Chapter 535

According to Cheng Chong's order, the flying dragon group quickly evacuated from the scene and rushed directly to the location of the water source. As a result, the troops in the puddles were so empty that the lone Eagle Group fought alone against the enemies who were several times their own and flocked to kill.

We are outnumbered and have formed a siege against us.

Suddenly, the situation became extremely critical.

The whole lone Eagle special warfare team, including Cheng Chong himself, is in danger of being directly "dumplings" by the pouring out enemy at any time.

It was very difficult and painful for Cheng Chong to make this decision. This is also a very helpless approach, this is also a very helpless choice. Chen Zheng, the fighting eagle in front, led the five Marines, which is their example and their pioneer.

Now it's their turn.

Fighters seek danger and live from death. Only by thoroughly breaking the routine and striving to get the last glimmer of hope for survival in a dangerous situation or even death, can we achieve the final victory.

If you just blindly fight with the enemy, fight and consume. Then the final victory will surely belong to the enemy. Because their numbers and firepower are far less than the enemy's, they can't fight the enemy at all, let alone fight with the enemy for a long time.

"Resist with all strength and attract all the firepower of the enemy -" facing the enemies swarming around, Cheng Chong clenched his teeth and issued this extremely firm order.

Yes, only when they resist will it be possible to attract all the enemy's firepower. In this way, the flying dragon group can quickly get away from the scene.

However, it also contracted all the dangers on the site.

You know, special operations are different from ordinary conventional operations. Both sides of the enemy are elite in special warfare. Both sides are well versed in the way of special warfare and deeply understand the value of fighters and the value of time.

Therefore, whenever they seize even the slightest opportunity, they will be energetic, go all out, and try their best to solve the battle cleanly and completely defeat the enemy in the shortest time and at the least cost.

The seal commandos, which had an obvious advantage in terms of number and firepower, saw a team of elite Chinese special forces rapidly withdraw from the puddles, and their own side has formed a encirclement of the remaining elite Chinese special forces.

In this case, even the team members with the slowest reaction quickly realized that this was a great fighter - the opportunity to encircle and annihilate the elite of this team of Chinese special forces came.

It can even be said that it is time to completely defeat the elite of this team of Chinese special forces and win the final victory. As long as they can wipe out the elite Chinese special forces in the puddles in a short time. Then, the remaining enemies are no longer a matter at all.

After all, they already have an advantage. As long as they go through this battle, the balance of the war will inevitably tilt subversively to their own side. As for the last team of Chinese special forces, it's only a matter of time. It also depends on your mood. You can clean up as you want, and when you want to clean up.

This is their own division of troops. We can't blame others. Since they want to die, let's be generous and help them!

It's really an opportunity. It won't come again.

What are you waiting for? Guys, run up and fuck him! It is said that the Chinese special forces have great interests. This time, we should have a good look at how powerful and amazing they are.

After quickly realizing that it was a once-in-a-lifetime good fighter, the team was so angry that even the desperate seals suddenly seemed to have beaten chicken blood. In an instant, they broke out a crazy and powerful fighting force. They readily gave up the flying dragon group. Everyone seemed to have agreed, swarmed and rushed to the solitary eagle group regardless of everything.

Who said that only when the old lady eats persimmons, she will find a soft pinch?

In fact, war is sometimes the same. Wherever it is easy to fight, we will fight wherever it is easy to fight, and we will rush wherever it is easy to fight. Easy to win, the key is safe! It's not a dog. Who wants to bite hard bones when he's free!

Anyway, everyone is going there. Don't you want to join the fun?

It's not for nothing.

Under such circumstances, despite the lack of ammunition on both sides of the enemy, the fighting became more and more intense. The original intermittent fighting and gunfire gradually became denser and denser as the fighting continued. At first glance, I couldn't tell that it was a battle of lack of ammunition.

Dada dada Dada dada

However, the battle with dense gunfire did not last long. Because this is the day, even in the dense jungle, the light is much better than at night, so there is no problem of blocking the line of sight.

Under the condition of sufficient light, and under the condition that neither hostile side can use the night to cover, the fearless waste of ammunition is not something that special forces can do.

What's more, they are all in a situation where both hostile sides are very short of ammunition.

At the same time, this just illustrates another cruel reality: that is, the seal commandos have completed the complete encirclement of the lone Eagle Group. At this time, we are slowly narrowing the surrounding circle and tightening our pockets.

From the perspective of the seal team, anyway, this team of Chinese special forces has been surrounded. It is a turtle in a jar and a meal on the plate. What's the hurry? As for when to eat, it doesn't depend on your mood, or whether you are hungry or not.

In this case, the dangerous situation faced by the lone Eagle Group is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Fighting alone, they have fallen into the heavy siege of the enemy. The enemy is numerous and powerful. What's more, they don't even have the least ammunition.

