Chapter 469

In fact, after the gunfire stopped, Chen Zheng, who had only opened fire to cooperate and support, immediately stopped firing, accelerated and quickly approached Cheng Chong.

Therefore, when Feilong led a special combat team member to meet Chen Zhengzhi. The two sides soon met in the jungle on the island. In addition, each other no longer worried about being exposed under the eyes of the enemy, and both used radio communication. Therefore, when the two sides met, naturally there was no misunderstanding, and everything was very smooth.

However, the success of Feilong doesn't mean that Cheng Chong is also very successful.

On the contrary, when Feilong led a special combat team member to meet Chen Zheng, a huge danger was slowly approaching the position where Cheng Chong was hiding.

Yes, of course, the scorpion mercenary regiment will not attack the isolated island and kill their people. The elite Chinese special forces who are confused turn a blind eye to it. When the defeated remnant troops fled to the base camp in the south of the isolated island, they were soon severely punished by the upper level of the scorpion mercenary regiment, and even directly shot and killed one or two defeated soldiers as an example to boost morale and stabilize the morale of the army.

In this way, when the scorpion mercenary Corps stabilized their morale, they soon discussed a vicious counterattack plan.

They originally wanted to take advantage of the defeat of the defeated soldiers just now to introduce the elite Chinese special forces who attacked the isolated island into the preset trap, and then concentrate their forces on counterattack. At that time, even if this team of Chinese special forces is elite, strong and tenacious, it will inevitably pay a heavy price.

However, what puzzled them was that the elite Chinese special forces seemed to have predicted something in advance and were not fooled at all. Even under the residual threat of victory, the elite Chinese special forces acted with a degree and did not go deep blindly. They only pursued forward for a certain distance, but suddenly stopped pursuing and hid on the spot.

This unusual move of the elite of the Chinese special forces really bothered the upper echelons of the scorpion mercenary regiment. They really don't understand why this team of elite Chinese special forces pursued well all the way. Why did they suddenly stop and hide on the spot?

What prompted the elite of this team of Chinese special forces to take this unusual action? Is it because your plan was leaked or something else?

They don't know.

Of course, they will not know that among the elite of this team of Chinese special forces, there is a team leader who has experienced the battlefield, has rich practical experience, is well versed in the way of special warfare, and has an almost olfactory perception of danger. And those who have a flexible mind and a lot of ghost ideas will never be easily fooled by them.

From here, it is not difficult to see Cheng Chong's shrewdness and sophistication, as well as the maturity and sophistication of an elite special forces soldier and special warfare commander.

However, the two hostile sides on the battlefield are like water and fire. There is absolutely no such thing as peaceful coexistence. Moreover, the time is urgent and the situation is urgent. Therefore, if one plan fails, the upper level of the scorpion mercenary regiment will have another plan.

The powerful scorpion mercenary regiment, once arrogant and arrogant, has crossed the world. They have experienced the battlefield for a long time and rarely meet their opponents. What's more, behind them, there are the most powerful military forces in the world supporting them. What else will they fear?

If you annoy them, it's not fun, and they're not easy to annoy.

Under the careful planning and instruction of the upper level of the scorpion mercenary regiment, they first concentrated their superior forces, rushed quickly from the south of the isolated island, and took the lead in launching extremely fierce attacks on Cheng Chong, who was hidden on the spot.

For a moment, all kinds of rifles, submachine guns, light machine guns, sniper rifles, and even rocket launchers, mortars and other weapons rushed into the jungle area they were hiding, pouring ammunition frantically.

Dada... Dada

Boom Dada, dada Boom

In an instant, there was a loud noise of guns. The bullets carrying high kinetic energy, carrying a hot air wave and a breath of death, sadly tore through layers of space barriers, drew strange ballistics in the void, and poured frantically towards the positions hidden by the elite Chinese special forces.

The countless rockets and mortar shells tore the thick night curtain fiercely, sent out a penetrating scream, penetrated through layers of tree crowns, and roared away the gunpowder they filled towards suspected targets in the night.

At this time, the counterattack of the scorpion mercenary regiment is crazy, abnormal and spare no effort.

First, their isolated island defense line was broken by the elite of this team of Chinese special forces. Second, their people were constantly killed under the muzzle of the elite of this team of Chinese special forces. In this way, the overwhelming anger of revenge accumulated in their chest can hardly be described in human language.

More importantly, at this critical moment, of course, they should perform well in front of their backers, so as to prove that they are still useful and can play. They are not a group of waste raised by their backers at a high price.

Under such circumstances, it is not difficult to understand that they put on such a desperate posture and such a desperate play.

However, although their attack in the south is extremely fierce and fierce, it is extremely surprising that this is not their main direction of attack. It is only an auxiliary attack, or even a feint. Its main purpose is only to attract the attention and firepower of the elite Chinese special forces.

And their real main attack direction will be in the north.

Yes, it's in the unexpected north.

Under the dangerous situation that the elite of the Chinese special forces were suddenly and fiercely attacked by the scorpion mercenary regiment, so that it was difficult to balance the left and right, and it was difficult to protect themselves, the elite of the Chinese special forces were suddenly attacked by the enemy from the north. In this way, at this moment, the elite of the Chinese special forces are facing the danger, Naturally, it can be imagined.

In fact, although Cheng Chong predicted the correct direction in terms of the force deployment of the scorpion mercenary regiment on the isolated island and the primary and secondary aspects of defense, it does not mean that his prediction is not bad and 100% accurate.

After all, in the absence of direct evidence, no one in the world can predict the enemy's specific troop deployment and the priority of defense. It is not easy to predict the correct direction like Cheng Chong.

