Chapter 554

In fact, not long after the fleet set sail, their figure had appeared on the display screen of Sam's country detection radar. Their position, course and speed are the same. They are all accurately mastered by the other party.

However, the two sides are far away. In a short time, the military of Sam country can't make an accurate judgment, so it's not in a hurry.

However, as the two small black spots on the screen continued to move in the direction of the island, and they were less than 30 nautical miles away from the island, they immediately began to be alert and quickly took action.

In the thin darkness, a small unmanned reconnaissance plane, under the cover of the sea breeze, flew quickly here, with a very low sound but very fast speed.

This is an unmanned reconnaissance plane for accurate detection of small targets. Meng Lang on board and three other veterans know the performance of this unmanned reconnaissance plane like the back of their hands and know it well.

This small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is equipped with high-precision camera, night vision function and infrared function. Even at night when you can't see your fingers, you can make it as clear as day. As long as there are people or animals on the target, or hot objects such as engines, you can't escape its reconnaissance.

In addition, this unmanned reconnaissance aircraft also carries an aerial sonar, which can detect all suspicious targets under the water.

In other words, this small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is not only accurate, but also three-dimensional within the range of its reconnaissance. Whether on the stormy sea or under the unknown and strange sea, it is difficult to escape its sharp and terrible "eyes".

Even if the goal is as big as basketball.

I'm sure I can't hide.

As for continuing to speed up the voyage, it is undoubtedly suicidal.

Because the enemy might have been just skeptical. If he continued to accelerate at this time, wouldn't it be tantamount to telling the enemy directly who you are and what you want to do?

In the face of the sudden enemy situation and his inescapable eyes, Meng Lang decisively ordered the fleet to slow down, turn the bow, anchor, cast fishing gear under the net on the spot, and really made a posture of fishing on the sea.

Yes, we are fishermen now. We fish on the sea surface of our own country, can't we? Against the law? Which international maritime convention is violated?

Sure enough, after Meng Lang and others made this posture, the small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft only flew around the fleet in midair, circled for a while and flew away.

Of course, even after the unmanned reconnaissance plane flew away for a while, Meng Lang still didn't dare to be careless, so he didn't take action immediately, but continued to stay in place to fish.

At this time, he was not sure what kind of judgment the enemy would make, but they had been discovered by the enemy and had doubts about them, which was certain.

Therefore, simply do enough tricks. Fishermen are fishermen and fishing is fishing. There is nothing to say. Before the enemy's situation is not clear, especially before the enemy has taken any action, it is best not to act rashly, so as not to reveal flaws.

"What to do? The enemy's bird is gone!" For a long time, Xiao Yong, pretending to catch fish, turned around and asked Meng Lang.

Although he was once Meng Lang's monitor and guide of Meng Lang's army, at this time, he must listen to Meng Lang's advice.

"Monitor, what do you think?" Meng Lang asked casually.

When he asked, he not only expressed his respect for the monitor, but also really wanted to hear what the monitor thought.

"We may have lied to them." Xiao Yong swallowed his saliva, his Adam's apple wriggled, and said with some certainty.

But before his words were heard, he broke his view and said, "however, I don't know. I don't know what they want to do."

Saying is not saying.

Meng Lang calmly looked at the sea with the same sea breeze, looked in the direction of the isolated island in front, took a deep breath, as if he had made some determination, and said, "let's continue fishing."

"Continue fishing?" Xiao Yong is obviously a little confused.

"Yes, until they are sleepy, it's better to fall asleep." Meng Lang seemed to reply inadvertently.

Of course, Xiao Yong can understand him and know that what he said about them refers to the enemy, the enemy reconnaissance soldiers and communication soldiers of the enemy

"Just spend it with the enemy?" Xiao Yong asked again.

"Only with them!" Meng Lang nodded and then explained, "we are about 30 nautical miles away from the island. Even if we rush forward at full power, it will take an hour. In this more than an hour, we will be directly exposed to the enemy's naval gun fire. At that time, they will only have to test fire a few times and we will be wiped out."

"OK, just listen to you. I'll inform them." Hearing Meng Lang's words, Xiao Yong agreed and pointed to the fishing boat that followed closely.

Meng Lang did not speak any more, but bowed his head to work and looked up at the sky from time to time.

The scene soon recovered calm, and no one spoke any more. Only the endless sea breeze was still blowing. The sea was stormy and the fleet was bumpy.

Time flows very slowly, minute by minute.

At this time, time for Meng Lang and the four of them is extremely difficult.

Because, in a dangerous situation, they may be directly blasted into the seabed by enemy naval guns flying from the south at any time.

However, they must endure the hardships, and they must endure the hardships.

Until near midnight, Xiao Yong seemed to suddenly think of something: "forget, really forget..."

"What's the matter?" Meng Lang hurriedly asked.

"We forgot to ask, is this sea area a fishing area?" Xiao Yong immediately replied.

"Is this... Important?" Meng Lang asked casually, but he quickly reacted and suddenly changed his tone: "you, you mean, if the enemy finds out that we are fishing in non fishing areas, won't we be exposed soon?"

"Isn't that right?" Xiao Yong suddenly became a little nervous, and then asked, "but it's wrong! If the enemy found that this is not a fishing area, why haven't they moved for so long? Do you think they have any other conspiracy?"

"Ha -" Meng Lang's mind turned quickly and soon understood: "squad leader, you're distracted. We don't know. How does the enemy know? The sea is boundless and the fishing area is not fixed, but any offshore shallow sea may be a fishing area. They won't easily attack the fishermen."

"Ah! That's right! We don't know, of course they don't know! They are soldiers, not fishermen. How can they consider these! They only look for targets that threaten them and valuable targets." Xiao Yong immediately responded.

"However, although the enemy has not found it yet, we can no longer stay here." Meng Lang looked down at his watch and said, "it's almost twelve o'clock. We must arrive at the island before dawn. Otherwise, we don't need enemy reconnaissance. We'll be exposed first."

Meng Lang looked at the fishing boat behind him and continued, "you tell them with a gesture, put on a disguise, slow down and sail quietly."

"Understand -" then Xiao Yong waved a gesture to convey Meng Lang's meaning.

The two fishing boats in Shanghai disguise put the sound of their engines to the lowest, and the speed was not very fast. With the cover of night and sea breeze, they quietly set off in the direction of the isolated island.

At first, everything was safe and nothing unexpected happened.

The island is getting closer and closer to them.

Meng Lang and others were also secretly happy that they had deceived the enemy.

They even calculated in their mind that they would be able to land on the island in two or three hours.

However, good things can't stand thinking and talking.

Bad things always happen when people least expect them.

It seems that he saw the opportunity and made special use of it.