It's impossible to break through. It's hard to say whether you can stick to it for a few more minutes if you rely on your own strength alone.

The destruction was almost instantaneous.

The situation is already extremely critical.

"Hold on, hold on with all your strength, and shoot all the bullets, damn it, but it's enough." Facing the desperate situation, Cheng Chong, with red eyes, clenched his steel teeth and shouted angrily at all the team members around him.

The team members who knew that they were in a dangerous situation at this time didn't say anything more. Everyone almost looked like Chong. They clenched their teeth and looked murderous. Their eyes were staring so big that they almost jumped out of their eyes.

"Kill -"

"Fight them --"

"Dog day, just put your horse here!"

At the moment, the roar of the team members was unusually low, as if they were extremely angry, but the murderous spirit burst out several times as usual. It's like the deep hissing of a beast in the face of a strong enemy.

It's compassionate and chilling at the same time.

Da da da da da——

Although Cheng Chong has ordered to fire all the bullets, the bullets fired by the team members are still intermittent and sparse, and it is impossible to form dense fire points. When they were seriously short of ammunition, they could only use a single shot. At this time, they could not even support short shot.

Cheng Chong himself is the same. At critical moments and critical moments, he still took the lead, rushed to the front, quickly rolled over, constantly changed the battle position, constantly made all kinds of fake actions to confuse the enemy, and occasionally fired one or two bullets forward.

The team members all arched around him, forming an irregular outer ring special team shape, with the muzzle facing outward, and spared no effort to block the enemy from all directions.


In the irregular movement, Cheng Chong quickly aimed at a seal who moved forward equally quickly and made various fake movements at the same time. It was almost a few tenths of a second that Cheng Chong decisively pulled the trigger. The bullet roared out of the muzzle angrily, spun at high speed and flew straight to the seal's head.

However, because both sides are in the process of rapid movement, the barrel and body have a certain inertia, and the target character is also in the process of rapid change of action. Therefore, although Cheng Chong aimed at the other party's head, he hit the other party's right shoulder.

After the seal was shot, his body suddenly shook back. Due to the power of the bullet and the inertia of his own movement, he fell back, and his whole body was exposed to the muzzle of Cheng Chong's gun.

In a hurry, Cheng Chong pulled the trigger again decisively.

There was no doubt that the seal would die. There was almost no suspense. However, the accident occurred at this time.

Cheng Chong pulled the trigger again quickly and decisively, but he didn't see any bullets roaring out of the muzzle. He only heard the dull sound of the gun hitting the air. A cruel and helpless thing happened - he had no bullets.

Cheng Chong was surprised and was preparing to continue to attack the seal by other methods, but the seal took advantage of the fleeting space, landed on the ground and rolled quickly, rolled into a bush and disappeared.

Seeing the meat of his mouth flying like this, he rushed in a hurry and anger and beat it heavily on the ground.

At this time, at least three players behind him reported to him: there were no bullets.

Cheng Chong quickly transferred his position and was about to answer these players. Not far away, Yu Guangzhong, the muzzle of a seal team member quietly stretched out from behind a tree root and accurately aimed at his head.

An inexplicable feeling of ice and cold suddenly rushed out of his heart, which was almost unbearable. Cheng Chong, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, quickly realized that he was locked by the enemy.

When he was about to change his position quickly, he only heard a bang of a gun, and Cheng Chong's brain suddenly went blank. He thought: it's over. This time, it's over.

However, a second later, he was surprised to find that he was intact, his mind was still normal, and he was obviously still alive. When he squinted outward, he saw that the barrel just stretched out had been tilted and hung on the ground, and the gunman seemed to have lost his vitality.

Surprised, Cheng Chong subconsciously looked behind him, but saw that Dai Weigang had just received his gun and rolled quickly to his position.

Cheng Chong immediately understood that Dai Wei saved him and shot the enemy at the critical moment.

"What should we do? There are too many enemies and the firepower is too fierce. We can't stand it!" Dai Wei quickly rolled to Cheng Chong and said with great worry.

"Then be ready to die -" although Dai Wei has just saved him, he has always been very strong willed and known for his stubbornness. He did not change his previous decision at all, but still resolutely ordered: "everyone take the gun, pull out the dagger and prepare for the flesh fight --"

After giving this order, Cheng Chong looked solemn and quickly glanced at the other team members behind him, and then made an extremely difficult decision: "listen, prepare a grenade."

This is an extremely compassionate, helpless and moving order.

Because that grenade is prepared for the players themselves.

That is to say, the last moment has come.

Chinese soldiers are firm and firm. They will never surrender unless they die in battle. Moreover, they are the most elite special forces in China. In their dictionary, there was never the word "surrender" or "being a prisoner".

Moreover, even if it is dead, even if it is finally broken to pieces, it is necessary to pull several enemies on the back.

That's why they have to prepare themselves with the last grenade, not the last bullet.