Chapter 449

The South Sea area before dawn is relatively quiet.

On the vast sea surface, only the restless sea wind blows the tireless waves and makes a slight sound. And the thousands of waves that are unwilling to be lonely beat the kinetic energy they carry wantonly against all the reef islands that dare to appear on the sea. Or, drive the waves in front to a distant place until they die on the beach.

The morning glow in the East seems to burn the sky red. A red sun ready to go is shining on the grandeur of all things with an unstoppable power and arrogance. It is about to spray out on the east sea level.

She is lonely, she is lonely, she is independent and self-sufficient, she is also arrogant and stubborn, her promotion and rise is inevitable, just as the inevitable rise of great China.

However, the relative tranquility before dawn is only temporary and short. At most, it can only be regarded as a half-time break. At most, it can only be regarded as a short-term force deployment and adjustment in the process of live fire exercises.

Because when the sun just showed a glimmer of light from the sea and the sky was about to dawn, the live ammunition exercise in China began in full swing.

For a moment, the rumbling sound of guns rang through the whole southern sea area, reaching the sky and reaching the sky.

The Chinese navy battle group conducting live fire exercises is divided into two opposing camps, red and blue. On the vast sea, in the deep-sea area and in the boundless sky, without leaving any dead corners, it launches a modern and high-level military contest in a three-dimensional shape.

This is the case in modern wars. They all carry out three-dimensional attacks. There are no dead corners or so-called security zones.

In the area of live fire exercise, torpedoes gallop towards their predetermined goals in the mysterious deep sea, ready to destroy themselves at any time and release their huge energy. Artillery of various calibres and sizes, and even for various purposes, missiles with different performance roar in mid air, and tangible or intangible ballistics shuttle back and forth in mid air, intertwined with each other into a frightening and even suffocating powerful firepower network.

All kinds of bombs that constantly explode on the sea and in the deep sea, while releasing chemical energy, stir the whole sea area upside down and the water column soars to the sky. Will live in this sea area, unknown marine animals, scared to flee everywhere.

However, slightly different from the live fire exercise a few days ago, today's live fire exercise of the naval battle group is still deliberately covering another military operation that is being carried out quietly.

That is, the special combat formation of the contradiction brigade led by Cheng Chong and the special combat group of the Marine Corps led by Chen Zheng are combined in a real combat drill.

The superior arranged this for two reasons.

First, the contradiction brigade and the Marine Corps, which are two different arms, have different combat characteristics and combat styles. This time they need to work together, act together, rely on each other and cooperate with each other, which undoubtedly needs to run in in advance, so as to give full play to their strongest combat effectiveness.

Second, the actual combat action this time belongs to the island login war, which can also be said to be a fixed-point raid war. Because the objective of this operation is relatively clear, it can be reduced to precision operation for one point or a small area. In other words, this kind of operation can be simulated in advance and has the conditions for rehearsal in advance.

In fact, according to the past special warfare experience of other countries in the world, the operations of special forces are characterized by high efficiency, high precision, high risk and high difficulty. Therefore, before putting into actual combat, it is very necessary to carry out pre war simulation exercises to reduce the risk of action, improve the guarantee and probability of completing the task, and reduce their own casualties.

For this actual combat exercise, the navy has long made relevant preparations in advance.

The location was chosen on an island whose shape, size and geographical terrain were quite similar to that island.

However, the area of the island is relatively small. I'm afraid the area of the whole island is less than two square kilometers, which also exists in irregular geometry. Relatively speaking, there is also a commanding height on the island that symbolizes the control of the military initiative of the whole island, but it is not located in the South and southwest. But the tropical plants, trees and vines all over the island have great similarities.

Anyway, the whole island is covered with vegetation and the environment is extremely complex.

Under the cover of the gunfire of the live fire exercise, Cheng Chong led the mixed special combat formation to the island immediately, launched an assault operation to the commanding height of the island with a variety of landing methods, and carried out the pre war actual combat simulation exercise.

For a while, the team members had high morale and high fighting spirit. Under the leadership and command of Cheng Chong, they launched rounds of attacks on the commanding heights of the island, either by strong attack, sneak attack, or secret infiltration.

In the process of actual combat simulation, find the deficiencies in force deployment and force deployment, test the close cooperation between special combat units and even special combat team members, as well as the speed of the whole special combat hybrid formation in assault operation, as well as the best use of time, etc.

Whether it is the contradiction brigade or the Marine Corps, these are two special forces from different arms and systems. Therefore, the characteristics, characteristics and combat effectiveness of special corps members are different. They have their own strengths. At the same time, they inevitably have their own weaknesses.

Generally speaking, the combat effectiveness of the contradiction brigade is obviously higher than that of the Marine Corps.

Because the contradiction brigade is the most elite and powerful existence in the Chinese army. It is the special force among the special forces in the Chinese army. Every special warfare member of the contradiction brigade is an absolute elite in the army. They are efficient, versatile, strong, sharp and intelligent. They are the strongest individual in the Chinese army.

When it comes to individual comprehensive strength, or individual combat effectiveness, there is not much comparability between Marines and members of the contradiction brigade.

However, after all, the technology industry has a specialty.

We should not underestimate, blaspheme or take seriously the specialty of any arms, or even the specialty of any high-end person in the world.

In the contradiction brigade, although there are many elite special operations from the Marine Corps, such as Warhawk Chen Zheng, and all special operations members of the contradiction brigade have extremely strict training in amphibious landing operations and other subjects of the Marine Corps. However, after all, it is only the training of such subjects. At best, it is only one or several of the many training subjects of the contradiction brigade.

