I stopped in my tracks.

The maid opened the door that was blocking my way. Beyond that, she opened one more door.

The four women and one man who had been dragged through the curtain were waiting for me there.


To be exact, there were four people. That was because one had fainted and was lying on the floor. The door closed behind me.

“I apologize. Should I wake them?”

“That is fine. Let them be.”

My mouth tasted a little bitter. I too had to acknowledge that I had used the fear and terror that the ‘princess’ had left me as an inheritance, in order to make this happen.

I wasn’t a particularly wise, or particularly just person. I just knew that I was in a position where I had to try.

“….. Do you acknowledge your wrongdoings?”


Maybe it was because they had been given time to think, but it seemed like they had more or less accepted the position they were in. They were resigned, but they were calm.

“I will not kill you.”


I looked down at their confused, pale faces and continued to speak.

“However, I am not saying that I will simply let you go. It’s only right that you pay for your crimes.”

“With what…..”

“Be my eyes and ears. Bring me everything, rumors about me and talk that doesn’t reach my ears.”

It seemed that they hadn’t understood.

“Officially, you will be dismissed, so leave the palace tonight and await my instructions. You must not be seen by anyone you worked with here. Do you understand?”


“From now on, you will work in another palace. If you hide anything from me, or if I discover that you lied to me then I will kill you.”


“Your lives belong to me now. Do not forget that. The only path left to you now is to swear your loyalty to me.”

To be honest, I had purposefully selected people who came from a poor background or had no relatives and put them in the front line so there would be no chance of my plan being discovered later on. But they would probably never know.

It would probably be good to dismiss the guards who had been involved in this plot as well. I wouldn’t be able to completely stop them from saying something, but it would still be best.

“Allow me to escort you.”

Suddenly, my eyes went to the maid who had always been serving me right by my side. As I walked out into the hallway, I turned around and asked,

“What’s your name?”

“It is Hess.”

I filed the name away in one corner of my mind.


“I think she’s amazing.”

Right then, the nearby maids dropped what they were carrying with a loud clatter. It was a rare emotional response in this icy palace.

“W- What did you say?”

One of the maids glanced at the pieces of the broken plate scattered on the carpet before she asking with a dumbfounded expression.

“I said I think she’s amazing!”

When there was no response, she spoke again.

“I think that Her Highness is a much more amazing person than I thought!”

“You don’t have to say it again… Ah, I can’t breathe.”

“Me too.”

“You want me to perform CPR on you?”

“My heart’s pounding….”

Daisy didn’t even seem to notice the shock that the other maids had received and continued to smile brightly.

“Daisy, why don’t we rethink that?”

“Yeah! Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-who are you calling a- a- am-“

“Her Highness!”

“You could have at least pretended to hesitate!”

“Did you eat something weird?”

“Including what happened today… I just get this feeling. That she’s going to be the next emperor!”

Daisy’s eyes sparkled.

“That’s because you’ve only been here for a couple of days. I’m begging you to wake up! If you keep this up, you’ll die! We’re going to have to hold your funeral!”

“I don’t know, okay! There’s no doubt that I’ve been blessed to be able to work for someone like her….!”

The maids experienced heart-wrenching agony while attempting to persuade Daisy, but they failed.

Despite being hush-hush, news of the so-called “Hall of Death” incident from that day spread through the royal palace like wildfire. The reason was that it had been handled surprisingly cleanly and sophisticatedly considering the princess’s usual temper.

No one knew of the missing five’s whereabouts. It was more terrifying because normally the princess would arrange a cruel and public execution for anyone who crossed her followed by display of the severed head.

It was possible that they were experiencing something worse than death. The maids shivered.

The rest of the people who had been trapped in the hall were released at dawn the next day. There were no orders regarding what should be done with them. They were simply put back to work, which they did absently like people who had experienced a nervous breakdown.

There were diverse aftereffects among those affected, from suddenly bursting into tears to being overly guarded to continuously mumbling something under their breath while their hands shook. One thing was clear. They would never lay their hands on anyone again.

“A blessing?”

At that moment, someone spoke in an incredulous voice from behind. It was Yuriel.

“Can you say that after seeing what happened?”

Yuriel was one of the few guilty parties who seemed unaffected by the “Hall of Death”. Daisy didn’t back down and pressed onward.

“Isn’t that what happens when you do something wrong?”

“How would you know since you’ve never experienced it yourself? Don’t think that Her Highness’s wrath will never be directed at you.”

“But that’s not true? Her Highness forgave my misconduct when it was an accident. I’m going to work really hard for Her Highness, so there won’t be any punishments, you see?”


“Wait, Daisy…. She forgave you for what….?”

A maid who looked on the verge of a nervous breakdown despite not having been in the “Hall of Death” asked of Daisy. She was clutching her chest.

“I stepped on it!”


“Her Highness’s dress! And Her Highness went all whoa!”


The person next to the maid was ready to catch her as she fell backwards. Daisy opened her eyes wide.

“Are you okay? What’s wrong? Are you sick?”

“You just shush for now.”

“Huh? Why? What did I do?”

Daisy protested, pouting her lips.



Sunlight poked in from between the curtains. Having just woken up, I had found myself a nice view.

To think that a beauty like this was sleeping with his head resting on my arm, the rest of his body snuggled deep in the covers. I was worried that my eyes would get accustomed to being so blessed. How it was possible to not get tired of seeing the same thing, I didn’t know.

Truly, the most entertaining thing in the world was a beauty’s face.

The conclusion I’d reached was such truth that I couldn’t help but laugh.

Because of that, his brows twitched then furrowed crookedly. I supposed that it was about time for both Nadricka and I to get up.

I lifted my finger and poked a white cheek. The squishiness of it was adorable.

Nadricka opened his eyes.

“Ah, are you awake?”

At the sight of my face looking down on him, chin resting on my hand, Nadricka blinked a few more times. As I lifted the corners of my mouth and smiled slightly, Nadricka sleepily returned my smile.

When had it started. Sharing a bed with him so naturally.

It had just kind of happened while I was desperately trying to adjust to life here, but since it wasn’t entirely a bad thing, I had decided to enjoy it. Plus, it was lonely sleeping alone in a strange place.

I had been able to sleep more deeply because of the warmth I felt in my sleep.

“Good morning, Your Highness.”

“Yeah, you too.”

Thinking about it, he was incredibly smooth. Seeing as how I had ended up so accustomed to sharing a bed with him at night despite being so on guard with everyone else during the day.

The beauty slept so soundly with that innocent-looking, serene face. And that was why it was even more suspicious.

He could have casually brushed up against me at any time, but nothing at all had happened. It was like he could read my mind because he never stepped over that line.

Nadricka lifted my messy locks, and kissed them, closing his eyes.

“…… Doesn’t it smell?”


“Just, since it’s hair and all.”

Nadricka’s face was saying that he had no idea what I was talking about. I shrugged my shoulders and laughed.

I had asked because it was just hair, and yet he was touching it like it was some kind of fragrant flower. I couldn’t just come out and ask him if he liked this woman that much.

I looked away quickly from Nadricka who was still blinking up at me.

It was one of those mornings where I didn’t want to get up from bed.

“Should I tell them to bring breakfast, or would you like to bathe first?”

“Hmm. But it’s a hassle.”

I mumbled with my face buried in my pillow.

Really, it was such a hassle. I didn’t want to do anything today. It felt like my batteries were completely dry. Seeing as I still felt this way despite a good night’s sleep it was probably accumulated fatigue.

Wouldn’t taking a day be fine.

“Then…. Should I assist you?”

“Assist me?”

I recalled his table manners from when he was desperately copying me. I had been using a random fork, not knowing the etiquette of this place, but the sight of him frantically copying me without realizing.

“How would you like to bathe first?”

A bath? I guessed he hadn’t been talking about breakfast.

But, a bath? He wants to assist me with a bath?”

While I was hesitating to reply, Nadricka sat up.

“Then I’ll prepare it for you right now. Stay here, please.”


As I stared at him dumbly, he got up from the bed and rolled up his pants to his knees. And then he began to unbutton the top buttons of his shirt.



“When you say you’ll prepare a bath….”

His white torso was revealed as his shirt dropped to the floor. He approached me and gently sat me up.

Like a baby, I was half enveloped in his embrace. It seemed he knew what he was doing because it wasn’t at all uncomfortable.

“Yes, I will assist with your bathing.”

For some reason, I knew it.

“I can do it well.”

It appeared he hadn’t forgotten my distrustful expression from before because he soothed me, his words filled with certainty.

“I’ll do it well for you.”

As I thought, it was strange. If he had said this to me the first time we’d fallen asleep together in the same bed, I would have rejected him. But it was only today, after I had gotten used to him, that he was suggesting it.

