Chapter 479

However, this almost routine approach of Sam's country, to a large extent, still exceeded the expectations and speculation of China.

Yes, who would have thought that in the face of such a rapidly rising country as China, such a country with the second largest comprehensive strength in the world, and such a country with sufficient strength to fight with it.

They sent troops so easily!

It seems that we are only facing a very ordinary country before. Generally, we did not make much consideration at all, nor did we show any hesitation and entanglement. We even sent troops directly to the war.

Is it a little too hasty for them to do so?

After all, can China be despised by them like other ordinary countries?

But that's what they did.

Of course, they will not know what consequences their hasty decision and their seemingly justified military adventure will bring to them and what price they will pay.

Because although the Chinese side was surprised and surprised by their hasty move of military adventure, it did not explain that the Chinese side was not prepared in this regard.

In fact, from the moment when Huaxia decided to carry out military action against the scorpion mercenary regiment on the isolated island, the whole Huaxia military and even the whole Huaxia were ready to deal with all wars.

Yes, in the face of such a powerful and almost abnormal Sam country, we must make comprehensive preparations and be ready.

Because only when you are prepared can you avoid trouble.

Everyone knows this truth.

Therefore, the moment the special combat formation led by Chong boarded the plane and flew to the South Sea, let alone in other aspects, all the special combat formations in the contradiction brigade have arrived in the South Sea almost at the same time according to the establishment. All special combat team members are ready to attack at any time like a bent hard bow.

In other aspects, especially in the huge naval battle group, they are fully prepared to deal with all battles.

In this case, Sam country suddenly dispatched a seal commando. It is impossible for China not to notice and know. Even at the moment when the senior management of Sam's country made this risky and hasty decision, China mastered this message at the first time.

After all, the two countries that are engaged in a large-scale military confrontation in the southern waters are so close to each other. At such a close distance, under the condition of such superb modern science and technology, especially modern detective technology, it is almost impossible to achieve real confidentiality and absolute confidentiality between each other.

However, since the Chinese military had long been informed of this news, why was it not informed that reinforcements were coming to the isolated island until Cheng Chong took the initiative to contact the combat room?

Speaking of, it has something to do with special operations.

In fact, when any special combat unit goes out to perform tasks, the combat room cannot take the initiative to contact the special combat unit most of the time. Because in the rear war room, it is impossible to really understand the specific situation of the special combat unit all the time.

For a simple example, if the special combat unit at the moment is implementing the key moment of radio silence, and the combat room suddenly adopts the means of forced contact and actively contacts the special combat unit, I'm afraid there are only two results. Either it can't contact the special combat unit at all, or it will expose the special combat unit directly under the enemy's Radio detective.

Or, the special combat unit is fighting with the enemy. If the combat room suddenly contacts at the moment, will it distract the combat unit and affect the combat capability of the combat unit?

What's more, if the communication equipment of the special combat unit has been monitored by the enemy or even directly fell into the enemy's hands, wouldn't the combat room directly disclose its own information to the enemy if it took the initiative to contact? That's too bad.

Therefore, most of the time, in order to better protect their special combat units, the combat room will not take the initiative to contact the special combat units.

That's why only after Cheng Chong took the initiative to contact the combat room did he know that there were five special combat formations coming to the isolated island quickly to help them.

While waiting for reinforcements, I was anxious and tangled in my heart, not to mention how much trouble I had.

At this time, all the special combat team members of the whole special combat formation knew that the seals of Sam's country had rushed to the isolated island first.

Moreover, the mercenaries trapped on the isolated island have opened fire to cover their landing, that is to say, the seal commandos will land before their own reinforcements. After all, the war room sent reinforcements only after the seals were dispatched.

Therefore, it is reasonable that reinforcements will land on the island after the seals.

In this case, if the seals landed first, but their reinforcements were far from there. In other words, there will be a time difference when the reinforcements from the opposing sides come.

So, what will happen during this period of time?

This is almost directly conceivable.

A special combat formation on our side, plus a special combat team of the Marine Corps, with a total of 20 special combat members, will face the most powerful, powerful and terrible enemy in the world.

In addition, the number of enemies is still far above ours, which does not include the combat advantage brought by the other party's world-class weapons and equipment.

In this case, the anxiety and entanglement in the hearts of the elite Chinese special forces can be imagined.

It seems that time has become extremely slow. Every minute has become so unknown and difficult.

However, the enemy's time will not slow down.

Because, in terms of time, they are the first to take the initiative and advantage.

At this time, they are not only covered and received by the poisonous scorpion mercenary corps, but also occupy the commanding heights of the island. Their firepower set on the commanding height can almost cover the area of half an isolated island, and there is little space for the elite movement and detour of this team of Chinese special forces.

Gradually, the almost windy gunfire of the scorpion mercenary regiment slowly stopped.

The elite of this team of Chinese special forces may not want the enemy's gunfire for the first time since they took part in actual combat operations. Don't stop here.

The reason is very simple, because once the fire of the scorpion mercenary regiment stops, it shows that the seal commandos who came to support them have landed and no longer need the cover of gunfire.

This is not a good thing for the elite of this team of Chinese special forces.

