Chapter 547

With the help of low light level night vision, Feilong quickly turned around and looked at the impact point.

But in the dim light, after the strange bomb fell into the water source, there was no movement except a very slight explosion and then a thick smoke.

Why? What the hell is the enemy doing? What the hell are they doing?

When Feilong felt very strange, but couldn't understand it, Cheng Chong, the formation captain, immediately asked in his headset.

"What's going on? Duds?" Cheng Chong asked hurriedly.

"It doesn't look like a dud. The situation is unknown for the time being." Feilong answered truthfully.

"Whatever it is, stay away immediately." Cheng Chong then told him.

Instead, he warned the other team members: "everyone should be vigilant and guard against death. No one is allowed to act rashly until he knows the enemy's real intention."

"Understand -" in the headset, the players responded one after another.

"Feilong, continue to cover the Panther! Take care of everything about him. Others wait for my orders!" Cheng Chong then told a way.

Hearing Cheng Chong's order, Feilong didn't think any more. Instead, he took the half pot of water, lowered his body, quietly and secretly climbed to the location of the Panther as far as possible.

At this time, Cheng Chong himself was invisible and lurking in an old tree.

This old tree is very huge. It's probably hundreds of years old. The trunk three meters higher from the ground forks on both sides. One side has luxuriant branches and leaves, but the other side has been necrotic for many years. Now it has dried up and some parts have been rotten.

At this time, Cheng Chong, holding a bow and arrow, lurked at the fork of the old tree. He hid himself on the side with lush branches and leaves, but his eyes just passed through the dry half and looked out obliquely. About 80 meters ahead, that was the enemy's front position.

It can be said that it is condescending and has a panoramic view, and it also has the meaning of looking at the small mountains.

In sum, his position is probably the most suitable for observation and vigilance among all the team members.

However, it also shows that his position is actually the most dangerous. Because the most appropriate position, that is, the position that poses the greatest threat to the enemy. Therefore, once it starts, of course, it is also the first position to take care of the enemy's firepower.

At this time, Cheng Chong dared to put himself in the most dangerous position for a reason.

Because by this time, both sides were exhausted, and almost all the ammunition had been exhausted. Under such circumstances, no one can organize a slightly decent attack, that is, even if the enemy knows he is on this old tree, there is nothing he can do.

At least, in a short time.

Because no matter how stupid the seal team is, it is impossible to concentrate all its troops and the last bit of ammunition to launch a desperate attack on a single soldier who may exist on this old tree.

To say ten thousand steps back, even if you get lucky in the end, the gains outweigh the losses. It's too uneconomical.

War is like this, and the battlefield is also changeable. As long as you really understand and master the enemy, you dare to make the most favorable decision for your team. Even if it is a very risky decision, even if the enemy knows it, there is nothing to do.

Since he has this bottom in mind, Cheng Chong will certainly become more bold. Several times, he even stretched his head out of the tree crown and carefully looked down on his front position.

However, for a long time, the enemy on the opposite side honestly hid and lurked in their own position, did not move, and quietly dreamed of a great fighter that might be coming.

However, just before the strange bomb was launched, the situation was very different.

However, on the enemy's forward position opposite, there was no movement in the large bush. It seemed that there was no one hiding in it. However, just after the strange bomb was fired, there was a faint movement one after another in the large bushes in front of me.

On the surface, it looks like a seemingly indistinct sea breeze blowing over the bushes, but they are familiar with the way of special warfare and have been through the battle field for a long time. Of course, they can see that several enemies are ready to move. They must move next.

But what will the enemy do next? This is unclear.

The bomb was a little strange. It was launched, but it did not explode, and the target was not personnel, but water. After the bomb was launched, the enemy began to move

Why? What the hell are they doing?

Although Cheng Chong is the elite of Chinese special forces and the captain of the whole special combat formation, he is still a man, not a God. Of course, there are no prophetic magic spells.

Therefore, in a short time, he still can't make accurate judgment.

