Chapter 606

When Cheng Chong woke up again, he was awakened by Meng Lang's urgent rescue sound and extremely low and painful cry.

At this time, Cheng Chong was already weak to the extreme, and his only vitality seemed to have been overdrawn to the extreme.

At this time, there was a large area of infection in the wound, and it became more and more serious. In this case of lack of medical treatment, it could not be contained at all.

The pain of the whole body is happening collectively at the moment. The unspeakable pain and the pain that is so painful that it is numb are eating his body, his life and everything

Cheng Chong's physical condition is getting worse and worse, and he is on the verge of collapse.

There is a possibility that the oil lamp will run out at any time.

However, at this time, menglang has run out of oil and light, and it has reached the last moment of life.

The rich man was born with a golden spoon since childhood. He had a beautiful life that ordinary people can't admire. He should have a bright future. However, he had a deep family and country feelings since childhood. For his dream and his life goal, he put on his military uniform and entered the army.

After several years of hard work, he made great contributions to the country and the army. However, he was seriously injured and had to leave the army.

In a word, this military action has nothing to do with him, a retired veteran who has been appointed to a high position in the family business. However, he never forgot his original intention and always had the courage to take responsibility. When the country was in crisis and the army needed it, he still stood up without hesitation, even if he suffered countless puzzled eyes or even misunderstood eyes.

Because he always kept in mind that he was a soldier, a soldier in China, a soldier who could go to the battlefield and fight with the enemy at any time.

He stood up when the country needed him.

When the army offered to recall him, he couldn't wait.

When his superior gave him an arduous task that was almost a near death, he readily agreed and did not turn back.

It was for these reasons that he was desperate to break through the heavy blockade of the enemy and overcome the layers of difficulties that ordinary people could hardly imagine. He soaked in the daunting sea water for several days and nights and completely relied on his own strength. He was stunned to cross the sea area of dozens of nautical miles and sent the ammunition and supplies urgently needed by the team members in time.

It has become the only person who has crossed the blockade, swam dozens of nautical miles and boarded the island since the war.

There is no doubt that he is a miracle, a unique miracle.

However, in order to realize this miracle and send urgently needed ammunition and materials to his comrades in arms on the isolated island, he has long ignored his life.

For the final victory, but also for the extremely strong sense of mission in his heart. Even if he doesn't fight with the enemy on the front line, he should use his own actions, his own blood and life to fully interpret a soldier, a veteran, infinite deep feelings for the country and the army, and an unparalleled feelings for home and country.

He did it.

However, the great pain suffered by his body and the crazy microorganisms on the island under the conditions of high temperature and humidity did not let him go.

In the case of a serious lack of medicine, after struggling with great pain and countless bacteria and viruses for days and nights He came to the end of his life.

The cry that lingered in Cheng Chong's ear just now was made by him.

Originally, in order to prevent infection and better protect and treat, he was placed alone on a cool and ventilated rock. However, at this time, knowing that he could not survive, he squeezed out the last bit of strength and strongly demanded to stay with Cheng Chong.

At the moment, he is already dying. He is even more worried about Cheng Chong's body. He is worried that he will die soon. He should accompany Cheng Chong and look at him for the last time.

No regrets.

Objectively speaking, his family background is very different from that of Cheng Chong, and he is not at the same level at all. However, in their habits, they are surprisingly congenial and even sympathize with each other.

Since the new soldier company got to know each other, they both advanced and retreated together. Even when they went to war with the squad leader, they also worked hard together. Along the way, they lived together, trained together, fought together, and entered the special forces through selection, facing the bloody fight on the battlefield together

The brotherhood between them has gone far beyond the scope of ordinary people's thinking.

Because of this, he squeezed out almost the last bit of strength, patted Cheng Chong who fainted, and shouted Cheng Chong's name of "bird man" in a low voice.

Perhaps the rescue means min Jie always insisted on played a role, or Meng Lang's cry at the moment did play a role in some unexplained situation.

Cheng Chong, who fainted for several days again, woke up at this time.

Although he has become very weak at the moment, he is almost overdrawing his physical strength and life when he opens his eyes.

Among the weak vital signs, Cheng Chong quickly regained consciousness, but he was still speechless.

But when he found the existence of Meng Lang around him, Meng Lang, who had fought against the virus pain for several days and nights, had lost most of his consciousness. He could only keep his eyes open and look at Cheng Chong who had just awakened in front of him. His mouth tried to wriggle, but he could no longer say anything, but could only make a very weak babbling sound

What does Meng Lang want to say and express?

