Lily's point of view
I knew he was a strange guy.
Suddenly he appears in the hills of the city and starts growing demons, and the end result is that he's doing a really good job of it.
It's not usually that easy to grow demons. Of course, there's the risk of being attacked, and the number of monsters will increase, so not many people think of growing them, and if that's the case, it's easier to just go hunting.
Besides, some demons don't grow well with the soil.
The fact that there are demons that only appear in certain regions is proof of this. But he's growing quite a few different kinds of monsters: killer plants, jack-o'-lanterns, and mandragoras.
I've heard that jack-o'-lanterns can be grown relatively easily anywhere, but what about mandragoras and mandragoras, which wouldn't even sprout if they didn't have the right soil constitution at all?
Well, I don't know if it's as talented as the guy says.
Oh, that reminds me. Sometimes she talks about things that don't make sense to me. What about other worlds or attributes or status or whatever.
And lastly, I wish he'd stop calling me a violent heroine.
Sure, I grabbed her by the collar and was a bit rough with her, but I would never mess with a stranger that violently.
I saw that guy growing a killer plant and I acted accordingly. It's got to be justified.
I don't mind that he's been calling me Lily lately.
I was right about the Mandragora incident...or so I thought.
I don't know if he's aware of it or not but he's surprisingly lenient.
I don't know if he's aware of it or not, but he's surprisingly lenient when it comes to his jack-o'-lantern, and he even gave me half of his harvest when he was growing it.
And as for Mina, I asked her about the situation and she agreed to a lower price than the market price.
Normally, you could have taken it to another cafeteria instead of bringing it to Mina and you would have gotten a decent reward.
I guess it's partly due to my lack of knowledge of the situation in this world, but he's been good to Mina, and I'm starting to see that he's a good guy, despite my initial impressions.
At least when it comes to helping people, he seems to think it's better to do it than not.
Well, this Mandragora incident was justified, if you think about it.
But I wonder if he's going to keep that mandragora on the premises? There's already some kind of lantern named Jack.
So, the story is true, right?
Yes, I'm sure. It seems that the boy who bought the seeds from me has somehow succeeded in growing them.
Hmm? Now there was some kind of overheard conversation in the street.
I stop dead in my tracks. There was a suspicious-looking street vendor and a group of shady-looking adventurers listening to him.
"You've really succeeded in growing a mandragora?
Yes, it was hard to see from a distance, but the large blue flowers characteristic of the mandragora were definitely visible. I did see them. I'm sure they have been successfully grown.
Speaking of mandragoras, they're the kind of demons you don't see very often around here. They're virtually harmless and easy to hunt down. But the rewards are ridiculously high.
"This guy can't argue with that, can he?
"Heh, masters. This information has not yet been sold only to you.
"Yeah, I know. This is your reward. I'm getting more money than I'm getting, so you can have all that.
"Hey, thank you.
Then the merchant who receives the money from the men.
They walked in the direction of a hill on the outskirts of town.
It's almost dusk. It's almost dusk.
I slowly turn around and follow them, trying to blend in with the nightfall, trying to stay out of sight.