Chapter 498

The roaring shells shuttle intensively in the night sky, and the incoming and outgoing ballistics are intertwined and entangled with each other in the void.

The shells filled with high explosives, carrying the scorching heat wave, flew to their respective targets at high speed, and then detonated, making a deafening and violent explosion. As if the violent monster roared angrily in the middle of the night, almost all the surrounding air shook violently.

Bullets flew like rain, smoke filled the air, and the night sky was almost red by gunfire.

Sharp whistling sound, endless, fierce explosion sound, one after another.

Everything, as if the end of the world was coming.

However, although the opposing sides have great firepower and heavy artillery fire, both sides seem to have negotiated in advance. They only fire intensively, but they do not directly attack each other. In other words, both sides are firing desperately, but there is no direct target.

All the shells not only did not directly attack each other's fleet, but also did not fire on the isolated island. They just fired wildly towards the nearby waters where each other's fleet was located.

After all, no one wants to take the lead in firing the first shot at the other party.

Because no one can afford the great responsibility of triggering the last World War in human history because of a temporary impulse or provocation.

In addition, there is a deeper reason, that is, when the strength of both sides is very strong and between Bozhong, no one dares to act rashly. Because once this century war is started, even if it does not continue to expand, no one can guarantee the final winner.

After all, in the face of such a powerful country as China, even the mighty Sam country should carefully weigh its own strength and repeatedly evaluate the strength of its opponents. In short, before we are sure of victory, if we can not fight such a major battle of the century, or even a devastating battle, of course, it is best not to fight, if we can avoid it, of course, it is best to avoid it quickly.

This is like, when a wolf meets a sheep, he will naturally jump on it without hesitation. But if the wolf meets the tiger and leopard, he has to weigh it carefully. If you rush forward, whether you can take advantage of it or not, regardless of whether you can retreat, I'm afraid it's still two to say.

Therefore, at this time, although the firepower of both sides is wide open, the bombs fly like rain and the guns sound like thunder, it does not have much substantive help or impact on the elite of the special warfare of the two countries who fight for life and death on the isolated island.

Because, although all shells were fierce and powerful, they only exploded in the surrounding sea area, and no shell flew to the island. On the one hand, no one is willing to bear the responsibility of provoking this war. On the other hand, no superb gunner can find a suitable attack target on the isolated island, so as to carry out accurate and effective attacks.

Under such circumstances, the intense artillery fire from both sides can only be regarded as a kind of solidarity with their own special forces at best. As for substantive assistance, forget it. After all, at this time, the isolated island almost exists in isolation from the world. Against the two sides fighting, no matter who, it is almost difficult to get any assistance or help outside the island.

On the isolated island, after some shelling by the enemy, the minefield set by the elite of the Chinese special forces was completely destroyed. This minefield, which could have provided cover and support for them, no longer exists.

Fortunately, although the heavy and intensive shelling destroyed the minefield just now, it did no direct harm to any of them.

Because at this time, they have long been mixed with the enemy. They are inseparable from each other. Even if the enemy's artillery is fierce, it is difficult to play the role of directly attacking personal targets.

Only after the intensive gunfire, the last few seals surrounded by the formation were left behind. All the others were like crazy, roaring and ferocious forward towards the front, that is, the location of the tigers.

The dense gunfire and the crazy rain of bullets filled the silence after the gunfire.

Yeah! Under the intense and particularly frightening gunfire just now, neither of the opposing sides dared to act rashly. They all obediently lay in place and tried their best to avoid shells that might fly over their heads at any time. But once the gunfire stopped, the remaining seals had to seize the opportunity to make a final breakthrough.

Because the fighters on the battlefield are fleeting, unusually short and tense. Both sides are masters of special warfare and know the importance of fighters. Therefore, when the remaining seals frantically broke through the encirclement, Cheng Chong immediately ordered them to encircle with all their strength and quickly narrow the encirclement. At the same time, the surplus troops reinforced the enemy's breakthrough area at full speed to prevent the enemy from rushing out of the encirclement.

In fact, Cheng Chong's order seems to be a little redundant at this time.

If the last few seals knew in advance that the breakthrough direction they chose at the moment was the area defended by the tigers, they would never choose this breakthrough direction even if they killed half of them.

If they can choose again, they will not provoke the tiger or touch the bad luck.

However, they didn't know that it was too late until they rushed to the tigers and the two special combat teams behind them followed them and pressed up quickly.

Generally speaking, in special operations, the most taboo is to fight positional warfare with the enemy, so that the team members stick to one place, face-to-face, and fight hard with the enemy for firepower and consumption. Obviously, it is unwise to do so.

Because special forces have always been small teams or groups acting alone, with small numbers, weak firepower and very limited ammunition. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to maintain whether it is fighting for firepower or consumption.

However, there is one exception, that is, when the unlucky enemy meets the tiger.

Yes, in the tiger's dictionary, he never retreated and avoided saying so.

If the enemy is brave, he is more brave than the enemy; If the enemy is crazy, he is more crazy than the enemy; If the enemy is not afraid of death and puts on the posture of risking his life, I'm really sorry. As long as he goes to the battlefield, the fierce tiger is always risking his life

In short, the more fierce and violent the other party comes, the more he likes it, the more excited he is.

