Chapter 464

At this time, Chen Zheng's timely firing helped Cheng Chong a lot.

The two usually have a very strong relationship and deep feelings. They are filled with each other's comrades in arms. Even in the absence of normal communication, they can still cooperate well, timely and closely.

What is called a comrade in arms who has lost his life, a revolutionary comrade, a brother who lives and dies, and a brother who is united in his interests and breaks the gold? That is, and it is appropriate.

Just as Cheng Chong launched a fierce beach landing operation at the predetermined position in the east of the island, almost the enemy on the whole island roared and roared, quickly gathering reinforcements to the east of the island from all directions.

Under such circumstances, if Cheng Chong can not quickly complete the battle of beach landing in a short time. Then, all the enemies on the whole island have been pressed down, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

However, at that critical and delicate moment, Chen Zheng and his team urgently detonated the bomb and destroyed the enemy's ships, thus attracting a large part of the enemy's forces and attention.

When the angry enemy hurried to the south of the island, but there was no sign of the enemy. After venting their anger, they planned to turn the direction again and quickly reinforce the east of the island again. Chen Zheng's initiative to fire and deliberately expose themselves undoubtedly attracted most of the enemies and restrained them again, Or drag down most of the enemy.

At this critical moment, once and again, taking the risk of twice taking the initiative to make noise, they won more than ten seconds for Cheng Chong in a very timely manner.

Don't underestimate this short time of more than ten seconds. Yes, if it is at ordinary times, you may not be able to do anything and accomplish nothing in these ten seconds. However, on the battlefield where life and death are at stake and in the ever-changing battle in an instant, this short time of more than ten seconds is sometimes directly related to the final outcome of the war and the life and death of dozens of elite special warfare.

Because Cheng Chong's distance from the position where they abandoned their boat and jumped into the sea to landing on the island was only about 100 meters. Under the cover of the remaining power of the landing craft and with the help of the east wind blowing at the moment, it took more than a minute to swim over the last 100 meters and successfully land on the island.

It can be seen that Chen Zheng's time of more than ten seconds won by them at this time is so important, precious and timely for Cheng Chong at the moment!

Knowing that the situation was urgent and the time was pressing, the team members did not delay at all. After abandoning the boat and jumping into the sea, they tried their best to swim towards the island at the fastest speed in their life while avoiding the bullets that might come from the enemy at any time.

At this time, the sea breeze was still raging wildly. The violently rolling waves were one or two meters high, one after another, roaring and roaring towards the direction of the island.

The sea breeze at the moment gives the team members the best driving force, while the rolling waves happen to give the team members a moving shield wall one after another. At this time, the team members rushed forward desperately with the help of the residual power of the sea wind and the residual power of the waves.

Since there was already a mercenary in front to test the bomb, the other three mercenaries hiding on the shore did not dare to act rashly any more. I know that there are snipers with high sniping skills in the enemy's team, so for a while, they don't have enough courage and courage to try the exquisite shooting skills of the other sniper with their own head.

In this way, at this critical juncture, there was a moment of peace on the scene. The idea of the three mercenaries seems to be very simple: anyway, a large number of reinforcements will arrive. At that time, relying on the large number of people, everyone will work together to clean up the incoming enemy. At this time, the three of them don't need to be shot by each other. The main reason is that the three of them have always stayed where they are. They have done their duty without retreating.

What they did not expect, however, was that a large number of their reinforcements were greatly affected by Chen Zheng's repeated movements in the south of the island, which greatly reduced the speed of reinforcements.

What they didn't expect was that the enemy was moving at an amazing speed, and they didn't have much reaction time at all. The three of them just cat their heads in the temporary shelter for a while, but the enemy under their eyelids has quickly swam to the shore while taking advantage of the sea wind and waves, and even spread out quickly, making a detour to the hiding place of the three of them.

too bad! It's going to be bad.

We can't wait any longer. We must immediately shoot back and organize anti landing operations. Otherwise, if the cat continues to wait with its head, the only thing waiting for them is death.

