Chapter 458

After successfully solving the three enemy sentinels, Chen Zheng, the leader, did not take it lightly.

After all, the three enemies all appeared on the sea area to the west of the isolated island, which is the key defense area of the enemy. In other words, these three enemies are likely to be within the sight of the enemy on the isolated island. If the enemy on the isolated island finds that the three companions have been attacked, the action will be exposed in advance. Of course, we can imagine the consequences.

Therefore, we must not think that everything is all right just because we have killed these three enemies.

In fact, Chen Zheng, who is well aware of the stakes, has not relaxed at all. Fortunately, in order to avoid the wind, the three enemies parked their black rubber inflatable boats to the west of a protruding rock, that is, at this time, there is a rock between them and the island.

Chen Zheng, who knew the way of special warfare, soon thought of a good way. Under his instruction and guidance, the team members quickly pulled the black rubber inflatable boat slowly and berthed close to the west of the rock.

This has at least two advantages. First, this sudden rock can better cover the rubber inflatable boat. As long as the enemy on the island doesn't really look here, it's very difficult to find the clue. Second, berthing close to rocks can completely reduce the direct impact of wind and waves on rubber inflatable boats, reduce bumps and swings, and reduce the probability and possibility of exposure.

At the same time, Chen Zheng did not immediately abandon the bodies of the three enemies, but after some careful arrangement, he leaned back to back and snuggled up to each other. In this way, in the night with poor sight, coupled with the cover of sudden rocks, the enemies on the island will at most subjectively think that the three companions must have avoided the wind and waves in order to avoid the wind and waves.

In the final analysis, they are all fellow brothers in the trenches and mercenaries who work hard for money. Who hasn't been selfish? Who doesn't want to suffer less in the middle of the night? Anyway, each other, open one eye and close one eye. As long as they can live, why should they be too serious with each other?

This is exactly what Chen Zheng wants to see.

After arranging all this, Chen Zheng subconsciously raised his wrist and looked at his watch, but the pointer on the watch showed that it was already 1:40 a.m. In other words, there is only the last half hour before they blow up the enemy ship and then attack the island violently.

In this short half an hour, they have to sneak a long distance to the south. After finding the enemy ship, they have to find the appropriate blasting point. After installing the blasting device, they have to evacuate safely to the predetermined attack position.

Obviously, the time at this time is very urgent, and in all the next actions, there can be no mistakes or accidents, otherwise, their actions may lose their original significance.

Knowing that time was pressing, Chen Zheng did not delay any more. After quickly throwing a gesture to the five Marines to speed up action, he plunged into the sea and immediately sneaked to the south of the island.

This time, in order to save time and speed up, he led the team members. Instead of continuing to dive into the deep sea, he controlled the diving depth to about five or six meters from the sea, and then tried his best to dive south.

Relatively speaking, the deeper the sea water is, the greater the pressure of the sea water will be. Of course, the greater the energy contained when the sea water fluctuates and rolls. In this way, the more natural it will be to sneak, so that the speed of sneaking will naturally be reduced.

Moreover, the deeper the sea, the worse the line of sight. If you are unlucky, you will directly encounter sharp seabed rocks or reefs, resulting in serious diving accidents.

Generally speaking, if it is not to avoid the direct reconnaissance of the enemy on the sea, improve the concealment of operations, or perform special tasks deep in the seabed, otherwise, no one is willing to bear the huge water pressure on the seabed and take the initiative to sneak into the deep sea.

Chen Zheng, who was born in the Marine Corps, trained at sea and tossed for several years, will not fail to understand this simple path.

In this way, Chen Zheng led the team members to sneak to the south of the island without delay.

Time, in an extremely tense atmosphere, is running away minute by minute

To the east of the island, Cheng Chong and Feilong, who have reached the scheduled attack position, look up at the sky from time to time, turn to the south of the island, occasionally raise their wrists and look at the time on the watch. It is difficult to hide the look of tension and worry on their faces.

After climbing forward for some distance, the flying dragon quietly approached Cheng Chong's ear and said anxiously, "there are still more than 20 minutes to launch a strong attack. I don't know where the warhawks are now. Will they encounter any trouble?"

"Don't worry!" Cheng Chong's eyes were still firmly fixed on the direction of the island, and he comforted without looking back: "we should believe in the War Eagle. With him, even in trouble, I believe he can resolve it smoothly. Isn't there more than 20 minutes? Don't be impatient."

"That's true, but I'm afraid no one can say well about underwater operation. What's more, at this time, the waiting wind and waves are high, and they have to bypass the west of the enemy's heavily defended island. I hope! I hope they don't encounter any trouble, and even if they encounter it, they can be easily solved." The flying dragon looked up again and looked south of the island.

"Tell the team members! Be vigilant and be ready for a strong attack at any time. When the time comes, whether the bomb in the South blows or not, we must launch a rapid landing operation on the isolated island at the scheduled time." Cheng Chong didn't follow Feilong's words any more, but indicated softly.

"Don't worry. Everyone is ready for battle long ago, waiting for your order." The flying dragon answered softly.

