Chapter 407

In fact, since the start of the disinfection operation, in this jungle area, when the elite of this team of Chinese special forces have fought to the death against monkey agents and Japanese devils, there is also a fierce quarrel and difficult choices among the mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment in the deep of the huge cave of Laoya mountain.

When the nest of the scorpion mercenary corps, that is, this secret base, was suddenly attacked by the elite Chinese special forces in the middle of the night. Crocodile backed scorpion, the No. 1 leader of the scorpion mercenary regiment, is determined to take a tough attitude. He is furious and murderous. He vowed to fight face to face with the elite of this team of Chinese special forces to the end.

Therefore, when he learned that the base was suddenly attacked, he did not hesitate to mobilize all the mercenaries in the base and sent all the caves to fight against the elite Chinese special forces who had stormed in. Even his deputy, fat tailed scorpion, the second leader of the scorpion mercenary regiment, was sent out by him without exception.

Yes, in order to resolutely defend his nest, he was cruel and violent. At that time, he really planned to fight with the elite of this team of Chinese special forces.

However, it backfired. After a long time on the battlefield, he never thought that the elite of this team of Chinese special forces had buried high explosives in their own bunkers and fortifications in advance. And most of the backbone and elite sent out by themselves were killed in their bunkers and fortifications. Only a few mercenaries escaped back to the cave with his deputy, fat tailed scorpion.

But even so, things are far from over.

When the fat tail scorpion escaped back to the cave with the defeated soldiers, a very choking black smoke quickly filled in along the cave. In desperation, the fat tail scorpion proposed to block the cave directly to stop the black smoke from spreading into the cave.

However, the crocodile backed scorpion refused on the spot. Because the unwilling crocodile backed scorpion is still planning a battle plan to fight back! What's more, there is a lone army outside the cave. At that time, if you lead all the mercenaries in the cave to rush out of the cave and cooperate with the isolated army outside to attack the elite of this team of Chinese special forces back and forth, of course, there is still a chance to turn around the adverse war situation, and I'm afraid who the final victory belongs to is still uncertain!

What's more, abandoning the life and death brothers outside the cave is very detrimental to his personal, especially his supreme absolute authority in the scorpion mercenary regiment.

Therefore, he ordered that the hole should not be blocked, but a softer way should be adopted to forcibly discharge the black smoke that continues to diffuse into the cave through the vent on the top side of the cave through technical guidance.

However, what he did not expect again was that his seemingly wise and courageous decision actually exposed the location of the cave vent, which provided a best opportunity for the elite of the Chinese special forces to quietly enter the cave and find a suitable blasting point in the depths of the cave.

However, the actions of the elite of this team of Chinese special forces are by no means seamless and perfect. There is also a situation of a hundred secrets. When Cheng Chong and Chen Zheng found an exhaust outlet on the side of the top of the cave and ordered the tiger to quickly transport high explosives up. The whereabouts of the tiger were detected by an infrared detector installed on the side of the cliff.

Under the crisis, the crocodile backed scorpion hurriedly ordered the lone army outside the cave to launch a counterattack immediately through the radio, so as to help the mercenaries in the cave rush out of the cave. Unfortunately, the lone army outside the cave was doggedly blocked by the special team members led by Feilong. Even if they couldn't get away, they were unable to cope with the mercenaries in the cave.

In desperation, crocodile backed scorpion himself once tried to lead all the mercenaries in the cave to rush out of the cave. Unfortunately, when they tried to resist the pungent black smoke and rushed to the cave mouth, they were disappointed to find that the heavy iron gate at the cave mouth had long been blocked by the elite of the Chinese special forces.

Knowing that this thick iron gate is not only bulletproof, but also against most alligator backed scorpions with small caliber guns, I felt a trace of despair. In a short time, they could not rush out of the cave at all. They were "confined" by the elite of this team of Chinese special forces, unable to move, and the activity area was limited to the cave.

Knowing that the situation was critical and time was pressing, he made a quick decision and led all the mercenaries in the cave to turn around, trying to rush out of the other exit of the cave, that is, the exit to the monkey country in the south of Laoya mountain.

However, this is not easy to talk about?

