Chapter 418

"You know what? Since I was a child, I envy the children born in ordinary families. I envy their freedom and carefree. I feel happy when I want to cry and heartless when I want to laugh. I can live freely and grow up happily." Chen Zhengchong gave a wry smile, sighed a long sigh, and said.

Cheng Chong stopped his work, tilted his head and stared at Chen Zheng, He asked curiously, "it's strange. How can high-ranking children like you who were born with a golden key envy children born in ordinary families? Your boy really doesn't know what to envy in the midst of happiness? You are the object that most children envy and envy, but you can't reach! Your boy still stands and talks without backache."

Chen Zheng smiled, and then said something earnest, He said in an old-fashioned manner: "That's the fact that the world only sees the surface phenomenon, but does not see the reality of the problem. Yes, children born in families like us do have better living conditions, have no worries about food and clothing, and have no cumbersome life chores. But because of this, our life has become extremely monotonous and boring since childhood. It seems that our whole life is just for one thing A single thing and live in general. Our childhood is dull and boring, and our side is often full of countless expectant eyes. When you are happy, you dare not laugh loudly. When you are sad, you can't cry wantonly. Since childhood, we have to pretend to be calm, steady and mature like adults. Therefore, people like us have been old since childhood. We have no childhood, no childlike laughter, no playing without knowing the greatness of heaven and earth, and no necessary fetters and troubles in the process of growth, as well as the free and easy after adulthood. "

Chen Zheng's words temporarily plunged Cheng Chong into a meditation that was difficult to be confident. He and Chen Zheng have been together for a long time, which can be regarded as mutual understanding or even intimate. Chen Zheng's habit is indeed so. Most of the time, he is a very quiet, very silent, and looks very sensible.

But he lacks the youthful vigor and passionate vitality of young people. At this time, he was clearly just a young man in his early twenties, but he looked like a middle-aged man over half a hundred. At least, at this time, he had the maturity and composure inconsistent with his age.

Sometimes, you become mature and calm too early because you have experienced too much since childhood, or you have too many things on your shoulders since childhood.

Speaking of Chen Zheng in my heart, it's like opening the chatterbox at the moment, He kept on talking: "seriously, sometimes I really feel too tired. I really want to stop and have a good rest and become an ordinary person without desire, but I can't. whenever I see my parents' extremely expectant eyes, whenever they talk about him or her, he or she At that time, I always swore secretly and warned myself that I didn't want to see him anyway Their eyes changed from expectation to disappointment. No matter how bitter, tired or against my heart, I can only clench my teeth and stick to it. I can't let them down, and I can't let them down. "

Cheng Chong stood up and patted Chen Zheng on the shoulder. It was an understanding and comfort.

"You know what?" Chen Zheng, who was already moved, continued: "I know I'm not a good material for study, so after graduating from high school, I left school early and joined the army. After I arrived in the army, I studied and practiced hard, enhanced my military quality and practiced all my skills to kill the enemy. My positioning is that as long as I don't practice lying down, as long as I don't practice being disabled, I will never stop. You know Do you know? I have been a top training and model training since the recruit company. In my second year in the army, I became a frog man in the Marine Corps from an ordinary soldier. Later, he was promoted to a military academy, passed the harsh selection procedures of the Falcon special brigade, and later entered the current contradiction brigade. Step by step, I have always been the best. I have not humiliated my parents and family. "

Hearing this, Cheng Chong's heart began to murmur. Comrade Warhawk, who has always been silent, what's the matter today? Become so talkative, the painting style changes! Why did he tell me so many things today? What exactly does he want to express today?

This guy, did you drink too much today? It's a little puzzling.

However, although Cheng Chong thought so, he didn't say much. He just patted Chen Zheng on the shoulder and occasionally said a word or two in his mouth. Completely act as his listener, understanding and comforter.

"You just asked me why I didn't go home during this rare holiday. Now you should understand?" After a long talk, Chen Zheng took a long sigh of relief and then asked.

Cheng Chong smiled, pretended to be confused, shook his head and replied, "I don't understand -"

"Don't you understand?" At the moment, Chen Zheng didn't know that Cheng Chong was joking with him. For a moment, he became more serious, Then he said, "even so, I still didn't meet my parents' expectations. They still think I still have great potential and room for progress. In this case, I didn't meet him According to their expectations, I will not go home until I have achieved myself and made contributions. I want to be an upright man, I want to be an indomitable soldier, and I will not go home until I achieve this goal. No matter what, I will resolutely do it. "

Chen Zheng's words really surprised Cheng Chong and shocked him.

The reason why this guy didn't go home all the time was that he was competing with his parents? And it's already shocking. Comrade Chen Zheng, who appears to be silent and calm on the surface, has so many things in his heart?

Cheng Chong's heart began to become clear: in the future, we must pay attention to this point in actual combat. If there are any difficult tasks to give him, we must carefully consider them. Chen Zheng, who has been serious with his parents for a long time, is extremely eager to succeed, to prove himself in front of his parents, and to be recognized by his parents.

Originally, this is not a bad thing. Even, it has a great promoting and positive effect on his growth. However, everything has a degree. At this time, Chen Zheng's serious and competitive attitude with his parents may not be measured by ordinary standards, and even some abnormal.