Various thoughts flitted through my brain, but soon after Nadricka picked me up and I laid my head on his shoulder tiredly and closed my eyes. I was too comfortable around him.

Then again, wasn’t it human nature to fall for the seduction of someone as pretty as this?

The bathroom was filled with hot steam.

All this time, I had been washing myself after dismissing even the maids. As a result, I had struggled with where to use what. But coming here with some man, it felt new and completely different.

He set me down on the floor.

Then, looking into my eyes, he undid the tie around my waist with fluid movements.

The tightly fixed robe came apart and revealed the slip inside. He moved behind me and after removing my robe, dropped my slip down to the floor.

As our eyes meet, Nadricka smiled sweetly.

“…… It’s a little unfair.”

As I lifted one foot, Nadricka seized the fallen slip and as I lifted the other foot, he picked it up while he asked,

“What is?”

“I’m the only one not wearing anything.”

Maybe he noticed that I was speaking out of slight embarrassment, but Nadricka gave me a small smile.

“Please make yourself comfortable.”

His expression said that he knew how bewitching his face was. As well as how to use that to his favor.

“I feel weird when I’m with you.”

“That is wonderful to hear.”


For the first time, he merely smiled without speaking.

“Why do you keep smiling?”

“….. Do you not like it when I smile?”

“No…. It’s nothing like that.”

We stopped talking momentarily.

I followed him to the ready bath and lowered myself in. I couldn’t hold back a whimper at the perfect temperature.

The water up to my chin, I calmly watched Nadricka’s experienced movements.

“Did I often have you help when I bathed in the past?”

“I did not always do it for you, but Your Highness did have assistance every day.”

Nadricka replied softly, his eyes lowered.

I could guess what that meant. I decided to not mention it any more.

Even if only for the sake of the sly concubine who wanted to monopolize the princess’s love while her memory was gone.

“Please bring your head here. I will wash your hair for you.”

His hands began to gently and throroughly massage my hair. I closed  my eyes and let out a pleasured moan before shutting my mouth. The sound just now was a little strange.


Whether he had heard it or not, Nadricka continued to enthusiastically wash my hair. I cleared my throat in embarrassment.

“Your Highness.”

When I opened my eyes at the sound, I was inwardly surprised to see Nadricka right in front of me.

“We have to wash your body now.”

“Please put your hands on my shoulders.”

I put one hand on each of his shoulders and stood. It was only possible because he had lowered his torso a little.

Just like that, Nadricka began to gently rub my body with a soapy towel in one hand. First my arms, my underarms, hips, belly, and then back up from there…

I curled my toes.

Nadricka’s breath kept grazing my chest. Almost as if he was doing it on purpose, his hands moved slowly and swept over the same spots again and again.

I breathed out deeply through my nose, my mouth closed. My shoulders shivered a little. He probably felt it through my hands on his shoulders.

I was beginning to feel annoyed at him for pretending like he didn’t notice.

Then, he straightened, put his hands on my back and pulled me to him. His left leg slid swiftly between my legs. The towel stroked my back gingerly and came up to the back of my neck before moving down to my butt.

As I instinctively took a step forward to avoid the towel, my body brushed against his. Of course he was still clothed, but it was immediately obvious to me that he was excited.

Before, he had been completely dejected but today it seemed he was at peak energy.

I had ended up having improper thoughts. I didn’t know if he knew my lips were twitching in amusement right next to his ear, but he began to pour lukewarm water over me. I grabbed his wrist.

“Your Highness?”

Even his deliberately ignorant voice was delightful.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Once our lips had touched, his own parted as if he had been waiting for this. Our tongues tangled together and I gripped his hair between my fingers.

At first Nadricka pulled me in tight by the waist, but noticing me bouncing on my toes, he bent his knees and lowered his face.

I felt a small laugh escape him on my lips. I swallowed even that breath and planted small kisses on his mouth, cheeks, and chin.


And here I’d thought I was completely taking the lead. My legs had almost buckled in the moment. Nadricka’s hand moved purposefully.

Nadricka successively kissed my nose and forehead. And then pressed his lips back to mine. I was now completely leaning my whole weight against him.

As my shoulders jolted, he patted me with the hand wrapped around me as if to reassure me. I urged him on impatiently.

“Let’s take it slow.”

“With whose permission?”

He let out a laugh on top of my head. But his hands remained cautious.

As I lifted his chin to kiss him, Nadricka turned his head and avoided me. My face red from the heat, my patience low, I frustratedly pulled on his hair. He laughed as he kissed my cheek and my ear, and my neck.

No more of that, I want to kiss.

While I pounded his back to try and make him understand, he lowered his face.

I whimpered and rested my chin on his head.Feeling my whole body heat up was uncomfortable. Though there was more pleasure than discomfort.

A wet sound lodged itself in my ears. Because we were in the bathroom, the sound collapsed in on itself and rang out. If someone heard, they would think he was sucking on something delicious.

I wondered if it actually tasted good? But I decided not to ruin the mood just to satisfy my security.

“Your Highness.”


“Your Highness.”

I opened my eyes with difficulty and responded,


“Do you think you can stand on your own for just a moment?”

He lifted his head and whispered into my ear. As I nodded my head, he carefully helped stand me up from where I was leaning against him. After he had made sure that I was standing upright on my own two feet, Nadricka wasted no time kneeling in front of me.

He then took my hands and made me hold the sides of his head. I instinctively clutched his neck as if to pull him in close.

“What are you…”

I felt him breathe out onto my skin. My shoulders trembling, I stopped what I was about to say, and tightened my grip on his head.

As I teetered, he used both hands to clasp my thigh and calf and hold me up. I repeatedly threw my head back before lowering it when I felt myself run out of breath.

He was extremely, extremely skilled and experienced. There was no reprieve from the waves of pleasure.

All of a sudden, it was like my vision was flickering white.

Of course, that was just a figure of speech. It also meant that it felt that good. For a second, my breath caught before it came out in a rush.

Maybe it was because it was immediately after I had released all the tension in my body, but my whole body was exhausted. I felt my overheated body cooling down.

“Your Highness?”

As I opened my eyes, I saw Nadricka’s surprised face looking up at me. I also saw my hands which were tangled up in his now messy hair.

“Oh, sorry about that. I was out of it.”

“No, that’s not what I was talking about…..”

Nadricka reached out a hand and brushed my cheek from where I was half folded over. It seemed that I had been feeling it so much that a few tears had squeezed out. He carefully caressed under my eyes.

I copied him and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. And then I did my best to tidy up the disheveled hair on the back of his head. Nadricka gave me a slight smile.

I returned it with my tired face.

“We need to finish washing you up, right?”

Nadricka planted a soft kiss below my belly button and stood up.

“But I don’t think I can stand.”

At my words, Nadricka didn’t delay in lifting me up and setting me down on the long bath bench prepared in the corner.


It was like he had prepared it beforehand knowing this would happen. I looked him over weakly but soon settled back and received his ministrations with a satisfied expression.

But was it alright to be the only one enjoying myself?

I momentarily felt some moral responsibility, but it was startling how quickly my drowsiness overtook me. It was beyond my control.

“So there are days when you ask to eat together first.”

The emperor seemed in an exceptionally good mood today too. Of course, I didn’t care one way or the other. I had sought him out because there was something I wanted.

“I have a favor to ask of you.”

“What is it? Tell me.”

His tone was innocent, like he didn’t have any idea what it could be. It made sense now that he had never once checked up on me after entrusting me with what was a matter of national significance.

I had to wonder if it was really fine to leave the management of this country in the hands of these two siblings. It wouldn’t be surprising if the country collapsed during this generation.

“I would like to have counsel.”


The emperor opened his eyes wide.

Yes, I know. That this isn’t something that you would expect to hear from this princess’s mouth.

“Please provide me with someone.”

“You mean to say…”

“This is a good opportunity to establish strong relations with Rothschild. I need someone who is knowledgeable about foreign affairs as well as general geography.”

I had spent several days studying and deliberating on my own but if I went on like this, I would be going nowhere fast. There was no way I could begin preparations when I knew basically nothing.


A ripe cherry tomato fell off the emperor’s fork and rolled across the table. Seeing him more shocked than I expected, I continued as if to justify myself.

“Of course… It is not easy humbling myself, but I thought it wouldn’t be bad to try it out at least once.”

“I-Is that so?”

The emperor was quiet for a while. He rubbed his chin over and over while mumbling something under his breath before lifting his head.

“You have someone specific in mind….?”


I furrowed my brow due to not being able to hear him over the distance. But then he suddenly slammed down a fist and began nodding vigorously.

It was a pity that I was the only one here to see this.