So, just as Cheng Chong and his men had just swam to the shore, ready to disperse and quickly land on the island, a mercenary suddenly gave a violent drink, turned around and held a gun. He didn't have time to look down carefully. The muzzle was facing down and only half of his head was exposed. He hurriedly pulled the trigger and fired a crazy shot at Cheng Chong and his men preparing to land on the island.

Such crazy blind shooting can hardly do any harm to the elite of Chinese special warfare who have experienced the battlefield, have high individual skills and are very skilled in special tactics. The players even dodged a little, and they all safely avoided the other party's shooting.

While the mercenary was shooting wildly down, he put himself in a very dangerous situation. Although only half of his head was exposed, he soon became the precise target locked by Min Jie's 88 type sniper rifle.

In such a short distance, there was almost no suspense. Min Jie only gently pulled the trigger. A small caliber sniper bullet directly lifted the mercenary's celestial cover in half the air, and the red and white things in her head were scattered on the ground.

From the mercenary's risky shooting to being directly hit by a sniper bullet, the whole process took only seven or eight seconds. The mercenary died and was separated from his companions.

The remaining two mercenaries were stunned at this situation.

Two of his companions have tried with their heads. The two mercenaries no longer have the courage and courage to stand up and fight. Listening to the sound, he estimated that the enemy had boarded the island and seemed to have circled around them.

In this case, the first thought in the minds of the two mercenaries was to escape.

At the moment, their ideas are surprisingly consistent. After all, if you continue to wait in place, you will not wait for food, but die.

Moreover, from a distance, from the depths of the jungle behind the side, there came a noisy roar, roar and abuse. Needless to say, that's our own reinforcements, and they've come here quickly.

Seeing this situation, the two frightened mercenaries turned around in a hurry like a lost dog, quickly fled to the side and rear, that is, the direction of the reinforcements.

At the moment, all they can think of is to leave this damn dangerous place and then join their reinforcements as much as possible. At this time, only their reinforcements can give them the greatest security.

However, they miscalculated again.

Because, no matter how fast they are, they can't be faster than these elite Chinese special warfare. Moreover, in front of the speed of bullets, their escape speed can be almost directly ignored.

Cheng Chong, who had quickly boarded the island, only waved a gesture behind him. Feilong and the tiger who didn't say a word all the way, took their own special warfare teams to encircle both sides very quickly and quietly.

Cheng Chong himself, with the rest of the team, accelerated and pursued the two mercenaries from the front.

At this time, Cheng Chong's idea is that in any case, we can't let the two mercenaries leave here alive, let alone meet and meet the fucking reinforcements alive. As long as they can't meet alive, then, even if the enemy's reinforcements arrive in the shortest time, they are also a group of blind people. They don't know the specific situation of the scene at all. They can't even figure out how many people came on their side.

If this is the case, it will be easier and more convenient to pick up their group of blind people.

In a word, we should kill the two mercenaries at this time anyway. As for the enemy's reinforcements, that's the next thing to consider.

The team members who are also well aware of the interests don't need Cheng Chong to tell anything again, and they all strive to move forward. The flying dragon group and the Tiger Group also quickly circuitously went up from the left and right directions, forming a double attack on the two mercenaries who fled in panic.

With the gradual shortening of the distance between each other, the two players who rushed to the front lost no time in pulling the trigger.

Dada! Dada!

Two extremely accurate short shots quickly hit the two fleeing mercenaries. The two long lost mercenaries were directly hit by bullets coming from behind before they could moan. The huge kinetic energy carried by the bullets knocked them down on the spot, and their bodies fell forward quickly. With blood flowing, they died with infinite fear and infinite attachment to life.

The two special combat team members who rushed to the front did not give up. Instead, they accelerated and rushed up quickly. They quickly and simply added a few shots to the two mercenaries who had fallen to the ground.

By this time, the enemy's reinforcements were less than a kilometer away.

However, the mercenaries who came to reinforce were extremely angry and were still shouting and abusing wantonly, regardless of their own exposure.

Anger makes them lose their reason, and anger also makes them one step closer to the gate of death.