The setting of the cave, or passage, can be much more complex than outside the cave. You know, at first, this huge cave was an underground fortification specially dug by the military of the monkey state to cope with the southern battlefield in that year. Of course, the more complex it is, the better. Even if the enemy invades, it will lose its direction very quickly. Most of it will only run around like a fly in the eyebrow, and finally only get cleaned up.

Therefore, the environment in the cave is of course extremely complex. There are five steps, one obstacle, ten steps and one checkpoint. There are doubts everywhere and many forks everywhere. Although the mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment have been tossing around in the cave for a long time, they should be quite familiar with the cave. But at the moment, in a panic, a group of silent mercenaries, even some of them out of their minds, are still carrying some belongings that they can't give up. It's not so easy to pass through the cave quickly in a short time.

You know, at this critical juncture, in this time of race against the clock, the elite of that team of Chinese special forces can quickly install about 300 kilograms of high explosives on their heads.

In the depths of the cave, you will be buried by the collapsed cave almost at any time. Naturally, you can imagine the wonderful feeling that the danger is almost suffocating and dizzy.

In the crisis, the crocodile backed scorpion, who was in a hurry and almost ignored his head and tail, hurriedly fled to the south of the cave with a bunch of residual mercenaries and some belongings they thought were very important.

However, they only escaped about half the distance, and suddenly a deafening explosion came from behind them. It was almost from the depths of the earth, like the strong sound of the most violent volcanic eruption on earth, which almost tore the remaining mercenaries apart.

The more frightening scene happened after the violent explosion.

Due to the precise and in place fixed-point blasting carried out by blasting expert Chen Zheng, the incomparably powerful energy suddenly released by about 300 kg high explosive in a very short time has played an amazing role in the narrow space deep in the cave.

More than half of the area on the north side of the cave was blown down on the spot by this high explosive of about 300 kg. However, the remaining mercenaries, led by crocodile backed scorpions, had already escaped from the area. Logically, they should not be affected.

Unfortunately, the result is not so.

Because the interior of the cave is completely different from the open field. Relatively speaking, the interior of the cave belongs to a narrow and closed space, that is, the whole cave is closely linked and an inseparable whole. When great changes happen on one side of the cave, the other side of the cave is, of course, hard to escape.

After the violent explosion, the powerful power released by the high explosive of about 300 attacks completely collapsed one side of the cave. The space on this side of the cave was suddenly violently compressed, resulting in extremely strong airflow. Along the north-south direction of the cave, it almost ran into the terrible collision on both sides.

Led by the crocodile backed scorpion, although the remaining mercenaries who had narrowly escaped from the collapsed area, they were still violently impacted by the extremely powerful air current. The vast majority of these mercenaries, who were originally few, were directly hit on the cave wall by this extremely powerful air flow, their brains burst and suffered heavy casualties. Even the crocodile backed scorpion himself was inevitably seriously injured.

Only the fat tailed scorpion and a few mercenaries were lucky enough to be hurt by some flesh and blood. They moved unhindered and still maintained a certain combat effectiveness.

The crocodile backed scorpion, which suffered heavy losses and had completely lost its decisive battle capital at the critical moment, had to urgently send a distress signal to the supporting forces behind him.

Among the forces behind them, the nearest monkey country responded first and quickly sent troops to support. After several hours of mobilization, the military of monkey country sent a special agent team, which originally planned to penetrate the rear of the team of Chinese special forces through the abandoned cat's ear hole, so as to completely defeat the elite of the team of Chinese special forces.

Unfortunately, contrary to their wishes, the special agent team they sent not only failed to defeat the elite of the Chinese special forces, but was completely defeated by the elite of the Chinese special forces. Finally, the two who escaped by luck revealed all their identity information. The monkey Kingdom's attempt to send troops secretly without using its real identity to have a head-on conflict with the Chinese army has completely failed.

After the monkey agent was defeated, the special combat unit sent by the far away Japanese country rushed over in time to fill the vacancy on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, although the Japanese devils are rude and arrogant, have a fierce fighting style and tenacious fighting will, they also fall into the highly targeted tactics of the elite Chinese special forces, can't extricate themselves, and are gradually consumed bit by bit. In the end, the whole army was destroyed, and no one survived.