“That’s right. I have just the teacher! Yes indeed.”

“If you could explain what you mean…”

“I know what you mean now!”

Before I knew it, I had lost the flow of the conversation. I waited for the emperor to provide a proper explanation but I knew it wasn’t likely to happen.

The man truly moved at his own pace.

The emperor gazed at me warmly, swept up in his own emotions. I twisted my face in annoyance.

“I am only asking for an advisor, Your Majesty.”

“Ah! Naturally I will not tell Juranne that you asked for him! You do not need to worry.”


In the end, I gave up on asking and closed my mouth. Exactly when I had I say I wanted this person? Juranne? Who?

I replayed the conversation but I didn’t think I had said anything that could be taken as a hint. They must be an incredible scholar or something, then.

I felt a little uneasy but I decided to wrap up for now. It was best to limit my time speaking with the emperor.

“I have another request.”

The emperor was gazing at me with satisfaction as if he was looking upon his very cute little sister. I felt my annoyance build but I fought not to show it.

“That is…”

He even put down his spoon and put his chin in the palm of his hand, to show he was listening attentively.

“Anything. Anything you want.”

The emperor crinkled his eyes in a smile. Suddenly, the thought crossed my mind. I wasn’t actually his real sister or anything.


Before I realized it, I had avoided his eyes and opened my mouth. In order to speak the words I’d prepared beforehand.

“We should clarify the prince’s place.”

“You speak of Velrod?”

His brows came together in a deep crease, and a wholly different light glinted in his eyes.

“Yes. As there is no longer any reason to keep him by my side –“

“That maid…..”


“Hmm. It is nothing.”

He covered his cheek with his palm and turned his gaze away. The way he stroked over his cheek and the back of his neck was a little odd.

“….. I have decided to observe that woman. She seemed to want to stay in my palace. I will see what she does.”


“Your Majesty, do you perhaps know her?”

“Hmm? You should know that I received a report about it as well.”

Is that really all?

I swallowed back the words that threatened to burst forth. Surely it was nothing. So there was no need to say it.

Following a short silence, the emperor spoke once more.

“……..Black hair.”

“And red eyes.”

I pictured the woman’s eyes. It felt almost rehearsed when the prince’s darker and more somber red eyes flashed before my eyes right after. Like an old keepsake…

“And her name.”

The emperor tapped his fingers on the table a couple of times. His eyes looked as if he was stroking over something in his memory.

“It is Yuriel.”

I had felt ill watching so I finished his words for him.

“……Yuriel. Yes.”

And then the emperor spoke the woman’s name.

Feeling a sense of foreboding, I clenched my fist underneath the table.

But as if to say it was an unnecessary worry, the topic immediately turned to something else. As I set off after finishing my meal with the emperor, I addressed the maid by my side.

“Hess. I must know something.”

“I am listening.”

“I said there was someone who had transferred to the emperor’s palace?”

It was one of the people I had sent out before in secret to gather intel.

The emperor might already know my purpose for chasing them away. Since it seemed that he received reports about nearly everything that went on in my palace.

But he wouldn’t scrutinize their actions while he felt favorably toward me. And of course he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it either. As he had probably planted people in my palace too, we were even.

“Have them find out if Yuriel… and the emperor have met before.”


She only raised her eyebrows slightly at the unexpected command and quietly retreated.

A little unsettled, I suddenly stopped in my tracks before I realized that I had arrived at the entrance of the garden where I had had that terrible experience.

After that, Essen and I hadn’t seen each other. LIke a mirage, I felt like what had happened under the tree had been forgotten. Including the last bit which had impressed me on so many levels.

It was probably better never to see each other again if we could help it.

Suddenly, a cold wind blasted me. When I turned my head, the door to the garden was wide open. The one who had opened it was a young maid. She was familiar.


When I called her name, the maid grinned.

“What’s with the door?”

“I thought you might want to go for a walk.”


It wasn’t that I really wanted to, but as I felt the wind pierce me to the bone, it didn’t seem like a bad idea. The air of this world was quite surprisingly clear and refreshing.

Before I stepped out into the field, I turned around.

“Leave me, all of you.”


When I turned my head back around, Daisy was staring right at me.

“……You can stay.”

As if she had been waiting for those words, the girl once again burst out into a grin. I had thought it before but she was a little strange by the standards of this world. And I didn’t hate that. In fact, I liked it.

As I set out into the garden, I mostly agreed to Daisy’s various suggestions. It was obvious that they were things she herself wanted to try.

As a result, I ended up having my teatime in the middle of a flower garden that seemed to stretch out for miles on end. The mat we had laid on the field was warm and because the wind didn’t blow here, it wasn’t that cold.

When I asked, she told me it was because it was a ‘magically managed’ object and place but I closed my mouth after that in fear that my ignorance would be exposed.

But more than that, saying it’s ‘magic’, did she really mean that magic?

I was tilting my teacup while thinking that I would ask Nadricka once I went back inside when it happened. I felt a subtle but tenacious gaze. Of course, it wasn’t directed toward me

“Do you want some?”


Daisy vigorously nodded her head. I turned up the corners of my mouth in a smile and pushed the plate of cookies in Daisy’s direction.

The more I looked, the more she seemed like a small animal. It appeared that Daisy didn’t even need a drink of water as she shoveled the cookies into her mouth.

Watching her wordlessly, I took out the spare teacup and poured in some tea.

“Cough! Cough!”

As expected, Daisy eventually had something go down the wrong way and began to pound her chest as she coughed. I swiftly held out the prepared teacup.


“…..It’s hot so you need to drink carefully.”

Having tried to gulp it down all at once, Daisy was already grabbing her lips and moaning in pain.

Without a word, I took the cup out of her hands and began to blow up on the tea. Truly, the maid was such a handful.

Daisy stuck out her tongue only to bite it and tear up. It seemed she had burned her tongue as well.

As I held the teacup back out, Daisy sobbed.

“Your Highness, you’re so, kind uhu…..”

I squeezed my knees to my chest, then I rested my chin on them and laughed.


“Of course!”

“Hmm…. I haven’t really thought of myself that way.”

“You’re so nice to that person too!”

“That person?”

“Oh, I- I mean……”

It seemed she couldn’t think of a proper address because Daisy’s words trailed off.

“Are you talking about Nadricka?”


“And why not just use his name.”

“Oh, so you see. …..You’re right. Why didn’t I?”

What am I supposed to say if you ask me that.

Daisy kept tilting her head from side to side before finding the answer herself.

“Oh! I think I picked it up because everyone else just refers to him as that person. If you say that person then everyone knows that you’re talking about that person.”

She must be talking about the servants. It seemed she might be telling the truth about picking it up since she had continued saying that person throughout.

“Hmm, I think that everyone just can’t get a good sense of what to call him.”

“Why? He was the first concubine to enter the palace, so he’s lived in the palace for some time now.”

“That is….”

For some reason, Daisy hesitated and searched my reaction.

“Since he didn’t become a concubine through the normal process…. But then they can’t just use his given name familiarly either.”

If it wasn’t through the normal process?

“In this case, one would usually call him by his last name but that person doesn’t have a last name either.”

No last name?


“Yes, that’s right. As he used to be a slave.”


When I didn’t respond, Daisy barreled on, shrugging her shoulders.

“To be honest, I think they probably started calling him that to distance themselves from him. Despite everything, they’re saying that they’re at least above him in status.”

I had vaguely thought about it. That since it was a society based on a caste system, there might be a slave caste too. But I didn’t think that would be someone this close to me.

“Haa, I repent too! I know I shouldn’t do it.”

After the slight surprise faded, I began to recall each one of his behaviors. Along with the words ‘sex slave’ that Robia had whispered that night.

It appeared that because of a stupid reason like that he was the weakest person in the palace. And he probably thought that it was something he had to bear with.

“Your Highness?”

“I’m Your Highness’s. Right?”

That was the reason he had desperately grabbed onto my ankle. Because he hadn’t been born with the status to protect himself. He had always been standing on the edge of a cliff. So that he could only hope for reckless salvation.

It happened as I was thinking this.


The system window which had been so quiet lately appeared in front of me along with the notification sound.

The target has been selected.


‘Princess Yeldria Viotte Cecilia’

Target locked.

Attempting weakness discovery (2 remaining).

Scanning. 8%………



You have failed to discover a weakness because you lack justification.

Weakness discovery (1 remaining) has been consumed.

Will you try again? Y/N

I hurriedly stood up. I thought I had heard sounds from the bushes so I looked closely but there was no one. Where was she hiding?

If that wasn’t it. What if she wasn’t here?

Yuriel pressed ‘N’. The window turned off before coming back up.

TIP/ If you want to increase your chances of success, try discovery during a critical moment.