Driven by this powerful force, anything can happen to him. In order to succeed, to achieve his goals and to be recognized by his parents, he can do anything at any cost.

Thinking of Cheng Chong here, he secretly left a heart in his heart.

Then act as if nothing had happened, He replied: "it's wrong of you to be too serious and too competitive. I believe that no matter what you become, or whether you are just an ordinary soldier or a successful military hero, in the eyes of your parents, you are just his (her) children, children who will never grow up and children with unlimited potential. He said Although they are ostensibly strict with you, they hope you can fly higher and become stronger. In fact, in their hearts, they say they are looking forward to you coming home from time to time. Don't be serious... "

"You won't understand this feeling." When Cheng Chong began to persuade himself, Chen Zheng angrily interrupted him, Then he continued with a firm attitude: "we were born in different families and environments. You may not understand some things. If I didn't compete with my parents, I wouldn't be who I am today, let alone the excellent Chen Zheng today. I just want to prove to them that he or she can see it My son is no worse than anyone. He is the best... "

Speaking of this, Chen Zheng became more and more excited, and even became a little excited.

Cheng Chong knows very well that a guy like Chen Zheng, who has always been silent but has an extremely independent mind, will become unusually stubborn and stubborn once he decides something in his heart. At this time, his persistence and persistence in his heart, not to mention eight horses, I'm afraid even the locomotive may not be able to pull back.

Cheng Chong knows himself very well. He knows the power of persuasion. Of course, he can't be compared with a locomotive. So at this time, even if he had a mouth and tried his best to persuade, I'm afraid it wouldn't help.

However, I have already known this matter. In the future, in the process of actual combat, especially when assigning combat tasks, I would like to keep an eye on it. At this time, why do you have to talk to him and argue with each other?

Cheng Chong, who thought of this, said along with Chen Zheng's words: "you are already the best and the best, no worse than anyone. I can prove this."

Cheng Chong said this, but Chen Zheng didn't appreciate it at all. He still looked at him in front of him without saying a word. Cheng Chong had to laugh with him and changed the topic: "how many beans did your father carry on his shoulder? Or did he not carry the bars and beans and carry the Venus?"

"Is this important? He is him and I am me. Where is this? Are we talking about my father's official position and level now? Don't change the topic and change the concept..." around the boss, Chen Zheng didn't disclose his father's official level in the army after all.

Either he meant it, or he really didn't want to mention it.

But Cheng Chong can be sure that this guy's father is definitely an important figure in the army, and his background will never be small. But since people don't pick up and don't want to say more, why do you keep asking?

Seeing that the move to change the topic was ineffective, Cheng Chong simply remained silent and silent. He bent down to write his battle report well. Chen Zheng, who had the right to be on the side, did not exist.

What you like, I won't serve you anymore.

Seeing Cheng Chong not moving for a long time, Chen Zheng seems to have become a little helpless, Then take the initiative to say: "Now you should understand why I don't go home, but take this opportunity to go back to the old army to have a look! Because in my heart, the old army is my home, my closest home, where there are my youth, my sweat, my comrades in arms, my brothers and even my roots. It's funny that I have been in the army for so many years, but it's in my heart What appeared most in the dream was the plots in the old army, holding a gun for the first time, pulling an emergency assembly for the first time, going to the sea for the first time, and crying in the quilt for the first time. What I think most is the blue sky, white clouds and clear sea water on the beach... "

"It's endless, isn't it?" Seeing Chen Zheng's words coming back again, Cheng Chong immediately became a little unhappy. He interrupted Chen Zheng's words and said seriously: "speaking of blue sky and white clouds, can the seaside compare with the plateau? Speaking of, the blue sky on the plateau is blue sky and white clouds are white clouds, but the air is thin and the ultraviolet light is stronger."

"Come on! I won't talk nonsense with the plateau border guards like you. Anyway, you accompany me back to the old army this holiday. It's settled. You can't go back." Chen Zheng hurried back to his senses, seized the opportunity and knocked again for fear that Cheng Chong would change his mind.

"Don't go back. When did I go back on what I promised? I still want to go to the seaside to see your old army! You should rest assured! Also, now you can get out of here and don't stay here to disturb me to write the battle report. The team leader is still waiting to see it! I can't help. I'll make trouble for me." Cheng Chong stared at Chen Zheng angrily, waved his hand, and said at the same time.

Chen Zheng, who had achieved his goal, smiled proudly, jumped down from his desk and swaggered to the door.

"Come back! Didn't you just help me analyze why Li Ying was angry? What's your conclusion? I've been talking nonsense for so long. I'm dizzy by your boy." As soon as Chen Zhenggang came to the door, Cheng Chong seemed to suddenly think of something and shouted at him.

Hearing Cheng Chong's cry, Chen Zheng stopped and turned around. For the first time, he dressed up as Chong and said funny, "Oh, this little thing! I almost forgot, but now I can only tell you, no comment -"

When he said this, Chen Zheng deliberately dragged the ending to the elder, and then hurriedly ran away towards the door to avoid being kicked by Cheng Chong.

Cheng Chong chased to the door, kicked and punched the door, then scolded Chen Zheng's back: "Chen Zheng, you bastard, remember it for me. Don't inquire about me and Li Ying in the future, don't set me up..."