Because of this, Cheng Chong focused his defense direction on the south of the island, that is, the commanding height on the island, and the direction of the base camp of the scorpion mercenary regiment. Thus ignoring the direct threat from the enemy north of the island.

In fact, although the heavy troops of the scorpion mercenary regiment, or the key defense, are in the south of the island, there is nothing wrong, but they also arrange troops to varying degrees and preset defense areas in other directions of the island.

At this time, with the concentrated and fierce attack of heavy troops in the south, those mercenaries scattered in all directions of the island, under the direct command of their superiors, quietly gathered and quickly killed the elite Chinese special forces from north to south.

Compared with the mercenaries in the south of the island, the mercenaries in the North seem very low-key and quiet. Anyway, almost all the attention and firepower of the elite Chinese special forces were attracted by their companions in the south. Of course, their actions were hidden and smooth.

Yes, they came to sneak attack at this time.

Is to use a quiet way, and then break the elite of this team of Chinese special forces, one by one, and kill them on this isolated island one after another.

In this way, when the elite of this team of Chinese special forces were hit by the mercenaries in the south so fiercely that it was difficult to take care of each other and look after each other from head to tail, the mercenaries quietly killed from the North showed their pale tusks and aimed at the almost defenseless prey in front of them like groups of evil wolves sneaking into sheep, Ready to go.

Be ready to rush up at any time, do not leave any reaction time for the prey, and kill the prey completely in an instant.

In this case, it is natural to imagine the dangers faced by the elite of this team of Chinese special forces at the moment.

Time is slowly running away, but the great danger to the elite of this team of Chinese special forces is approaching quickly step by step.

An impenetrable disaster is almost enveloping the elite of this team of Chinese special forces, almost suffocating.

However, special forces are not different from ordinary soldiers.

In addition to the excellent military quality of individual soldiers and the exceptionally strong individual fighters, they also have a kind of vigilance beyond the reach of ordinary soldiers, as well as accurate judgment and even predictability of danger.

If you exaggerate, many elite special forces can almost smell the general location of the enemy and the danger from the air.

However, Cheng Chong, who had already sent guard posts on all sides, certainly could not completely ignore the threat from the enemy in other directions of the island.

This time, in order to prevent the tiger from leading the members of his group again, he recklessly attacked and rushed, and was injured by the enemy's fierce fire. Cheng Chong specially transferred him to the north of the whole special combat formation to defend against the threat of the enemy from the north.

The tiger was angry at Cheng Chong's decision.

Originally, he had not untied the knot in Cheng Chong's heart. His heart was on fire! At this time, Cheng Chong transferred him to the north again. Naturally, he was more angry.

There was a lively fight in the south, and the two sides were engaged in a fierce battle, but they were transferred to the north where there was almost no war.

This matter, if put on others, may be nothing, just a normal division of labor and arrangement. But in the eyes of the tiger, who was already very angry at the moment, that's not the case.

In his opinion, Cheng Chong is specifically aimed at him. What sounds good is vigilance. In fact, he is not putting himself on the bench. In the final analysis, it's not because I didn't trust myself last time, so I made this division of labor for myself.

However, Rao is so. In view of the fact that the last matter has not been solved, he still has a pimple tiger in his heart. It is inconvenient to refute anything, let alone refuse to execute Cheng Chong's order. Therefore, at this time, even if he had a fire in his heart, he had to immediately turn the muzzle of the gun and rush to the north of the team to do his guard work.

An unexpected scene happened like this

When the tiger, who was already on fire and had no place to vent, was looking for a vent object, several mercenaries quietly killed from the north of the island just took the initiative to send them to the door.

What are you waiting for? Let go!

Since you want to die yourself, you can't blame me.

You hit the South first. I'll kill you in the north.

This fierce tiger comrade, who is very strong in character, is very brave in war and still harbors the boss's anger in his heart, once he vent his anger, he will not take into account the feelings of anyone else.

As soon as he rushed up, he just killed himself.

There is no reason for this. This is his personality.

Objectively speaking, how could these poor mercenaries be his opponents?

The few of them who quietly touched them almost didn't find the tiger, but the tiger found them first.

The tiger, who was about to find someone to practice and vent, didn't even think about it. He really jumped at them like a predatory tiger. What's more puzzling is that this guy didn't use a gun at this critical moment, but used a dagger to fight these mercenaries one after another.

Perhaps, he felt extremely angry that it was really not fun to shoot these mercenaries. He had to kill them with a dagger, one by one, and drain all the blood on them. That was the only way to relieve his hatred and enjoy himself.

After killing two mercenaries in a row, I was in the dark, but I saw another mercenary sneaking over. I had already found his fierce tiger, quickly took back the gun, and then pulled out the special combat dagger I wore at any time. With a quick flash, I quickly flashed behind a big tree, turned my back to the big tree, and the blade of the dagger was retracted on the outside of my right wrist, Then he waited calmly for the mercenary to come to the door himself.

The furtive mercenary still didn't find the tiger. He still walked forward with his waist and back bowed.

However, when his head just touched the tree and there was almost no time to quickly inquire after the tree, the tiger almost didn't change his posture, but his right arm was raised rapidly and then retracted quickly.

It was such a subtle movement that the special war dagger held in his right hand had drawn an arc of death in the void. Almost in the blink of an eye, with the arrival of the special war dagger, the extremely sharp blade of the dagger had made a bright red cut in the artery of the mercenary's throat.

For a moment, the mercenary's blood, like a strange fountain, splashed out wantonly, flirtatious and gorgeous.