There was nothing in this world that could be called my weakness.

……Except for Nadricka.


Yuriel had been walking quickly but stopped in her tracks. When she turned her head she discovered a young man who was breathing hard, possibly because he had run after spotting her.

A man with refreshing features, white cheeks, cynical eyes, and who had at one time belonged to Yuriel. He fixed his glasses while taking a few steps toward her.

“Why are you here, Robia?”

The two had met in the hallway outside of the princess’s bedchamber. Robia had not yet given an adequate response to her request to help her meet the princess.

“That’s what I want to ask, Yuriel.”


“I told you to wait.”

“Until when exactly?”

Yuriel folded her arms.

There was no one stupid enough to trust his words now that his affection level had been reset. Yuriel held back a snort.

They still needed each other. That’s why Robia was also maintaining this relationship and pretending like his feelings hadn’t disappeared.

“How am I supposed to wait and trust you when you’ve only been telling me to keep waiting and haven’t even taken any action?”

“You know that nothing will change even if you press me like this.”

“If you don’t think you can do it, just say so. Do you think I don’t have another way besides you?”

At those words, Robia grabbed Yuriel’s shoulders and spoke reassuringly.

“Don’t just get angry and trust me. I’m the man you love, right?”

Yuriel was speechless.

“And if you only tell me why you’re trying to meet her, then I might even be able to find a better way. It’s not wise to meet the princess when the situation-.”

“You haven’t been able to see the princess even once after that, have you?”


He snapped his mouth shut as if his tongue had been stabbed.

“Maybe you still have lingering feelings for that woman?”

“It’s not like that.”

“That’s good. I don’t want to see you get hurt again…. You know, don’t you? Why Her Highness has left me alone even after finding out about our relationship.”

Yuriel stepped in close to Robia while grasping the hem of his shirt. She looked up at him.

“It means she has no interest in you.”


“Not even the slightest bit.”

“……I know.”

“I’m the only one for you back then and now as well. Am I right?”

Yuriel whispered as if to interrogate him.


Then she meticulously searched the silent Robia. Fine, it seemed he didn’t know either.

The reason the ‘princess’ had changed.

The princess had become a completely different person overnight. From the air she had to her smallest movements and mannerisms and each and every expression she made, everything was different.

Ultimately, it was the reason that Yuriel had been able to preserve her life, but unexplained variables were always followed by anger.

It’s only a game. I’m the protagonist.

Then shouldn’t everything work for me!

She hated it. Everything that was getting in her way. Especially the changed princess.

If the aftereffects of coming interfering here by ‘force’ were just now being revealed….

It didn’t matter. If she was going to give up after only this much, she would never have come here.

Yuriel counted the remaining days in her mind. Based on the status window, another capturable target would be arriving in the capital soon. Before then, she had to become the princess’s personal maid. And after gathering all of the ‘leads’…

“Let’s go. We’ll talk somewhere else.”

Robia said after sneaking a glance toward the princess’s bedchamber.



I hurried to my room but I was unable to see the person I wanted. The room was empty.



“Where did he go?”

The maid knew immediately who I was talking about. It made sense seeing as how Nadricka had basically been living in my room these past few days.

“He returned to his original place of residence.”

“He returned?”

I plopped down onto the edge of the bed, folding my arms, and sank into thought.

Just a few moments ago, Yuriel had failed to discover my weakness. In other words, she probably still didn’t have any idea what my weakness could be.

I should see how things progressed for now. If something happened, the system window would show for me too.

“When did he go?”

I felt the maid hesitate for a second.

“What’s the matter?”

“It is nothing. It was because he had gone out before once. But he only returned to his residence a short while ago.”

“He went out? Do you know where?”

“….Should I look into it?”

For a moment, I was struck by the sense of having become the pathologically jealous husband who keeps tabs on his wife. Nadricka was allowed to go out too.

“No, it’s fine.”

There was no rule that he had to stay in the stuffy room all day waiting for me. I felt a little embarrassed and rubbed my throat.

“Go outside.”

I sent the maid out before falling onto the bed. I could feel the softness over my closed eyes.

“He’ll probably come back before I fall asleep…”

It might even be good thing. It was common sense that it would be more dangerous if we were always together.

Now that it had gotten to this point, it was better to stay apart for awhile. When he came back tonight, I would explain the situation so he wouldn’t get too surprised and suggest sleeping apart for now.

I had various thoughts while organizing what I would say to Nadricka.

But deep into the night, he never came.

“Hey you. What are you doing in front of there?’

Today as well Robia discovered the figure prowling outside of the princess’s bedchamber. Their shoulders flinched a little and when they slowly turned around, Robia scrunched his brows at the unexpected individual.

Wasn’t that the princess’s sex slave? What was he doing here in the morning?

“……I apologize.”

Robia stretched out an arm to block Nadricka’s path as he attempted to pass by him. Nadricka stopped in his tracks before glancing at Robia. Robia leaned toward him with other hand in his pocket.

“……What are you doing?”

“I could ask the same. What are you doing in the palace at this time of day?”

Robia twisted his face while lowering his outstretched hand.

“A sex slave like you who should live as a doll, coming only when called for, dares to hang around the princess?”

“I’m not! A slave anymore.”

At Robia’s taunting, Nadricka had raised his voice in a sudden temper, but he immediately lowered it perhaps because he had become aware of his surroundings.

“Do you think your dirty past will be erased too?”

“Her Highness-.”

“What exactly do you want? It seems that you think she’s yours because you’ve been favored these last few days. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Conduct yourself according to your position.”

“That is between me and Her Highness. I don’t want to hear someone else tell me what’s right or wrong.”

“Spiteful bastard. I guess you’re not even embarrassed by your own dirty body?”


The rumors were widespread. They said that the princess had finally fallen for her lowly concubine and wouldn’t even look at another man because of it.

Even though he was sure she was just giving him her attention out of curiosity like with the prince and would soon tire of him and kick him out, Robia wasn’t sure what to do about the rage that boiled inside of him.

He was barely hanging on because this was the princess who didn’t know how to love. And he believed that wouldn’t change.

Did that lowly slave really mean nothing to the princess?

What about the actions she had taken for him the other day?

She wasn’t someone who would do something so troublesome. Normally she would have just taken everyone’s heads. Including that sex slave’s.

Why hadn’t she killed them.

It would have been easier if they had been expelled from the palace. No matter how you tried to spin it, they wouldn’t be in their right minds having to live inside the palace with everyone else after being marked.

Letting them live to torment them. More than a punishment it was closer to stubborn retribution.

Why ‘retribution’? What had budded in her heart to make her seek retribution?

Robia saw an emotion there. But he denied his own hunch.

“Then what about you?”

Then, for the first time he heard a voice of firm resolve from the pale-faced slave.  And it was accompanied by hard and sharp eyes that strongly signaled his intent.

“What right do you have to say that?”


“Do you think someone who betrayed Her Highness and hasn’t even sought forgiveness has the right to lecture other people?”


“I know. I know, how could someone like me dare? But at least I’m not an animal like you who doesn’t know loyalty or gratitude!”

Robia momentarily forgot his words. His pride was hurt. All because he couldn’t respond head-on to the words that lowly man was spitting out.

“Then are you saying I should beg for forgiveness I won’t receive?”

“Of course you have to! Even if… you end up being thrown away. Although that has nothing to do with you.”

“Someone like you…. What does someone like you know….!”

He was laying his heart bare, squeezing out his voice in a howl. But before he could finish Nadricka brushed past him, blowing cold air in his wake.

Robia lifted his palm and buried his face in it. His breathing became ragged.

What do you know. He had pleaded and begged hundreds, no, thousands of times.

For her to love him, to just accept him, to at least let him stay by her side, and if not that, to very occasionally come see him. To please not throw him away.

The smaller and more insignificant his wish became, the more wretched his feelings. Then when he thought he couldn’t get any more miserable, he had experienced something far worse.

But what the hell do you know about me to speak like that.


He could say that because he had never been thrown away. But Robia was no longer…. No longer.

His heart ripped into a dozen pieces, like cloth. He felt nauseous. Robia suppressed the feeling. Like he always had. But it didn’t get better.

“You were here?”

Hearing the voice, Robia slowly lifted his face from his hand. His bloodshot eyes found a familiar face. It was the princess’s maid.

“Her Highness is waiting.”

With those words, everything ended. Robia felt almost okay. He shivered at the feeling of his pain seeping out of him like so much rice water.

No, it was more accurate to say that he was breaking little by little even in this moment.

It seemed that his fate was to be completely destroyed before he could rest, even while he was writhing in pain.

He mocked himself, but anticipation ultimately dragged up the corners of his mouth.