In this way, the two special combat units that came to support were defeated in front of the elite Chinese special forces. When there was no way out and no way to appeal, it was the turn of the last remaining mercenaries of the team to make an extremely difficult choice.

It is to concentrate all our troops to have a final decisive battle with the elite Chinese special forces. I'd better save my strength for the time being and sacrifice my killer mace, that is, my last and biggest supporter behind the scenes. I'll come to fight to the death with the elite of this team of Chinese special forces and give myself this evil spirit first.

These two decisive battles of life and death have triggered a big debate among the remaining mercenaries who are now out of their minds.

The crocodile backed scorpion, who was seriously injured, extremely angry and murderous, still insisted on his own point of view, clenched his teeth and vowed to lead everyone to fight to the death with the elite Chinese special forces coming from this team. Even if everyone is broken to pieces, we should give the dead brothers an account that they can close their eyes.

However, fat tailed scorpion, the second leader of the scorpion mercenary regiment, doesn't think so. He still has some sense. Starting from his own actual situation, he gives a reason: mercenaries work hard for money. In essence, they don't have their own opinions, let alone permanent friends and enemies. Since they take money and work hard for the boss behind the scenes. Well, at this critical juncture, the biggest boss behind the scenes certainly has the responsibility and obligation to send troops for assistance. Because they can master many important secrets about the biggest boss behind the scenes, which are most concerned by the biggest boss behind the scenes. So they must not ignore it.

Since there is such a big boss behind him, the scorpion mercenary regiment certainly doesn't need to press all the family assets at this time to fight to the death with the elite of the Chinese special forces. To put it bluntly, there's no need at all. Even in the end, we can't avoid a desperate fight. That's definitely not now.

The fat tail scorpion's proposal was soon supported by almost all the mercenaries on the scene. The mercenaries who always only have money in their eyes, and never work hard at the last minute, of course, know what they work hard for.

They only want money. As for other aspects, go to hell. They don't care. As long as the chips given by the other party are appropriate, they can not be principled.

Seeing that most people have agreed with the fat tail scorpion's proposal, the seriously injured crocodile backed scorpion can't continue to insist. After all, brothers tie their heads around their trouser waist, lick blood with your knife, come and go in the wind and rain, all for money. We don't do that stupid thing to seek revenge for no reason.

However, he decided to preserve his strength for the time being, sacrifice the biggest boss behind the scenes, and then act according to his own circumstances. The remaining mercenaries then encountered another extremely difficult problem. That is, how to get out of the eyes of the elite Chinese special forces at this time?

You know, after a series of blows, among the remaining mercenaries of this team, the wounded with varying degrees account for the vast majority. At this time, if they still want to escape from the eyes of the elite Chinese special forces, it will be absolutely difficult to go to the sky.

After a heated argument. In order to protect the scorpion mercenary regiment and the crocodile backed scorpions that almost exist in their hearts, fat tailed scorpions with a certain dedication volunteered to lead mercenaries who are slightly injured and still have a certain combat effectiveness to block the elite of the Chinese special forces, so as to protect crocodile backed scorpions and other injured brothers and take the opportunity to leave the battlefield, As soon as you enter the border of monkey country, it will be safe.

The reason for fat tail scorpion is also very sufficient. First, he is lightly injured and still has strong combat effectiveness. Moreover, he is a sniper and has not met an opponent at present. The sniper can give the other party extremely strong psychological pressure when he takes the blocking task. At that time, the blocking effect is of course the most obvious.

Second, crocodile backed scorpion is the No. 1 leader of the scorpion mercenary regiment and the top priority of the whole scorpion mercenary regiment. It seems to exist as a soul figure and can't miss a bit. The scorpion mercenary regiment can be without his fat tailed scorpion, but it must not be without crocodile backed scorpion. Moreover, crocodile backed scorpions also have a very deep international background and have a strong appeal in the employment industry. As long as crocodile backed scorpions exist, the scorpion mercenary regiment will not break up, let alone die.

At the critical moment, under the crisis, the fat tail scorpion almost cried out his above views.

It can be seen that the scorpion mercenary regiment has reached the most difficult time to choose.

At this time, they had to adopt such a difficult choice as abandoning the car to protect the commander in order to save the crocodile backed scorpion and the scorpion mercenary regiment.