However, after the answer, Feilong still firmly executed Cheng Chong's command. He quickly turned around and quickly climbed over each team member, He warned softly, "everyone is ready for battle. The lone Eagle said that after the scheduled time, whether the bomb in the south of the island blows or not, we must launch a battle against the island. Everyone pricks up their ears and listen to the instructions of the lone Eagle at that time."

The team members nodded one by one and promised

Not much time, still in no hurry to continue flowing

Ten minutes later, Chen Zheng led the team members to finally bypass the west of the dangerous island and sneak to the south of the island.

After slowly approaching a dark reef, the team members immediately spread around the reef and began to float slowly. When they were about to surface, the team members held the black reef with their hands, stabilized their bodies, stopped floating, quickly took out their periscopes, slowly stretched out of the water, and then carefully observed the specific conditions of the surrounding waters on the water.

The team members are only responsible for observing one direction and a section of sea area, and then summarize the observed information to Chen Zheng through their respective military gestures.

After careful observation, the team members with small distance from each other quickly threw safe gestures to the team members around them. After summarizing the information and determining that the sea was safe, the team members slowly surfaced to reduce the movement when they came out of the water as much as possible.

After coming out of the water, the team members quickly rely on this rock, hide themselves as much as possible, and then quickly spy on the enemy situation in the surrounding sea areas.

At this time, the team members were surprised to find that they had indeed reached the South Sea area of the island, but where were the enemy's ships? According to the previous battle plan, the enemy's ships should be parked near this sea area?

However, there was no trace of enemy ships at this time!

Seeing this situation, the team members could not help becoming a little anxious and worried. They involuntarily turned their eyes to their old monitor, their leader, Chen Zheng.

At this time, the actual situation was inconsistent with the expected situation, not to mention the other team members, Chen Zheng himself involuntarily became a little anxious and worried.

It turned out that after all the hardships, I was busy in the middle of the night. I was doing useless work!

However, there is not much time left. If they can't blow up the enemy's ships within the scheduled time, they can neither effectively cooperate with their landing operations, nor completely eliminate the enemy's maritime threat. If they don't do well, even if they successfully board the island, they will become a live target of the enemy's ships.

If this is the case, at least half of the battle plan formulated by Cheng Chong has failed.

What should I do? What should I do?

Anxious, Chen Zheng repeatedly asked himself.

At this time, the players' extremely eager eyes turned to Chen Zheng, as if they were eager to ask him what to do at this time and what they should do next?

Chen Zheng subconsciously raised his wrist, looked at his watch, looked up at the sky, gritted his teeth and looked solemn. He made a difficult decision: "in the last 13 minutes, everyone should seize the time and carefully search for the enemy's ships along the South coastline of the island. The speed should be fast and the action should be hidden."

Listening to Chen Zheng's words, the team members were surprised.

Search the southern coastline of the island in such a short time?

Is there a mistake? This side is the enemy's key defense area, and the commanding height above the isolated island is in the south, that is, once they enter this sea area, it means that their heads and bodies have entered the enemy's firepower circle. If the whereabouts are exposed, the consequences are unimaginable.

However, Chen Zheng's absolute authority made the five Marines carry out without any discount, even if they had doubts.

They did follow Chen Zheng's orders and kept a distance from the southern coastline of the island. They quietly sneaked in the direction of the island, sometimes revealing their heads to observe. Fortunately, at this time, the wind and waves on the sea are still large, and the line of sight is poor at night, which gives them good cover and great help.

After sneaking forward for a distance, the team leader quietly approached Chen Zheng, held back all the doubts in his heart, and finally asked him face to face: "old monitor, are we really sure we do this?"

Hearing the leader's question, Chen Zheng, who was already worried, couldn't help staring at him. After a long pause, he replied, "no, but at this time, we have no choice... Do you have a better way?"

"No -" the team leader's face darkened, Then he said: "however, the island landing battle of the lone eagle will start in ten minutes. I think we should find a suitable login point at this time. After their battle starts, we will take the opportunity to launch a strong attack. First, we can cover them. Second, if we get lucky to land on the island, we can go to meet them, can't we?"

"But our task now is to blow up the enemy's ships -" Chen Zheng replied angrily.

"But we don't even know where the enemy's ships are?" The group leader asked again.

"So you just want to give up, don't you?" Chen Zheng turned to stare at the group leader and asked.

"Give up, no, I never thought of giving up!" The team leader quickly rejected it, and then continued to explain: "I just think that if we can't find the enemy's ship within the scheduled time and blow it up completely, then we must make a decision on the spot, change the operation plan, give up the ship bombing mission, and cooperate with the lone eagle's landing operation as much as possible."

Before Chen Zheng could reply, the team leader continued to add: "instead of searching the enemy's ships aimlessly around the southern coastline of the isolated island in such an urgent time. Let alone whether the task can be completed smoothly, if we are careless, once exposed, I'm afraid all of us will become the live target of the enemy's anti-aircraft machine gun."

"That's the real reason why you want to change your battle plan? In the final analysis, you're afraid of becoming the enemy's live target? Are you afraid of death?" Unable to wait, Chen Zheng couldn't help but feel anxious. He was so reckless that he stimulated him.