“Mr. Juranne has arrived. Would you like me to tell him to come in?”

I lifted my chin and checked the clock. The advisor provided by the emperor had arrived slightly behind schedule.

“Yes. Quickly escort him in.”

The door opened and I heard the sound of smart footsteps. I straightened in my chair out of politeness. And then I turned my head.

The teacher came and stood in front of me.





As I stared at him blankly with my mouth wide open, Robia’s brow developed a deep furrow. He brought out the books he had at his side and placed them on the table.

“What exactly is the problem?”


“I heard that you were seeking a teacher for guidance.”


“Does it bother you that it is me?”

“Your name is-.”

“It is Robia.”

“Then, what about Juranne?”


Robia stared at me wordlessly before beginning. He breathed out deeply through his nose and took off his glasses. He laid the back of his hand over his eyes for a moment before replacing his glasses.

For some reason his calm eyes looked like those of someone who was completely pissed.

“I am.”


“I am Robia Juranne, Your Highness.”

He said and smiled sweetly like a fairy.

“Then, shall we start?”

It was a smile bright enough to light up a room. I swallowed hard and thought.

Is that your last name, you jerk.

Finally, everything made sense. That is to say, the emperor’s weird reaction and all-knowing look.

So basically he had thought I wanted him to make an excuse to stick to a concubine who didn’t love me anymore, but whom I was too prideful to approach myself?

What in the world. I wondered how exactly the emperor saw his younger sister.

Robia icily opened up his book and began his lecture. It seemed like he didn’t even want to meet my eyes.

You think you’re the only one thrown for a loop. I am too…

While sighing multiple in a row inside, I tried to keep it from showing on my face.

“Are you paying attention?”

“…..I was listening.”

It felt like the temperature was 4 degrees lower only around Robia.

“Then would you explain what I just said?”

It looked like he wouldn’t let it go. With no other choice, I quickly skimmed over the pages of the book that we had opened.

“The growth of our nation was based on the establishment of a colonies acquired through wars of conquest and the enormous amount of tributes received from them, …. this subsequently contributed greatly to the establishment and reinforcement of imperial power?”

Robia made a displeased face but maybe because I had given the right answer, continued the lesson without another word.

“Why do you think there was no other way to grow besides taking such an atypical route?’

The moment I went to take another peek, Robia shut the book. I stared at his large, white hand laying on the book’s cover for a moment before lifting my gaze.

“Because of a lack of farmland?”

“……Yes, exactly. In the early days of our country, the amount of grain harvested from farmland was insufficient compared to the population. Also, as there was no farming technology to deal with it, the available farmland only decreased with the passing of the year.”

“But there must have been a limit to plundering it.”

“Yes. Soon, another method emerged. What do you think it was?”

It was like he had been waiting to ask the question. In the proceeding silence, my eyes and Robia’s met.

He didn’t avoid my eyes but it didn’t seem like he was really looking at me either. His eyes were mechanical, like they could be looking at my pores.

“The use of human resources to develop farming technology?”

His response came one step late.

“What human resources exactly do you think?”

“Did they employ colonials without discrimination?”

Suddenly, he looked at me strangely. Although he finally looked human with the emotion swirling in his eyes at last, I felt uneasy thinking I might have made a mistake.

“….Please think over it again.”

After that, he closed his mouth tight.

His posture was perfect enough to be impressive. I could also feel his weariness from having lived a life surrounded by paper and ink. And his tone which was respectful but neutral.

I wondered if he was purposefully only like this with me or if he was just that kind of person.

I hazily recalled that day. His drunk face as he hung onto me, crying, almost seemed like a dream. Because the man who stood before me in the morning light was a completely different person.

The emperor had done something really unnecessary.

Because despite not having any personal grudges toward Robia, he had unknowingly hurt him.

“Overall, the center part of the continent where the Orvitte Empire is located is in a cold climate with high elevation, so even if there is land, the grain often freezes. And climate isn’t easy to overcome.”

When I didn’t respond, Robia elaborated slowly. Suddenly, a memory flitted through my mind.

I had asked Daisy about it because only that place strangely had no wind and was warm. The answer I had heard then.


“Exactly. It was quite difficult to hear that answer, Your Highness.”

I wasn’t even angry because it was more refreshing than I’d expected to hear him taunt me in that emotionless voice. It felt like being doused by truth. I strangely found myself accepting it.

It might have been because I had actuallywitnessed his skill. To say he was simply the princess’s concubine, Robia’s knowledge spanned all fields and was extremely detailed. I couldn’t help but be filled with admiration.

“Our country, which was gradually feeling limited in its development, took steps to counter the atmosphere of rejecting and destroying magicians at the time. This was due to the characteristics of the national stance that originated from the myth of the country’s founding which eventually led to a system focused on cultivating and protecting talented individuals and…”

“The myth of the country’s founding?”

“Yes. It is also widely known as the story of the red dragon, and the dominant view is that it was passed down through folk legends. To briefly explain, it is an epic in which a dragon descends one day to the chieftain ‘Khal’. As a result, she becomes revered as a shaman and…”


The founder of the nation was a woman? That piqued my interest. To think that this was a country founded by a woman.

“Like all founding myths, this one ends with the founding of the country. We might say that the existence of ‘magicians’ was exposed early on when the foundations of the country were established, for they included the acceptance of new foreign ideas about ‘things which cannot be seen’.”

To think that this game was set in a nation revived with ‘magic’ in a world where ‘magic’ and ‘magicians’ existed. Might there not be a possibility that Yuriel had been given magical talent? Thinking about it like that, my skin grew cold.

“This has raised the question of whether the nation’s founder Empress Khal was a magician, but I believe it is unlikely considering that a magician has been born into the imperial family only once in a thousand years of history.”

Robia’s words weren’t registering clearly. Whatever the case, there shouldn’t be a need to worry about things that hadn’t happened. Since I didn’t know for certain yet.

Robia continued speaking while putting his finger on a map spread out wide between us.

“As magic developed, geographic limitations began to break down.”

He started in the Orvitte Empire in the center of the continent. Robia moved his finger to the border of the empire.

“Movement of soldiers, provision of military supplies, easy adaptation to the climate… That is how the empire’s borders have expanded to here.”

There were 16 small countries bordering the Orvitte Empire. And of those, 10 had come under the empire.

“Truthfully, it would have been possible to increase our territory further. However-.”

“We converted them to colonies?”

“Yes, correct. What do you think is the reason?”

The answer came easily after I had more or less grasped his intent.

“I’m guessing it’s because it takes money to maintain a country as well. We would have to support a greater number of troops for the expanded territory, plus it would take an astronomical sum just to collect taxes.”

“You are correct.”

He said while nodding his head.

“We cannot simply think about troops in terms of numbers. Troops are also expensive to maintain, so in most countries, in the event of war, they recruit soldiers through a process similar to a forced draft. In addition, in the case of an absolute monarchy, if we blindly subjugate the territory, the natives resist fiercely, and taxes often go missing.”

Robia’s finger moved once again toward the far east. Located there was the Rothschild Empire, which was as fattened as Orvitte. Several small countries bordered it to the north including,

“The Borne Kingdom.”

It was the nation that had fallen during this last war.

Everything was because of the princess’s fickle nature. That her concubine had gone there to die, that he had fought to survive there for years on end, and that the place had been turned to ruins.

“Rothschild has always seen the Borne Kingdom as prey. Simply said, it was because they were the land of milk and honey. The climate was mild and unlike Velrod-.”


Robia pulled back his hand and spoke as if it were an insignificant matter.

“Yes, as a colony it is quite profitable for us because of its abundant mineral reserves. It is said that gold, silver, all kinds of rare jewels, and even some amount of marble are buried there.”

I mumbled.

“I thought Velrod had completely disappeared.”

“It has disappeared. The nation of ‘Velrod’.”

Robia briefly looked at me, then said,

“What is that expression are you making.”

I didn’t know what expression I was making.

“It looks like you’re feeling guilty.”

“Why, can I not?”

“Towards Essen Velrod, you mean.”


Robia was quiet for a moment, then,

“It is hard to believe.”

He said spitefully.

“Even if you’re being sincere, that incident was not entirely your fault.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It’s true that His Majesty treasures Your Highness, but he only acts after considering the practical benefits. You desired Essen Velrod while His Majesty desired the mineral reserves of that land. To put it simply, you had an understanding.”


I was pretty naïve to believe that the workings of a nation would be so easily influenced by the princess alone. However, that didn’t change the fact that this incident wouldn’t have happened without the princess.

“Guilt doesn’t suit you. There have already been countless such times. Do you intend to apologize to all of those people? Now?”


Finally, I understood what he was trying to say.

