Chapter 386

Under the flexible tactics of the elite of this team of Chinese special forces and the powerful offensive of excellent and strong combat effectiveness, the monkey agents who had made all preparations and planned to make a good stop here in order to cover the retreat of their comrades in arms had to give up their positions in advance and were forced to retreat.

The rest of them had to hurry to help the two or three comrades in arms who were fleeing with the prisoner on their back. In a panic, they fled south together.

"Kill -"

Seeing that the enemy's front was loose and had begun to retreat in panic, the morale and fighting spirit of the elite Chinese special forces became higher and higher, and everyone roared excitedly.

At the same time, all the special combat team members were holding their own guns, looking for reasonable fighters, firing constantly, pursuing and killing forward almost madly. Because once the enemy leaves the favorable terrain he has just occupied, naturally more and more fighters will be exposed.

As the captain of the whole special combat formation, Cheng Chong quickly made a military deployment to let the flying dragon group and the Tiger Group continue to pursue forward along the left and right sides of the enemy, so as to prevent the enemy from fleeing to the left and right immediately, so that it is impossible to pursue in a direction.

The lone Eagle Group led by him continued to appear at the back of the enemy. With fierce firepower and accurate shooting, he constantly forced the enemy to retreat in panic. He could no longer organize an effective defense front, so he had to run south.

In this way, while continuing to pursue and kill the enemy, the plan he has been planning carefully is also carried out in an orderly and secret way. Only in this way can we be realistic. Only in this way can we hide from the enemy who is also very smart and has a strong sense of anti reconnaissance.

However, when the lone Eagle Group led by him was about to approach the area just occupied by the enemy, he quickly asked the members of the whole special combat group to divide into two, detour from both sides, and never directly pass through the area.

Because the enemy has just been tossing around in this area for a long time. Who knows if they have set up a series of tricks in this place to create obstacles and difficulties for them to pursue forward? Moreover, those anti infantry mines that are only the size of a palm of a hand and bombs that can be compared with buttons are very convenient, fast and hidden in the surrounding complex environment.

The team members who continue to pursue forward, once they accidentally touch these things, the resulting casualties and even direct attrition, should not be underestimated and should not be taken lightly. At the moment, if such an event really occurs, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces can really capsize in the gutter. It's extremely unlucky and unlucky.

In the dense jungle, on the complex and dangerous battlefield, the best way to safely and quickly pass through the obstacle area or trap area set by the enemy is to quickly bypass and safely stay away, so that everything painstakingly set by the enemy becomes useless and can not play any useful effect.

Poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop

In the dark night, in the dense jungle, the urgent pursuit of the monkey agent continued. When they move out, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces will see the move; They played tricks and tricks. The elite of this team of Chinese special forces cracked their tricks one by one, or simply bypassed them like avoiding leprosy patients

In short, the plan of continuing to pursue and kill will never change, and everyone will continue to move forward without hesitation.

At this time, after the darkest time before dawn, gradually, the sky began to become clear. In the night, the dawn from the East, hard to penetrate the shackles of the night, selflessly dedicated the light and heat to this vast land and dense jungle.

Deep in the jungle, the crystal clear dew began to form a potential. Under the action of gravity, between the leaves and vines, from top to bottom, bit by bit. The whole jungle was wet, with almost no dry area, as if it had just rained a rainstorm.

The pursuit of the enemy continued unabated.

Although the combat effectiveness of the enemy is not weak, under the sharp and powerful attack of the more powerful Chinese special forces, the enemy is still shot to the ground from time to time, or even killed directly. The enemy who blocked the attack and the enemy who escorted the prisoner fleeing in a hurry were not many at first.

Under such a situation of continuous attrition, the number of enemies will naturally become smaller and smaller, and their strength will naturally become weaker and weaker. Moreover, even the enemies who are still alive for the time being have long been lost and frightened, and it is no longer possible to organize any effective resistance and counterattack.

