Chapter 507

After the machine gunner was killed on the spot, the auxiliary machine gunner behind him roared a few times, then took out his self-defense pistol and quickly fired several shots at the position where the tiger was just located.

At this time, the fierce tiger, facing the bullets coming from close range, had to make an evasive action immediately. Then the figure was low, followed by a rapid rolling to the ground, and then a low body leaped to the side, and the person was already more than ten meters away.

Taking advantage of this gap, the Deputy machine gunner quickly rushed up, pushed the body of the machine gunner away, took his place, continued to operate the M249 machine gun, fired again, tried to continue the fire just now and continue to form a dense fire attack on this team of Chinese special forces.

However, after firing at the elite of the Chinese special forces for a short time, he quickly turned the muzzle of his gun and fired at the position where the Tigers had just disappeared. He tried to delay the tigers' continued attack with machine gun bullets, or even kill them directly.

In an instant, countless bullets came fiercely to the location of the tiger.

Dada dada

However, at this time, the tiger, after a fast hidden leap forward, had already left the position it had just hidden. At this time, he had quickly bypassed the fire blockade area in front of the machine gun, and had quietly circled behind the machine gunner.

This time, the tiger did not shoot again, but quickly pulled out the special combat dagger he carried. At the moment when the auxiliary machine gunner noticed the abnormality behind him, he covered the auxiliary machine gunner's mouth with one hand. At the same time, he quickly stabbed all the blades of the special combat dagger into his throat. Then, the special combat dagger crossed to the side, There was only a few layers of flesh left between the head and body of the co plane gunman.

The blood was like a blowout and spewed out from the wound very quickly. Before even fully understanding what had happened, the assistant gunman angrily waited for his distracted eyes. Unwilling to take a look at the tiger behind him, he died with infinite longing and attachment for life.

At this time, the fierce tiger, because it was sprayed close by the blood of the Deputy gunman, became more and more powerful, and even had a bloodthirsty murderous spirit, which gave people a deep fear that almost wanted to tear the whole world to pieces.

Originally, he was very tall and majestic. He seemed to have some tragic color. He casually wiped the blood on his face, wriggled slightly at the corners of his mouth, and spit out a few rough breath. With his sharp eyes like a torch, he glanced at the enemy and us fighting in front That kind of posture, that kind of spirit, that kind of look, is really like a tiger arrogant of the heroes, more like a hero who has been sleeping for a hundred years with full hatred and has just awakened at the moment.

The tiger at the moment, of course, doesn't have any mood and time to pose and be cool. But seeing that he quickly wiped the blood on his face, he immediately held the M249 light machine gun. At the same time, he put thousands of bullet chains on his shoulder like wearing a vest.

Instead of immediately firing at the enemy who swarmed forward, the tiger immediately ran to a huge stone at the center of the battle between the two sides with a machine gun and a bullet chain.

It was a volcanic rock more than ten meters high from the ground, like a giant. It stood proudly and abruptly in the jungle on the island. Moreover, this huge volcanic rock is still the commanding height within 100 meters around. As long as you climb it, you will have an absolute advantage of overlooking the whole battlefield and controlling the whole battlefield.

In a word, it is a natural and ideal shooting position.

However, can't the enemy see such a good natural shooting position?

Why don't they take up the shooting position immediately?

It's a little subtle.

Although this is an excellent shooting position, it is also a so-called Jedi.

Because this is a lonely boulder. There is no commanding point around it. On the boulder, there is only four or five square meters of area that can move, or combat maneuver. In this way, if this commanding height is regarded as the primary target of attack by the enemy, then any shooter on this boulder will die.

After all, there are not many shelters and bunkers on the huge stones with narrow space. It is almost certain that no one can persist for a long time under the continuous attack of modern advanced weapons. At least, among the seals and the remaining mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment, a consensus has been reached that although boulders are good, they are by no means a long-term place.

Moreover, whether in terms of numbers or firepower, they already have an absolute advantage. There is no need to take this risk. Moreover, those who have always adhered to the supremacy of life and money will never joke about their lives.

However, when the tigers snatched the M249 machine gun, they didn't think so. In other words, this is the biggest difference between the Chinese army and the vast majority of armies in the world. This is also the biggest difference between Chinese soldiers and the vast majority of soldiers in the world.

Because Chinese soldiers never fight for themselves, money or their own interests. They only fight for their beliefs, for the mission entrusted to them by their motherland and people, and for the supreme honor of Chinese soldiers

Even if they pay their most precious life, they will not hesitate.

In the heart of the heroic Chinese soldiers, there is only the motherland and the people, only faith and honor, but not themselves Countless ancestors and martyrs have proved this to the world with their own lives and explained this to all mankind with their own blood.

The tiger with M249 machine gun rushed to the boulder quickly.

The tense time and pressing situation simply do not allow him to delay a minute and waste a second

What's more, he can't have a moment of thinking and hesitation.

Because the comrades in arms at this time are being gradually surrounded by a large number of enemies with fierce firepower.

On this isolated island far away from all living beings and without any foreign aid, if the enemy's encirclement is formed, the battle has become a foregone conclusion. At that time, no matter who it is, I'm afraid there is nothing to do.

Therefore, in any case, we must give full play to the firepower of machine guns before the enemy's encirclement is formed.

The situation has almost reached the extreme.

