In such a competitive circle of actresses, all the actresses who can reach the peak are top-notch in appearance, character and acting skills. Of course, to reach the peak, she will have to wait a few years for her to appear in "popular" Japanese dramas. Now, she is not in a good situation.

She is still a leading actor, yes, but she is also a leading actor. Now, the last TV series she starred in can only be broadcast on pay TV stations. "Zhenzi 3D" seems to be famous, but in fact, it is a big bad film that is not popular every year, and the production company will soon go bankrupt. In terms of advertisements and magazines, the attention and interest of manufacturers are also decreasing with each passing day.

No matter when she was on the set or just having dinner, he Yue could feel that rimei Ishihara wasn't really happy. She was drinking, greeting and chatting. She was playing a star artist with great skill.

Ishihara is a very good person. He works hard and professionally. He usually has no airs. He takes the initiative to send those who are reluctant to take a taxi home. It's really rare for such a big star to take care of people.

Maybe he Yue turned his head too many times, Ishihara turned his head and asked, "what are you looking at?"

"No Nothing I think Shiyuan is really cute. " He yuedao.

He Yue, an ordinary otaku in his previous life, would never praise her so easily. Now, as a woman, it's much easier for her to say this. It's just like if she were a man, Ishihara would never send her home. Now, she and Ishihara are born with the biggest estrangement.

I'm afraid Ishihara hears similar praise every day, so he doesn't like it.

She gently raised her chin and said, "lovely and beautiful compliments among women have no soul, you know? In fact, I don't think so at all! "

He Yue said quickly: "I really think so! Beautiful! Super cute

He Yue doesn't know whether the praise between women really has no soul, because she is a straight man of steel. Even if her soul is crammed into a woman's body, her ideas are still straight men.

Unfortunately, although her explanation is sincere, it lacks the most critical persuasive force. Unless she comes out with Ishihara now, he Yue will not face the consequences of that.

"Well, well, I believe you. By the way, I heard you joined AKB? Idol I also like AKB very much. Every time I go to karaoke, I will sing your songs. "

AKB was very strong in this period, and several divine songs were highly sung. It was normal for Ishihara to like AKB in private.

But as soon as she said that, her mobile phone rang, and Ishihara's face turned red instantly.

“one,two,three,four!” The voice of the little girl calling 1234 is not endless whirl, but Peach grass's Ode to labor

At the end of 2011, gradually turning up and becoming popular, and even a group of AKB opponent posture peach lucky grass, is the biggest opponent and enemy in front of 48 series!

As soon as Ishihara finished boasting about AKB with his 48 department members, his mobile phone rang peach grass slapping in the face. It was really embarrassing

The big star national actress holding the steering wheel almost put the front of the car on the sidewalk with a shake of her hand.

"No, let me explain! Someone else gave it to me! I have a... " Ishihara blushed to death, some hasty explanation.

He Yue interrupts with a smile: "don't explain, or answer the phone first!"

"Ah? Yes Ishihara also responded at this time. She pulled the car to the side of the road and took out her mobile phone.

Looking at the name displayed on the mobile phone, Ishihara pushes open the door and goes down, while he Yue also opens his mobile phone.

"Hello? You can change the ring for me! There's an AKB member by my side, you know!? It's dead! " Ishihara picked up the phone and complained.

"Of course, I just met you! Love Hashimoto brought it to dinner tonight! What will you bring back? Shredded squid? Didn't you buy so many convenient weizeng soup last time!? It's not the taste you like, so you throw it away! "

He Yue originally looked at his mobile phone, but his attention was attracted by the sound of Ishihara outside.

Her voice was angry and impolite, but he Yue could tell that it was a real, family like attitude, not as reasonable and polite as she was.

Listen to Ishihara's meaning, it seems that someone who lives with her wants her to take things back?

Is it a boyfriend? Who is her boyfriend at the end of 2011?

He Yue is also quite curious.

Unfortunately, in the door of the block, although she can vaguely hear Ishihara's words, but completely can not hear the voice of the other end of the phone.

The call lasted about two minutes. After hearing the request, Ishihara hung up and went back to the car.

"I'm sorry, the guy I live with changed my ringtone without permission." Ishihara explained awkwardly after getting on the bus.

"It doesn't matter, Shiyuan. I like peach grass very much, so I don't mind at all." He yuedao."Really? Great. Next I'm going to the convenience store. Come with me! If you want anything, just take it. It's my treat Ishihara road.

"Really!? Then I'm welcome He Yue said happily.

Let Ishihara rimei feel guilty and feel that it's a good thing to owe him, but the mobile phone ring or something is not a big deal. It's good for convenience stores to buy something to make amends. If they want to take advantage of each other, they will only make Ishihara hate himself.

In the end, he Yue left the convenience store with Shiyuan holding a full five bentos. There were a lot of five bentos, but the price was not too high, because it was close to nine o'clock. These bentos were all on sale in the store that day.

He Yue doesn't mind showing off his shyness.

When he Yue went home with Ishihara, the AKS headquarters didn't feel like Christmas at all, and the whole company kept silent because Qiu Yuankang was rarely angry.

He Yue has never heard of his anger on TV or in media reports. But the more such a person is, the more frightening he is when he is angry.

At the moment, in the quiet aks corridor, you can hear the sound of swearing and slapping the table from the conference room.

Qiu Yuankang's voice vaguely said: "even a newcomer who has just joined us can see that there is something wrong with Qiantian. I don't believe you here don't know!"

"Do you think that if you become an ostrich and bury your head in the sand, you can't hear or see?"

"It's not easy to get red, so I'm going to fight in a hurry. I'd like to pull down the members I don't like and replace them with my own camp as soon as possible!"

"I wanted to put up with it, but look at what you've done! The audience rating of Maeda's play is not just in my face! How can we recruit and push people in the future!? After Maeda's play, apart from guangzongxun, which we signed, there is no other good seedling! It's all your fault

The people who are being trained in the office are not ordinary employees of aks. At this time, people below the middle management level are not even qualified to enter the office. In front of Akira, there are the management of companies, including Kawakami Kitagawa, Keitaro Toshiko, Yasunari Wada, and Zhixin hokazaki. In particular, Keitaro Toshiko and yashiko Wada, whose relationship with Akira is a partner rather than a subordinate But even these two people, at the moment, are also honest bow to receive training, which shows how frightening Akira's sudden outbreak is.

Qiu Yuankang is also very fierce when he trains these two people. He knows that they deserve it, because Qiantian's work must be one of these two people's hands, and the one who didn't do it is not innocent. Although he didn't do it, they certainly didn't do it less!

Alas Qiu Yuankang sighed in his heart.