16 years old (reincarnated from 36 years old) Male

A con artist from Japan.

Works as a live-in employee at the Sunlit Pavilion.

He's also the head of the Garbage Collection Guild.


[Ginette Tinard] 16 years old, Female I

Manager of the Sunlit Pavilion

She was originally an orphan living in a church,

She was originally an orphan living in a church, but her step-grandfather took her in and she came to live at the Sunshine Pavilion.

Estella Creamona, 17, Female A

Daughter of Ortwine Creamona, Lord of the Forty-second District.

She usually wears men's clothes and is skilled with knives.

Magda Lavers] 12 years old, female, A

Belongs to a hunting guild

She is also a live-in waitress at the Sunlit Pavilion.


Loretta Hewitt, 15, female, C

The eldest daughter of a large family living in a former slum district.

Waitress at the Sunshine Pavilion

Hamster people

She is a waitress in a sunny restaurant. Female E

Sister who is in charge of the church in the 42nd district


Delia? Age: Female

Guild leader of the River Fishing Guild in District 42.

She is also a temporary waitress at the Sunshine Pavilion.

Bear People

17 years old, Female D

A pharmacist from the spice producing region of Bao Kri Air.

Head of the Pharmacists Guild (Regina is the only member)

[Masha Ashley] ? Age: Female F

Guild leader of the Sea Fishing Guild


Natalia Owen? Age: Female E

Head maid of the Clairmona family, Lord of the Forty-second Ward

She is an expert with a knife.

Imelda Javier, 18, female, F → G

Young lady of the Woodcutter's Guild

Becomes the head of the 42nd district branch

Norma Gregson. Female, G

Heavyweight of the Mold Guild

She has mastered almost all the techniques.

Kitsune people






















Son of an Apiary


A bee man.

"Theron Euler"? Male.

Son of a brickworks.

Wendy Avery? Female, age C


Yamamayuga people.

Percy Laird, 20, male.

Factory manager of a sugar factory in District 40

Raccoon people

[Molly Layard] 13 years old, female, B

Percy's younger sister

Raccoon dog people.

"Mormat"? Age: Male

Guild leader of the Agricultural Guild of District 42


Use Damare? age male

Representative of the forty-second district branch of the hunting guild.

Pompeo? Age: Male

Owner and chef of the coffee shop "Luxury" in District 40

Ortwine Creamona? Age: Male

Lord of District 42

Estella's Father

He's currently out of commission on medical leave.

[Ambrose Demilly] ? Age: Male

Lord of the Fortieth Ward.

Orlovine Creamona, Stuart Javier's friend.

Stuart Javier? Age: Male

Guild leader of the Woodcutter's Guild

Imelda's father.

Ricardo Siegenthaler, 18 years old, male.

Lord of the 41st district.

Estella and I have known each other since childhood.

"Yap Lock"? Male

Corn farmer.

Wife, Wuerer

Children: Tot, Cheryl.

Uclines? Age: Female, C

Female owner of a clothing store on the main street


Yamboldo? Age: Male

Carpenter at Torbek's construction store

Horse people.

Goozja? Age: Male

Carpenter at Torbek's store

Omero]? year old male

Deputy Guild Leader of the River Fishing Guild, District 42

Raccoon Man Tribe

[Homer] ? Age: Male

Rice farmer

Duck People

Calvin? year old male

Deputy head of the Sea Fishing Guild.

Bojek Euler? Age: Male

Father of the brickworks.

Zoltar? Male

Slum liberation activist

A boar man.

Goffredo? year old male

Collection agency.

Daiglea Wishart? years old male

Lord of the Thirtieth District.

Norbert Age: Male

Peddler for the Wishart family.

Arrested for theft.

Ottmar? Male, age 40

A ragdoll who caused a food poisoning riot in the 42nd district.

Iguana people.