Anyway, he has always been known for his bravery and strength. He is such a wonderful existence.

Therefore, when he found that the last few seals came frantically to him, he not only didn't order the team members to retreat slightly to avoid the front edge of the enemy, so as to quickly find favorable terrain, slow the enemy, flank the enemy and consume the enemy. Instead, he directly ordered all the team members to immediately jump out of the bunker, attack the enemy face to face, hit hard, and launch a counter charge against the enemy who is charging madly.

Oh, my God! Who are these people?

Crazy, crazy, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces must be crazy.

When the tigers led the tigers to suddenly jump out of the bunker and launch a fierce counter charge, the first reaction of the remaining seals was that they met a group of madmen.

They are all powerful in the world, but they have never seen such a.

Seeing this situation, the remaining seals, even if they were mature and experienced special forces elite, were still shocked by the abnormal phenomenon in front of them, so that they were stunned and distracted for a short time at such a critical moment of life and death.

War is like this. It may be a battle that has been brewing for a long time, and the critical moment of final victory is likely to be only a few minutes, or even shorter.

This is the case at this time. When the enemy is stunned and distracted for a short time, the members of the tiger group are not stunned and distracted, and they will not leave time for the enemy to be stunned and distracted.

Under the leadership of the tiger, they were awe inspiring and murderous. Almost at the same time they jumped out of the bunker, there was no ceasefire in their guns. On the contrary, it is very abnormal to use the continuous firing which is a waste of bullets.

Dada... Dada

In an instant, all the members of the tigers, except the snipers with sniper rifles, fired frantically and intensively. The roaring bullets were almost woven into an airtight barrage, which directly shrouded the rest of the seals.

Almost under the first round of fierce attack, nearly half of the remaining enemies were shot and fell to the ground with blood flowing. Only the last four enemies who survived responded quickly, fell down immediately, rolled on the spot, looked for shelter, and quickly avoided the dense bullets.

However, they are all seals after all. They have experienced extremely cruel special training. They are not vegetarian, let alone gain a false reputation. Therefore, after they quickly responded, quickly looked for shelter and quickly hid, they once again formed a closely coordinated special combat team, relied on each other, handed their backs and flanks to their comrades behind them, and quickly shot forward to block the tigers, the lone eagle and the flying dragon.

At this time, the two seals after the break have also been successfully killed by the lone Eagle Group. The last one quickly joined the remaining four members and formed a five person special combat team again in a very short time to block the elite Chinese special forces.

Objectively speaking, the combat effectiveness of the seals is by no means blown out. Every member of them has excellent military quality and superb combat skills. Their military quality is by no means comparable to that of ordinary special forces.

Therefore, when they no longer take risks to break through the encirclement, but occupy a favorable position, form a special combat team and disperse in the form of special teams, they can have both attack and defense, be flexible and very difficult to deal with.

At this time, they will become a hard bone to chew.

At the moment, if we attack with all our strength, we can certainly wipe them out in the end, but there is almost no doubt that the elite of this team of Chinese special forces will pay a heavy price.

Son of a bitch, I'm still playing with my people at this time.

Are they really not going to break through and survive?

Suddenly, in this situation, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces had to immediately slow down the encirclement speed, quickly hide on the spot, and mutter in their hearts while moving forward slowly.

In fact, this phenomenon is not difficult to explain if we stand in the position of the five seals at this time. Because, under the unfavorable situation that the enemy is strong and we are weak and have been surrounded, the only five of them do not have the conditions to break through.

What should they do? Just stay where you are and wait to die?

Of course not!

You know, at this time, on this isolated island, their strength is far stronger than the elite of this team of Chinese special forces. In other words, as long as they continue to stay where they are and preserve their final strength, as long as time goes by, their people will quickly come to reinforce them, and even form a larger encirclement around the elite of this team of Chinese special forces.

At that time, it is not impossible for them to cooperate with the encircled team members to fight back and blossom in the center of the elite of this team of Chinese special forces.

Anyway, at this time, as long as they delay time, they have the hope of survival. If they overestimate their ability and have to take risks to break through immediately, they are likely to be wiped out immediately.

And they who play special warfare all year round and know the way of special warfare well, of course, they won't be stupid.

However, at this time, they stick to the original place with peace of mind, but they suffer from the elite of this team of Chinese special forces. You know, at the moment, they can't afford to waste time.

Because every minute and every second at this time was won by their comrades in arms, Chen Zheng, with their own lives and blood. If we delay every minute and every second, we are desperately dragging down a large number of enemy comrades in arms with very few troops, but I don't know what a heavy price we will pay for this!

The last five enemies must be killed immediately, and the battle here must be ended immediately.

It must be!

However, if we launch a strong attack on these five enemies at the moment, we are bound to pay more casualties on our own side. After all, once the five seals who occupy favorable terrain and stick to their original position play their lives in despair, it is no joke.

On one side are the comrades in arms in need of help. Every extra second of delay will directly affect the fresh lives of the comrades in arms. On the other side is a hard bone that is very difficult to chew. If you chew hard, your teeth will collapse.

What should I do? What should I do?

How can we come up with a two-way plan to quickly solve these two very urgent problems and relieve this urgent need?

At the moment, Cheng Chong is burning with anxiety.