Following the fleeing enemy, under the leadership of Cheng Chong, the elite Chinese special forces quickly chased forward for 4534 kilometers, and then crossed a low mountain. The mountain suddenly tilted downward and extended all the way down.

Seeing this situation, all the members of the forward pursuit special team reacted very quickly. It was going down the mountain. In other words, at this time, they are already in the south of laoyashan mountain, and everyone knows that the south of laoyashan is the border of monkey country.

If everyone continues to chase down the mountain, the buffer zone between the two countries, that is, the non military zone between the two countries, will be left behind. Next, I'm afraid they can only fight on the border of monkey country.

However, for soldiers, it is easy to get out of their own country's border, but it is no small matter to enter another country's border. They absolutely need to be treated with caution and solemnity. Otherwise, the lighter will cause tension and military confrontation between the two countries; The worst may even lead to a large-scale war between the two countries; It will also lead to an extremely passive diplomatic event.

Generally, before the formal war between the two countries, soldiers enter the territory of another country to perform special tasks, or send a note to the country in advance. Even with the permission of the country, they can only enter the country on a small scale and carry out limited military activities in a limited area; Or replace all military uniforms and remove all signs that may expose their identity. Just like the monkey agents facing the elite of this team of Chinese special forces at the moment, they hide their true identity and directly carry out military operations. Even if they are killed on the spot, they will not give the other party any handle.

The elite of this team of Chinese special forces who are well aware of the interests will certainly not do such impulsive stupid things, and will never put their country in a very passive position because of their own impulse. So that those conspirators who have ulterior motives and advocate the theory of Chinese danger all day can be justified.

As a matter of fact, soldiers must have a formal written order from their superiors to enter the border of another country. Otherwise, they must not act rashly. This is a very serious matter of principle and there must be no ambiguity.

The main purpose of this "disinfection operation" is to eliminate the scorpion mercenary regiment and all supporting forces behind it. However, the area of this operation is limited to the buffer zone between the South and the monkey country, and we must not easily enter other countries without permission.

Seeing that the fleeing remnant enemy in front was about to enter the border of monkey country, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces immediately became extremely urgent and anxious. Because once the enemy rushes down the hillside and into the border of monkey country, the battle will be over, and all the remaining three or four enemies will be safe.

However, according to Cheng Chong's previous plan, only two of them were allowed to go back alive: that is, the prisoner could go back alive, and at most one person carrying the prisoner was alive. The rest must pay the price of their lives for their adventure. Because this is the price they must pay for their blood when they dare to be enemies with Wei Wei and China.

"Kill -" seeing this, the fierce tiger suddenly roared from his chest. Then, he was very brave and tenacious, so he took the lead and rushed down like a tiger down the mountain.

"Kill! Kill! Kill -" other special combat team members with high morale and awe inspiring fighting spirit, followed by them, marched forward bravely and carried out the final pursuit of the enemy.

Fortunately, the laoyashan mountains are tall and majestic, and the road down the mountain is unusually steep and rugged, and the distance is not short. In this way, it will provide the elite of this team of Chinese special forces with a final slaughterhouse to kill the enemy.

"Go all out to chase and kill, except for the reserved targets, all the others will be killed. If there is no one left, kill --" in an emergency, Cheng Chong, anxious, immediately ordered the whole special combat formation severely.

"Kill! Kill! Kill -" the angry special combat team members, with their eyes wide open, bravely and tenaciously, chased down with great excitement. At the same time, he skillfully manipulated his weapons and kept firing forward. At the moment, almost all the original point shots have been replaced by continuous shots.

Poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop

More than a dozen guns opened fire at the same time, and the dense bullets poured like pouring water, forming a dense hail of bullets, pouring madly behind the hastily fleeing enemy in front.

In terms of terrain, because it is pursued downward along the laoyashan mountains, the enemy who fled in front is naturally below the terrain, while the elite Chinese special forces who pursued in the back are naturally above the terrain.

