Chapter 576

This is the seal.

A world-class top special forces force known for its combat effectiveness and willpower, which is completely different from other Sam's armies.

Their names and names, and even their deeds, can be famous all over the world. It is by no means an empty wind, a false name, or even an accident.

In the face of such terrorist enemies, we can only be stronger, more fierce and more terrorist than them.

Otherwise, there is no chance of winning.

Seeing this situation, thinking of Cheng Chong here, I couldn't help but feel a horizontal, and the horizontal knife in my hand forced forward. The extremely sharp blade of the horizontal knife easily pierced the throat of the seal captain, and blood gushed for a moment.

The horizontal knife and Cheng Chong's upper body were sprayed with blood.

The reason why Cheng Chong didn't start immediately is probably due to two considerations. One is to give the other a chance. If the other party looses his mouth in the face of death, his own side can save blood and sacrifice, and the later things will become easier to do.

Second, he was really tired. It was really difficult for him to spare a little extra strength to continue the bloody battle with the enemy. He really needs a break. It's time to catch his breath.

However, the captain of the seal was not on the road. He had to ask for his own death, so he had no choice but to help him. Anyway, he can't live. He died early and gave birth early.

However, at this time, the team members, including themselves, are exhausted and extremely uncomfortable. Whether incompetence is mental or physical, they have almost overdrawn to the extreme. It seems that there is a possibility of falling down at any time.

It's really hard to say who will win if we continue to fight with the enemy.

After all, when the body and spirit are on the verge of collapse, people's own consciousness can't be completely controlled. Human instinct and self safety consciousness sometimes force the human body to stop all work and enter the shock stage, which is completely out of human control.

If that time comes, who can guarantee the victory or defeat?

We can't fight any more. We must find a way to end all this.

But what should he do? What can he do?

yes! In the face of such terrorist enemies, we can only be stronger, more fierce and more terrorist than them.

At this time, Cheng Chong thought of this again.

Immediately, he turned the blade of the horizontal knife and directly cut off the head of the seal member. Then he put the bloody head of the seal member in his hand, turned and stood up, staring at the seals in front of him who had hardly fully reacted.

When the seals saw this, they were shocked, and then became angry. They were about to rush towards Cheng with a roar. Cheng chongdang threw the bloody head in his hand at the people and roared fiercely, "if you are not afraid of death, just put your horse here and kill -"

Cheng Chong, covered with blood, then stared fiercely at the seals in front with his eyes that could almost kill directly. That posture is like the God of war and the devil coming into the world

Seeing this situation, the seals who were ready to move were stunned, and they were frightened by Cheng Chong's posture again. They looked at each other and looked at each other. No one dared to move forward rashly.

But at this time, Cheng Chong ignored these, struck while the iron was hot, held a horizontal knife, and aggressively approached the seals in front.

"Come on! Kill -" Cheng Chong continued to roar.

These seals still no one dared to challenge, but with Cheng Chong's step-by-step pressure, they involuntarily retreated.

Their battle line finally loosened.

At this time, several other seals saw it, and gave up the siege, sword and lightning. They gathered together and retreated slowly in the face of the pressing Cheng Chong step by step.

Seeing this situation, Feilong and sharp sword also quickly approached Cheng Chong, one left and one right, as if they were protecting the Dharma, guarding Cheng Chong, murderous and pressing forward.

At this time, the flying dragon and the sword both suffered several injuries, plus the blood of the enemy. So they both looked at Cheng. They were covered with blood and looked like they had just fought out of the blood sea corpse mountain.

In the eyes of the seals, this appearance and posture is more in line with the devil image in their hearts.

Although the seals still have a little advantage in number, seeing this situation, they can't help becoming a little weak and even timid.

At the very least, in terms of momentum, it began to lose ground gradually.

On the battlefield, the front is directly related to the fate of the battlefield, and even directly related to the success or failure of the war.

Once the front becomes loose, the collapse is almost predictable.

In the face of these three aggressive and pressing Chinese special forces, the seals were a little timid in their hearts and began to retreat. The body also involuntarily retreated slowly.

Give them another fire, and add the last straw to the camel's back.

Thinking of Cheng Chong here, he suddenly roared and jumped forward. The horizontal knife in his hand accumulated enough strength and waved forward very quickly. The blade was close to the throat of a seal member in front.

