Yes! Of course, I'm so willing! Being a soldier should be like this. Being a soldier should be vigorous and vigorous. Go to the battlefield with such comrades in arms. To tell the truth, there are only two words - peace of mind, really peace of mind!" The captain, code named Feilong, nodded and agreed without thinking.

At this time, Cheng Chong himself was dazed and confused. For a moment, he didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd of squadron leader Shi Rui, or even whether it was medicine.

Just when he was confused and confused, Shi Rui, who was already ready, shouted in the queue: "solitary eagle, you fucking get out of the line immediately!"

Although he was still in doubt and puzzled at the moment, the soldier's instinct prompted Cheng Chong to stand up immediately as if he were a conditioned reflex. When he answered loudly, his arms immediately hugged his fist and touched his waist, and immediately rushed to the front of the queue.

"Take off your coat immediately!" As soon as Cheng Chong rushed to the queue and stood still, Shi Rui immediately gave him an order.

At this time, not only Cheng Chong himself, but also all the officers and soldiers on the scene were a little surrounded.

What are you doing? Did Comrade squadron leader take the wrong medicine? Or did you drink too much?

They don't know what the squadron leader is going to do at this time. What's more, the lieutenant named Gu Ying, a comrade in arms who has been familiar with each other for a long time, has something to do with the soldier mentioned by the squadron leader just now!

What does it mean to let the lone Eagle take off his coat in front of everyone?

Do you want him to show off his muscles in front of everyone?

I'm sorry! There are officers and soldiers on the scene. One is counted as one. Who doesn't have a few full and strong muscles?