However, it is certain that the enemy will take action next.

In fact, the reason is not complicated, because if this situation continues to drag on, the situation will be very unfavorable to the enemy at dawn. Therefore, as long as they are not stupid, they will certainly make use of the darkest time before dawn to make a choice in their favor.

But what will they do?

Cheng Chong doesn't know.

Probably the most troublesome thing on the battlefield is this!

Know that the enemy has a plot and is about to move, but don't know what the enemy is going to do.

This is like knowing that there is a danger coming to you at a high speed, but you can't do anything, and you can't make effective defense preparations and avoid actions.

Soon, the sharp sword Wang Rong's urgent warning voice came from the headset: "solitary eagle, it seems that the enemy is about to attack."

"Come on! What are you afraid of? I was about to fight to the death with them, and they came to the door." Cheng Chong hasn't answered yet, lightning David said immediately.

It can be seen that the sharp sword and lightning at this time also saw the abnormality of the enemy.

"Calm down! The current situation is unknown. No one can act rashly without my order." Seeing this situation, Cheng Chong reiterated his advice in the headset again.

Yes, I won't move if the enemy doesn't move.

Before we can fully understand the enemy's real ideas, we can only respond to ten thousand moves with inaction. Oh, no, it should be constant in response to changes.

Although we know that the enemy is about to move, and even know that there is a danger coming, we must be calm. We must not act in a muddle under inexplicable circumstances, so that we can be mobilized by the enemy, and finally lose the initiative on the battlefield and be slaughtered by others.

Under Cheng Chong's repeated strict orders, all the team members complied with it, and no one acted rashly.

However, next, the enemy's movements became more and more obvious.

Many seals who had been hidden almost integrated with the surrounding environment also had a movement, and even jumped out of the hidden position just now, got up slowly, removed their camouflage and packed their equipment

However, their next action made Cheng Chong feel somewhat relieved and somewhat surprised.

For they will neither attack, as the sword King Rong said, nor flee, as lightning David said. But slowly got up, covered alternately, and retreated back orderly.

"I said, the enemy is going to run. We can't let them run." In the headset, there was a flash of lightning and Dai Wei's hurried voice.

He was a little impatient for a long time. He even shouted anxiously through his headset: "lone eagle, the enemy is about to run away. Don't we start chasing?"

With that, without waiting for Cheng Chong's order, Dai Wei jumped out of his temporary bunker, held a bow and arrow, and was about to pursue forward.

"Lightning, do you want to die?" Cheng Chong was finally a little angry. He warned Dai Wei in his headset: "have you stuffed chicken feathers in your ears? Didn't you hear my command just now? No one is allowed to act rashly without my command. Lie down where you are now. Do you hear me?"

At this time, Wang Rong, who was not far away from Dai Wei, turned his head and directly warned him, "get down, don't you hear the captain? Don't pull us if you want to die."

Seeing this situation, Dai Wei was only angry and unwilling to lie down again and hide on the spot.

But he was not convinced: "Why? Gu Ying, I admire your strength and tactics, but are you a little too cautious and cautious now? The brave meet on a narrow road, and the enemies are exhausted and have no ammunition. Now they want to escape. Why don't they chase after such a good opportunity and give up in vain? I don't understand. I just don't want to I see. "

Dai Wei angrily hammered the ground with his fist.

"Yes?" Seeing that Dai Wei had been lying down and hiding again, Cheng Chong changed his tone and calmly replied, "the enemy is exhausted, aren't we exhausted? The enemy has no ammunition, do we still have?"

David didn't have time to answer.

Cheng Chong continued: "Yes, the enemy is indeed retreating at this time, but it is an orderly retreat, not escape. We just want to pursue now, but what shall we pursue? Do we rely on two legs and two arms alone? Besides, you can be sure that the enemy is not ready when retreating? If they set up a few traps, we are not enough to fill our teeth ! Do you believe it? "

Dai Wei was continuously asked by Cheng Chong and was speechless.