Shocked, the seal quickly dodged back. Who knows, once a decision is made, he will never stop until he reaches his goal. What's more, he had to add the last straw to the camel's back.

So at this time, when he attacked, he was not just pretending to frighten the other party. But really want to kill the seal, and be quick, bloody and make an example! Then we must do enough procedures.

Seeing that the other party had hurriedly dodged back, Cheng Chong did not stop at all, but continued to speed up. Before the other seals almost completely reacted, he jumped forward again. The horizontal knife continued to drive straight forward. The blade again coerced the murderous gas and kept approaching the seal.

When Feilong and Lijian saw this situation, they immediately added fuel to the fire. After Cheng Chong, they fought the last bit of strength, bravely moved forward, and recklessly killed the seals in front of them.

"Kill -" they shouted in unison.

When the front line had been loosened, suddenly seeing this situation, the psychological bottom line of all seals seemed to be defeated at the same time. In a hurry, everyone hurried back and quickly evacuated without any fighting spirit.

At this time, Cheng Chong has quickly caught up with the hurried retreating seal team member. Taking advantage of the other party's unstable foothold and other seal team members around him are retreating in panic, he even makes killing moves and moves to kill the enemy

On the occasion of life and death, the seal member also tried his best to parry and avoid, but he still failed to escape his life under the amazing horizontal knife.

Just as the crossbar pierced his chest and abdomen, he let out a scream of despair.

When the other seals heard his scream and witnessed the bloody scene from a close distance, their fear became stronger and they couldn't help but speed up their retreat.

The flying dragon and the sharp sword were deeply encouraged, and then with the help of Cheng Chong's remaining power, they accelerated the pace of pursuit.

Therefore, a decisive battle that determines the final success or failure soon evolved into a chase war.

At this time, Cheng Chong, starting from the actual situation at the moment, no longer plans to completely annihilate the enemy. Instead, he drives the remaining seals into the encirclement again. As long as they stay in the encirclement, he will leave them a way to live for the time being.

In fact, it is quite helpless to do so.

The reason is very simple. All three of them were so exhausted that they almost lost their strength that they almost fainted immediately. At this time, if we don't stop fighting, what will happen in the end is still unknown!

In the final analysis, at this time, they do not want to annihilate each other, but they must have this ability and strength! If the strength is not enough and the behavior is strong, no one is sure what the consequences will be.

It is better to see the good and get the enemy. If we again drive the enemy into the encirclement, and circle the enemy and continue to control the initiative of the battlefield, then the advantage will continue. Finally, how to deal with the enemy is not has the final say.

Cheng Chong, who made up his mind, immediately made concerted efforts with Feilong and sharp sword to drive the enemy on the way back and forth and force him into the encirclement.

The remaining seals were in panic. They were desperate. They only wanted to retreat and run for their lives. In addition, Cheng Chong and others had made all defense preparations on the periphery. When there was no other way out, the remaining seals of the team had to return to the encirclement again and dared not cross the minefield for a short time.

After driving the enemy back into the encirclement again, the three people who took a long sigh of relief almost fell down tired

However, now is not the time to rest. The three people who knew their interests almost struggled to strengthen the peripheral defense position again, and then they took a long sigh of relief. There was no time to rest for a moment, and their eyes involuntarily turned to the lightning falling to the ground.

"What's the matter with you? Lightning, what's the matter with you?" The sword rushed forward first, held the bloody lightning in his arms and shook painfully.

At this time, the lightning did not move, and there were no vital signs. The wounds on his body had already drained all the blood in his body - he had died.

Until the last moment of his life, he was still giving up his selfless battle. That is, at the end of his life, he still went all out to inflict the greatest trauma on the enemy.

Even if he died, he never retreated at all.

He is an elite Chinese special forces, an iron warrior and a hero.

In reality, the flash of lightning across the sky is dazzling, gorgeous and dazzling It uses its fierce and fragile moment to illuminate the night sky and give people light. Even at the cost of destroying itself, it also moves forward bravely and has no regrets.

However, it is also short-lived.

Cheng Chong, Feilong and sharp sword are very clear that the lightning brother in front of them is eternal in a short moment

His name will always float under the military flag.

His heroic deeds will always be engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people.

With tears in their eyes, they took off their helmets, and no one said another word. It was a collective silence.

They can only send their comrades in arms in this very simple and prudent way.

Please walk slowly, my comrade in arms, my brothe