It's not that he Yue is not gregarious and cute enough to love Hashimoto. He Yue can't dislike it. But before wearing more and more clothes in this world, she was a 30-year-old guy, a 30-year-old Chinese who had just passed through for a few days. It's impossible for her to integrate into RB teenagers so quickly, so she had to disguise herself as a loner.

After a few days of shooting, the young girls are already familiar with each other. They all know that he Yue is a bit out of group, but Hashimoto doesn't know. So when they see he Yue alone eating in the corner, the girl comes over with her own cookies.

"This classmate, come and have some. I made it myself!" The girl lovingly handed the cookie to he Yue.

In fact, he Yue knows that this cookie is not made by Hashimoto himself at all, or even if she participated in the production, it may be that she put the finished cookie in the bag or put the finished cookie blank in the oven at most, otherwise she should bring it by herself instead of just being brought by the agent.

"Oh! Thank you He Yue took a cookie.

Hashimoto AI is not interested in giving more to he Yue. Seeing he Yue take a piece, she turns around and goes back to the teenagers. She is also a little upset about he Yue. There are flattering voices around her. Only this girl is very cold and unsociable, which makes her a little upset after she has heard a lot of compliments. She comes to send cookies to he Yue, just because she is not alone It's just politeness.

And he Yue is not interested in the cookies that Hashimoto sent.

This thing contains a lot of carbohydrates. Hashimoto seems to have eaten a lot, but Ishihara was called away by her broker after eating only a small piece. He Yue thinks that it's probably a routine agreed by the two people. Ishihara didn't want to eat more because she wanted to keep fit. She was called away rather than refused, just because she didn't want to be rude.

However, the reason why he Yue is not so interested is not that he will get fat, but simply because he doesn't like to eat. His 30-year-old uncle's taste is still more like rice and other food. He is not old enough to love cookies and cakes.

When rimei Ishihara came back, the shooting still couldn't start because the director wasn't there. After a few minutes of silence, the young girls' voices became loud again, and AI Hashimoto was also involved in it again, talking and laughing loudly.

There are many situations in the shooting of movies and TV dramas. Most of the time, the shooting takes one day, and the last broadcast time is not even 30 seconds. The real shooting is just a few times, and most of the time is wasted in waiting, rehearsing and repeating.

The voices of young people are getting louder, but no one will stop them. Gradually, this group of young girls who have not graduated from high school forget where they are. The sound of playing and chasing covers half of the studio.

He Yue looked on coldly, while rimei Ishihara and other major actors in the film didn't seem to be interested in talking to the teenagers. Instead, they were in a daze or watching the script.

Just as the teenagers' voices gradually reached the highest point, Ying Mian's return ended all this.

The appearance of his figure makes the teenagers who used to talk and laugh loudly lose their voice as if they were strangled by their necks. The power of the on-site director is so powerful, but what's worse is Hashimoto AI. When the director comes over, she is eating cookies. She is so scared that she quickly swallows the cookies in her mouth. As a result, Hashimoto AI grabs them without paying attention.

"Well Cough Cough There was a look of pain on Hashimoto's face.

A little distance after he Yue sees Leng next, appeared the expression that cares about on the face.

Hashimoto's young girls didn't care at first. They asked with a smile, "what's the matter? Choking? Just a little water. "

Even a girl came over and patted AI Hashimoto's chest, trying to shoot the girl's stuck cookies.

Only Hashimoto herself knows what she has met. She anxiously points to her throat but can't say anything. Soon, her little white face turns red and looks very painful.

The young girls realized that Hashimoto's love was really choking, and the response was different.

Someone yelled "drink water, drink water and go down!"

There are also people shouting doctors, patting Hashimoto's back at the same time, and even some people holding Hashimoto's head, it seems that they want to dig things out of her throat.

"Where's the doctor?"?! Where's the doctor!? Call an ambulance Someone called.

In the chaos, even rimei Ishihara put down her things and looked at the source of the riot. But Hashimoto AI, who is the center of the crowd, didn't seem to have any effect on the efforts made by everyone around her. She pinched her neck in pain, and her face was full of panic and fear.

There are staff dialing the emergency call, director Ying Mian also came over, but he is only the director, in the face of this emergency for a time also forgot the appropriate treatment.

The world is in chaos, and Hashimoto, who can't breathe, is in a panic: "am I suffocated here? A cookie made by yourself? "

Unable to breathe for more than a minute, and nervous, Hashimoto feels that her spirit has begun to relax.At this moment, a slightly low and reassuring voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Out of breath? Is the food stuck in the respiratory tract? If so, just nod your head. "

The master of the voice embraces Hashimoto's waist with both hands and asks in the girl's ear from the angle of a lover.

unable to speak, Hashimoto nods difficultly.

Around them, the young girls also called out: "he Yue!? What are you doing? "

In their eyes, he Yue is now holding Hashimoto like a boyfriend. Hashimoto's face is on he Yue's shoulder. They seem to be talking about love.

Fortunately, he Yue is a girl now, otherwise maybe these young people and Hashimoto's agent have already started to pull them apart.

"It's OK. I've been in this situation." After he Yue finished speaking in Hashimoto's ear, he clenched his fist with his left hand, held his wrist with his right hand, and then put the tiger mouth of Zuoquan under Hashimoto's chest and above his navel. Then he tightened his arms and pressed Hashimoto's upper abdomen with the tiger mouth.

One, two, three!

"Oh Oh Poof Hashimoto AI's body bumped under he Yue's action, and her face also looked painful. Looking at this look, someone wanted to take he Yue away, but he Yue's response interrupted their action.

The third shock finally worked. A few cookies and a little water were vomited out by Hashimoto. With her vomit, the girl's voice finally gave out her first cough.