Many more things than you would expect in this world can be rectified. However, if there is one thing that can never be fixed even if the world split in two, that’s probably the human heart and emotional wounds.

Robia was trying to say that it was already too late.

But for some reason, to me it sounded like he was complaining. If you’re not going to comfort me, don’t comfort anyone. Don’t pity anyone.

Could it be that he was once again, toward the princess…

“I don’t want to talk about the impossible. It’s just that…. People can’t change without guilt.”

That is what I thought.

“Guilt doesn’t benefit the victim. But Robia. It could prevent the same thing from happening the next time.”


“That’s why it’s important.”

In the end, his poker face crumbled like a sand castle.

“Who exactly…”

Robia leaned over while gripping his knees with his hands. His patience in trying to seem like he didn’t care was finally running empty.

His face darkened. And his neatly styled blonde hair fell over his forehead.

“Who exactly made you like this?”

His voice, which he was fighting hard to keep cold, sounded precarious. He looked gaunt.

“I think it would be best to end it here for today.”

“Is it Nadricka? Have you fallen for him?”

Robia looked up in my direction to check my expression and crooked the corners of his lips. He straightened.

“Let us stop here like you commanded.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

We spoke at the same time. And our words were communicated clearly to each other.

“I feel sorry for him. My heart keeps going out to him. ….But what’s changed is my own will.”

I spoke while looking up at Robia. He looked away at those words. His expression said he regretted asking.

“…..I will recommend you a number of books. Since I have assessed how much you know, if you want to follow along with the lessons, you will need to read all of them by the next lesson.”

Robia quickly scribbled something on a piece of paper and set it down on the table before turning around.

He strode over to the door where he opened his mouth to speak.

“Because of something like that! If you were going to fall for someone like that, it was only right for you to love me first.”

“Don’t try to get compensated for your lost time from me, Robia.”

“….You’re the same as ever, saying cruel things so easily then and now.”

“That might be true.”

If I considered how easily I had adapted to this world, this body.

Suddenly, I couldn’t remember what my previous world had been like.

Damp air hung in the room. The reddish light of the sun stretched out in long shafts. White smoke flowed out of the silhouette of the woman’s lips.

“So, who did you say was here?”

The woman raised her white, naked body from the bed.  She hung the pipe between her fingers and allowed a maid to assist her with draping on dark red, gold patterned clothes.

The woman’s chest expanded and contracted as she sucked in the tobacco smoke deep into her lungs. The smoke was now falling at her feet.

“Mr. Juranne has come.”

Bowing a good distance from her, Robia swallowed nervously.

Although he had failed to satisfy the princess that first night he had become her concubine, he was confident. If he was only given another chance, he would definitely…

The woman’s red lips parted.

“Juranne? Who’s that?”

Glossy red hair spilled down with an elegant tilt of her head.


Robia gasped out a breath as he came to. He was in his room. Robia touched his forehead before covering his eyes with his hands. It was still dark outside.

His dreams had forced him to relive the moment he had most wanted to forget.

“Then, what about Juranne?”

“I am Robia Juranne, Your Highness.”

It wasn’t even the first time.

That the princess had failed to remember him.

Robia choked out a faint breath.

It’s okay. If she forgets, he can just remind her. As long as he could be by her side, truly.


The white-haired old man was sleeping in a corner of the library. I guessed that he was the one responsible for the capital’s library as well as the librarian, but even as I took a seat, he didn’t move a muscle.

I took out the books Robia had recommended and began skimming over them while I waited.

Soon, a servant quietly approached me.

“What I asked you to look into?”

“No one has seen Yuriel Rose. I also checked with a maid who works in His Majesty’s bedchamber, so I believe this information to be accurate.”

“You did well.”

Once more, I looked down at the book. I felt their presence swiftly retreat from me.

Yuriel and the emperor haven’t met yet?

I shut the book. Either way, I needed to get to work.


Robia’s lectures continued after that. After splitting like that the first day, Robia continued to come see me and Robia was someone who perfectly executed his duties. Due to that, I was able to learn many things.

“Thank you for today as well.”

“I only did my duty.”

Robia responded awkwardly and lowered his eyes.

I stared intently at the side profile of Robia’s face while he gathered his books and stood up. His whiteface and deep-set eyes truly did have a gloomy charm to them. His lashes cast a shadow over the dark green of his eyes.

But all of a sudden, his eyelashes twitched. ….It appeared that he was slowly beginning to be annoyed by my staring.

But even so, he didn’t turn his head in my direction. Our eyes would meet if he did. It was hard to tell if he wanted to turn or not.

Seeing him like this, I wondered about his past.

By that I meant how he had lived before he decided on the path of being shut inside the palace, staying up all night while only seeking love, considering how he was intelligent enough to teach royalty.

“Were you a scholar?”

“I was a librarian.”


I opened my eyes wide. I yelled and pointed at him as he stood holding books at his side.

“It suits you!”

He replied while looking at me with an indescribable expression.

“…..Thank you.”

“Do you maybe want to do that work again?”

“I don’t know.”

“Have you never thought about it?”

“Should I think about it when it’s not something I can do even if I wanted to.”

“How do you know I wouldn’t help you?”

“…..A concubine who has been thrown out cannot take up a public office.”

“Yeah. I heard that they’re exiled most of the time, and if not, they have to live the rest of their lives in chastity.”

I wondered if Robia hadn’t had any other choice because of that. After becoming a concubine that is.

“But that won’t happen to you.”


“I’m saying that if you want it, whether I throw you away or keep you at my side, I can make it so you work normally. I can, me.”

“If I want it.”

“Exactly. There’s no saying I can’t.”

“Even though I’m a concubine who committed adultery?”

I froze. I hadn’ expected Robia to bring it up with his own mouth. And that frankly.

When I looked back Robia was looking at me with sincere eyes. They were lukewarm and held no anger.

“….I said I wouldn’t ask you about it, so that matter is over.”

“Yes, I supposed it is. Since you do not have any interest in me.”


“Then why are you being so kind to me again?”

“I never-.”

He interrupted.

“What I want is Your Highness.”


“Will you still grant me what I want?”

Is that something that someone who admitted to adultery should be saying…

For a moment, Robia stared as if to bore a hole into me before politely bowing his head.

“I will see you tomorrow.”


He exited the room nonchalantly. I ran a hand down the back of my head.

I had never been kind.

But if he had interpreted it as kindness.

That was a problem.

Did that mean he had fallen in love with the princess again. That is to say, with me.

It was ironic, and it shouldn’t be happening.

I stood up after waiting for him to get some distance away.

I had somewhere I needed to go. Because I had to take responsibility for my words.

I wrapped my shoulders and arms with the shawl which had been draped on the sofa, and opened the door.

Thunk. The door got stuck somewhere. As I squeezed my way through the open door, I saw a figure move out of the way in surprise. It was Robia.

“What are you doing there?”

For some reason, he looked like he had been standing in a daze.

“….I was just about to leave. But if you open the door like that-.”

“Should I knock when I open the door to leave my own room?”


He hesitated before asking.

“Where are you headed to?”

“Hm. The training grounds?”

“…….The training grounds.”

“They said they were right next to the knights’ quarters.”

Briefly, he and I stood dumbly in the hall.

“Weren’t you leaving?”

“Are you not bringing along any servants?”


Even though I waved a hand for him to go, Robia hesitated but didn’t budge. He tightened his mouth into a thin line before extending a hand toward me.

“Would you like me to escort you?”


Like. It was a subtle word.

Robia reached out his hand further. I wordlessly gazed at his clean palm.


I responded and turned my back on his outstretched hand.

“…….Thank you.”

Robia increased the length of his strides until he had overtaken me. I began to walk behind him as he strode forward silently.

My palace was in the eastern part of the imperial city, but the knight’s quarters weren’t too far from it in the northeastern part.


At my okay for him to leave, Robia stared at me intently.

“May I ask who you are planning to meet?”

I let out a small sigh and laughed.

“I came to see the Knight Commander.”

“Do you mean Sir Dippet?”

His looked surprised. Then with an awkward look in his eyes, he asked.

“May I accompany-.”

“If I accept your request.”


“Does that mean I’m being kind to you?”


I ended up laughing again.

I felt a hint of desperation from him. I became suspicious of the princess’s relationship with the Knight Commander.

Had she slept with him? Multiple times? Or maybe they had had a bad break up.

From what Nadricka had told me, the princess didn’t have any long-term relationships, any ‘lovers’, so I didn’t think it could be that.

Before I had realized it, Robia was already taking the lead. I didn’t give my permission yet though.

Either way, I would find out soon enough.

And when we arrived at the knight’s quarters, the moment I met the eyes of the Knight Commander beyond the open door, I discovered the truth without much trouble.