Because this indicates that before their reinforcements arrive, they will rely on their very asymmetric strength to face the most powerful, powerful and terrible enemy in the world.

In the face of such a dangerous situation, Cheng Chong, as the formation leader and the commander of the actual combat operation, certainly knows it.

However, no matter what kind of situation, no matter what kind of dangerous situation, all he has to do is make every effort to do everything he can.

He immediately ordered in his headset: "The enemy has landed, and our reinforcements are on the way at a high speed. During this period, everyone must be ready to deal with all battles. No matter who the other party comes, how many people the other party comes, and what advanced weapons and equipment the other party has, we treat them equally. That is to fight with them endlessly, blood Fight on, fight on. If they want to fight, we must fight them to the end. Do you understand? "

"I see -" the players responded in the headset one after another.

"Immediately move closer to me, shrink the troops to the central position, and launch in the form of a front triangular special force. Occupy favorable terrain, cover each other, rely on each other, reduce the attack surface, and pay close attention to all enemies who attack from the sea..." Cheng Chong told him again intermittently in his ear.

Under Cheng Chong's command, the team members immediately took action. In a very short time, they completed the transformation of the formation and launched the former triangular special team.

At this time, Cheng Chong, who was obviously anxious in his heart, immediately asked Chen Zheng, who was in the north of the island, through his headset: "fighting eagle, fighting eagle, please report the news of reinforcements immediately."

"There is no news at present, but we are still closely observing all the developments in the North Sea area and are always ready for the landing of reinforcements." Chen Zheng immediately replied in a low voice in his headset.

Due to the contraction of his troops, the flying dragon was close to Cheng Chong, so he climbed over quietly and gently suggested: "solitary eagle, why don't you contact the reinforcements directly and ask them where they are at the moment."

"No need -" Cheng Chong rejected Feilong's proposal on the spot, Then he explained: "At this time, our reinforcements must be moving towards the island as fast as they can. Even if we contact them at this time, we can't let them continue to speed up. What's more, they may not be able to give us an accurate and valuable specific position in a short time on the vast sea. At this time, they can give me Our, at most, is just an approximate latitude and longitude coordinate. What we can do now is to be ready for all challenges, so wait and see. "

Feilong seemed to be unwilling, and then asked, "but the damn seal commando has landed. They will attack us at any time. We must..."

The time was urgent and the situation was urgent. Cheng Chong immediately interrupted him before he finished saying, "so we must be ready for the battle, so we must shut up immediately and use all our energy to meet the enemy, don't we?"

Of course, the flying dragon, who was well aware of its interests, did not continue to insist on anything. Hearing Cheng Chong's words, he quickly turned back and quickly climbed to his battle position, remained silent and no longer made any sound.

The scene soon fell into silence.

The elite of this team of Chinese special forces are all in a hundred times of spirit, holding their own guns, closely watching their warning areas and paying close attention to any wind and grass around them.

At this time, about the darkest moment before dawn, everything in the world seems to be asleep. So when the elite of the Chinese special forces held their breath and calmed down, the scene fell into a dead silence. Even the sound of the endless waves in the distance beating the rocks around the island can be vaguely recognized.

Like paint and ink, the thick and incomparable night curtain is like strange hands, from top to bottom, firmly covering all the light in the world, closely fitting without leaving any gaps. It gives people an illusion of being in a world with no sky and no light.

This dead silence continues unchanged

This is very anxious and worrying for the elite of this team of Chinese special forces.

Because before their own reinforcements arrived, it is conceivable that they would have to bear great pressure in the face of the seal commandos who have boarded the isolated island and whose number is far higher than their own.

However, what makes people wonder is that the scene is still quiet and silent.

Why on earth is this?

Soon, all the special combat team members on the scene had such a common question in their hearts almost at the same time.

Yes, why on earth is this?

This is too weird.

Under normal circumstances, after landing on the isolated island, the seal commandos should take advantage of this time difference to immediately launch an attack on the elite Chinese special forces on the isolated island before the Chinese reinforcements arrive. The faster, the better, and the more fierce, the better.

It is best to end the battle before the Chinese reinforcements arrive.

This is almost fighting common sense.

However, how can the seals, who are well versed in the way of special warfare and deeply understand the laws of the battlefield, not know?

Why don't they immediately attack the elite of this team of Chinese special forces?

What are they waiting for?

It's so unusual. It's so weird.

Thinking of Cheng Chong here, he couldn't help sweating all over.

Yes, if the enemy makes an unusual move at this time, don't think the enemy is stupid, think the enemy is stupid, and think the enemy doesn't know what a fighter is.

But to believe that this must be a conspiracy.

Because it is absolutely impossible for the most terrible seal team in the world to make such a low-level mistake.

In the world, only fools often think they are smart.

Only those who have no basis and like arrogance will despise the existence of the enemy, believe that the enemy is stupid, and think that they are smarter than the enemy.

However, at the moment, what kind of conspiracy is brewing in the seal team, or Sam country at this time?

Cheng Chong doesn't know, which is why he is sweating.

Originally, the situation was very unfavorable to him. If the enemy was still brewing a plot to deal with himself at this time, it would be conceivable how bad the situation on the scene was.