Maeda Now should be the hardest time for her?

Look at the track of Maeda in the past two years.

Ten years later, she became popular but lost the first place in the general election, which was a great blow to her. Then her performance "Q10" was released this year.

After 11 years, he finally won back the championship, but in July, he encountered the hardest live of his idol career. The so-called "the moment when the God of idol came" seems touching, but in fact, it forced him to the most desperate situation.

Then, most importantly, in July, she starred in the TV series "fancy girls 2011".

He Yue thinks that this is the most important work of Maeda's entertainment career.

But it's not "important" in a good sense, but in a very bad sense.

After the release of the TV series, it suffered a lot of bad reviews, and the ratings continued to decline. In the end, the ratings of the whole series were only about 7%. At this time point in 2011, such poor ratings and reviews cast a shadow on Maeda's idol and actor career.

It can be said that losing the general election in 2010 put her under great pressure, but in 2011, Qiantian, who won back the first place in the general election, did not become relaxed, but worked harder. All kinds of problems in her idol career and even all kinds of personal career made her suffer from pain and pressure. I'm afraid it was these that prompted her to announce her graduation decision in early December.

It turns out that the center of women's idol group is really a very bright and painful career.

In particular, there are a large number of idol groups in qiuyuankang department. In fact, most of them adopt the center rotation system.

For example, AKB after Maeda graduated, naimuban and so on.

There are three of them in the qiuyuankang system, including donko Maeda, Junichiro Matsui and yoshinai.

Let them do "immovable center" not only because of their excellent business, but also because of their strong heart. However, even if they are so strong, they still have a variety of physical and mental problems, which shows that the pressure of center is really too great for ordinary people to bear.

"What's the matter with you? This expression." Murayama, who is making up for he Yue, wants to see that he Yue's face is quite complicated, so he asks in a low voice.

"Ah, it's so hard to come here so early now." He yuedao.

"I want to call Maeda sang! It's really strange, but I think it's a kind of rest for her to come here early? " Murayama Choi HSI road.

The "busyness" of a popular person is very terrifying. It's no exaggeration to say that she can only sleep two hours in a mobile car a day. The filming, rehearsal, recording and other work like Hai's is destroying the body and soul of the artist. For example, Qiantian's evening performance is coming now. It's definitely a steal for her.

Not long after Maeda went in, other members of AKB came one after another.

The agent told the students to get out of the car and wait at the back door of the building.

Every time an AKB member comes to the theater, the girls in the 13th stage shout "good morning" and bow deeply.

"Why didn't we come out when Qiantian sang came here?" He Yue asked Murayama Choi HSI in the gap of greeting.

"Maeda sang won't mind that." Murayama explained with a laugh.

He Yue nods and understands her meaning. Ah, she doesn't care about the greeting of the 13 students. She doesn't care about these grades for a long time. The girls who are not very popular in AKB are different.

Young people with a vision to say hello with a little fear can greatly meet their vanity.

Even at this time, except for Maeda, other top members still did not arrive. He Yue could hear the voice of staff constantly contacting to confirm the time.

"What? There are three more shots in Kanda! "

"Cypress work is too far away!"

"Yuko's plane is about to take off!"

This is the current AKB, top members are busy to fly.

After standing outside for a while, most of the ordinary members arrived, the girls returned to the car again, and then there was a long wait.

After noon, and after eating the lunch from the staff in the car, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the girls finally entered the theater.

"Are you all ready!? Now go upstairs to rehearse, fast, you only have ten minutes! " Cried the agent.

Fifteen girls pedaled upstairs. When they got to the eighth floor, they finally met guangzongxun, whom they had never seen again in the morning.

At this time, the girl is talking and laughing with a group of big men.

"It's teacher Qiu yuan..." Murayama Murakami whispered.

It's not just Qiu Yuankang, but he Yue's eyes turn to guangzongxun. In the eyes of the girls in the 13th phase, guangzongxun is with Qiu Yuankang, but in he Yue's eyes, guangzongxun is not standing beside Qiu Yuankang, but standing beside the man."Zhixingtaro?" He Yue's eyes are full of curiosity.

She has an understanding of AKB through, but it is impossible to understand everything through. She is not clear about many things hidden behind AKB. This scene rarely appears in public images is a very obvious example.

Guangzongxun is a very important existence. She is a special attempt of AKB group, but he Yue doesn't understand her and the story behind her.

Now, although it's just a station, he Yue sees the hidden meaning behind it.

Aks is a three legged company. Akira Yuen Kang, Chiko taro and Yasunari Wada are partners when AKB is not popular. After becoming popular, it is impossible to be the same as before. There will be a lot of secret battles and power struggles among the three people. They must have different views on the future direction and operation of the combination.

For example, some people like Maeda, and some people prefer Youzi. For example, guangzongxun today, it's probably not the three people who discuss the arrangement together, but the idea of one of the three. Now it seems that the girl is not standing beside Qiu Yuankang, but standing beside zhixingtaro. Obviously, she is closer to zhixingtaro.

He Yue doesn't dare to say how much she knows about the AKS three. Even for Qiu Yuankang, she used to only know what she showed on TV, but now seeing the things behind these scenes makes he Yue have some expectations for the future.

In the future, if there are more opportunities like this, it should make her better understand the story behind AKB in recent years and help AKB, right?

He Yue didn't come to visit Janis to join these girls across time. She expected AKB to be more successful and girls to have less regrets.

In the sight of the 13th issue, guangzongxun talks to Qiu Yuankang for a while and then comes over. After 16 people get together, the girls go on the stage together and the rehearsal begins.