Is it surprise, sadness, pain, attachment, or not giving up

No one can hear clearly, no one can see clearly.

Between them, there are really too many words to say, and there are really too many feelings to express. However, at this time, they did not have the ability to communicate normally.

At this time, in the eyes of ordinary people, the normal language function has become their extremely urgent extravagance.

However, the two of them looked at each other and looked at each other, but they were speechless and choked.

Their eyes and expressions are extremely complex and profound.

No one can see what they want to express, what they want to talk to each other, or what they want to comfort and tell

Staring silently like that, his mouth wriggled slightly, but no formed words came out, and no words from his heart came into each other's ears

However, silence is better than sound.

Two comrades in arms and brothers who sympathize with each other, understand each other and know each other for many years, and have deep feelings. They can almost exchange their heads. Even without language and body movements, they can certainly understand each other's thoughts and understand each other's thoughts in the shortest time.

Or, in another time and space, their thoughts have long been integrated together.

Even, it has returned to the past, back to the days we have gone through together in recent years, the training ground we have fought together, and the bloody battlefield where we live and die together and rely on each other

Playing basketball together, stirring the spoon together, smoking the same cigarette together, driving the black behind each other

However, all this will not come again and will never reappear.

Please take care, my comrades in arms. Hello, my brother!

Their eyes gradually became hard. They seemed to give each other silent encouragement and advice.

Cruel war! You can destroy me, but you can't destroy the deep feelings between our comrades in arms!

Bloody war! You can destroy me, but you can never defeat me!

Looking at the scene in front of Min Jie, she was almost in pain.

But she can't say anything more? I can't bear to disturb their spiritual communication with voice or action. Even if it's just in case, I won't allow it. I can only cry silently and wait with my teeth

Even at the moment, min Jie is very eager to tell them what has happened on the periphery of the island and even within the core of the SAM state authorities these days.

Not far away, Wang Rong is still operating various high-tech equipment for his radio confrontation, making every effort to obtain external information through various channels and try to keep pace with external information.

In the past few days, all the useful information he intercepted or captured, after processing and analysis, soon came to an amazing information - the aircraft carrier battle group of Sam country may be retreating.

Soon, news from the rear command confirmed this conclusion.

Then he caught a more amazing news - the authorities of Sam's country solemnly announced to the world that the military exercise would end as planned because the purpose of the joint military exercise had been achieved and had achieved great success. At that time, the troops participating in the exercise will withdraw from the exercise sea area in an orderly manner

When Wang Rong learned the news, tears filled his eyes and he jumped up almost directly with excitement.

The news is so important.

It's too hard to win this victory. They have paid too much

Wang Rong, who was extremely excited, regardless of the worried scenes of Cheng Chong and Meng Lang, immediately ran over, announced loudly, and was so excited that he introduced some details of the enemy's retreat to the three people

At this time, min Jie was silent, and her tears rolled down like a flooded river.

At this time, Cheng Chong understood, but he still didn't look back. He just shook his body and still stared at Meng Lang.

At this time, Meng Lang could not hear any sound, but he seemed to understand something from Cheng Chong's expression.

Gradually, the hard eyes gradually become soft, and there seems to be a trace of unspeakable joy in the sadness

Most likely, he knows.

However, his life has come to an end, and his consciousness and vital signs are mercilessly leaving him.

Gradually become empty eyes, shed two clear tears

Then, everything was frozen, and there was no expression or movement.

He died.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Cheng Chong felt distressed and infinite grief, which almost completely crushed him and completely destroyed him

It was an indescribable grief

Originally, he was very weak and his consciousness was very vague. He couldn't speak all the time. Seeing this situation, he suddenly seemed to be strongly stimulated by thunder. His body shook slightly, recklessly forced him to support himself, tried his best, looked up at the air, and hissed and shouted sadly: "fuck your uncle -"

After roaring the only sentence, Cheng Chong felt as if he had been hollowed out. His whole body fell down suddenly. He was unconscious and fainted again. Only tears, as if the dike had burst, gushed

Cheng Chong who fainted will never know.

Just half an hour later, more than a dozen Chinese combat boats and the four or five rescue boats that followed were at full power, making a full sprint in the direction of the island with the speed of beach landing

The scene was incomparably shocking!