Chapter 471

It was none other than Chen Zheng and Feilong who created this miracle.

When Feilong took a team member to meet Chen Zheng and they just took over, Cheng Chong's dangerous battle suddenly began.

For a moment, the gunfire was loud, and the scorpion mercenary regiment almost concentrated all their firepower and spared no effort to pour ammunition frantically towards the position they were hiding.

At this time, guns are being fired everywhere, and guns are being fired everywhere. I can't figure out where it is and where it is. The scene was almost a pot of porridge.

The drastic changes in the war situation were unexpected to Chen Zheng and Feilong.

Needless to say, the situation at this time has become very critical and dangerous.

A thorny choice was immediately in front of them.

They must make their choice in the shortest time, and this choice, to a great extent, will affect the whole war situation and even the final victory or defeat.

Help them immediately, that's for sure. But the question is, what kind of aid law? They change from which area of the battlefield to enter, so as to achieve the best effect of attacking one point and controlling the overall situation. In other words, how to obtain the greatest results with the least cost and the fastest speed, so as to successfully reverse the whole war situation.

But what should we do?

Where should they start when time is tight and the war situation is urgent?

It is undoubtedly the stupidest way to kill people directly without distinction.

In that case, Cheng Chong's encirclement may not have been solved, and his people may also enter the enemy's encirclement and fall into a passive and dangerous situation. Of course, they who are familiar with the way of special warfare will not make such a stupid decision that is completely incompatible with their identity.

At this time, a member of the Marine Corps put forward a bold idea that the sword was at the wrong edge: with the help of the scorpion mercenary regiment, they were concentrating their forces and firepower and storming them. When they had no time for him, they went straight into the enemy's nest and smashed the enemy's base camp. As long as we destroy the enemy's base camp, occupy the commanding height in the south of the island and control the intensive firepower on the commanding height, the next thing will become much easier.

At the very least, the initiative and passivity on the battlefield will change hands. Those who will be attacked by fierce fire from the commanding height will no longer be Cheng Chong them, but will become members of the scorpion mercenary regiment.

However, although the idea of cutting corners and taking advantage of the enemy is very good, if it is implemented, it will have full difficulties and a lot of uncertainty, and it will be very dangerous.

The reason is not difficult to analyze: first of all, the south of the island is the commanding height of the whole island, that is, it is the most important military stronghold on the whole island. Of course, it is also the focus of the scorpion mercenary regiment's defense. Moreover, they set up their base camp here, and the strength of their defense can be imagined.

In the enemy's heavily fortified area, the probability of success, or the chance of victory, is not high, and great risks will be taken. Once it is suddenly exposed in the enemy's heavily fortified area, it is very possible no matter what consequences and losses.

No matter what kind of anticipation and prediction of the consequences, it is not excessive

Thirdly, the scorpion mercenary regiment concentrated almost all the forces and firepower that could be mobilized at this time and stormed into the position they were hiding. There was a great difference in the strength of the opposing sides. In other words, Cheng Chong's situation is very dangerous, and the time they can persist is also very limited. If they can't successfully complete the task within a limited time, even if they finally succeed in seizing the commanding heights of the isolated island and destroying the enemy's base camp, they may have nothing to do.

After all, the special combat team led by Cheng Chong is the main force of this battle. Once the main force is damaged, the consequences are certainly unimaginable.

What is more frightening is that if they fail to successfully win the commanding height in the south in a short time, they will be surrounded by heavy enemy troops. At that time, if the two forces acting separately fall into the enemy's encirclement at the same time, and they can't care about each other and depend on each other, then the consequences will be what everyone doesn't want to see.

Therefore, this bold and risky proposal was soon rejected by Chen Zheng and Feilong.

So, is there a better way to take into account? Can we not only quickly remove the enemy's threat to Cheng Chong, but also effectively test the enemy's base camp under the condition of ensuring their own safety, and then make a more favorable choice according to the specific situation of the scene?

Of course, there is a way to balance the two ends.

Or, everything in the world seems to have been arranged for a long time, which can be changed and controlled by non-human beings. If Cheng Chong didn't send Feilong to meet Chen Zheng, but a tiger to meet Chen Zheng, I'm afraid it's another matter to face this choice at this time.

Because the tiger, who has always been very strong, very brave, very tenacious, and very brave, will continue to move forward without hesitation even if he pierces the sky. He has always been fearless. Even if there is a trace of rationality or hope, he will not frown and discount at all, and will implement it without thinking.

If he were here at this time, he would take the risk.

However, this is not the case in reality.

Because at this time, Feilong and Chen Zheng play a decisive role.

These two special combat team members, who are almost somewhat similar in character, have always been known for their mature, prudent, calm and responsible combat style. The two of them are unambiguous in carrying out orders and will spare no effort to faithfully carry them out. Far from being like tigers, they are almost full of adventure.

In the tiger's view, fighting is brave, killing the enemy is happy, playing tactics is stimulation, and playing is heartbeat. To live is to be vigorous and vigorous, and to fight is to be indomitable and fearless.

