Chapter 442

"Well, that's all for today's talk. I have to attend the meeting! There are important leaders and leaders. I can't go late. Go back first. What we talked about just now, you can do it yourself! What should be communicated to the team members, what can't be communicated, and what needs to be kept secret for the time being, you should have a number in mind, okay? ”Seeing Cheng Chong in front of him, Shi Rui nodded with satisfaction and pondered for a moment. Instead, he picked up his regular coat from the hanger behind him, put it on his body, and waved to Cheng Chong at the same time.

"Yes -" Cheng Chong quickly stood at attention and replied loudly, then said: "Captain, don't worry. I will deal with it as appropriate. The team members know this matter and make preparations in advance. At the same time, we won't disclose any decisions and secrets of our superiors. In short, we should make all preparations before the war and be ready to go out at any time."

Shi Rui smiled, put on his clothes, buttoned up the Feng Ji button, walked up to Cheng Chong and patted Cheng Chong on the shoulder, Said meaningfully: "Sometimes, I really want to praise you, but forget it. You're a tough guy who can't stand praise. If you praise me, you'll make trouble for me. Do a good job when you go back and make preparations for me. I'll check it myself at that time. Well, our conversation is over. Now you can disappear from me."

Cheng Chong smiled at Shi Rui wantonly as if he had a soul in his heart, blinked mischievously, then gave an exaggerated military salute, turned and was about to walk towards the door, but suddenly remembered something. He stood still and turned quickly, He asked tentatively, "Captain, what about the tiger? I'm here to talk to you about it..."

"What did I say just now? Your boy is a muscle that can't stand praise. Am I right?" Shi Rui was stunned for a moment, then his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and soon relaxed. He smiled rather than smiled, stared at Cheng Chong provocatively, and then said, "I've been pulling with you back and forth for most of the day. So you think it's farting, don't you? Do you think I'm playing with you?"

"No, I never took what you said as..." Cheng Chong, who was in a good mood, didn't care about anything else. For a moment, he was the fastest. He actually followed Shi Rui's words. Fortunately, when he said this, he suddenly felt something bad. Then he shut up, but his eyes still stared at Shi Rui in front of him and smiled foolishly.

At this time, his expression looked a little naughty and provocative.

"What do you want to say? If you talk nonsense again, be careful I'll beat you." Shi Rui picked up a piece of material from his desk with a smile. He took a few quick steps forward and came to Cheng Chong. Instead, he looked serious, He said solemnly: "After talking for a long time and making a circle around the boss, you turned the topic back? I've probably explained it to you. I really think what I said is farting? How many times have I said that the opponent against us this time is the scorpion mercenary regiment, at least temporarily. In our brigade and even our army, we have been dealing with the scorpion mercenary regiment for the longest time, You are the only one who has fought the most battles and is most familiar with each other's tactics and tactics, aren't you? "

"Yes -" Cheng Chong quickly agreed, but he was still worried. Then he continued to ask, "yes, although it is, but this thing..."

"But? But what? Where did you get so much but? I think you're talking more and more nonsense." Shi Rui can't help but accentuate his tone. In other aspects, he can follow Cheng Chong and be amiable, and even talk nonsense for a while. However, once something serious is involved, Shi Rui's attitude will immediately become serious.

After all, there is no joke in the military, and there is no trivial matter in the military. Colonel Shi Rui, who is almost old as a soldier, certainly doesn't understand these simple principles.

Shi Rui straightened his face and stared at Cheng Chong with his eagle Falcon like sharp eyes, Then he said: "Since your special combat formation is necessary for this actual combat mission, what's your reason to replace the tiger and the tiger special combat team? Well, let's take a step back and say, even if we replace the tiger or tiger special combat formation and replace it with another special combat formation, can you promise me that the whole special combat formation will be integrated and run in in the shortest time, Will you cooperate? Can you? Can you promise? Can you guarantee that after the replacement, your special combat formation can still have strong combat effectiveness as before? "

Shi Rui almost stares at Cheng Chong aggressively, and asks questions one by one.