This is somewhat surprising and different from the Marine Corps, which haunts the sea all year round, deals with waves, beaches, islands and reefs all year round, and specializes in amphibious warfare.

For the Marine Corps, the contradiction brigade is refined but not specialized. Therefore, in this actual combat operation, they need the direct participation and cooperation of the Marine Corps. Otherwise, we don't need to mobilize people like this. On the eve of the battle, we are still carrying out actual combat running in exercises!

However, in this tense actual combat drill, the team members who know their own strength and understand their differences and shortcomings do not show any arrogance and contempt for the other team members because of their own characteristics and advantages.

The members of the contradiction brigade, in the eyes of the Marines, originally existed as a king of soldiers. They were the highest goal and the strongest existence of all soldiers, and naturally had the highest honor.

Ask the Marines, who doesn't want to be a member of the contradiction brigade?

You know, they exist as if they were the spear and shield of the country. They are the best weapon for the country's attack and defense. They are the first-line force and the last-line force of the country. They can not be surpassed, nor can they be surpassed. At least, they are such a proud existence in the whole Chinese army.

However, the five Marines who participated in the war also received great respect and recognition in the eyes of the members of the contradiction brigade. Perhaps these five members are slightly inferior to the members of the conflict brigade in other military subjects, but they are recognized as trumps in the professional military subjects of the Marine Corps.

Only when they haunt the sea all year round can they accurately grasp the weather at sea, the tide in the sea area, the temperature of the sea water, the geographical location of the islands in the South Sea area, and the best time to log in and fight at sea.

In the final analysis, the five of them came to help. They are comrades in arms, comrades, brothers and the best Aboriginal guides.

What's more, Chinese soldiers are originally a family.

Although they differ in their duties and specific division of labor, in the final analysis, they are all Chinese soldiers, an important part of the Chinese armed forces, and hot-blooded young people who come together and fight side by side for the same goal and task.

Therefore, in this actual combat exercise, the team members took each other very seriously without any prejudice and dissatisfaction. All the team members have summoned up a hundred times the spirit and devoted themselves to the running in exercise. Many times, Cheng Chong, as a commander, only needs a password, or even a slight look or gesture. The team members will come back to life like full of blood, and fight chicken blood to move forward bravely and kill the sky.

After rounds of actual combat drills, none of the special combat team members was tired or stopped to rest. Even if some team members suffered some skin injuries during the drill, none of them flinched at all. Everyone is still in high morale, fighting high spirited, awe inspiring and murderous.

While Cheng Chong led the team members to tirelessly carry out rounds of actual combat drills one after another, time also passed quickly minute by second, and the never-ending sun also slowly shifted to the West.

At this time, a sudden upheaval suddenly came.

In fact, at the moment when the Chinese navy battle group launched live fire exercises, it was impossible for the decision makers behind Sam's country to be idle at all. They have always been arrogant and arrogant. After constantly boasting and bewitching, writing verbal checks, and even sparing no effort to use economic sanctions, they finally agreed to follow them to carry out a larger military adventure.

They also launched live fire exercises at sea as a tough response to the live fire exercises of the Chinese navy.

In this way, the South Sea area, which was already tense and covered with war clouds, suddenly became more dangerous and subtle.

At this time, anyone with a little military common sense can clearly see it.

It seems that war is really about to break out.

The eyes of the whole world have focused on this sea area that has belonged to China since ancient times.

Two of the most powerful countries in the world, two naval battle groups belonging to these two countries, gathered in this sea area to launch a smoke filled military confrontation.

Moreover, at this time, both sides actually launched highly targeted live fire exercises.

You line up troops and I line up troops and I line up troops. You fire and I fire. You say you are conducting a live fire drill, so I also say I am conducting a live fire drill.

And the boastful country of Sam also deceived itself and others to publicly show the world that this is only a routine military exercise without any pertinence.

Although by this time, the blind had seen what was going on.

You know, guns have no eyes, not to mention, both sides of the live fire drill use modern, high-lethality and high-precision guns. If in a live fire drill, either side only needs to slightly adjust the angle of the gun mouth and put on one or two shells by the way. Well, I'm afraid the biggest naval war in the new century, and even the last all-out war of all mankind, really broke out.

It was a naked military provocation, but finally claimed that it was just a accidental bombing. Sam's country played such dirty things very well. Anyway, there was no need to draft a lie.

In the face of Sam's arrogance and almost crazy military provocation, it is certainly impossible for China to play word games with them. Of course, it is necessary to fight back.

This time, the spokesman of the Chinese foreign ministry, who always looked very gentle, was angry for the first time, and his tone was surprisingly severe. He also gave a final warning to Sam country by name, and repeatedly stressed that Sam country should stop live fire exercises within 24 hours, stop all military provocations, and withdraw all military forces from the southern waters. Otherwise, Sam state will be fully responsible for the serious consequences

In the southern sea area, where the clouds of war were already thick and the war was imminent, the situation became more and more tense, dangerous and complex.

An earth shaking century war seems to be getting closer and closer.

One side of the confrontation is the world's superpower. In order to prevent the rapid rise of the world's No. 2 power, it carefully implemented a military adventure. On the other hand, in order to defend the integrity of its territory and sovereignty, the absolute dignity of the country and the people, and the achievements and fruits of difficult development in recent decades, the other party decided to light its sword to the other party.

Even if the other party is the most powerful enemy in the world.