"Nei ~ ~ ~ ~ tell me ~ ~ ~" when grandma monkey went to the rest room of qiuyuankang, on the other side of the theater, Murayama Caixi was questioning he Yue.

Before leaving the bathroom, Murayama suddenly said something that made Murayama curious, but he Yue didn't make it clear. Murayama had to chase after he Yue to ask, but the other party didn't seem to be ready to make it clear. She just walked in front so easily, completely ignoring the appearance of asking the girl behind.

But Murayama won't give up so much. The girl takes he Yue by the side of her coat and talks about him: "tell me, tell me! It's cunning to say only half of what you say! "

It seems that he Yue can't stand being annoyed. He Yue turns back and says, "don't ask. It's bad for you to know too much."

How do you know that!? Obviously, like me, we are all 14 years old. As you know, I have the right to know! " Village Mountain color Xi Jiao voice way.

He Yue asked in a low voice, "what do you want to know? Who's dealing with the sauce? Is it Qiu Yuankang or Zhi xingtaro? Or Yasunari Wada? They even want to pull down Qiantian, but they can't deal with our little graduate students? "

The girl is a little frightened by he Yue's words. She knows that these three people are the top management of aks, the production company of AKB. Among them, Qiu Yuankang is in charge of production, Chi xingtaro is in charge of operation, and Yashi Wada is one of the most important investors.

This is a bit beyond her understanding. Previously, she heard what he Yue said. She thought it was a trick like "other companies set up commercial spies inside AKB operations". Now when he Yue threw out these three names, she suddenly realized that the other party's real idea was far from simple, not spies, but internal strife and division. This

During the two months of training, although there were few opportunities, the three company leaders met with graduate students more or less. Among them, Qiu Yuankang was a good teacher, Chi xingtaro was gentle, and Wada Kangzhi was serious. They all showed their own characteristics. Now they suddenly told her that some of them were not happy to see their members become better. This is really a bit of a challenge Murayama has always been an inherent concept.

"Alas..." He Yue sighed: "now you understand? We can't say more about this kind of thing. As long as we disclose it a little bit, we won't think about the audit of graduate students. Do you know? "

At this point, she regretted that she had made things clear to Murayama. It would be nice for her to understand some things. It's really inappropriate for her to disclose them to a teenage girl so early.

On the other hand, after telling Qiu Yuankang what she had heard and speculated, grandma monkey concluded: "no matter what happened in the end, I don't think the member named he Yue can stay. Now the 13th issue hasn't been disclosed. It's better to take this opportunity to drive her out. Her front row is on the top of the table, and the diners can't see it."

Grandma monkey's proposal is very realistic. A graduate student who has not been disclosed is of no value to the operation. A guy who may spread the internal news of the operation at any time is a time bomb.

But to her surprise, Qiu Yuankang didn't immediately fire he Yue.

Fat man's expression at the moment is as serious as no one has ever seen in the outside media. He bowed his head and was silent. The light in the room reflected on the lens, making people unable to see his line of sight.

After two minutes of silence, Qiu Yuankang finally said, "I know. Go ahead. Don't tell anyone about this."

What? If you don't get rid of that he Yue?

Qiu Yuankang's operation surprised granny monkey. In her opinion, he Yue had been "cool" for a long time. Who could have thought that Qiu Yuankang didn't have this idea?

When this happens, it seems to others that he Yue should be dismissed, but Qiu Yuankang doesn't think so. He is different from monkey granny. As a theater worker, monkey granny meets he Yue for the first time today. She didn't even know he Yue's name before, but Qiu Yuankang is different.

It is he Yue who knows him.

Among the 16 members of the 13th generation, Akira only knows three people: Center, Oshima Lianghua, guangzongxun and he Yue, who have signed up before.

The first two members are the first to launch the operation, and he Yue is because of her performance in the selection.

Grandma monkey thinks that he Yue probably got the inside information from somewhere, but Qiu Yuankang knows that he Yue probably only speculated through various signs and disclosed things to get the conclusion. The former is undoubtedly more dangerous, because it means leaking secrets, while the latter is quite interesting.

At the time of selection, Qiu Yuankang saw that he Yue had a great mind. Now it seems that her mind is not only on stage, but also off stage. She is smart enough, which is very interesting.

Qiu Yuankang knows that being smart is very important, but whether a person is smart is different from his high IQ.

People with high IQ learn better, but they may not perform well on TV, and so do smart people.

For example, now that she has a good operation, she is poor at learning and does not show any excellent characteristics in the selection. However, as she gets used to idol work, her intelligence gradually manifests itself.

The entertainment industry is full of people with high IQ but not smart enough.Like the famous Ichikawa, who only wears a pair of shorts all over his body, Yoshio Oshima looks like a muscle. In fact, he is a student bully graduated from Waseda University. As for all kinds of student bullys from Tokyo University and Kyoto University, Rb entertainment circle is everywhere, but few of them are popular. On the contrary, some people who may not have been to university are evergreen trees in entertainment circle.

He Yue's performance makes Qiu Yuankang look forward to her.

Grandma monkey went out in a daze. On the other hand, he Yue started a new job with Murayama and other 13 students.

AKB48 members rarely get together, and many of the work they can do together is arranged before the opening of the afternoon public performance.

For example, the new quarter of the theater living photo shooting and so on.

In a word, this work is a big difficulty for he Yue.

Let straight male soul concave shape, but also a concave dozen dozens of not heavy sample, it is a hell like experience.

Murayama also knows this, so before shooting, she first took her to "watch" the shooting of her predecessors.

In particular, the shooting of Bo muyuki.

Watching the shooting of the most professional idol on the spot is also an eye opener for he Yue. Not only she, but also Murayama.

Cypress also noticed two new students of the 13th period. After his shooting, he came over and said, "what are you looking at?"

"The shooting of master cypress is so powerful. This child is not good at shooting, so let's learn about it!" Murayama Caixi looks up at Bo muyouji.

He Yue is looking at the village mountain, and the girl's eyes are almost full of stars. She is obviously admiring the super idol in front of her.