Cheng Chong certainly can't guarantee such a difficult and important problem.

After all, the combat effectiveness of the whole special warfare team is related to every special agent. This is not the captain of a special formation has the final say. Moreover, the formation of the combat effectiveness of the special combat formation includes all aspects, including training, combat, or life. Because fighting itself is diversified and covers all aspects of a team. In bullshit, this is called the quality of the army. In modern war, it is not so simple for everyone to rush forward with a rifle.

"I can't guarantee this, but I can't turn a blind eye to the problems before our formation because I'm worried about these things. I also know that changing generals is a big taboo of strategists, but I'm thinking, can we find other better ways?" Cheng Chong was stared at by Shi Rui's eagle Falcon like sharp eyes, which naturally lowered his momentum.

"What better way? Come on, teach me!" Shi Rui stared at Cheng angrily and turned away.

Where is the better way to do this? For a moment, Cheng Chong didn't know what to say. He just stood in place and looked at Shi Rui in front of him.

Shi Rui paused for a moment, took a long sigh of relief and eased his look a little, Then he continued: "In fact, I understand your worries and concerns. To be honest, any commander wants his combat team to unite closely, use their hearts and exert their strength together, so as to give full play to the combat ability of the team. Unity is strength! In fact, it is difficult to do it completely, but it is difficult for any team to do it, It will never even be possible. Why! Very simply, in this world, anyone is actually an individual. There are differences and even contradictions between individuals and collectives, which are inevitable and can never be completely overcome by any means. It's nothing and normal. As the captain of a special combat formation, what you need to do is not to completely eliminate these differences, nor to completely imprison each member with a fixed template. But seeking common ground while reserving differences, allowing differences between individuals, and allowing each team member to have his own characteristics, strengths, and even shortcomings and deficiencies. "

After knowing Shi Rui for such a long time, Cheng Chong is afraid that it is the first time to listen to him reason with himself at length and do his own ideological work. Most of the time, the army pays attention to obedience and absolute obedience. As for those principles, who has the spare time to talk nonsense with you?

In any case, the tasks of the superiors are directly pressed down. Even if there are great difficulties, the subordinates should resolutely implement them. There is no reason to say.

Cheng Chong was deeply shocked by Shi Rui's long speech for a moment. He looked at Shi Rui in front of him without saying a word, as if he didn't know him.

Shi Rui continued: "Objectively speaking, the tiger is a little less advanced than you. I have criticized him for this. But it's true that he has these shortcomings and deficiencies, but we can't completely deny him because of his shortcomings and deficiencies! You know, his military quality and individual strength are in our hands Brigade, that's one of the few. His bravery, his tenacity, and his unstoppable courage are beyond the reach of most players. "

"I know all this. After fighting side by side with him for so long, all of us can see his characteristics and advantages." Listening to Shi Rui's words, Cheng Chong immediately remembered the various heroic performances of the tiger in the actual battle.

To be honest, Cheng Chong agrees with the tiger's military quality and individual strength. However, in a hurry, this is two different things at all. We can't ignore all his shortcomings and deficiencies because he is too good in some aspects. After all, the battlefield is different from other occasions, and the special combat formation is also different from some other small social groups. Because any small mistake or negligence in actual combat is likely to lead to irreparable huge losses.

The Jedi can't be careless or careless about such things.

"In that case, what else do you have to say?" Shi Rui then asked.

"But I'm still worried. Seriously, I hope our special combat formation can be like a piece of iron. The knife can't be inserted and the water can't be splashed. Once attacked, it will be like an extremely sharp blade, straight into the enemy's heart, and I don't want any more small episodes. After all, I don't want to see my comrades in arms die any more." Cheng Chong still hasn't put down his worries.