However, in the eyes of Feilong and Chen Zheng, war is by no means the same thing.

In their view, war is a life and death contest of high intelligence quotient, which can not be played, let alone by their own temperament. Because, in actual combat, any small mistake or carelessness is likely to lead to irreparable disaster.

Therefore, on the battlefield, we must be careful at every step, and every decision we make should stand scrutiny and be enforceable.

What's more, as a top special warfare team member and special warfare commander, he can't be brave, just focus on his own pleasure, and forget the real purpose of the war. In the final analysis, fearing sacrifice and daring to sacrifice is only the attitude and means to treat war, and the ultimate goal of war is victory.

In addition, any sacrifice is undesirable.

Chen Zheng and Feilong, who are almost similar in character and combat style, discussed with each other and soon made a relatively mild choice that takes both sides into account, is not so extreme, not so risky - they also interspersed in the direction of the enemy's base camp, but not deep, so as to avoid being surrounded by the enemy's heavy troops. This has two main purposes. One is to test the reality of the scorpion mercenary regiment's base camp, and the other is to take the opportunity to destroy the mortar positions supported by the enemy's firepower.

Because as long as the enemy's mortar positions are destroyed, the scorpion mercenary regiment that loses the cover of heavy fire will lose the initiative of the war to a great extent. Otherwise, if their mortars are allowed to continue to play freely, I'm afraid we will always have to be bombed.

You know, the whole island is only so large in total. If the enemy's mortars keep firing shells calmly, strictly speaking, there will be no absolutely safe area for the whole island.

Because the damn mortar can not only directly attack the target without any concealment, but even the target with concealment, it can also use its own curved fire to shoot the target after the concealment. It is almost impossible to hide, only to be bombed continuously.

The move of sneaking attack on enemy artillery positions was played once before Cheng Chong. At that time, Chen Zheng was also one of the actual participants. Therefore, playing again at this time is, of course, familiar and relatively smooth.

When you decide, just do it.

By listening to the sound of the mortar, Chen Zheng and Feilong quickly judged the approximate location of the enemy's mortar position after a long time in the battlefield and the war.

At this time, when the enemy's attention was all on Cheng Chong and he had no time to attend to them, Chen Zheng led the Marines in front, and Feilong led his own special combat team in the back. The distance between each other was kept at about 20 meters, and he quickly and secretly killed the enemy's artillery position.

The cunning scorpion mercenary regiment set its artillery position on a steep slope, backed by the commanding height in the south of the island, covering an area of about 70 or 80 square meters. It is an ideal artillery position with both attack and defense.

The steep slope is about ten meters high from the ground. This height is just a little higher than the vegetation below. In this way, the artillery's line of sight will not be affected by the dense vegetation on the isolated island. They can adjust their shooting position and angle at any time. According to the report from the front, they can attack the target accurately or provide fierce fire support.

On the commanding height behind the artillery position, the enemy set up four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns in line. The four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns were like four prehistoric monsters, holding their heads high and watching the large jungle area in front of them. And anything that dares to approach easily will be directly torn to pieces by their extremely fierce fangs and claws.

However, after the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns, because the rocks are rugged and unpredictable, I don't know what's hidden there. However, it is almost certain that there will be heavy enemy troops there.

Because when Chen Zheng and his men approached the enemy's artillery positions slowly, from a distance, just after the four enemy anti-aircraft heavy machine guns, there came a series of roars, abuse, even cheers and cheers.

Whenever a mortar shell is fired forward, there will always be bursts of calls and cheers rising with the explosion of the shell.

"Dog day, it makes you forget yourself now, and you don't know whether you live or die. At that time, I must make you look good and --" Chen is leading the team members to move forward secretly, thinking so in his heart.

At this time, he deeply felt the importance of the commanding height.

Standing on the commanding height, they can look down at almost any position on the island, and then use mortars as artillery to carry out accurate long-range attacks.

You are hiding under their artillery fire, but they are waiting for work here, enjoying the accuracy and power of their artillery fire. Fortunately, the whole island is almost not covered by dense vegetation. Otherwise, they really mean to fight that. I'm afraid the victory or defeat has been decided.

"Listen, later, if the sneak attack on the enemy's artillery position is successful, we have to find a way to take good care of the enemy above, remember?" Chen Zheng, with his body low, slowly bypassed a rock and immediately whispered to the team members around him.

"How do we take care of them?" A marine whispered.

"Have you forgotten our old business?" Chen Zheng turned and glanced up obliquely, then said: "we are familiar with underwater blasting. Now let's play blasting on land. No matter how arrogant they are now, we can only calculate how many explosives are suitable for their area. We can't be stingy or waste at that time."

"Understand -" the team members quickly responded, nodded slightly and replied in a low voice.

"Keep moving, pay attention to your feet, especially beware of all kinds of electronic sensors that the enemy may preset. Don't touch them." After Chen Zheng continued to give instructions, he turned and continued to bow his back, cat his waist, and touch it forward covertly.

Five Marines followed. Not far away, otherwise the flying dragon behind the hall and the guard, led a special combat team member, also quickly approached this side.