“What brings you to this lowly place.”

A man who looked no older than thirty years old, stood there, his ultramarine uniform buttoned up to his chin. He wore a red-handled longsword at his waist, and his hair, which was cropped short enough to see his scalp, made quite the impression.

Although he bowed his head at me, it was, how to say it, hard not to see it.

This man didn’t just despise the princess. He hated her.


“This is my concubine.”

When I said that, he looked at me, unable to hide a sneer.

“Ah…. Is that so?”

At that, Robia stepped forward while furrowing his brows.

“I think you should introduce yourself.”


“Introduce yourself. This is the first time we’ve met.”

The man snorted, but the laughter didn’t reach his eyes.

“It is nice to meet you. I am the Knight Commander of the royal palace, Leo Dippet.”

“Sir Dippet.”

When he called his attention, Leo glared at Robia with a glance to the side before leading me to a seat.

“What brings you here.”

He got straight to the point before I could even sit down. Was he thinking of throwing out the princess if she had come for an insignificant matter.

“I know an official document was issued. I came to check it out with my own eyes.”

“Ohh. That.”

The matter of Essen’s position I had asked the emperor to handle had been resolved with an official document ordering the knight promotion exam to be opened in the near future. Now he would be free to work internationally, save up money, and leave when he decided.

Of course, that was assuming he passed the promotion exam.

At one time, he had been held in high esteem by the citizens of his land as the most honorable knight the royal family had produced, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

I had just wanted to scout out the place where he would be staying. If it was okay. If he wouldn’t be uncomfortable.

“You probably know who I have in mind. Is there an adequate spot?”

“Through the upcoming promotion exam, won’t everyone go to a spot that suits their abilities.”

“…..If you think I’ve come here to ask for special consideration, it’s not like that so why don’t you calm down.”

“Is that right, is it a misunderstanding?”

As it turned out, you could be effectively sarcastic even with a serious tone.

“Can’t I even ask if there’s an adequate empty post within the knights in the imperial palace?”

“They are only empty posts that will soon be filled.”

“You’re talking about the upcoming celebration for the victorious troops. Since there will no doubt be those who earn positions in recognition of their distinguished services…”

As if he had been waiting for me to trail off, Leo made a suggestion.

“Ah, come to think of it, doesn’t Your Highness have an order of knights that you personally oversee. If you put him in there-.”

“How dare you speak to the princess that way!”

Robia who had been sitting next to me suddenly got angry. The two glared at each other fiercely.

“My personal order of knights?”

“Yes. While you are here, you should take a look around and if there is an empty seat, let us know.”

“Your Highness!”

Although I couldn’t understand Robia’s resentment, I at least recognized that the man was mocking me.

When I judged that there would be no benefit to continuing the conversation, I stood up from my seat without any regrets. I hadn’t come here today to fight him.

“Let’s end this here.”

“But Your Highness….!”

“I am busy because the victorious advance troops will be returning soon so I will have to excuse myself. Please forgive me, Your Highness.”

Leo got up, walked over to a desk on the other side, and began reading over some documents. I let out a laugh and exited the room.

That level of rebellion didn’t even tickle.

I took Robia, whose face was set in stone, and headed to the number 6 training grounds where my personal order of knights was apparently located. On the way, we were silent, but ultimately Robia was unable to hold it anymore and opened his mouth.

“You needed to fix his habits with this opportunity. Isn’t he Sir Pacis’s close friend.”

Ah. It only took a moment for me to figure out where his hatred came from. I hadn’t expected him to be close with the second concubine who had been sent to war. Then did that mean we hadn’t rubbed skin?

“But do you know?”

“What do you mean.”

“Did he and I sleep together?”

Robia stopped in his tracks suddenly. Because of that I had to walk a few steps ahead of Robia before turning around.

“How should I know if you two slept or not?”

“Why are you angry?”

“I am not. And there is no reason I should be.”

“…..But you still are.”

“Please just leave me alone!”

It was then. The moment I entered the training grounds, people popped out from God knows where to crowd around me. To be more specific, mostly shirtless, well-built young men.

“Your Highness! You are beautiful today too!”

“Would you like to have dinner-.”

“Your Highness, do you remember me? That time, that night-.”

This was on the tamer side.

“Your Highness! Please step on me as you pass by! It is my wish to be stepped on by Your Highness…”

“My body is unable to forget Your Highness. Please take responsibility for me!”

There were these kinds of unbelievable confessions too.

It couldn’t be explained unless they had all eaten something strange. Or maybe they were experiencing a group hallucination. Maybe the princess had fed drugs to the well-built knights-to-be.

At that moment, Robia stepped forward.

“Don’t pester the princess. She has not come to see you today.”

Meanwhile, I had quickly proceeded on my way.

“But, Your Highness!”

“Your Highness! I love you.”

“I can stand it up for a long time now, Your Highness!”

What are you standing up now.

At those words, my neck almost twisted. Robia expressed his annoyance in an frustrated voice.

“Move out of the way.”

“I can’t see what’s in front of me at all.”

The love troops who hadn’t budged an inch even when Robia had spoken in annoyance split to either side like the Red Sea with one word from me.

With a sour expression, I began to walk between them. I whispered to Robia.

“Why are they like that? Have they gone insane?”

“Well… I’m sure there are people who are truly head over heels for Your Highness. However, most are knights-in-training who come from poor backgrounds that are hoping for a chance at a life of luxury by associating themselves with you. Of course, it was Your Highness who encouraged them despite knowing all of that.”

I let out a sigh that rose from deep within me. It wasn’t easy living in someone else’s body.

The love troops didn’t block the way after that. They only stood a distance away and tried to lock eyes with me.

A small number tried to get in Robia’s way, whisper to each other while pointing fingers, and jeer at him behind his back.

Robia only glanced at them with contempt in his eyes but didn’t respond otherwise. But the more he ignored them, as if they were trying to compete with him, the jeering also got worse.

Since they were too afraid of bothering me, had they decided on mocking someone they saw as easy or what.

I also didn’t understand why Robia had followed me out here. There was no way he wouldn’t have known this would happen.

Then, a man much bigger than Robia started following him before pulling his shoulders back as if to show off his chest and pushing up against Robia. Robia held fast to approach of ignoring him but he was slowly being pushed to the side.

“Hey you.”

“Yes? Me?”

The man delightedly grinned at me with teeth. I sighed then walked ahead with Robia’s hand in mine.

“If you don’t want to die, then beat it, the lot of you.”

The man’s face paled with the smile still on his face. He took a few steps back. The men who had gathered around me hesitated as well before scattering at my firm attitude.

“I understand why they are acting this way.”

“I’m surprised to see you defend someone else. Then are you saying that what they were doing was right?”

“That’s not what I meant. It isn’t new to me….. I am just sorry that I showed you something like this, Your Highness.”

It was like he was trying to read my mind.

“They’re worked up because lately Your Highness haven’t come at all. It has been a long time since they gave up on becoming knights, their families are nagging them to do something, and they were sidling up to you in hopes of at least securing their place as a concubine but…. They were just taking it out on me, who was like a thorn in their eye.”

To even call that an excuse. Why was the person who was itching to kill Leo just a while ago so indifferent when it came to jeering directed at himself. I clicked my tongue.

“If it was going to be like this, why follow me.”

“Hiding in fear of the words of losers like them doesn’t sit right with me.”

Saying that, Robia stuck out his chin as if to boast, which made me laugh.

“I suppose being a little prideful suits you.”


Before I had realized it, I was feeling better and I turned my gaze.

The number 6 training grounds with its high white walls gave off a more exclusive feeling compared to the other places we had passed by on the way. When my arrival was announced, the tightly shut iron door slowly opened with an unpleasant sound.

As I walked in through the half-open door, I was greeted by a completely unexpected sight.

As if he were sunbathing, one man lay half-naked on top of a cloth which had been spread over the dirt floor of the training grounds.

I stopped. Robia followed me in, and breathed out through his nose in a temper when he saw it.

“Are training grounds usually used for sunbathing?”

“There is no reason why not.”

“No, I mean…”

I guess that was true.

“Hurry and get up!”

Right then, a man who appeared to be the overseer ran over hurriedly and kicked the man who was sunbathing. The man made a pained sound and grabbed his belly.

“Her Highness has arrived!”

But when he heard that, as if he had even forgotten his pain, he jumped up. And he saw me.

“Your Highness! You are here!”

The fabric that had just barely been covering the bottom part of his body weakly dropped down to the floor. The thing of the man who as running toward me dangled. Did the men of this place have no shame.

“Yes, first…. Cover that up.”

At last, after coming to stand before me, he obediently brought both hands to the middle. But maybe the command was unusual because he glanced at me.