Under such circumstances, the fierce tiger, which moved quickly and cleanly, did not delay a minute or a second, nor did it hesitate at all, immediately carried a gun and ammunition, and rushed to this sudden boulder before the enemy reacted.

When he rushed under the boulder, due to the sudden lack of machine gun fire, he also reacted quickly to the enemy and seemed to understand what had happened. So, in an instant, countless muzzles pointed at the tiger, and then countless bullets, as if they didn't want money, fired at him in an unusually dense manner.

Both the machine gunner and the auxiliary machine gunner were killed, and the M249 machine gun, which depended on fire support, was robbed. In this case, the enemy began to go crazy

In an instant, pieces of bullets were intertwined into dense fire nets, forming suffocating barrages, which came fiercely towards the tiger with dark clouds.

Fortunately, at this time, the tiger has quickly arrived next to the boulder. The incomparably strong body of the boulder provides him with a very good cover for the time being. However, once the countless bullets hit the boulder, the gravel splashed, and each piece of splashed gravel had strong lethality. Although it can not be directly fatal, it is very possible for people to be injured or even lose some physiological function directly.

In the process of fast climbing and avoiding, three or four pieces of flying rubble cut the tiger's face and arms, and blood flowed. The blood flowing out was mixed with the blood sprayed out by the machine gunner just now. It was red and strange.

At this time, the tiger had to slow down the climbing speed, protect his head with both hands, hide himself as much as possible and climb up as quickly as possible.

At this time, Cheng Chong and others, who had been fighting with the enemy in blood, also responded quickly. Seeing the enemy's central firepower, he had quickly transferred to the boulder and soon knew what had happened.

At this time, it was obviously too late to give another order to stop the tiger.

Moreover, before the tiger decided to seize the machine gun, it had unloaded almost all the equipment it carried, including the individual communication radio. In other words, even if Cheng Chong ordered at this time, the tiger could not receive it.

It would be even more impossible to stop the tigers by shouting directly, because the tigers have long jumped out of their camp and away from themselves. What's more, even if they double their voice in such fierce gunfire on the scene, I'm afraid it won't help and it won't work.

In other words, before the tiger decided to rob the enemy's M249 light machine gun, it had made plans to climb this boulder. It can even be said that before he decided to rob the enemy's M249 light machine gun, he had put aside his life and death.

Now that this has happened, what else can Cheng Chong, as the formation leader and commander, do?

"Get close to the boulder immediately and try your best to cover the tiger quickly -" in a hurry, Cheng rushed to all the special combat team members around him and hurriedly ordered.

With that, Cheng Chong took the lead and immediately took the lead in rushing through the enemy's bullets.

Other special warfare members, including the sniper team led by Min Jie, quickly followed him and quickly approached the boulder.

"Try your best to cover the tiger and kill -" the team members roared angrily.

Everyone was like a tide, frantically killing forward.

The battle became more and more intense.

Under the night, the sound of guns and guns is like the rapid thunder in summer.

On the isolated island, high-speed bullets are intertwined and entangled with each other.

In the jungle, the two hostile sides fought with each other and fought with each other.


The timely return of Cheng Chong and others has quickly shared part of the enemy's firepower. Although the enemy still has an absolute advantage, relatively speaking, in the battle area at the moment, the firepower of the opposing sides has reached a subtle dynamic balance.

After all, it is still difficult to eat the elite of this team of Chinese special forces in a short time. Therefore, the enemy at this time, although occupying an absolute advantage, can not immediately distinguish the victory or defeat, which is the main reason why they rack their brains, use their brains and play tricks.

However, this delicate dynamic balance has won the tiger a short time and a very rare opportunity to climb to the top of the boulder.

With skillful tactics and very simple and agile movements, the fierce tiger certainly firmly seized this rare opportunity, tried his best and climbed up very quickly.

For the tiger who is good at climbing, the giant stone more than ten meters high has reached the top very quickly in only ten seconds.

After reaching the top, the tiger immediately set up the M249 machine gun without delay, and quickly assembled the bullet chain and straightened it out.

After only ten seconds, the M249 machine gun roared very quickly and gave full play to its powerful firepower.

However, unlike just now, the M249 machine gun just now roared at the elite of this team of Chinese special forces; At this time, the M249 machine gun roared at the enemy of the elite Chinese special forces.

Their machine guns, their bullets, now turn around and roar at themselves.

"Kill! Kill! Bastards, let's go! I'll kill you -" while firing quickly, the bloody tiger glared at his eyes and roared vigorously.

The fierce machine gun fire suddenly broke the delicate dynamic balance just now.

The elite of the Chinese special forces, who were originally at a disadvantage, did not dare to say that they immediately gained the upper hand with the support of the M249 machine gun fire, but they were enough to level with the enemy's fire.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Chong immediately took the rest of the special combat team members, quickly approached the past, went all out, concentrated fire and drove the enemy back. In this way, a firepower network based on this boulder and supported by the firepower of the M249 machine gun in the tiger's hand has been formed.

Cooperate with each other. When there is a fire point protruding from the enemy's camp, the fierce tiger holding the M249 machine gun points the muzzle at the boulder.

After a fierce battle, the M249 machine gun almost played an extraordinary role and achieved fruitful results: during the fierce battle, three or four seals and five or six mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary corps were killed under their own M249 machine gun.

However, as they had agreed before, this M249 machine gun fire point immediately became their primary target. Like a thorn in the flesh and a thorn in the eye, it must be removed immediately and then quickly.