Chapter 485

Cheng Chong's remarks at this time are not groundless.

The reason why he mentioned the will to fight at this time is that this is the advantage of the Chinese army, the strength of the Chinese army, and it also happens to be the disadvantage of the SAM army and the weakness of the SAM army.

If we delve into this issue, it may involve the major topic of national character and national spirit, because in any case, we can't get around it.

To fully clarify this issue, we have to mention the history and culture of the two countries. Because the national character and national spirit of any country are closely related to its own history and culture and cannot be completely separated.

More precisely, what kind of country, what kind of history and what kind of culture can breed what kind of national character and national spirit. This is almost a causal relationship between each other, and it is not produced out of thin air for no reason.

As we all know, China is an ancient, civilized and brave farming nation.

The farming people who live by farming are far from the nomadic people who live by water and grass, and are even different from the mercenary western commercial people.

The difference between them is very prominent and significant, but I'm afraid the biggest difference is the kind of attachment to the land immersed in the bone marrow and the kind of life and death dependence on the land. For the farming people, land exists almost like heaven and is as important as life.

For thousands of years, the largest means of production and even the greatest guarantee of survival of the farming nation is land. It can be said that without land, there would be nothing. Countless wars and battles in history, including earth shaking dynasty changes and repeated cycles, in the final analysis, are actually the problem of land annexation and redistribution.

In vernacular, it is actually the question of who will be the landlord.

It can be seen that the attachment of the farming nation to the land is so strong, so deep, and so incredible.

Because of this, due to their dependence and attachment to land, the vast majority of farming people settle on a piece of land, or even a fixed piece of land. If it were not for the occurrence of major natural or man-made disasters, if it was not for the earth shaking changes in society, or if it was not for continuing to stick to the original place, it would be impossible for the farming people to leave the land where they lived for generations.

In this case, such national characteristics naturally give birth to a very strong local feeling. If it continues to evolve, this feeling will evolve into an extremely strong and extremely strong feeling of family and country.

This is why for the Chinese nation, home is the source and destination of everything. I'm afraid there is no second nation in the world. Like the Chinese nation, it has such strong feelings for home and such feelings that it is difficult to give up.

The country is actually composed of many, many small families, a big, big family. In a big family, members can have all kinds of large and small contradictions with each other, and even fight with each other. However, if people outside want to participate, I'm sorry, any member of the family will play with you. Moreover, it is still a kind of life without hesitation.

This is the national character of the farming nation and the most characteristic national spirit.

This is completely different from nomads. Since ancient times, nomadic people have been nomadic and living by water and grass. They drive their herds wherever there are abundant water and grass. Their attachment and dependence on the land can not be compared with the farming nation.

When nomads lose a piece of land, they will at most feel that their herds can no longer eat grass there. I'm afraid they won't have any other complex feelings except pity and heartache.

Once the farming people lose a piece of land, even after decades or even hundreds of years, their children and grandchildren will still firmly remember that it is the land of their ancestors. They can't lose it. As long as they have the opportunity, even if they work hard, their descendants should try to get it back.

The Western business nation is even more nonsense. Their vision seems to be very open and ambitious. Mercenary is their purpose and disposition. Let them stick to one place and one home. Don't be funny, don't be funny. As long as there are more interests in other places, they won't even blink their eyes, and they will say goodbye to the land under their feet very gracefully.

They only care how much money the land under their feet can sell, whether they make money or lose money, and what they should do to make more money. As for other aspects, I'm really sorry. What else is more important than making money? People, don't they live for interests and money?

what? It's stupid to fight with others with your life. How can their businessmen do such a stupid thing? Where to do business is not to do it. As long as you can make more money and get more benefits, where does it matter?

Isn't that so?

It is a pity that Sam's country is a new country composed of immigrants from one western commercial nation after another, which has not been established for many years. They have almost no history, and their culture, to say elegant, can barely be regarded as multicultural. If we say direct, it is a culture without foundation and standard culture.

Because the land they founded was forcibly robbed from others by barbaric and bloody means. And the original indigenous culture on that land has long died out under their bloody butcher's knife, so where is there any standard culture?

As for the national character and national spirit, it's a little embarrassed to speak. Of course, if it's even mercenary, it's reluctantly!

How can their army, their soldiers, stand aloof from the world and exist without these under the breeding of this national character and the edification of this national spirit?

The answer is certainly impossible.

Even their seal commandos, which have rich actual combat experience and the most sophisticated equipment, and are even known as the world's invincible, are difficult to avoid customs and break away from this category.

After all, seals are also human beings. They have to live as human beings. They have grown up in such a social environment since childhood. They have been influenced by such world views and values. And all this has long been dissolved into their blood, immersed in their bone marrow, and deeply affected all aspects of them. How can they exist without all this?

If you ask a seal why he fought?

He will not hesitate to tell you that he will fight for money and interests.