Theoretically speaking, being condescending originally means taking the absolute advantage and initiative. Shooting the enemy should become extremely simple and easy. However, the actual situation is not the case. Firstly, the road down the mountain is rugged and difficult. Secondly, the hillside is also covered with trees, vines and shrubs, and dead branches and leaves have accumulated a thick layer on the ground for many years. Who knows what kind of danger will be hidden under the thick dead branches and leaves. Will people step on it, And fall off the hillside and cliff?

What's more, at this time, the enemies who ran for their lives in a hurry, on the one hand, were familiar with this area, and on the other hand, at the moment, they were living in danger, and everything was mainly to protect their lives. So they had no scruples and rushed down with the help of the inertia of their body from top to bottom.

Sometimes they even rolled down the hillside. Anyway, their weapons and equipment have long been thrown away. They have long been light and devoted themselves to the action of running for their lives.

However, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces cannot do so. At this time, it is important for them to destroy the enemy, but it is also very important to protect themselves. At the moment, if they exchange their lives for the lives of the enemy who has long been in a panic and has no fighting spirit, it would be too much gain for loss.

Therefore, in this case, after a rapid pursuit down the laoyashan mountains, although two or three enemies were successfully killed, two enemies still escaped the fierce pursuit of the elite Chinese special forces with the wounded prisoner.

However, the pursuit of the elite Chinese special forces did not end immediately. After all, they had not seen any monument boundary with their own eyes, nor any enemy who came to meet them. Then, simply continue to pursue and kill again, and never stop until we kill the extra enemy.

However, at the moment of rushing down the laoyashan mountains, the scene in front of me suddenly made the elite Chinese special forces dumbfounded, but I saw a large wet swamp in front of me. Sparse trees, mud everywhere, dotted with puddles, and bubbles rising from time to time in the water.

The dense jungle of Laoya mountain, the withered branches and leaves accumulated over the years, with the continuous scouring of excessive rain and the continuous action of various microorganisms, such a large mud swamp is formed at the foot of the mountain in the south, as if it were an insurmountable natural barrier.

However, in the face of such a large mud covered natural barrier, the two enemies rushed in without hesitation, carrying the wounded prisoner. Although they kept falling to the ground in the mud swamp, they had long been frightened. At the moment, they still stumbled forward with running for their lives as the first priority.

The three of them soon became muddy clay figurines. Their panic and confusion could hardly be expressed in human words.

"Kill -" rushed to the edge of the swamp, the fierce tiger roared, and rushed into the swamp without hesitation. Brave and tenacious, he will never give up easily, let alone give up halfway. At this time, let alone a large swamp in front of him. Even if there is a knife mountain or a sea of fire in front of him, he will rush in without hesitation and continue to chase and kill the enemy.

"Stop pursuing -" Cheng Chong, who also rushed to the edge of the swamp, rushed to the whole special combat formation in time and gave the order to stop pursuing.

Because of the previous dispute and reprimand, at this time, Cheng Chong suddenly ordered. Although 10000 brave and serious tigers were unwilling, he still immediately executed Cheng Chong's order and stopped chasing forward. Then reluctantly turned around and looked at Cheng Chong with a puzzled face, but he didn't speak or complain to his face.

"It's a pity that the last enemy was not destroyed. Let him escape one more!" The flying dragon rushed forward quickly and looked at the enemy who had fled 600 or 700 meters away in front. He said with regret.

"It's no pity! Everything is enough. You should know to stop when it's good. Don't think you have an advantage, be bold and reckless, and never end without scruples." Cheng Chong coldly stared at the enemy who fled in a hurry, regardless of his head, and immediately retorted.

Then he explained: "Who knows if they have other troops deployed around the swamp? You know, we will enter other people's territory a little further. What's more, all the swamps are open areas, and there are almost no hidden objects. If the enemy sets up troops around, once we enter them, we will become their most ideal living targets. We won't do anything for them If you make a small profit, you will make such a big taboo and make such a stupid mistake. "

"That's what I said, but I still feel a little bad watching the enemy escape from before my eyes. But forget it, even if we are generous, let them die." The flying dragon sneered at the fleeing enemy in the distance, and seemed to say something reluctantly.