They were supposed to be an order of knights directly under the princess but weren’t they too open? Was it okay for them to be so familiar? No, this wasn’t something that could be explained by a mere sense of familiarity.

From afar the overseer was running while shouting loudly.

“Gather around quickly! Her Highness has arrived! What are you all doing! Quickly! Hurry and get out here!”

Within seconds about twenty men poured out of the building. It was obvious that they had been taken by surprise. This was because the majority weren’t even dressed properly.

Anyhow, they swiftly lined up before me and snapped to attention. One of them caught my eyes then trembled and dropped the sword he was holding.

… Were these people really knights? Not to mention, members of the order directly under the princess’s control?

I looked at Robia with the question in my eyes but he had steadfastly been avoiding my gaze since some time. I was forced to look back at the men.

And I discovered a certain characteristic that I wanted to ignore.

They were all beautiful. They were handsome or refreshing or sensuous. That is to say, they were beauties with their individual charms. To top it off, unlike the sweaty knights from other places, they were clean and their skin was also white and unmarked.

At that point, I got a sneaking suspicion.

This is probably…..

The overseer brought a horse and asked,

“Will you be going hunting?”

Hunting? Okay, if the princess’s hobby had been hunting and the order had been formed for the purpose of accompanying her on hunts, I could somehow understand.

“You can just take the lad you want. I can prepare him quickly, Your Highness.”

“The lad I want?”

“Ah! The fellow at the end still hasn’t recovered from his broken ankle from last time.”

When I looked in the direction they were pointing, it was the man who had dropped his sword when our eyes met just a moment ago.

“Of course, it does not matter if you take him out but it will be uncomfortable to play. Since the ankle he broke is for maintaining the position…”

Ankle? Maintaining the position?

“If you’re talking about what happened last time….”

I trailed off my words and glanced at Robia. In the end, he lowered his head to my ear and explained.

“I understand that you were having relations on top of a horse when that man fell off.”


My shriek rang out in the training grounds. I was momentarily unable to close my mouth when I saw the men who were even more surprised by my outburst.

Before my shock had even subsided, Robia was kindly informing me of details I didn’t really need to know.

“Did you not say an orgy at the hunting grounds is an exquisite treat.”

When did I. I never said anything like that!

I felt as if the blood was rushing to my face. I was dizzy from the shock.

“Then again everybody has that tied up so it is not a problem.”

“… Tied up what?”

“Is not every man in the palace being strictly contained so that no accidents occur? And they receive regular checkups as well.”

I couldn’t hold back my question.

“You too?”

Robia looked down at me with contempt in his eyes.

He said every man in the palace. Since I’d heard that the emperor was already infertile, I guess that really meant all of them.

I once again took in the sight of the bewildered men who were nervously waiting for me.

“The reason I came here today.”


“Is not to go hunting.”

I drew in a deep breath.

“I will be disbanding this order as soon as possible.”

“Your Highness?”

“What do you…”

“Are you throwing us away, Your Highness!”

At my sudden declaration, the men began clamoring. Right at that moment, I saw a man saunter out of the building.

Copper skin that shined as if rubbed with oil, a firm build, black waves, and somehow hair-raising yellow irises. He was a beast-like man. And so he easily stood out.

But illuminated under the sunlight, the man’s expression was completely the opposite. Lethargic and tired, it was the face of a playboy that couldn’t be bothered.

Coming to stand at the end of a line of ten, the man put one hand in his pocket before shifting most of his weight to one foot.

“Your Highness, please say something!”

I realized I had forgotten to speak while staring at the man. The man’s hair was messy and he yawned.

“Whatever it is, we will take responsibility! Please forgive us, Your Highness!”

“Forgive us, Your Highness!”

Finally, I ripped my eyes away from him.

“Did I say I would kill you or something?”


“What is the reason for your existence?”

“For… Your Highness’s pleasure…”

I sighed and swept back the hair that had fallen to my forehead.

“Can you call that an order of knights?”

They exchanged looks and looked as if they were trying to predict my next move but said nothing.

“I’ll tell you the way to get saved. Whether you originally had the qualifications to become a knight or not, participate in the upcoming promotion exam. If you pass, you’ll remain as a member of the palace knights.”


“If you fail, you can just leave the palace. Of course, if you would rather not take the exam, you may leave now.”

“But, Your Highness! How can we pass! The test that the knights-in-training out there slip up on every year…!”

“Then what is your reason for staying here and being supported by the country?”

Their faces hardened. It seemed they had finally seen the reality that this order might really be disbanded.

“Are you going to say that you didn’t know this would happen? How long do you think you will remain beautiful? Can you receive my favor for the rest of your lives?”

“We…. but where are we supposed to go now.”

“We will do anything Your Highness commands! Truly, we will! How can you do this to us?”

“So you’re saying that you want to continue living like this?”

The silence struck like a lightning bolt. All of the voices which had been loud in their sadness and feelings of being treated unfairly hid their presence.

“Are not the things built up through favor taken away easily like this? Do you really want to continue this life? Say you persuade me today, then what about tomorrow? Or the day after that? What are you going to do then?”

“I have… no place to go back to!”

There was a piercing cry. The men began explaining their situations.

One had first come into the palace as a servant, one was a secretary, another had been a milk delivery man in the capital, while yet another was the youngest son of a baron, and….

“That person might not have any worries, but we are different!”

That person?

They turned to look at the man from before who was now absentmindedly staring up at the sky. As more eyes came to focus on him, the man slightly furrowed his brows before lowering his head.

“That person’s teacher is the Knight Commander of the royal palace so he will be fine!”


“I heard he was the Vice Knight Commander…”

I walked over to him.

“You were what?”

The man looked me straight in the eyes and answered,

“It is true.”

“So what you’re saying is that Leo Dippet is….”

“He is my teacher.”

In that moment, I again found myself understanding the Knight Commander’s hatred. I made an effort to ignore him and hurried to wrap things up.

“Fíne, I suppose if you want to start other work you’ll need money.”

As though that were the correct answer, the continued clamoring died down within moments.

“I will give you enough monetary support that you won’t be disappointed. I will send out an official document soon so anyone who wants to give up on the promotion exam may take the money and leave. Or you can use the money to get knight training.”

A low murmur filled the space but it was a completely different atmosphere from before. The men looked at each other and talked quietly amongst themselves.

It happened when most of the gazes that had been concentrated on me had dispersed. One of the men suddenly charged toward me.

“Do you believe that you can compensate for my time with that! I can’t leave! Please accept, accept me as your concubine!””

I retreated backward in surprise but he threw himself at my feet. He grabbed onto my ankles and refused to let go.

“Your Highness! You cannot do this to me! Did you not treasure me! You liked me! Isn’t that right!”

When I tried to pull my foot out in my surprise, his eyes seemed to widen before he shot up and attempted this time to embrace me.


But his hand which had been reaching for my waist bent backward.

After that, because my view was obstructed I wasn’t immediately able to know what had happened. As if to protect me Robia had turned around and was standing in front of me. For a moment, my and Robia’s eyes met.

When I moved past Robia I saw the man rolling on the floor while calling out in pain. In front of him was, in the same stance as before, the ‘former’ Vice Knight Commander.

“Oh, pardon me.”

With his hands in his pockets, he delivered a sharp upward kick to the man rolling on the floor. It made a heavy sound. The man couldn’t even cry out properly because of the intense pain.

“Ugh! Ugh!”

Only the tightly constricted sounds momentarily circled around us.

“Suddenly receiving a notice of expulsion and seeing you right in front of his eyes, it’s not surprising for at least one person to go mad. Please take care of this situation, Your Highness. I’ll. Make sure. To. Coax him. Well.”

He left spaces between his words and each time, kicked the man.


He didn’t respond and only continued kicking the man. I sighed.

“I’ll take care of everything so why don’t you stop. You might really kill him at this rate.”

As I gave my permission, he smiled just once for the first time.

“I’m paying attention to where I’m hitting him so you don’t need to worry.”

He grabbed the collar of the unconscious man and began to drag him back to the building.


He looked back.

I was curious. Everyone was in a state of chaos because of the sudden occurrence, and it was a natural response to be unable to accept it like the unconscious man. But he at least had shown a consistent appearance of calm and disinterest.

“Are you okay with all of this?”

“I wonder,”


“It’s probably that I ’look’ okay,don’t you think.”

Soon after, he disappeared into the building. On the dirt floor of the training grounds, the pitiful remnants of the man were left as two lines.

Robia stood next to me and said,

“He was both the youngest Vice Knight Commander and also the first of commoner origin. His name is Sieger.”

I suddenly felt a bitter taste in my mouth. It was about time I got back as well.