If you ask him why he is not fighting for the country and the people, he will think you are crazy. He will tell you that life is only once and is very precious. If you don't fight for money and interests, you are wasting your life, and you must be crazy.

Because their income, especially the real income after participating in actual combat missions, is unbelievable to ordinary people.

In a sense, they are also a bit similar to mercenaries. Anyway, the state pays a high price to support them, and then they work hard for the high price.

Oh, no, they are nominally the regular army of the country, not mercenaries hired at high prices, so it should be said that they fight for high prices, not work for high prices.

With such a comparison, the difference comes out immediately.

This is also the biggest difference between the Chinese army and the army of Sam's country in essence.

This is why the Chinese army can move forward bravely for the sake of the motherland and the people.

As for the army of Sam's country, once it encounters great difficulties, once it sacrifices to a certain extent and consumes ammunition to a certain extent, even if it directly raises its hand to surrender to the enemy, in their view, it is all reasonable and reasonable.

In the dictionary of the Chinese army, there is never such a saying as surrender to the enemy, never.

"When it comes to fighting will, they can't compare with us at all. If they insist on comparing us with them, it will be a fucking insult to our Chinese army." Cheng Chong said after looking straight ahead.

By this time, the sky had become bright.

The sun, which has risen on the eastern sea, began to generously convey her light and heat to the earth, driving away the darkness again, returning the world to Lang Lang and the world to light.

The countless rays of light penetrated the tree crowns on the island and threw them on the wet ground. In the moist air, the crystal clear dew is ticking and jumping among the leaves.

Although the line of sight has become clear, the seal commandos who have already boarded the isolated island have still not launched an attack. The whole island was still quiet as usual, as if there were no scorpion mercenaries or seal commandos at all.

Seeing that the enemy still had no action, Cheng Chong gently turned over, slightly supported his body, and then said confidently, "do you know what the army of Sam's country is best at?"

The team members who were excited and had high morale didn't know what Cheng Chong was selling at this time. Everyone didn't answer. They just turned their eyes to Cheng Chong and eagerly waited for him to reveal the secret.

"Don't you know?" Cheng Chong then said confidently, "then I tell you, what they are best at is this."

Said, Cheng Chong ridiculed and raised his hands.

"Yes, that's the action - surrender." Cheng Chong tilted his mouth and cooperated with his body movements, Continue: "At the same time, they will tell their superiors, sir, I have no ammunition, so I can only choose to surrender; sir, I am injured, I can't continue to fight, and I must be treated immediately; even they will say, sir, I'm hungry, and I have no strength to continue to fight; or they simply say, sir, I haven't been fighting for two days and nights I need a cup of hot coffee... "

All the special combat team members at the scene were immediately amused by Cheng Chong's exaggerated words and posturing body movements. Although the team members knew Cheng Chong's good intentions and actions, they were still amused by Cheng Chong and laughed.

Of course, in the dangerous and strange battlefield, even when laughing, the team members will never lose their battlefield consciousness, let alone lower their vigilance and relax in the slightest.

"You may think what I said is a little exaggerated, don't you?" Cheng Chong stopped his body movements and looked serious, Then he said: "Actually, it's not true. What I said is supported by evidence. Decades ago, our ancestors fought with the army of Sam country, which is the most powerful proof. Brothers, think about what our ancestors had in their hands at that time? It's just millet and rifles. A squad can have a machine gun. It's heavy firepower. A platoon can be equipped with a rocket launcher, That's a heavy weapon. Let alone real heavy weapons such as planes and tanks. "

"However, we don't have it, but Sam country has everything. They not only have real heavy firepower, cluster heavy firepower, but also firmly control the air. Their planes fly around in the sky all day and bomb wherever they see it. Their infantry, even individual soldiers in the infantry, can call air fire directly if possible Force. " Cheng Chong continued: "However, even in such an environment, even in the case of such great disparity between the enemy and ourselves, our ancestors, with their own life and blood, used their simple and even primitive weapons, still defeated the powerful army of Sam. they not only defeated them, but also hurt them, so that they dared not covet them for decades We beat them for decades and dared not offend us again. Why? What did our ancestors rely on? Now let me tell you that there is nothing else, but our fighting will, our indomitable fighting will, our fighting will to death, and our invincible fighting will. "

"We can't lose everything of our ancestors, absolutely not, not --" the team members with high morale and full of war angrily stared at the dense jungle directly ahead, gnashing their teeth, hammered the ground with their fists, and roared as low as possible.

"Yes, decades have passed, our country has developed, our economy has taken off, and our weapons and equipment have become advanced and sophisticated. But I want to know how many ancestors' blood is flowing in our body, and how many ancestors' spirit is surging and high in our consciousness." Cheng Chong's look gradually became serious. At this time, he seemed to be the leader of his formation. At the same time, he showed the absolute dignity of his special warfare commander.

The team members were deeply infected and encouraged by Cheng Chong's words and emotions. The morale of the team members is at an all-time high.