Hearing Cheng Chong's words, Shi Rui's look eased completely. He took a long breath, patted Cheng Chong on the shoulder, looked up and looked out of the window. After a long silence, Then he said in earnest: "I fully understand your feelings as a commander of a special combat formation. Once an order is issued, any commander wants his subordinates to be meticulous and resolutely implement it without any discount. He doesn't want any loss caused by violating the order, does he? To be honest, I have encountered such things before. I was the same as you at that time Chang was angry, but I couldn't bear to punish him. Later, in order to protect him, I asked him to withdraw from active service for a period of time. Are you still familiar with this story? "

At this point, Shi Rui turned around and stared at Cheng Chong with a smile.

Cheng Chong is not a fool. Of course, he reacted quickly. Isn't he talking about himself? Cheng Chong, who thought of this, blushed and lowered his head slightly.

"Captain, i..." Cheng Chong, who was obviously unjustified, was a little confused.

Shi Rui saw Cheng Chong's shame and waved his hand, He said brightly, "you don't have to explain anything. I don't regret my original choice. In retrospect, if I punished the soldier and gave him up completely at that time, it would be impossible for our brigade to have such an excellent special warfare commander now. In this way, did I make money?"

"Thank you, captain. I see! Next I know what to do." It was like opening clouds and pulling out fog. Cheng Chong suddenly realized that his eyes suddenly opened up.

"You don't quite understand!" Shi Rui smiled and shook his head, his eyes softened a lot, Then he said: "War is diversified, and naturally all kinds of talents are needed. If there is only a single talent in a combat team, I'm sure it's difficult to win a diversified war. That's why our army needs joint sea, land and air operations, and our special combat unit needs to recruit all kinds of top soldiers and professional experts, including snipers and Bao Including blasters, including guns, fast shooters, by the way, that is, assault men, reconnaissance vanguards and so on. A truly excellent commander should not only know how to command operations, but also know how to make good use of every soldier and talent, so that everyone can give full play to their talents and give full play to the combat ability of the whole team. If you put aside other things and think calmly, don't you think the tiger boy is a natural pioneer? You just compared your special combat formation to a sharp blade. Don't you think the tiger can be the peak of this sharp blade? Think about it! "

"I see, captain. Thank you for your guidance and instruction. I know what I should do. I take back what I said before." When he said these words, Cheng Chong's tone was very sincere.

Listening to Shi Rui's instruction, combined with the tiger's various performances on the battlefield, Cheng Chong finally turned around. To be honest, it's not easy for such a stubborn soldier to change his ideas and views.

"You really understand! I hope you don't understand on the surface." Shi Rui nodded with satisfaction, paused for a moment, and then the conversation turned, say: "But then again, the tiger boy is not like him, and he really needs to be beaten. Everything else is OK, but the smelly problem of resisting orders in the battlefield can't be used to. Don't worry, I'll beat him some time after I finish the meeting. I'm sure the tiger won't make trouble for you next time Yes. As for the replacement, that's all. Don't talk to anyone again, so as not to affect unity. I believe him, and you should believe him, okay? "

"Understand! Thank you, captain. I, I don't know how to thank you..." Cheng Chong quickly stood at attention and leaned on his feet, saluting and laughing.

"Thank you for what? Thank you for farting. It's better for you to leave me alone than anything else. Get out of here! You've wasted most of my time. If you affect my meeting, my superiors will blame you. I won't spare you." Shi Rui's face changed slightly. With a document under his arm, he took the lead in walking to the door.

Cheng Chong hurriedly chased out with interest: "Captain, I'll go. I'll start to deploy and prepare as soon as I go back. I won't let you worry about it any more."

"Get out of here! Don't you stay in my office and wait for dishes? How to prepare and deploy is your business. I just look at the results. Also, keep some things confidential, know the importance, and don't spread it to me. Understand?" With that, Shi Rui walked quickly to a military jeep parked not far from the door.

"Guarantee to complete the task!" Cheng Chong stood behind him and solemnly saluted his back with a standard military salute.